- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Sounds like a lot of action with the cute boys in the audience, talking to them and singing to them.
encore I guess is Chokehold & Cuckoo.
Adam got smart, he moved Chokehold and Cuckoo to encore part and everyone is happy, but basicall he sings the same number of songs…
dcglam thank you for your careful investigation. I know it must have been hard to keep re-watching that video. The things we do to resolve mysteries.
I really think Adam needs to make his concerts longer, he should aim for 1 1/2 hours minimum. He’s proved with queen that he can do longer. He can give the band a musical number or 2 to have a break.
HK fan I agree, it is the only thing I can criticize him about, shows are too short.
HK fan, I have to keep remembering these are not really concerts. They are just a tease and a preview. I think the tour will have the 2hr show. Maybe less dates but longer shows. Probably not until 2013, though.
We have to plan a huge road trip. Hire a Queenbert bus. We have to!! I’ll ask Cher – once she gets hold of an idea she gets us all going.
I have to go to bed and I really want to see tonight’s videos. So sads.
I think Adam was “major chord” happy at Fantasy Springs, too; as though something really big is around the corner. Could be Idol, could be a Queen tour or a Queen cd or could be that he’s taken stock of life after 2 months away from home and is savouring how lucky he is.
I hope it’s one of the first three because the fourth seems to be a given.
Good nite, TLKC. I’m off too. Your are correct.
HK fan, I don’t want him to have an endless banter to make concerts last longer.That’s what some singers do.
You are so welcome, adamized! It is a tough job, but someone has to do it.
OMGoodness…went away for RL for a little while and come back to … the red pants!

And adommy in some shape or form…”pretty kitty”…
…and some flirting with some cute guys in the front…
and pretty loose and free…
are we sure this is winstar and not the abattoir?
I really really really hope that the vids include more than just the songs. I wish someone would do what I did in Wilkes Barre and just shoot the whole damn thing and put it on youtube…THAT would be so awesome!
Hmmm, you don’t suppose that could have been our very own nekkid, do you…

trespassing tape
sounds like some floorbert too!
TLKC, I’m thinking its probably not the first reason given the popledge tweet on the right of this page
Adam has to leave something back for the tour. He can’t give away the whole show now or people will be “been there, done that.” I am hoping that he performs the bonus tracks on the tour and adds a couple of amazing covers.
Well I figured popledge didn’t really know any more than we did. Her source was just repeating common gossip and is still doing it, apparently. NVM. Adam got some good exposure out of it.
I am so thrilled to death for ceddies and nekkid! and who else? aely? and ?
Sorry, I got lost in who was going where…
And peeps thought this one might be tame/rough security?
Oh, please please please let there be TALCvids…!
What’s “popledge” HKfan ?
TLKC think you are right about needing to hold some things back. I think the tour will have more of a production feel about it and include more songs. I pray that Adam gets to tour and do it the way he envisions. I am still hoping for Queenbert as well and will gladly get on the bus and keep going to as many shows as possible. Job, what job???
TALC wasn’t there tonight but it sounds like there were other folks taking up the slack.
Yeah that some of our peeps got to witness all the fun in real time. Happy Anniversary to the St Agathe crew. Miss all of you. How lucky some of you are to be together for what sounded like an awesome time.
No TALC, they weren’t there, and won’t be in Des Moines, but the lady who uploaded all the vids so quick last night was there. She was tweeting pics but i don’t know if she videoed.
Now that twitter stream was fun!
Getting seriously annoyed that I have a family. They are getting to be a liability. Without them, I would be at winstar and Des Moines.

I am only half joking.
Maybe two thirds.
krad: I hear you.
As much as I love the posters (and I DO!), the pics never reflect the concert; they reflect another concert. Tonight’s poster should have red pants, but there is no way to do that except to have ex post facto posters.

hehe ex poster facto
damn I hate puns…
feral @feraltwirler
@WinStarWorld PLEASE tell us you recorded this @adamlambert concert
3m WinStar World Casino @WinStarWorld
@feraltwirler @adamlambert sorry. I have no video.
Some of those tweets are quite ridiculous IMO, but I am looking forward to some red pants videos. Clearly another successful show. I thought yesterday was really good as well (and I did not necessarily expect that right after FS). Something I love and respect about Adam: always giving 150%.
Texas is also at WinStar with nkd, Ceddies, and aely. I believe the rest of our travelers are in Des Moines by now with tomorrow’s concert to look forward to.
Off to bed. Hopefully the vids will be view able on my iphone so when I wake up in a few hours I can watch them in bed. Sweet Adam dreams as Kradamour would say.
g’nite adamized…sweet Adam dreams back at you, too, cherie.

Mary K tweeted she’d seen seven shows and this one blew everything out of the water – yes, vids, please.
I saw that, too, Ulti. I don’t usually stay up to see vids but I might make an exception!
So where are our peeps???? Can they not twat? Do they not know that we are depending on them???!!!

Our boots on the ground!!!
nkd said internet was not great and she couldn’t get a post through to the blog.
Here is someone who won’t forget this concert! Read from the bottom up.
I was reading her tweets, ellessay…Trying to figure out from her avi what she is like – younger fan? Hard to tell. But clearly a fan for life!
“in 3D”…too funny!
Nice pic
Well I have been up since 4:45 this morning so I will have to see videos in the morning. G’night peeps.
Okay, I get it, but I am so over the phrase “no words”. What was that phrase Adam didn’t want to hear any more?
Epic? maybe.
No one should ever tweet “no words”. If there are no words, okay then just don’t tweet…

I thought she looked young–20s–on her twitter page. Of course, that means nothing. I’d look 20s on my twitter page if I were going public with it.
Several thought they were seeing 3D tonight. Hmmm. Waiting for the pix/video.
Brief video of Adam talking between songs.
I’d give her 30’s. Still, younger than 29. (See? Adam even has power over time!)
The red pants. I wonder if Adam knows just how much they mean to us? I’d love to know the thought process behind bringing them to Winstar!

So “AO much fun” has to go into the glossary…alphabetically it will come before “betterer”…

If Adam loves his fans he will come out after the concert in the red pants…
Okay, that’s a wrap. Way too many fleur de lys in a row.
G’nite peeps!

redpantsAdam dreams!http://instagram.com/p/NnGCavFHAi/
Almost 3D
Julie @AZGlamFan
Maybe this is how @adamlambert’s getting to Des Moines! http://lockerz.com/s/228893522