- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Please god let there be decent videos.
Hope Reina is feeling better.
Wow…. Scorching hot main (large) pic of Adam!!!
Can’t help but notice how the jewelry goes back and forth between Adam and Sauli. The necklace Adam wears in the pic above is the one Sauli wore in the “two hotties” picture. So sweet. I can see the practical side of being gay.
I’ll be stepping out for a while. Please post any dinner plans and interesting tweets should I not be back by the time the concert begins.
Turq, do you think that boys are in each other closets?
Luckily they are not the same size, so there is SOME limitation…
AL, hopefully Olympic opening ceremony will be sort of over by the time concert start…
Oksana 2000: Definitely in each other’s jewelry and nail polish drawer.
Turq, and scarfs and ties…
Oksana, Paul McCartney is supposedly doing a sing-a-long. Geez, wonder what it could be? All You Need Is Love? AGAIN!!!????
Duh…. I’d be shocked if it was something different. I WANT QUEEN & ADAM !!!!!!
Can someone block SammieMaTaylor from the Twitterlist?
luval, Queen will be at the Closing Ceremony, unfortunately without Adam..
Break for Opening Ceremonies. Sorry , guys..
hahaha Oksana…agree with you about the twitter list.
Boy oh boy. The London Olympic opening ceremonies are a big bore. Hate to say this. IMO IMO!!!!!
Hope we might get a snack or dinner but looks like no such luck. Someone on twitter said show is sold out. Probably like Fantasy Springs…sold out but with empty seats. Ticket brokers unable to sell. That’s ok….sold out!!!!
Said black and yellow everywhere.
The merch lines are always long at these shows.
Thought FS merchandise table was a fail. They had a whole table of boas! Not even yellow and black! Purple, pink…who’s idea was that? Some shirts & tote bags. It was set up like a flea market.
I really, really want that boy to pick better colors next time. Bumblebee is a look…but not a good one.
I think as time goes on we will see looks at his concerts from every Adam “era” from glitter to bumblebee (lol) to whatever is next. Something for everyone!
Tweeter says somebody with a glitter cowboy hat tonight.
luval, why on earth do the merch peeps not get it????? We would spend a LOT of money for stuff that we would actually use/wear!
Attractive fitted Ts with a less “in your face” logo. Sorry, I can’t wear a giant Adam face on my chest, it would just be ludicrous and kinda buy into the sparkle cow concept. But a tasteful t with a scoop neck, and perhaps his signature duplicated on the back (or smaller on the front)…a wallet would be nice, not a big plastic one designed for teens, but a nice nylon wallet or a clasp wallet…I’d love a charm bracelet, wouldn’t even look at the price tag. Make it sterling and sell it on the site, with non-sterling at ths shows.
Why is this so hard for them to figure out???
Hello there! Son finally went out for the evening leaving me and the computer free!!!! Could someone remind me when the show starts?
Kradamour…ITA! I have to keep remembering this isn’t the tour. If Adam has any say I really hope we see exactly what you mentioned. I would love a stylish tee or a little “quiet” bag or that sterling bracelet!
Hi Adamized…I believe it is to start in a few minutes (if Adam is on time).
Watching Olympics Opening Ceremony. Ecuador has Trespassing colors!!
Hey, cherie! (adamized!) So glad you could join us! Ceddies and nekkid are at winstar…where is our other blanket buddy Ron?

EXACTLY, Kradamour! I keep waiting……
Getting tired of TJ’s pink hair – too clownish – cotton-candyish. How about yellow with a black stripe – or black with a yellow stripe. Or how about a crewcut – getting tired of the flipping. Pageboy? Name your cherce.
You’re rightKradamour – I have a collection of “face” t-shirts – yeah – like I’m gonna wear them around town – I do have some dignity left – think so anyway.
Adam’s hair is perfect now – right length – right color with just the lighter touches in the front. Think he’ll keep it?
I just burnt the kale chips while typing this – lol.
Red pants!
haha you guys are funny! I feel the same way about TJ’s hair. It looks so dried out. He should let it grow out then put some beautiful streaks in it.
I think we should put our heads together with this merchandise thing. Before the next tour (hopefully there is one), someone should compose an intelligent, thoughtful letter (hmmm. who could that be?lol)and give them our opinions and suggestions. Not sure who “them” are but we could find out somehow. They really have to know what we want and what we would pay for. I’ll bet there are many many people out there who feel the same.
My face tees are hidden in my bottom drawer!
OMG if those are Crazy red pants I’m gonna go “cuckoo”
They look like bell bottoms. Like the Crazy ones. I think Crazy ones were denim????
Red pants?
Elmo is sitting somewhere in the dark corner trying desperately to cover his exposed underwear…
Stripe down side? I thought Crazy, too
WHAT IS HE WEARING????!!!! It looks like track pants with a gold stripe down the side. Is he referencing the Olympics fashion-wise or something. Please tell me that’s what it is I don’t ever want to see him in this again.
Maybe Adam is trying to ease us into black/red combination instead of black/yellow.
Sorry I was lurking but the pants were too much.
Great. We’re going from bumblebees to ladybugs.
Maybe they look better in person – lol
They are the Crazy pants
He’s flamin’ below the belt – literally and figuratively it appears.
Who said he never throws anything out? You were RIGHT!
You see, the whole fun with stanning Adam is never to be sure, WTF is he going to wear…
“And I hope that you are having the time of your life…..” Thanks for the link glambotgram and you have a very good memory.
Yup he never throws anything out.
Ladybugs rule, TLKC – red’s more flattering than yellow anyhow.
Red Crazy pants!!!!!
twitter is cracking me up, pants, GB, adommy, on fire I guess.
Yay for nkd, aely, ceddies, Texas.
Ulti, it was me..
I was married to guy like that. I still find things that are 100 years old around my place…
As long as the Young Hollywood look doesn’t emerge from the crypt think I’m OK
haha nkd must be freaking out! I honestly never noticed the side gold(?) stripe in the Crazy vid until now! Geez I thought he was done with adommy. I’m done with it.