- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Say huh?!!!
I need to watch videos!
adamized, mmm222, and Kradamour, I love your recaps!
Totally intimidated though.
Nile’s blog The World’s Biggest Birthday Card
Socialite Life
Thanks adamized, mmm222, and Kradamour for the great recaps so far! I’m loving all of the detail. Looking forward to more from nkd and Kradamour!
Sorry if this has already been posted. Huge collection of excellent photos here:
I love how much love they have for Adam at the MTV Buzzworthy Blog:
Nice collage of photos:
nkd – ummmm… this is the pic in question. Generated much discussion, speculation, and amusement on twitter.
I would venture to suggest that this gif is worth watching, too. *gasp*
Great recaps!
Love the instalment plan. Something to look forward to over the next few days.
About the fundraising, the issue is not that they didn’t mention that Glamberts had already donated $45,000. It’s that Montel apparently wasn’t aware that we had already given $45,000. If he had known, he could have used that to push the high rollers a bit more. Plus, he was haranguing the cheap seats.
Fundraising is a long-term thing. If you strong-arm people or make them feel uncomforatable, they won’t come back.
I didn’t know that you were a chain store buyer, Krad! We’ll have to swap stories sometime. I loved buying even though it was high pressure. Best job ever, indeed!
Thank you so much ladies for all your recaps
I was well entertained, and because I didn’t see the stream, got a great picture of the whole evening! And spending time together sounds lovely too.
Thank you cwm for the photo and gif links.
I couldn’t see that little detail from the cheap seats!
It does look like something is there!
Someone should tweet and ask. (Assuming that peeps have already done same, but his feed is such a roller coaster that it probably has to be tweeted a hundred times to get noticed…)

Bet he’d answer.
And be amused.
Ummm well the little dot/nob is also apparent in the pic used by MTV Buzzworthy and even slightly in the first pic up top just to the right of his thumb. If we ask, will he acknowledge? Doubt it, he never did about the nipple ones (to us, anyway). Probably none of our business, but I know ninjas will be on the lookout from now on. And, I thought he said he was “vanilla”!
Actually, it would be hilarious if he saw the twitter discussion during his regular lurking sessions
You guys are cracking me up!
Just a data point…at the concert I definitely thought that his hand was going there even more often than usual, and that he was almost stopping himself from going there, as though he had a reason to want to touch but didn’t really want to? Hard to explain but watch the vids and you will see what I mean, I think.

We know our boy far too well for him to think he can hide anything from us lol…
And part of me thinks that this is just WEIRD that we are even thinking about such things – I mean really, WTF? – but on the other hand for this fandom our interest seems oddly and totally normal.
Kradamour…know exactly what you mean. I noticed this immediately when I first saw the videos. I think he had to stop and think quickly realizing where he was (at an important show). But if there is something new down there (yikes)he probably is aware of it every second of the day and can’t help but “drifting” there to check it out and make sure it’s real! LOL!
Okay peeps, I am not on the nob or piercing train. I cannot even fathom him doing that to something so precious.
As a devotee of, well, the GB, I can say with certainty, that when he is in a more GB mode, he does have a more hands on approach. He is most definitely aware when he has more GB going on ( as would any guy ) , and moves in certain ways, at times to even minimize it. GASP HORRORS. Minimize? It’s obviously a losing battle. Napa anybody? WAFF? …Beuler?
I think the nob may be a snap on a pair of boxer briefs. Pushed to it’s limits by bulging against leather.
Oh man. I’m waaay back in the corner annex now. …Oh. Look there’s nkd. and luval
Interesting theory, mils.

I’ll leave further research in your capable hands.
Report back when your research is complete?
It’s a snap.
That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
Oh snap.
Well, am ashamed to say I did a little research too. I don’t think it’s a snap. From what I googled it doesn’t look like a piercing thingy but a …………can’t say it but it was what he was wearing on his hand in ABC Starlight video with a snappy looking thing sticking out of it. Can’t believe I did this!
Hope he’s not messing around with something where there could be danger of infection – too many deadly bugs floating around. That’s what’s unsettling about tattoos, too.
I don’t know, luval – don’t really think he’d wear something like that to a charity concert.
ITA, ulti. I am having surgery done soon and a major consideration of my doctor in the choice of a surgeon is the MRSA rate for various hospitals in the area.

Yes, Krad – that MRSA bug is growing in strength – think we’ve run out of remedies right now.
Kradamour…from my experience with MRSA working in a hospital, it’s all over the place. The person standing in front or back of you in line at the grocery store can be carrying it. It’s just a germy world out there. I’d be concerned but not let it rule your decision.
ultimathule, unless he just wears it most of the time. Ughs…that’s the last I am going to talk about it.
I see MRSA every single day at work. And worse.
It’s both hard to get, and remarkably easy to be exposed.
Anyways, I also don’t think he’d wear his “ring” in public. However, you never know!!
See if this works – article on deadly infection at NIH
Krads, when selecting a surgeon, I would look at how many of the operations he has performed, and his success rate. Infections can happen, but discuss your concerns and ask about adherence to standard precautions in the OR and prep areas. IMO.
The “ring” was auctioned off!
Not that he may not have another one, but I don’t think he would wear it there either.
OMG, I need a life…
mils, thanks – there are two surgeons that I really like, both have operated on me (and my family) before, and they work in different hospitals. Right down the street is the teaching hospital, but the other is not far and I like them both.
MRSA would be a consideration for me if there were known issues in a hospital, but I just thought it was interesting that my PCPs first and initial thought was MRSA rates before we even talked surgeons.
Nah, mils – you “love the one you’re with”
I’m on team “CR” after way too much research on some very sketchy sites.

A little bemused about why he would wear it for this concert, but watch the vids.
All done now.
Stepping away from the subject…
Well, step right back, Krad – share your knowledge, please.
Maybe it was a gift from Sauli, and so he sort of had Sauli there with him!
I made the decision to go to New York on Sunday, giving me three days to get ready; warm clothes, new boots, and something “chic and hip”. There was much unnecessary stressing on the latter since it didn’t matter how we were dressed in the balcony. Could have worn the flat boots for the hike up Mt Everest to our seats!
As we arrived at the gala, the teens were speaking of their accomplishments and their mentors. Meanwhile we spotted Adam at his table, seated between Sam and Nile, listening attentively. At one point some food was served and Adam ate, and we watched!
Jeni Stepanek was honored and gave an inspiring speech, she also mentioned being seated next to Adam Lambert’s table! There is such a soothing, peaceful aura about her.
And I love the pictures of Jeni and Adam.
Sam Sparro then took the stage to introduce Adam and present the Unity Award. Adam spoke…he was his usual spectacular!
The auction has been discussed.
Now , the concert! Taylor Dayne has a beautiful voice, but get off so Adam can come on!
Nile begins to speak about Sam and Adam and the now famous tweet. Sam comes on from the right then Adam sneaks in from the left. Let’s Dance was wonderful, I just love the chemistry between the three of them, but that was the appetizer. I was hoping Bowie, by some slim chance would make an appearance here. But of course, it was not to be.
When Shady began, I had to hold back tears, it seemed so surreal. It’s only a song, but it was magic. Perfection. Anticipation fulfilled. I was so happy to be there to see this unique performance of one of my faves from Trespassing. It may never ever ever happen again.
Adam was on fire, Sam was a wonderful dancing dork and that band was unbelievable!
I loved Trespassing and WWFM. I am over and done with WWFM but this was the first time I heard it rocked out live in person and I thought it was great.
I enjoyed the Chic part of the remainder of the concert but some others left me bored and checking twitter.
Kradamour and mmm222 found some fruit tart pastries on the walk back. I love these women! So we gathered in our room, ate pastries and planned our Friday.
I went to NY with no plans or expectations other than the concert, so was happy to go along with whatever the others wanted to do. Each of my visits there has been unique, offering different adventures and opportunities, and I love that.
Our Friday was full of shopping in a thrift store, antique/flea market, and this wonderful vintage clothing store in which I could have been lost for hours. The man working in there was anxious to show us many different parts of the store with dresses, coats, shoes, purses, and the most marvelous hats. Do you think he guessed we were out of towners?
On to the West Village to the tearoom for sandwiches, desserts and tea, or not. We instead settled on tea and pastries in this remarkable bakery called Rocco’s. There was every pastry you could imagine. http://pasticceriarocco.com/
After our nutritious lunch we made our way back to the hotel to get ready for dinner!
Kradamour comes in with these delicious macarons in four flavors divided into four pieces each. The flavors were green tea, rose, violet and chocolate. They were divine!
We later made our way to a lovely dinner. A dinner of good food, good wine and most of all good friends, which is what this trip was about for me. That, and Adam, of course!
Saturday was another yummy breakfast, taking care of business, and saying goodbye.
Thank you adamized, mmm222, and Kradamour for wonderful memories to sustain me until next time.
‘Til we meet again!
I don’t think it would be something as easily removable as a ring – he could just take it off for the concert. The piercings I saw in my research would stay in, take 4 wks to heal and not much danger of infection because “pee” helps. And, the nob is right where you would expect. I noticed his reaching but then avoiding too. LOL, he is a risk-taker and easily bored, likes change so who knows and could well be a gift from Sauli. Next appearances will tell, or, he saw the tweets and covers up, or it is a snap (never saw a round one, though.)
What is this thread????
nekkid, what a lovely and reflective recap.

I will let your impressions settle here for a while before I add anything more to my magnum opus!
We Are Family Benefit Performance.

There is much about which to speculate.
G’nite, peeps!

Sweet Adam speculations!
After some research, I’m sticking with the possible piercing. A little barbell thingy or something!
I’m going to wait until you guys are done with your research. I have a feeling this kind of research could result in lots of Viagra adds popping up on my computer. I’ll read the summary of your findings though.
I’m afraid to google anything about this, turquoisewaters – for the same reason – lol.
Thank you all for your wonderful recaps. I really enjoy reading them, makes it so much more real.
I’m still on team “snap”. Didn’t he have his nips pierced during Glamnation, and didn’t we have thousands of posts about all of that, and didn’t he end up removing them because they bothered him too much?
If his nips were too much for him, how could he endure a peen piercing? And why am I even posting this?
And, more importantly, if he did have this done, who, and I mean this, who was the lucky person to pierce the Glam Peen? And has that person survived intact? OMG. Now that’s a job with Plenty of benefits.
mils, anyone who even reads your post has earned a place in the corner…

Mils, what better place to commit GB mayhem in total anonymity than China?