- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
he’s on his toes
(hope this plays)
I just love his new outfit. Makes him look so lean. Lucky guys to see it up close!
Oh lord that FEVER ending, just priceless!!
You’re so right, riskylady – the expression on his face! – lol
I want to expand on this. This was my M&G conversation w Adam. All about the hair! (luval)
I told him that I loved his hair, which was silver on top, and that I pay money to cover that in my hair. That’s when he said he was cheap and that it was metallic powder.
Well there is nothing cheap about that boy! And that was way too fast! Photographer started pushing us along to snap the picture. 15-20 seconds maybe.
The concert was incredible and we were sooooo close! Gah!
So much fun sharing these two concerts with Mils and aa100 Love you!
Great pics here https://www.instagram.com/kpkathykp/
“The Vic Theatre in Chicago – March 23, 2016 [adamlambert_pic] 13 images”
John A Di Capua
@adamlambert He was great in Chicago!
That happened last night… lol #adamlambert #glambert #adamforadam
Really beautiful pic –
Gelly @14gelly · 15m15 minutes ago
Sindre Hjelle
Good close up videos Chicago https://www.youtube.com/user/fandigger/videos …
GREAT @adamlambert concert Wed. in Chicago!! Another photo (mine) #LayMeDown #TheOriginalHighTour
Adam Lambert Original High Tour (Chicago) – Speech
F-ing love you Adam! Chicago.#adamlambert #theoriginalhightour2016 See you tomorrow in Detroit!
One crazy night?
Mils recaps Chicago:
After a long morning at the Hilton, breakfast at Starbucks in the lower level, and sitting and looking at the rain out the windows, we eventually made it on the road. Got to the hotel at exactly check in time. Settled a bit, and went to dinner around the corner, Italian, tried to strategize our meet and greets.
Called the Vic, they said that they would let VIP in at 6. If we got there, they wouldn’t make us wait out in the cold and rain. So, nkd and I didn’t wear extra layers, we left them behind. aa100 was going later, no meet and greet, took her own cab, meeting her daughter at the show.
nkd and I arrived at 6 sharp. There were about 20 people in line already. I’m going to keep this as short as possible. Hmmmm. Thinking. Let’s just say that we were outside until 7:15. Freezing. Misting. COLD. Watching the other VIPs with no meet and greet going in and getting warm. GA’s had to wait anyway. I made the best of it, talking to fans, but poor Texan nkd was frozen. I felt so bad for her. At least I’m kinda used to the cold being from Wisconsin. There were some fans who were dressed silly, in sandals, in heels, in slinky sexy clothes with cutouts and short sleeves. At least I had on a pretty light jacket. Some fans were getting pissy with security, which I understood, but, I wasn’t going to do that and possibly not be able to go in!!
Finally, we got in, got our swag bags,a signed poster, and got in line for the meet and greet. Once inside, I could see the method to the madness, they had special areas for GA, VIP and M&G VIP’s all separated. Our area was up front in the “pit.”
We waited a long time again for our line to move. We ended up 2/3’s back, and noticed some “usual suspects”, not gonna talk about that. I’m sick of it. I just wonder how Adam feels seeing those same faces over and over and over, always a M&G, always right up front to stage, NOT outside waiting. Interesting/sickening. I did just talk about it. Oh well.
Getting closer, the handler comes around, tells us we have to leave jackets, phones and purses on a table. No gifts to Adam directly, they will be put in a box. They didn’t talk about not touching him , like I had heard from some people.
We’re going down a steep old concrete stairway into what reminds me of the pit of despair from Princess Bride, and there’s a cloth backdrop on our left, covering what must have been an open stairway into the basement. Another handler was telling us to stay on this side going down and that side going up, stop and wait your turn, don’t stay longer, just take your pic and go, I could hear people talking to Adam, I could hear him laughing, and see the flash of the pics being taken, nkd went first, then it was my turn.
He was tall. Not normal tall. Soooo tall, like on stilts. High hair, glowing. Positively glowing, radiant. And wearing a fitted shirt, unbuttoned, and slim pants,( thank you !!!) and what must have been creepers, because he was so fracking tall, I never saw the shoes, the face was beaming. So happy, so sweet, so gracious, he pulled me close, put his arm around my waist, then on my shoulder, we took the pic, I told him something, and turned to go, and said another thing, he said his “awww, thanks” and “you’re sweet.” I got eye contact, up close, I can’t even, I just can’t….his eyes are so beautiful, he’s so beautiful, minimal eye makeup, just glowing.
I do have regrets, I shouldn’t have been such a good girl, I should have gone in for the hug, I should have talked for a few seconds more…BUT…it was so sweet. He was so lovely. And smelled so delicious…..swoon.
Then, we were ushered directly into the VIP pit. We ended up just off center and in kinda row two, behind the barricade of two feet. You know who was right up front center. Sickening.
Fans kept coming in and the pit filled up. Many ages, many colors, many persuasions, many boys, so diverse. One gal, about 35, was bawling her eyes out. I don’t know what happened at her M&G, but it was obviously impactful for her.
Alex came on, exactly, word for word the same as the last night. And same awful outfit. Great voice, crowd loved him even more in Chicago.
Break time.
I noticed that a mother and daughter were directly in front of me in front row , with HUGE spaces around them. I gently tapped the daughter on her shoulder, asked her if that was her mother next to her, and would she mind getting closer to her, so that I could go forward to the front? She said SURE!!
FRONT ROW. I’ve never been dead front before for Adam. In Peoria on GN I got goatie’s front row seats because she went down to this enormous pit, but it was at least 25 feet from the stage. At the BooBash, mlg and I were 2nd row in the pit, which really was just a foot behind the front, but this was dead front. I was in sheer bliss!!!!!
The security guards were handing out water bottles, because apparently, some people had already fainted. Big burly guards, right in front of me. Blocking my access to the sights. Or so I thought. LOL.
Waiting, waiting, the music was getting louder….
This guy was right in front of me in line outside and inside for meet and greet!! Funny guy.
How do I even?
I’ll try…
Front row. Eye contact. Eye Beams. Over and over and over. Eye contact with Terrance over and over. At several times, he holds a pose and looks directly out, several times, it was locked on me. I would blow him kisses, make heart signs with my hand, and he was so professional, never changing his face, but his eyes said it all. He gave me several grins and a couple of winks. So cute!! Right at the end of the show I blew him a two handed kiss right before he left the stage, he was smiling so hard!!!
How do I even talk about Adam’s eye contact onstage. Front row was beyond my wildest dreams. During the Chokehold video above, at 3:18, he looks right at me, and flicks his tongue.
It gave me a “special” feeling. I’m still feeling it. Yes, pervs, that kind of feeling. OMG. Human Viagra our Adam. I may never recover form this show.
So on fire, more than Milw, the whole show. So charged up, the glory notes, the banter, the hilarious Republican comment, the crowd laughing and laughing, so many boys, Adam referencing Boy’s Town over and over, knowing he’d be going out after the show, he loves Chicago.
One time,, he saw me taking pics, I put my phone down, and he just grinned. I didn’t take pics when he was right in front of me, I did that at BooBash, and vowed to never do it again. All my pics are off center, because I did it on purpose.
He hit all the glory notes, his choreo was on point, not to belabor the eye contact, but at one point during LMD, I imitated the hand pointing and when the hand drops from the head, he saw me doing it with them , and again, smiled at me. He loves it when fans know choreo and also when they know the lyrics and sing along.
This show was outstanding. Every song, every note, every move, the audience was up and dancing and loving him.
Wore the new outfit,but without the shirt underneath. Nice. Could see all his sweaty chest hairs, could see sweat flying off him, could see armpit hairs, so close. Gah.
But, of course that meant he could see me too. Troll that I am.LOL.
After the show, back to the hotel, I literally dreamt of him all night in my very comfortable bed at The Willows Hotel. We stayed there for BooBash and went back. Very nice old hotel. Decent breakfast for free. Nice.
Breakfast, watching it pour hard. Rehashing our last few days, and then check out. Took nkd to O’Hare, and then aa100 home to her same suburb as mlg.. Then home to Milw for me.
This was a simply epic concert, he has never been better IMHO. The best of all the times I’ve seen him solo. QAL is another story, gobsmackingly incredible. I just will keep this show near to my heart, and with a M&G to boot. My heart is full.
Great stories, mils – only thing that made me a little sad was the Republican comment – know the left is the milieu in which he swims, but found the off-hand denigration surprising in his usual call for inclusiveness.
Great recap, mils
The Republican comment was started out to be Republican/Democrat. You could tell that was his intention, but he paused, and raised his eyebrow, and the crowd took it from there. It was a comedic and quite popular moment. He was laughing pretty hard.Then he kept going with his talk.It didn’t look like anybody was offended. He’s obviously not a Republican!!
Not the first celeb to say something political at a concert…lol
Adam Lambert Music 411 – Channel with 12 great vids –
Thanks for the great recap mils!
I think you said it all!
Very nice pics from Chicago via es_v1
Well look at that tummy. That’s a rare sight
2016-03-23 Chicago Playlist
Gorgeous Pic!!!! @adamlambert #Chicago @TheVicChicago #TheOriginalHighTour @1019MIXChicago http://wtmx.com/photo-gallery/nggallery/photo-gallery/adam-lambert-at-the-vic-
Mils – You never fail to come thru with a sizzling, tantalizing, mind blowing review! Thank you!
I hope those boys of yours give you many grand children because you will have great tales to tell them about Grama the Gambert starting with the “When I flew to Hawaii to see AFL!