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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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WOW!!! In Chicago the “Boo Bash” … the stage and the audience are so close that people can give him gifts and drink.
mils … Adam could have sat on your lap.
And he was so close that you could smell his mojo from the stage.
Any chance that Adam met mlg. She deserves to meet him after all the gorgeous posters that mlg has made.

I’m home from a little jaunt down to Chi-town.
All unpacked and reviewing vids.
Had fun.
That’s all.
GOTH vibes in Chicago for @1019mixchicago Halloween event.
(From the scorpiobert list that AL put up)
2015 10 29 Chicago Rebecca Periscope Whole Show
Can’t wait for your recap milwlovesadam!!
Here’s my recap:
This one is hard even for me, because of the sheer feels associated with this show.
I had been anti—-cipating this Halloween show and trip for several weeks. There was much planning and ordering parts of my costume, beside the usual ticket buying and hotel reserving for these trips.
I knew I would be picking up adamadddict100 on my way into downtown Chicago, and that mlg would be meeting us in line at the venue.
AA100 had called the Park west to check on two things: coat check and if there were already people in line, so, yes, they had coat check ( COLD yesterday in Chicago ) and yeah there were “lots” of people in line already. Crap. We would need to get in costume and hightail it over there, and wait in the cold for hours and hours.
So, before we went to our hotel, we drove past the Park West, which is in a great neighborhood, so much to do and see, beautiful old architecture, and there were maybe 3 people staked out, with blankets,in line. Yes!! We knew we had some time, it was about 2 PM. Doors open at 7PM.
So, we checked in to our old vintage hotel, which had me thinking hard about American Horror Story every single time we went down the long hallways, and looked at the high ceilings and doors, and etc. We decided to go out for a quick lunch, and came back and started prepping.
AA100 was going as Adam with the red checked shirt, black vest and pants with zippers. I helped by quickly sewing on all her zippers.
I went as Ghost Town Rock in Rio Adam, jean vest, white shirt, white tight jeans, black short leather boots, white fingerless gloves and tattoo sleeves. I had a wig, but couldn’t commit to it. More on that later.
I made a tat like Adam’s of “Chasing the Original High” and placed it on my collarbone. More on THAT later too.
After a short cab ride to the venue, we got in line, but first noticed who was the person parked out first in line on the blankets, and it was none other than our friend glamberthaf, after chatting for a few seconds we scooted about 15 people back and were in line.
More people quickly were getting in line, and it was quite chilly out. Chatted and made line friends, and noticed that there were many young fans. In talking to them, they all kinda said the same thing, that they love Adam , but don’t know what he’s been doing lately. They had heard and loved Ghost Town on the radio, but hadn’t listened to anything he has done since Idol. I re-directed them. TeeHee.
Pulled ’em out.
You know , my meet and greet pics, except this time they were in my phone. I’ve gone high tech. Can you believe it?
Heard lots of “oh my gawds” over the pics. Love that still. Had my bag that retjenny sent me along just in case they had give aways to store. They didn’t. But, many people were admiring the pics she had attached to it, of red shirt Adam at QAL and “the chez long” pic from Chicago that ignited an orgasm of cosmic proportions in Chicago and dare I say the entire QAL world. THAT picture. The one that sent me to my knees in our hotel suite after the show with glambot, nkd and asif.
But I digress. Ahem. That pic sure got me in the mood for the real deal. ( pass the glam towel, sweat is starting ).
There were some fantastic costumes in line. So funny. And the one Adam posted tonight, Another Bloody Night, was a few people away from us in line.
We met two young gals, college students who were major Glamberts. They “got” my costume, which was a huge relief. I ended up giving one of the gals my wig, she needed more costume, and I wasn’t committed to it anyway. Lucky gal. More later about that.
Mlg arrived, and was sooo cute and sweet and pretty and funny. We had so much fun shivering and trying to stay warm in line. She was dressed as a flapper, and had the perfect sexy outfit.
Okay, so all my lovely fan friends here at ALL, I am going to “out” myself, no not that way, but this way, mlg, almost didn’t recognize me. Not because of my costume.
Because since the last time any of you have seen me I have transformed myself.
I have lost almost 100 pounds.
That’s right. I’m, a whole new mils, and loving it, feeling re-born in a way.
So, Halloween became my big reveal, and a way to meet up with fan friends and to see our guy.
MILS THAT IS WONDERFUL but I have to say I really noticed it in the picture with paper Adam. You look great and glad you are enjoying it so much. I knew from reading between the lines in your posts that something was going on.

Go on Mils, waiting!!

Recap Part 2:
The line started moving, relief, we would be warm soon!
As soon as we got in, mlg was off running!!
The venue is like a club, much like like Prince’s club in Minneapolis ( where I lived for a few years ) , with tables and levels.The place was decorated for Halloween, with pounding music. This was going to be a par-tay!!
I lost mlg!!
Suddenly there she is, and she’s pulling me out to where she was. OMG. It’s the fuck up front. I mean , right–the —fuck –in front. Just Off center, to stage left, Adam’s left.
And the stage is low, so we can be sooooo close to him. We start kinda freaking out. mlg is just one HUGE smile.
I snap a pic and send it to nkd and glambot of the mic stand. I think they posted it here. That is really how close we were. When he was in front of the mic stand. More on when he wasn’t at the mic stand later. OMG.
Then came the costume contest, which I had dreaded and thought would be a waste of our time and would delay Adam, because I had only been to one other radio show, in Des Moines, and there were so many things that delayed him there.
AA100 really thought that he would sing maybe 3 songs, and that would be it.
So, the costume contest was actually fun and funny and QUICK. Thank Gawd.
Then, the lights dimmed, the fog machine started, and a guy started taping down the set lists. AACK. I got a pic and sent it out. I know it made it to the blog. Lucy!!! The Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucy!!!!!!!! So great, I’m saying it twice.!!!!!!!!!!
We were going kinda cray with longing and wanting and needing him to come out and start sanging. What would he be wearing?
More, please!
So, the radio DJ’s came out and lamely asked if we wanted to see Adam. Dunh. So lame. Soooo lame. Just get him the frack out on stage already. Stop trying to be cutesy, sheesh!!
Don’t mess with the Glamberts. I mean, seriously.
And, then, out he saunters. So long and sleek and goth and soooo
This fan hasn’t been in his presence since QAL Toronto 2, I have been in a state of withdrawal, needing a fix. Needing it baaaaad.
So. He was wearing the boots I haven’t seen him wear since TSP days, and we saw them in Des Moines up close. The pants were black leather, with huge knee rips.
I could see knee freckles from our vantage point peeps.
Knee. Freckles.
The shirt was that fantastic mesh ropey twiney thing that seemed like a cage for the beast within it. The peek-a-boo aspect of it was uber sexy.
The gloves were the black fingerless ones he has been wearing a lot, with the silver tubes on each finger.
The long leather sleeves were from Molinari’s party. Gahhh. So sexy.
The choker with the ring. Makes you want to tug on it, and say “come here honey, I wanna take you somewhere shady…”
The hair, OMG, so up and over and short on the sides, and just like he used to wear, thinking of luval, because it was floopy and sweaty and he had to keep putting it in place.
And the makeup, from my vantage point, he was wearing a ton of makeup. Pale face, dark eyes with glittery spots, so darkly made up, and then those spooky contacts. I had dreaded him wearing them, dreading not being able to make eye contact.
Boy, man oh man, was I wrong. EYE CONTACT was possible.
So, I’ll recap the show, not song by song, but, stand out moments.
How??? Isn’t every second he’s on stage right in front of you a stand out moment??? Honestly?
The wails, the moves, the sexy sexy sexy thangs he does, the way he “conducts his orchestra” with all his hand gestures, his impatience with the sound guys, the way he gathers himself together and sets his tone for TISI and Underground, his banter.
His banter. Love him so f-ing much.
“Are you having fun?”
Making fun of himself with his flat iron and makeup, his Halloween costume is how used to dress everyday. Could not love him more.
Taking the Tequila from glamberthaf , and only taking a sip.
Methinks he already had some backstage, and didn’t want any more, lest he forget lyrics onstage.
Putting the gift bag from her on the stage,near his water bottles and towels. LOL. Dark purple towels. So as not to show all the makeup when he wipes his sweaty face on them.
Quickly bending down to take the tequila at the end of the show. Lulz, now he’ll be getting tequila at every show. It’s gonna become a thing.
Thanking us for sticking with him for all these years.
The sheer joy and comfort he has with his fans all around him. The fluidity of his movements, his smile.
His joy and confidence were palpable, you could feel it. I’ve never seen anybody be able to generate such good feelings. It’s like a wave of energy that comes off him.
The voice. The Voice. The Voice.
It just slays me live. Slays me. Still. After all these years.
There I Said It. mlg and I were holding on to each other. So gorgeous, was it even real? I looerve this song. Loooove this song. He just nails it into your heart, he puts so much emotion into it, the wails, it is almost too much to bear.
The Light. Just fantastic to hear this live, by far my top 3 song of the album , he was so dancey and had so much fun singing it.
Luuuuuucy. Such a headbanger’s ball. Love love love Lucy. He did not disappoint. This is a killer of a song.
ADAM LAMBERT AT 1019MIX’s #BooBash Chicago – 29.10.15
Lovin’ it, mils – is there more? Hopin’
Pics from Boo Bash Chicago by @nluvwthadam. More https://twitter.com/nluvwthadam/media …
He was reaching out to fans the whole show. So much hand touching, alas, I didn’t get a hand shake, not for lack of trying . You can see my white gloves reaching out at 3:50 in Black Cat above.
He reached out to the gal I gave my wig to, and bent down, and held her hand and sang right into her face, like a serenade. She was absolutely gob-smacked and over-come by this. After the show, we were talking,and she was crying. Thanked me for the wig, because it stood out, and he was probably “drawn” to it.
How do I even try to write about the eye contact?
Even with those contacts, you could see exactly where he was looking. Adam has talked about how he likes to make eye contact, and many of us have had his eye contact before, I have posted about it often myself. There is nothing like being caught in his eyebeams.
But, last night was a whole new experience in eye contact. It was breath-taking. As in I am breathless . Still.
So. Much. Eye Contact. Over and over and over. So intense. So strong. At times, he was so close, leaning over us, I could see every pore on his face, every single strand of hair in his beard, every eyebrow, only maybe 2 feet away, it left me breathless. Slack jawed. And wanting more.
During TOH, I pointed at my collarbone tat, and he looked at it intently and had a grin at the corner of his mouth in response. Gaaaahhhh!!! mlg and a gal near me noticed it. Gaaah. Swoon. Thud.
He did seem to give the center fans a lot of his attention, but he did work the stage and try to give every fan an up close encounter, but, even so, I felt like I got more than my fair share of eyebeams. I also think he “got” my costume. I left there almost feeling like I had just had an intimate experience with him. I know others must feel the same way. I’ve never felt this way about any other show before.
My only wish is my usual wish, I just wish his shows were longer. He has the material now, if he is limited by the venue, okay, but, at some point, he could do a 2 hour show all by himself.
i know, I know, even that wouldn’t be enough. There’s never enough Adam. Never.
Oooh, another “moment”, how could I forget? Bad fan……….
When he remooooved his long black leather arm sleeves. Poor baby was hawt and sweaty.
They have zippers.
Which he ever so carefully unzipped and took out.
His arms.
One at a time.
After the show, we had to put ourselves back together, because we had become slightly unhinged at all of this.
We made our way to a bar, and sat and looked over pics and blogs and stuff, and just truly were in awe.
Spending time together with AA100 and mlg was simply sweet. I can’t wait to see them and more of you guys again.
Wondering when he’ll announce any dates in the states, thinking it’ll have to be in the spring.
Today, AA100 and I spent some time in the city, went to Eatily, and shopped and gabbed, I took her home, and drove back to Milwaukee. What a wonderful couple of days.
Now it’s back to regular life, and working to save some PTO for real life and Adam life.
Hope you enjoyed my recap and let me indulge myself in my fangirling. Thanks!
Terrific recap, mils – hung on every word and loved it all – nothing like being there –

Wow, mils!! Amazing recap!!! Loved every second of reading it. Reminds me of my, mmm222, ulti and dcglam‘s experience in September 2012 at the 9:30 Club – being so close to him when he is performing on stage is a not-to-be-missed experience of a lifetime!!
Remember that, sparkle – y’all helped me to get up close to the stage – really appreciated that –
Amazing mils, as always you make us feel like we were there. Sounds like a great show. You pick up on all the great little moment of an Adam show.
Thank you mils! You never ever disappoint!

I’m thrilled you had such an amazing “intimate” experience!
Loved your recap mils! Your enthusiasm is so infectious, we felt like we were there with you. And you must have felt so great in that white outfit with your new body! So proud of you
I do have a question, though. How big was the venue? And could you tear yourself away from Adam long enough to look back to see if the place was full? Peeps said that the concert in Texas wasn’t well attended and if Adam can’t fill venues in these one-off radio shows, then the tour is in doubt
. I need there to be a tour to get me to the States this spring. (Would love to go to Singapore for NYE though)
Glad you guys enjoyed my recap!!
Was planning to wake up and rake leaves today, but it is raining hard here. Looks like Trick or Treaters are gonna get soaked today. I’m just glad we didn’t get poured on in Chicago. It was warm and sunny yesterday, great for bopping around and driving home too.
So, instead of raking and being outdoors, I’ll take it to the treadmill and my weights, and spend some time online no doubt. Like there ever was a doubt!!
So, the venue has a capacity of 900 or so. It looked full on both levels, but, I don’t know if it was “capacity” full.
This was a radio show, not advertised anywhere except on that station, on air. Maybe a newspaper ad, but, I don’t live in Chicago to be able to tell you guys.
According to AA100 and mlg, the DJ’s were talking this up a lot, and have mad love for Adam. They also played the shit out of Ghost Town.
I think that if Adam can get some mid-size Glam Nation type venues, such as my Riverside Theater ( PLEASE ), they will sell.
I know a ton of people who would go, and would love to see him, who have never seen him except for on Idol. It’s likely an advertising thing that these radio shows may not be well attended.
I can tell ya’all that the age range in Chicago was broad. From 18-60+. Skewing young. Adam has a huge range, also, this was a Thursday night, a work night, gearing up for a Halloween weekend. and some people may have been turned off by a costume bash. Just saying.
I would never let a costume come between me and Adam!!!
And I’m damn glad I didn’t !!! Muwahahaha!
What an absolute blast this was.
I have a question about periscope. I haven’t tried it yet. It looks like you have to join or sign up. Any problems with it? And how do I do it?
rs hhhmmm how many nights would you stay in S’pore ?
milwlovesadam …. many thanks for your extensive recap… Such a privilege to be able to see Adam so up close and personal in a concert venue… after going through the chilly wait… Great to see how ALL-ers are able to meet each other…
Love the recap Mils….was smiling all the way through reading it. And congratulations on the weight loss, amazing.
mils– I loved your wonderful, vividly detailed recap. Adam’s aura can fill an entire arena, but when you’re that close, it’s just electrifying. (Are your eyebrows singed?) I’m so happy to hear that you, mlg & AA100 had such an incredible experience. Thanks for sharing it with us.
@adamlambert puts on a great show as well as a cool costume! Plus he said I looked “gangsta” so there’s that!
Another photo I took of @adamlambert at #ekboobash ?!! @adamarie915 & I had a great time!
“Adam Lambert dressed up for his performance in Chicago”
Don’t know Axxxel. It was just a thought. Probably just wishful thinking…….but if a group of us really wanted to go, I could be up for it.
Wow, enough exciting reading to save me from watching football all day. Thank You Mils for sharing your experiences, I always love your enthusiasm and your writing skills. You almost make one feel as if they were at the concert with you. On my bucket list: Attend a concert with Mils!
Congratulations on your personal victories.
Scary face or scared face! ?? More from #ekboobash ? with @adamlambert
Lilybop @lilybop2010
? Adam Lambert Fab Audio 9 songs Chicago 10/28 from videos by @robininny
? ?
mp3: mediafire.com/listen/w6o6d6a…
m4a: mediafire.com/listen/w9uh2dy…