TOHT-160401-Las Vegas_FoxVegas
It’s April Fools Day and that finds Adam at The Foundry at the SLS Hotel in Las Vegas. Let’s see if what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas or if the Glambert ninja videographers manage to capture and share it!
Alex Newell kicks things off again at approx. 8 PM (doors open at 7:30 PM) with Adam following around 9 PM PDT.

Poster by @FoxVegas.

Enjoy the concert and the chat!

World Clock: SLS Hotel (Las Vegas, NV) – 8:00 PM PDT


Set List: Evil in The Night/FYE, Ghost Town, Welcome To The Show, Runnin/Chokehold/Sleepwalker, Underground/Rumors, Lucy, After Hours, Mad World, WWFM, Another Lonely Night, The Light/The Original High/NCOE, LMD/Shady/Fever, IIHY, Trespassing/AOBTD

Las Vegas Weekly Interview


“Intro/Evil In The Night/FYE” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“Ghost Town” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – Josey Z

“Welcome To The Show” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – Josey Z

“Runnin/Chokehold/Sleepwalker” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“Underground/Rumors” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“Lucy” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“After Hours” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“Mad World” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“Speech” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – Nadine citygirl36

“Talk/WWFM” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“Another Lonely Night” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“The Light/The Original High/NCOE” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids

“LMD/Shady/Fever” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – Nadine citygirl36

“IIHY” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – Scorpio Bert

“Trespassing/AOBTD” (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16 – TALCvids


79 Responses to LIVE: The Foundry at SLS Hotel (Las Vegas, NV) 4/1/16

  1. ultimathule says:

    Gorgeous edit by @046a63ebff654ce of a Red Hot Adam Lambert ? Las Vegas

  2. cwm says:

    OMGGGG you guys!!! That was soooooo much fun!!! Recap coming later, but suffice it to say that Adam was perfectly amazing, the show was spectacular, the crowd was awesome, and we all had a ball!! In Love Big Smile Party

  3. luval says:

    Can’t wait for your recap, cwm!

  4. milwlovesadam says:

    Me too!!

    Whenever you recover, please recap!!!

    Can’t wait to hear about your meet and greet!!!#

  5. luval says:

    Close up of Scott Borchetta & friend

    Gelly Retweeted
    VegasCountry ‏@Vegas__Country 11h11 hours ago

    @scottborchetta @adamlambert @TheFoundryatSLS … Admit it … Best of Best of #americanidol

  6. luval says:
  7. luval says:

    Hope he gets support from the LA crowd…celebrities & such. Probably won’t.

    The sound was amazing at this place last night.

    Liked his red outfit. Must have dreamed about it again. Like when he started with Queen.

  8. luval says:

    Too bad Borchetta was only a mentor on Idol instead of a producer. Might have had some interest in doing something with Adam.

  9. milwlovesadam says:

    LMD, Shady and Fever were unchained. Off the hook.

    So glad we had ALLERS there.

    Gorgeous. Sexy. UNF

  10. luval says:

    IIHY MARRY ME. Watch Adam’s reaction when he sees the sign.

    Linderella Wink ‏@ScorpioBert 11m11 minutes ago

    Marry Me IIHY Las Vegas 2016 04 01 via @YouTube

  11. luval says:

    Wonder if he’s dropped Let’s Dance for good?

  12. milwlovesadam says:

    Running Chokehold Sleepwalker.

    Bows down Thanks TALC.

  13. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert concert April 1, 2016
    David A. Gallegos
    20:45 minutes

    (think from periscope)

  14. twilightmagic8 says:

    Wonder if he’s dropped Let’s Dance for good?

    I was wondering that as well. I love him singing it. Always looked forward to Adam singing it, because of Bowie, but also he sang it on the Idol Tour. Just a piece of history all in one song, and it’s sexy! I hope he sings it in the L.A. concerts.
    Fingers Crossed Clover Confused Clover Clap

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:
  17. luval says:
  18. ultimathule says:

    Great time last night with @adamlambert. Thanks to all that came!

  19. ultimathule says:

    The Foundry
    Welcome to the Show! #TheOriginalHighTour #AdamLambert

  20. ultimathule says:
  21. ultimathule says:
  22. ultimathule says:
  23. cwm says:

    Ok, my recap!

    I went on this epic adventure with my 22-year-old daughter, which some of you met at the Del Mar/San Diego show a couple of years ago. We arrived in Las Vegas on Thursday evening. On Friday, we did some exploring of the Strip before getting ready for our M&G and the show.

    The M&G:

    I had heard enough about the M&Gs in advance that I had realistic expectations about how quick my encounter with Adam would be (10 seconds?), and I knew that I needed to be focused, in the moment, and make sure to be quick about what I wanted to say to him. There were two things that I wanted to be sure say to him; that was my focus – as long as I said those things, the M&G would be a success.

    We all filed upstairs to a little room on the floor above the venue. Terrance went scampering up the stairs right next to us and I said hi to him, and he greeted me back. When we got to the room where Adam was, the backside of the backdrop faced the door and he and the photographer were on the other side of the backdrop. So our instructions were to put our stuff on a chair by the door, file around the right side of the backdrop, take our picture with Adam, come back around the left side of the backdrop, grab our stuff, and exit the room and go back downstairs to the venue. The line was moving really quickly, and before I knew it, it was my turn.

  24. cwm says:

    When I turned the corner around the backdrop and Adam came into my view, there he was, just standing there waiting for me to approach. He was wearing a light blue denim jacket over a black shirt and black pants. I smiled and said “Hi Adam!” as I approached him, he smiled and said “Hi” back, and put his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist and we immediately posed for the photograph. I was struck upon seeing him by how done-up his hair and make-up were – for some reason I wasn’t expecting so much make-up, but I realized immediately that he had his face and hair ready for the stage. He looked gorgeous, with a matte finish to his skin and sparkly eyes and perfect hair, almost like a beautiful porcelain doll. The make-up doesn’t really show up in the photo, but you can tell that it gives his face a glow and keeps it from getting too shiny in the bright lights. He looks exquisite in the photo; I look a bit like a deer caught in the headlights. I wish I looked more relaxed in my photo, but the photographer took it so quickly, I didn’t really have time to relax up against him. Besides, I was less focused on getting a great photo of me and more focused on what I wanted to say to him.

    As soon as the photo was done, I knew I didn’t have much more time so I had to be quick. I turned toward him, looked him in the eye, and with my left hand on his upper right arm, said, “I just want to say thank you for everything – for the music, for the joy that you bring. You’ve been a gift in my life.” He smiled and tilted his head in that sweet way that he does, and said, “Awww, thank you.” Then, because I knew my daughter was being directed to come up behind me and I was running out of time, I stepped around to the other side of him, put my right hand on his left arm, again looked him in the eyes, and said, “I also want to tell you that I have a lot of respect for the way you carry yourself in this world – with courage, honesty, and integrity.” Again, he smiled and tipped his head and sweetly said, “Thank you!” And that was it! I filed around to the other side and out the door. It was so quick and of course not nearly enough – it’s never enough Adam – but I felt good that I had said what I wanted to say to him.

    As I have reflected on my M&G later, I have been struck by how quiet, calm, and passive Adam was as he stood there and received us. In stark contrast to how unleashed, energetic, and expressive he is onstage, he was almost like a caged animal or an exhibit as we all filed past him one-by-one for our quick moment with him. Not necessarily in a bad way, mind you, because he was very sweet and gracious. But because the moment is so quick, there’s little time for his fun personality or his humor to emerge. I’m really glad I did the M&G because I got to look him in the eye, touch him, communicate my key messages to him, and get a gorgeous picture of him. But I’m always struck by how he is such a large, imposing presence and riveting force of nature onstage, but just a regular-sized, sweet, calm, gracious guy in person off stage (albeit with perfect make-up and perfect hair and great fashion). Sigh. He is such a fascinating study in contradictions.

  25. cwm says:

    The Show

    The show. What can I say about this show? OMG.

    Because the venue was GA and was already full by the time we arrived after the M&G, they had roped off the front part of the crowd right in front of the stage for us, and we filed in and filled the space, then they removed the ropes. My daughter and I were in the second row just a bit off center stage, on the right side in front of Terrance and Peter the keyboardist. It was amazing to be so close, and I loved loved loved it. Adam’s energy and vocals were off the charts, and the crowd was awesome! The venue was packed and just adored him. Lots and lots of dancing and screaming and arms up in the air and everyone sang along to every song. The screams for Adam were literally deafening they were so loud.

    Although I knew what the setlist was likely to be, I had resisted watching videos, only seeing a few snippets here and there; I wanted to be surprised by the experience. And WOW was I ever gobsmacked by the sheer awesomeness of the show! The superb quality and intensity of the music, his voice, his energy, the sound, the band, the dancing, the visuals – all of it so tight and so intense and so perfect. Wow! It was amazing and incredible and wonderful and spectacular!

    Throughout the show, I kept thinking about the M&G and trying to reconcile this awesome force of nature onstage with the sweet, gracious, calm man I had spoken with earlier. Crazy.

    My favorite moments of course were when Adam would come over to our side of the stage and sing right in front of us and focus on us and the peeps around us. His close-up presence is almost overwhelming. And yes, mils – I did get the eyebeams a couple of times! At one point, about one minute into IIHY, Adam was singing right in front of us and the sweet single guy next to me, who was a HUGE fan, held up his phone for Adam to see. Adam smiled and laughed and dipped his head in a cute “thank you” gesture to the guy while he continued singing, and when the guy pulled his phone back, I saw that he had “MARRY ME!” displayed in large letters for Adam to read. So sweet and cute! When I tweeted about this, it got retweeted a lot and the guy saw my tweet after the show, identified himself, and with @Scorpiobert’s help, we found him a great video of the moment, recorded by the gal who did the periscope, who was (by coincidence) right behind us. You can see both the guy (black hat and beard) and me in the video, right next to the videographer! HAHA. Look at 1:03 in this video (also posted above):

    The “Marry Me” sign that the guy flashed on his phone is at the end of the video.

    (At the beginning of IIHY, you see Terrance helping Adam find his ear piece because it had fallen inside his shirt and he couldn’t get it out, which was also a cute moment.)

  26. cwm says:


    Of course, all good things must come to an end, and the show did end, to deafening screams by the crowd. It was so satisfying to be part of such an adoring, fun crowd. Everyone was so happy afterwards. We saw tchrsd and ovationimpact after the show and had fun flailing with them.

    After the show, my daughter and I went to the bar to get margaritas to celebrate. The margaritas were surprisingly strong and we were feeling the alcohol, and decided we needed some food. So we found ourselves eating Chinese food in the casino restaurant at 1:30am and having a great mother-daughter gigglefest together. Ahhh fun times!

    After our late-night snack, we went back out into the casino area and saw Terrance and Holly with a couple of friends heading away from the venue area. We stopped to say hello to them, told them what a fantastic show it was and that we looked forward to seeing them again the next night in LA, and I gave each of them a hug. They were both very sweet, friendly, and appreciative.

    After all that excitement, daughter and I went back to our room, packed up, and got into bed at about 2:30 or 3:00am, only to get up one hour later so we could get out to the airport for our early morning flight to LA.

    The next chapter of the story to be continued… in the LA 1 show thread. Smile

  27. luval says:

    Great recap cwm! Felt like I was right there.

  28. twilightmagic8 says:

    Thanks a bunch for the detailed re-cap cwm! I always love the story telling of Adam Adventure’s. Grin

  29. cwm says:

    Part 2 of our epic 3-shows-in-3-days-in-2-cities adventure recap is now posted in the LA show 1 thread!

    And part 3 recap in the LA show 2 thread here:

    Music Note Big Smile Music Note

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