- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
For those who had trouble accessing MJ’s blog…
I enjoyed watching the videos. Adam looked great and it was fun seeing him perform in his costume – and to slowly peel it off as well. I especially liked it when he popped off his wig and then popped his hat back on. So cute.
The false start to Trespassing was interesting. But audiences understand technical difficulties nowadays because “technical difficulties” happen all the time in all different contexts, so people are quite understanding and forgiving of them. I think that Adam handled it really well. They got back on track quickly. Trespassing is so fun live – I love how Brian punctuates Adam vocals with exclamations like “Here we go!”, “C’mon!”, or “Uuggghh!” at various times.
Adam’s issues with the sound at different points in the show were clear to the trained Adam fan (you can also see Ashley and Tommy communicating, as well as a stage hand back by the drummer making signals), but I think probably not so much to the untrained audience member. He’s a consummate professional and still gave a great, fun performance despite the challenges. All of his signaling to the sound guy reminds me of the DC Freshtival show, in which Adam struggled with the sound mix for most of the show and even kinda completely gave up on trying to sing IIHY because he couldn’t hear himself and just had the audience sing with him. And this was despite a very careful soundcheck earlier in that day which I had had the good fortune of witnessing. So even with a careful soundcheck sometimes the technology fails him.
I think the bottom line is what was the audience reaction to him? nkd, Texas, aely – Did the audience enjoy it? The videos sound like the crowd was very enthusiastic for him.
Hey did you all see that our very own paulanation got an outrageously wonderful hugging pic with Adam after the show??
And an awesome Adam autograph on her arm, which she is considering turning into a tattoo:
And also a pic with Tommy:
paulanation doesn’t post here a lot, but she does post some, and she hung out with all of us in London for the Queen shows. Wonderful person, wonderful fan, who I know must have been thrilled by her interactions with Adam and Tommy!
Congratulations Paula! That’s awesome! Please tell us the story behind those pictures when you can!
Triple sweet triple wonderful interview with Adam backstage before the show. I love this! She’s so loving with him and he’s relaxed and charming. And they talk about the wonderful fan communities that have been created! Like us!
Here it is on photobucket, in case it doesn’t play for you on the station website.
I will say again, my friends loved the concert. No problems except they wish it would have been longer. Selfishly,who doesn’t. The crowd for Gavin sat most of his set but as soon as Adam came on not one person was sitting. People were very excited and the energy was great. He sounded fantastic and everyone walking out loved his power and LOVED that he dressed up and gave a different kind of show. I really enjoyed the concert and the company of nkd and texas and will go any time he is in my area. RCA promo tweeted about his back stage interview and lots of good press here so I think it was all positive. When we left a lot of people were leaving and the security guys were saying so most of you here for Lambert? So, all good
Preview of Corning’s Texas Tango interview with Adam Lambert
or http://youtu.be/AQU0B_MmcoE
Added a complete set of concert videos from Glambert3256 above and some others as well.
Martina @stitch_84
Glampire chibi http://tmblr.co/Zwx0jvWGm-Ya
Yay! Thanks for the great crowd reaction report, aely!
In this close up photo, it looks very much like the Sleeepwalker coat?
Again enjoying all the feed back from the fans here, that attended the concert!
All of your thoughts and opinions are important, to us out here in computer land.
I would have gone in a heart beat, if closer to home. I would have enjoyed this show, even with the problems.
Still waiting for fabulous clear photo’s to surface.
Adam is such a kick, no matter what.
I would have loved to have been a witness to Adam talking to the sound guy.
With all the talk that Adam, is changing the show’s format for upcoming gigs, it will be interesting to see.
Adam most likely wants to produce a more visual, and professional production for The Trespassing Tour.
He probably has many concepts in mind.
The musical director’s job is crucial to the whole picture.
The band has to be tight, and on it.
Adam is the one, that can be loosey, and fun, & playful. but, the music/sound has to be killer.
Adam is too good, for sub-par sound, & shouldn’t have to settle ever.
He’s so good, that he can somehow, make up for others error’s, and has been.
cwm, the crowd was very clearly in love with him! And I agree with aely, major, major props for the Halloween costume. He looked amazing (and I agree with nkd, those pants fit him perfectly – no saggy/baggy derriere issues!) and he sang, danced and pranced great. The end was just “soon” – I almost think Adam and whoever was running the house lights thought he would be coming out for an encore – they left the lights down for a long time, which caused the audience to continue chanting and clapping. But like they say, better to leave them wanting more (and we always do, lol!).
So glad you could attend this, with friends, and share all the good points. Loved your feed-back!
Your points about the interview & positive press, is quite important , in the big picture.
Radio should be playing Adam’s music period!!!
Power came back on about 2 hours ago. Had a long lunch at IHOP to escape from my cold electricity free house for awhile. Thank you glamily members who have re-introduced me to this old classic. Lots of hot coffee and a rather inexpensive menu. Who could ask for anything more?
My poor sister on the Jersey shore could be without power for up to 10 days. Many of the board walks and homes in her area were damaged and/or destroyed.
Coming home to heat, lights, and access to the internet was such a treat. Not sure how I would have felt attending the concert last night if I had to spend a lot of money and time to get there. I feel cheated and almost bereft after a 50 minute set. Not sure how I would have managed with just 20.
Let’s hope that Isacc rejoins the band soon and that they have some intensive rehearsal time with the entire group including Adam. Sound problems seem to be a fairly continuous problem for Adam. Didn’t someone mention during GN that he hired and took his own sound guy with him from one venue to the next? I’m not sure how much blame we can place on Brian regarding the sound. Adam seems to have a very keen sense of hearing and the need to control that part of things. I even noticed that when he was performing with Queen he motioned to lower certain instruments,etc.
Hope Adam and the band had fun last night anyway. Loved his pre concert interview. Sort of reminded me of some of the ones he had early on, especially the Lisa Page one from NYC. Very comfy and warm and open.
aely, thought I’d give you a quick review of Alanis’ performance (don’t want you to think you missed out on too much!). She was very, very good – but we had just enjoyed the visual splendor of our Hot Glampire, so she just wasn’t much to look at! She wore a black sleeveless top, kind of metallic tights, and black combat boots with really long, wavy hair parted down the middle – she didn’t mind if it was in her face alot of the time. But her songs sounded great – just like on her recordings. She walked quickly from one side of the stage to the other, period. She played the harmonica on some songs and was very sweet and gracious between songs. It was good, but nkd and I sat and worried about the drunk girl who was standing directly behind us, dancing and waving her cocktail right over our heads – I really thought nkd was gonna get a margarita bath!
Am glad all of you had a great time at Texas Tango. Love it when Adam surprises…red pants, glampire outfit. And loved the audience reactions too!
Loved this interview! Adam seemed very comfortable & relaxed.
She(Tara) had great enthusiasm & energy, and kept it fun.
So glad you all had a good time. I probably made the right call not to go due to the short Adam segment, but overall sounds like it was a good concert from beginning to end.
From all I read, I tend to believe Adam’s problems started with the traffic delay, then he got there late, had a lot of M&G’s to do, and finally, tech problems with the backing tracks and sound mix – which always seem to drive him bonkers! Not sure if I would blame the band – they sounded great in Arizona.
Gotta say, to me he sounded GREAT on the videos, looked amazing and was energetic and fun. His set would have been 40 minutes (8:25 to 9:05) but he started so late and ended almost at 9:30 when Alanis was supposed to start. Knowing Adam and the gentleman he is, if he had come back on stage it would have delayed her even more and I’m pretty sure he didn’t want to even if the radio people would have been OK with it. He’s no Neon Trees (thank heavens)!
If the crowd loved him, RCA tweeted about him, and he sounded great to the audience, for me it’s all good. Shit happens, some factors are beyond control.
Those pants should go on the list……
Mea Culpa. My apologies. I was wrong. I’m thinking after seeing better pictures that it was the Sleepwalker coat, maybe. It does seem heavier. Maybe he had one made in a heavier fabric as well. I remember it being see-through, diaphanous, and gauzy.
About the sound. I don’t think Brian has much control at a multi-performer festival. There is probably a sound guy who does everybody’s sound. And he needs input from the performers before he starts the show. From what I know about acoustics, is that the sound is affected by everything in the environment. The chairs, the walls, the weather. Add people into the mix, and the sound is bouncing off them too. Then, the sound guys need to make adjustments for every act.
But, the girls sounded shrill again at times and drowned out Adam. The drummer just isn’t Isaac.
Poor Adam. He has a true instrument. All he wants is to perform with it. And have a good time.
http://youtu.be/qNZwbNPJatI ~ WWFM (posted above)
This is beautiful, even with the sound issues.
Would love to see some of the close up photo’s, that were being taken!
Hopefully some will emerge!
Thanks Texas for the update on the rest of the concert! Glad you went home dry. Off to SYTYCD tour!! Yeah
Happy to hear that your power has been restored, adamized. I was thinking of you today as I was listening to the power outage numbers for BGE and hoping you weren’t one of them. I know we are happy to say goodbye to Hurricane Sandy, but we’re still thinking about you NYC peeps (and others) who are struggling.
Now back to Hurricane Adam….
Beginning with the Season 8 American Idol Tour, I always feel sorry for ANYONE having to perform after Adam. As wonderful as Alanis is and may have been last night, there is no way she (or anyone in the same situation) is going to meet the energy level and vocal performance of the previous performer. JMHO
dcglam, ITA
thanks dcglam. Have to say that having something taken away from you for even a little bit makes you appreciate it all that much more.
Speaking of which. Now that our Kris Allen concert has been moved to the 14th of January you may want to consider joining us.
Night peeps.
LOL….. You are so funny, adamized!!
Did any of you at the concert catch any of P2’s performance? Just wondering what you though. Just saw a brief glimpse of him in that Ron Corning interview prewiew, and he just looks so……underwhelming, like a busker on a street corner, just doesn’t seem to have any oomph or star power, yet is getting so much radio play and sales….
HK fan…. No disrespect to P2 (my son loves him), but I feel that he lucked out big time with that coronation single. He was definitely at the right place at the right time.
Now that I saw some Trespassing videos, I think last night was not that bad at all, just way short, and with sound issues. Somehow between Adam’s vocals and his pants, Adam pulled off a hot performance. Or is it just that this is all I really pay attention to?? Thanks to everybody reporting.
I haven’t watched the videos yet, but I left the concert a little underwhelmed. Adam was hot, vocally and visually, no doubt about that, but it felt disconnected or something. I’m lost for an explanation. The crowd was def into it and wanted more but I’m not sure it was a performance that won over many new fans. In fact the girls in front of us, there for Gavin, were standing at the beginning and sat down during Trespassing, I think.
I will always go to any concert he does that I can reasonably, and not so reasonably, make it to. Fan for life!
Definitely Sleepwalker coat! It was the thin coat that you could see light through. Not sure what it is appearing like in the vids and pics.
HKfan, we decided to enjoy a little more patio/wine/friend time at the restaurant, rather than rush to catch P2 and the earlier act. I’m with dcglam… no American Idol has ever been more fortunate than P2 with the coronation song choice. I think I could’ve been a singing sensation with that song!
Bringing this over here:
HOLY S**T – Gorgeous!!!
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
Texas Fang-Tango. Thanks Now 102.9 http://instagr.am/p/RbQun1uNG-/
riskylady, you know what…I like this. Spooky powerful.
The lighting seemed all wrong during the concert. Well, as far as the video’s go.
This is the best close up, that I have seen.
The stars were aligned, for this fabulous photo!!!
Adam Lambert having technical sound difficulties at Texas Tango:
Was this the little sing song, that some of you were taking about?
Adam always amazes me, with how he commands the stage, and handling uncertain circumstances. He is always entertaining.
That was some good off the cuff rapping for Adam. To me it seems like the drummer totally forgot the beginning beats of Trespassing. It’s such a powerful song and those hard drum beats at the start set it off. It didn’t happen here to me & the rest of the band had to catch up & figure it out.
eta: listened again & even Brian was way off. No rehearsal maybe.
The NCOE from LindsayInTheSky1 was a hoot – all the “sound” gestures (strumming the guitar) – putting his arm around TJ so he could hear him – a hot mess – but, damn, his voice rang out loud, clear, and gorgeous. And, yes, hate to have someone “experience” him at this gig for the first time – but it’s definitely a one-off – he learns from what works and doesn’t.
Reminds me a bit of the infamous abattoir concert. Screw it and just go with the flow.
Well – he’s never boring – lol.
Yes, that was it! Definitely the drummer’s fault, but it seems like Brian might have been able to correct the mistake much sooner. IDK, maybe he was so caught off guard he couldn’t think either – at least Adam had the amazing presence of mind to keep on doing something, lol! Talk about a tough position to be in! Honestly, I feel my maternal instincts coming out for Adam over yesterday – stuck in traffic, being pulled in so many directions for interviews, m & g’s, etc., with the whole point of the day – the concert – being where he had to make his sacrifice. Whenever he has these “human” moments, just makes me love him even more!
Ah…the abattoir!
Now THAT was a glorious hot mess!
Good times, good times… (and also in Texas)
Forgot to mention that yesterday I found a rolled-up Texas flag in my attic! House was built in 1920, no telling what else is tucked behind the rafters up there…so ironic and bizarre to find it yesterday!
I’m still bummed that I didn’t go to that show!
Think the flag is valuable, Krad?
glitterpatti says:
10/30/2012 at 6:58 pm
I love Adam and have been to many concerts,but I was very disappointed at Texas Tango. Most of my friends love Adam and will always go with me to a concert, or I will go alone. I have one friend who has never seen him live, and I knew if I could just get her to see him live she would like him too.
We flew there from California. I knew it wouldn’t be whole set because there other performers. Gavin McGraw was really good and he had a good amount of time on stage.
There was an intermission between each performer while they set up for the next act.
These are the things that were so disappointing. Not blaming, there could have been extenuating circumstances, just explaining.His equipment was set up. It took forever for Adam to come on stage. Way longer than anyone else.He probably could have done a few more songs if he had come out like the other performers did. It seemed like there was a lot of technical difficulties. I brought my friend to see this beautiful man perform and he was in his Halloween costume. His beautiful eyes were now yellow,his beautiful smile had fangs,his sexiness was hidden by the costume and his beautiful hair was now hidden under a wig and hat.I know it is close to Halloween, but I really wanted my friend to see the real Adam, and actually so did I. When he finished what felt like a very short performance, they all rushed of stage. I think the audience was surprised he was finished because they were clapping and yelling for more. My friend heard people saying what was that? This performance had a different feel to it, more than any other concert I have been to.
I guess if it were just I that went, it would be somewhat okay because I have seen him many times and will again, but it was not a concert to sway my friend.
I wrote this to see if anyone else that was there felt like this.
Remember I love Adam, I was just disappointed that my friend didn’t get to see the Adam we all usually see at concerts.
I did love the Glamnation costumes but not this one for performing.
Me, too, Texas – remember the comments when the kids first saw that place.
Lived in West Texas for a few years – not exactly Glambert territory. Who scheduled that one? So funny.
You totally captured, The Chaos Theory!
Loved your take on the whole scene.
Posted this tweet earlier, glitterpatti and, if you haven’t seen it, probably encapsulates your experience.
“I GOT YOUR SAUSAGE @devenlane
Well, short as it was, we can say – it’s not a concert anyone will forget. (Good or bad remains to be seen, of course.)
glitterpatti, I was not there, but watched all the video’s. I felt it too, but was trying to make sense if it.
How sad for you, with all your love for Adam.
Of all times, for this to happen, when the one friend finally got to attend a performance with you.
There were extenuating circumstances, and some that could not have been prevented.
We don’t know all of it, but I felt the energy shift.
I too love Halloween, but to not recognize Adam, is a travesty at a concert.
Those eyes of his have to be seen. The magic behind them & their hypnotic power, is an absolute must!
No eye coverings should be in place, while performing.
I think for a Halloween Party, no problem, but not for a crowd performance. A costume yes, but don’t touch the eyes. The wig was all wrong, especially with the the eye coverings.
The wig was fun, but could have been ditched, as long as the Adam’s own eyes were in power play.
Maybe you could have your friend, watch some of the Queen concert’s. Or e-mail her a succession of different concert performances?
I feel your pain, and validate your feelings here.
Ha Ha Ha…How appropriate!
Kind of Rock Star really…sort of?
Yes, us Glambert’s never forget anything!
Me too! Believe me, I was tempted!
Kradamour, so cool that you found a Texas flag…yesterday! Very appropriate!
Just throwing out one more thought about last night – if he was gonna dress up, I think it would’ve been cool for him to wear the Glampire costume he wore on PLL! I love both costumes, but since PLL aired so recently, I think the royal blue with the ruffled shirt and shoes with spats would’ve been amazing (and we could’ve seen his beautiful hair, face and eyes betterer!
What the heck were we thinking? I flew to Kansas City (you flew to Canada and Pennsylvania!) to see him, but didn’t take a 4 hour car trip to Lubbock? I still can’t quite place Adam and Lubbock in the same thought… wonder what he thought when he stepped off the airplane!
ultimathule, what part of West Texas did you live in? I was born and raised in the Panhandle – love it, but don’t want to live there.
What a great idea, Texas! (to wear the PLL costume) especially since I think the clothes were his (or mostly his) anyway.
(Nods in approval.) Yes. The crowd was deprived of those eyebeams, as mils puts it.
If the set had been longer, it would have been incredible for him to come out in that, do Cuckoo, and then start to shed: hat, hair, jacket, um…and whatever…
ulti, no, it is just a modern flag – pretty big: 4×6 feet. Nylon with an embroidered star. Just so odd to find it yesterday on the day of the concert! I’ve been up there a billion times!

glitterpatti: you described so well what I wanted to say last night. I got frustrated with the costume because I felt people would want to see Adam when they go to a concert. On the other hand that was Adam, or at least a side of him that he clearly loves.
The being late however may be rock star style, but to me not okay. There were circumstances, I know. But you can also get started an hour earlier. I think he/they should work on that. Life concerts are Adam’s forte, and he wants the audience to walk away happy and eager to come back, not disappointed with the short set. Sorry if this came across too negative, I just want everyone to recognize Adam for the life performer he is, and anything getting in the way annoys me. Or maybe it’s just my cranky day.
Bethmeister88 videos: (this is Trespassing, but there are others) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IiTGzKEWaA&feature=channel&list=UL
Texas – it was Webb AFB, Big Spring – now a park? – near Midland/Odessa as I remember.