- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Texas and I stayed for Alannis. Her sound isn’t very good either. Too much band.
“He was unhappy with the sound the entire time. I didn’t time it but the girl behind us said he was on for 21 minutes. It was very short. I have to say I’m a bit disappointed.”
nkd, you had 21 minutes more than you would have if you didn’t go, and thank goodness you didn’t have an airfare or other expensive investment – but I can definitely understand your disappointment.

It looks as though it was a little bit disorganized…what was that odd little not-quite-a-song that we could almost hear on the livestream? Was it something Adam tried to start and then thought better of?
Inquiring minds!
It definitely seemed as though the set was cut; no Cuckoo? and the songs didn’t flow very well.
Lots of excitement in the crowd, though!
And I loved in the crowd babble before the concert, Adamlambertlust was having some sort of problem and a woman said to him that he didn’t have to do it – but he replied that he did have to, he had promised.

Hi nkd!
I’m glad you are home safe and sound, but sorry to hear about your disappointment. As Kradamour mentioned above, I can certainly understand it as well.
Adam seemed to have a late start from the get go. I’m thinking that perhaps he should have just ditched the costume if it did take additional time from his performance to get ready. On the other hand, I can see why that may have been important to him after encouraging his fans to come as Glampires. I feel these radio shows with a variety of performers are difficult due to the time restraints. But then, it seems we always leave his concerts wanting more — even when he gives us over an hour. Never enough!
Thanks for logging on so quickly and for sharing your thoughts.
I was posting from the venue. We are in the car now heading home.
It wasn’t just the shortness of the set, something was off with the band. Dare I say it just wasn’t a good set?
Hi nkd! Can you believe it’s been 5 months since W-B? Really enjoyed meeting you there! The crowd seemed filled with lots of energy and enthusiasm – hopefully new fans that were left wanting more will check out youtube and itunes!
It is certainly understandable if you are a bit disappointed. I’d probably be a lot disappointed in your shoes – it’s hard to top W-B!
Still have power – hopefully it won’t go out before the videos are posted!
Des Moines and Sacramento turned me off to radio station jingle ball thingees.
Set time is short unless he is the headliner and apt to be cut shorter.
I know there was talk about there not being any soundcheck and Adam being unhappy with the sound guy. Do you feel that the band issue was something more than this?
“Dare I say it just wasn’t a good set?”
Who better to say that than someone who was there, nekkid?

From the admittedly bad livestream, I would say it was something of a hot mess.
Maybe the distraction of Hallowe’en, maybe having Sauli back after a long separation, maybe sound issues that were upsetting Adam, maybe the time pressure…(shrug) Adam is human (yes, really!) and every [other] performer has off nights.
We are just so spoiled with night after night of amazing that we are taken aback when Adam doesn’t hit it out of the park each and every time.
After the show in Des Moines, when Jojosie and I were talking with one of the managers, he said that they thought he was late, and his set was shortened. I don’t know what goes on backstage, but in Des Moines, we saw him watching Neon Trees, then he disappeared according to manager, and was delayed.
His set there was scheduled for an hour. We got 45 minutes adn were pissed. I can only imagine how mad you guys must be about 21 minutes. That really is half.
But the set list posted at 24/7 is exactly what you got tonight.
PS. I don’t think that’s the Sleepwalker coat. The Sleepwalker coat was sheer.It had designs on the arms, and sparkles. Tonight’s coat was a heavier fabric and had no designs or sparkles. But, this is the same coat he wore to the Halloweenie.
nkd: I hear you. I had a similar experience in Sacramento. The best part was the anticipation and driving there with loud Adam music on.
I have no buttons to bold or block-quote either. What’s going on with the site that this has been happening to a number of people now?
I can understand your disappointment nkd. I would guess a lot of people felt the same way. You did get to see him though and thankfully you didn’t spend a small fortune traveling.
Trees below are swaying back and forth with the wind. One woman was killed in Toronto by flying debris. Power outages all around but fortunately not here (so far).
Stay safe everyone.
Power went out during concert – just came back on.
I’m with jlurksacto on the radio/jingle ball concerts. Wait for the vids.
Meet and Greet photos…
I had the same experience in Sacramento and when questioned the DJ’s, they said the first act was delayed so they cut Adam’s time…I told them I flew in from New York just to get the point across and I was really pi**ed!!!!!but I learned MY lesson and will never attend a radio concert—-unless Adam is performing–hopeless—-

If Adam is dressed as a fireman, he should sing “Ring of Fire
buttons! I have buttons!
Re the meet and greet photos…what is with the big dark glasses? I would be sad if I couldn’t see Adam’s beautiful eyes…wonder if those vampire contact lenses irritated his eyes? Or if he was just hiding dark circles?
Wow, 5 months! That was an awesome concert in W-B. It was great meeting you too!
As for tonight, Adam sounded great, but it just wasn’t clicking.
Maybe nobody else noticed!
It was the Sleepwalker coat mils. It was thin, gathered at the back waist, with sparkles and embroidery and longer than the coat he was wearing at Halloweenie, which was the NYE Gridlock coat.
It looks from tweets that a big accident caused him (and others) to be late, one of the tweets
Lindsay Bilyeu@LindsayInTheSky
@Texasplaything @adamadmiration bad wreck on highway, lots of people got stuck in traffic for long time.
Lindsay Bilyeu@LindsayInTheSky
Tommy RT @texshellbell: @HannaBec he said they were stuck in heavy traffic & it took forever to get to the venue so they were very late
Tommy RT @texshellbell: said they had major sound issues -had set cut short. Said he couldn’t hear himself & Adam couldn’t hear him
Did anyone else get impression Adam thought he was coming back for encore? Dunno what happened.
Nope, Cuckoo is on the set list at 24/7, but he didn’t perform it. I’ll just add to what nkd has already posted: Definitely wasn’t one of Adam’s better nights. However, I place most, if not all, of the blame on his band, possibly mostly on Brian. Isn’t Brian his musical director? IMO, it’s time someone took a good, long look at these musicians and made some tough decisions. The drummer just isn’t a good fit, and the back-up singers don’t add anything (both IMO). Aside from being late for his set, Adam looked fantastic and sounded perfect. The sound mix was bad, and I think the drummer is to blame for the bad start for Trespassing. Heck, nkd and I looked at each other in astonishment… I’m thinking, “Is this RUNNIN’????” lol! Nope, just a botched start. I hope Adam doesn’t let friendships stand in the way of making good musical/business decisions. I also hope I don’t sound like I’m making too much of tonight’s performance.
Anywhoo, we all had a fantastic time! Met with aely, three of her friends, the lovely nkd, and a friend and her mom – I met them at the Idol concert in Dallas three years ago. We had drinks and a meal on the patio of a lovely restaurant near the venue – the weather was absolutely perfect and we all had a great time!
Was WB only 5 months ago? Sigh. It seems like a decade…

But I did see Adam tonight and he looked great, those pants are keepers, which I’m sure he will for a long time!

Kickin In and Shady were so good, then it was like the good sex was interrupted!
But a little Adam is better than no Adam!
ETA Oh yeah, we had a great time with everyone! That’s always one of the best parts anyway meeting up with friends and meeting new ones!
We had great seats!
A partial of,“Never Close Our Eyes”
The drums are too loud, and the background singers are questionably off. There was a substitute singer tonight.
Maybe the sound mix was really messed up?
Adam is a true sport, and would brass it, no matter what.
Curious for better video’s hopefully to surface.
I would trust the opinion of the fans who attended this radio ditty. They were there, and saw everything.
Of all the songs, Cuckoo should have been sung for sure, because of PPL & Halloween.
Reyna has extremely large boobs, they’re pretty amazing!!!
Does anyone know who the other back up singer is?
I agree, twilightmagic8 – Cuckoo should’ve been included!
I can’t tell you all how excited we were when Adam came out in his Halloween costume – he looked amazing! I count myself very lucky: I’ve seen him perform in his “Crazy” pants, and now in his Glampire costume!
Since we didn’t get band introductions, we didn’t get introduced to the new singer.
I love this, and it’s all cake. Yes, the pants were worth it, and all the hype & costumes.
Thanks for sharing nkd! Sounds like a good time.
Great poster mlg!
Hi Texas!
Thanks for adding on to nkd’s post above. I was very interested in hearing your take on the band situation. Your thoughts seem to be very similar to others right here. At one point shortly after Monte left, Adam made some comment that he had the best band ever. I wonder how he feels about that right now.
I’m happy to hear that all of you had a wonderful time together — always the best part!
I would have been hyperventilating, with anticipation.
You are so lucky, to have seen unique Adam, in both these concerts.
Kickin In: http://youtu.be/eIUi1T7nTM8
Pictures from the concert on 102.9 website.
Issac is my favourite drummer, and I do think Ashley is sweet. I’ve not really warmed to Brian, don’t know what it is, can’t put my finger on it, I had the same feeling with Longineu. Tommys fine, I’m not a huge fan or anything, but he has a good look on stage (certainly better than wearing a ‘wife beater’ all the time) seems to play fine and is a good friend to Adam, loyalty counts for a lot.
I’ve never been a fan of the backup singers, nothing against them, just don’t think their voices blend well with Adams, thought the male backup singers in London that time sounded great with his voice.
Hi dcglam! nkd and I talked about how he might be feeling after tonight – I hope he’s not sad after tonight’s performance, but I wouldn’t be surprised. We saw Gavin Degraw (fantastic!), Adam and Alanis (missed Forever Sickest Kids and P2). The other bands were just much tighter than Adam’s – to my ear, anyway. Maybe it’s because there hasn’t been a consistent performance schedule? New drummer and singer?
close-up pic
He did have the white contacts in, we couldn’t tell from the audience, but I could see that he was very sparkly!
Well, goodnight everyone! I don’t want to sound too negative – I think casual fans tonight probably thought Adam’s part of the show went just fine – with the exception of Trespassing intro. And I’m sure he made an impression on everyone with his costume, lol!
One more thing: I think Adam looked much, much better in person than he’s coming across in these pictures! His make-up looks dull in the photographs – he looked fabulously sparkly on stage tonight!
Well said, and I totally agree.
I really like Issac!
I had a blast! My friends who are Adam fans and go to every concert in the area but don’t follow him daily or watch all of his concerts on you tube thought it was great. All wanted more but no one thought anything was off or wrong. I really enjoyed hanging out with Nkd and texas! Can’t wait until next time.
And yes, Gavin was great. Buying his album next!
There were some great moments tonight, I didn’t mean to make it seem like it was bad. It was far from that. I’ve seen him recently with absolutely incredible shows, WB, DC and Winstar. This one will also be memorable, just not as many memories.
New singer with Reyna tonight was Traci Brown Bailey
Added some videos and photo links up top.
never mind
Close pic of the Glampire – I guess he sang with teeth again?
After listening to the few videos available, Kickin in and Shady and WWFM were good, Adam sounded and looked great. Don’t know about the rest because I was deep sleep while dinner was on. I am sure audience loved it even though there were sound issues. Who is responsible for the sound check? The band or someone from the stage crew? I wonder why is it always Adam who gets cut short… Not having Cuckoo is a disappointment. Waiting for other vids to show up.
Watched the recorded dinner. IIHY and NCOE backup singers really sounded off…
Glampire contacts are so spooky…
Glad everyone there had a good time visiting with each other.
I had said several times I would not go to a jingle ball or radio sponsored concert again and this convinces me. Lol although I am going to Cindi Lauper benefit where he’ll probably sing one song!
The best part is really enjoying each others company.
Radio shows are a question mark but you do still get to see Adam. I hope the reviews are okay – hate to think that people weren’t blown away by him. The set was high energy, at any rate.
Adam had a new drummer and a new singer. That has to be hard but it’s good that they came up against this now. There will be quite a few more rehearsals before South Africa, I bet. That really has to be a good show.
Also, we don’t know if others might not have been cut, too. If the opening act started late, maybe they all had to give up a song. If the venue had to shut at a certain time, maybe Alanis got cut, too. This happens to a lot of artists.
Sad for nkd and all the fans who went for Adam.
Any word on P2’s performance?
Love this quote over at AQD.
This person has 4 songs, they seem a bit better quality, show the mess up at the beginning of Trespassing. Adam handled it well.
Wow, the videos do show Adam’s frustration with the sound. Along with the beginning Trespassing track issues, there seemed to have been guitar problems as well. During both IIHY and NCOE Adam kept hovering over near Tommy, signaling to the sound guy, and saying, “I need to hear the guitar.” I can’t imagine being a perfectionist of a performer such as Adam and having to deal with these stage issues.
aely, I’m so glad your “casual fan” friends loved the show – that’s what I was hoping!
dcglam, he really was frustrated – many signals to the sound guy, even incorporated some of his “pleas” into his lyrics, lol! At one point, he left the stage for a bit and re-entered from the other side – I’m thinking he was “educating” someone during his absence! Anyway, I will buy a ticket for anything and everything Adam in my area in the future – even if it’s just for 21 minutes – it’s still glorious and something I would never want to miss!
Thanks HK fan for these new vids! Into my ears they sounded pretty good, and what an energy on the stage! Only background singers’ problems I really noticed. I am very sorry for Adam’s sake but I am sure audience enjoyed. Adam doesn’t show his frustration to the audience, only sharp-eyed glamberts notice (or know) it I guess. Others just go with the beat
And Adam never sings off key when there are these problems.
Nice view from short distance by the way. Adam looked SO slim – and the pants fit very well. Ashley too looked gorgeaus, nice wig. She was so tiny next to Adam!
This one is a real teaser
10 sec of Kickin in…
And a hot gif
LOL… Well put, Texas!