- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
A nkd find…bringing it over here.
Looks like things have started already.
@adamlambert Singing A New Song On @take40 Called “This Is Love” wOoOw Always With Your Amazing Surprises Mr Lambert !
New Song?
Haha HKFan I see you found that too
Wish I could stay and play, I have to go to work. Have Fun!
First pic
Katie Purvis@katiemelb
Laid-back funky stripped-back Trespassing – except for WAILING top note.
Joanna Elizabeth@Joannalizzy
Katie Purvis@katiemelb
Am heading to work. Will have to rely on any and all of you for info.
Katie Purvis@katiemelb
Telling woman in front row she needs to take a deep breath. She was dying because the jacket came off LOL
Says he had an inspiration on plane coming over, has known this song for years, makes him feel warm – Bob Marley’s IS THIS LOVE #AdamLambert
Katie Purvis@katiemelb
Hahaha has lyrics on his lap
He’s doing a question and answer session now….
sorry being a bit of a post ho…..I really shoud be getting back to cooking dinner, salmon, potatoes, roast carrotts and courgettes….smells great!
Omg I hope someone got the audio of This Is Love.
Knew I could count on you, HK fan!
Morning. Can’t wait to see the vids from this. Hearing Adam singing a new song will be so much fun. Yay!
HK fan, don’t go, but if you do please bring back some dinner. I’m not opposed to eating dinner for breakfast. Sounds absolutely yummy.
luval, have a good day at work.
I’m still here, the computers is on the dining table, which is open plan with the kitchen, so I keep popping over…there’s been a few pics but not very good ones yet.
supposedly there are tv type cameras there, and video will be on the Take 40 website.
What a hoot. Looks like it was handmade. Who would have thought knitting skills would come in so handy.
Its over…
Sarah Brook@BrookiePoo_x
Dying. It was perfect. He was perfect. Everything was perfect!!! Thank you @adamlambert, you are amazing!
Fee @Feeandbal
@adamlambert aussies aren’t as loud as americans but that doesn’t mean we love u any less. u were great! xx
HOLY #$&*%##$&?*(‘)+&#(+&##-)(-
Hi HK fan, I just got myself to the grid… Is there live stream?
Ok, no, and I am late anyway
Hi ladynorth, there did look like there was some cameras there, so maybe we’ll get videos soon.
I almost always miss Adam concerts etc, it was nice having something to follow live for a change even if it was only on twitter.
HK fan, I know what you mean
Unfortunately I had an appointment (it’s mid afternoon here), so I was late just the time this concert lasted. But maybe we’ll get a professional vid? Which twitter feed did you follow? I have one open but it’s mostly tweets by live lounge.
First vid, Is this love
Is this love, oh so good, something told me to get up this morning what a wonderful surprise. IT IS 5:AM here.
Yes this is love, I love this song too!
Enjoy your MP3 of Is this love
Have to go to work. Praying that any vids are smartphone accessible! Have a great day everyone.
Yay….something new to knit!
Adam and Bob Marley = WIN!
Just loved it, and Adam looked so happy and light singing it…
Assuming that it has been sung to/for Sauli – what a splendid gift that would be!
And speaking of gifts, thank you LadyNorth!!!
Off to RL, hoping for excellent quality vids, but this one is certainly good enough if it is the best we get!

Love the new song/cover! He is just too cute for words – and as someone posted on twitter: His f*&%$ng voice! He sounds like an angel when he sings. Thanks for multi-tasking while preparing dinner, HKfan!
I stopped at MJ’s as usual and she has the Bob Marley cover posted. Not many comments yet. Whats to say except, it’s a pleasant surprise. The band looks like they are having fun with this. Go Adam.
Is This Love—YAY…Thanks Adam!
Wonder if this is a song he “picked up on” when on their recent vacay? Could be…
Thank you all for posting pics and that first video. What a beautiful surprise in the morning. Adam could make the most jaded person believe in human kind again.
More fan cams from todays performance: Shady
Official vid of Trespassing (I didn’t manage to see it, how about you??)
Official photo gallery
Review of the concert by take40
LadyNorth, the youtube vid that you posted works, but the two videos on the take40 site apparently have been taken down (or something). Otherwise, I enjoyed the links. Thanks.
Maybe this is why they took them down?
Ceddies,yes the take40 site version doesn’t work… But here it is in youtube, what a lovely slower version of Trespassing!
Naked love
I love the intimate feeling of this special concert. I want that kind of here too, please!
Of course I posted on the wrong thread! I said I don’t care for Bob Marley’s songs but Adam did a nice job. Maybe if I listen a few more times I’ll like it.
Every single comment on MJ’s is positive.
Luval, be happy he didn’t sing I shut the sheriff
Isn’t that Marley too…
I love what he does with a song, any song, but dammit I want to hear Runnin and Underneath before covers.
I don’t know the song “Is This Love”, so I looked up the lyrics cause I was hearing “cock” and I knew it didn’t make sense to “throw that on your table’ lol it was cards.
Hmm I think I might like my version better. I’ll be in the corner!
glambotgram I LOOOVE the low register in Runnin! Could listen to it all day!
Lady North…hahaha I actually love I Shot the Sheriff but by Eric Clapton.
And glambotgram…I thought I was the only one who thought he said “cock”!!!!! LOL!!! meet you in the corner!
I also thought that was what he said, but I am not very familiar with the location of the corner.

Fortunately, I know that I can rely on some of you (ahem!) to show me the way.
I also thought that was what he was throwing on the table…..
Wasn’t it Bob Marley he used to listen to round the pool in the summer with his parents?
I also thought that was what he said. Thought it was an honest mistake but after reading HK fan’s post, I’m wondering if I just have a dirty mind.
HKFan: Yep. I remember that too about the pool.
Wondered why they would be sitting round the poo…

But then I figured it out!
“What is this sock? I love this thing. Now where should I put it?” I wonder how much Adam has to edit himself during these shows. I could imagine he has quite a mouth off camera. Brian of course could not help himself.