- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oh what a breakfast you served me! Based on your comments, I didn’t miss much when I missed the dinner. In most of the videos sound was ok, but I wanted a closer look… The video HK fan linked gave that. Hot hot hot! He looked SO sweet & hot at the same time. And I loved Hot stuff!
The video from the back stage was fun, thanks for that too! Now back to RL.
Oh that Shady was a very good shot. Here’s Naked love by daydreamin too.
Updated most of the videos above with better versions, thanks for posting the links overnight! Have to hurry off to work now so no time to search more thoroughly. Will update again this evening.
HD versions of Summerthing:
Toggle/change the resolution to 1080 and full screen. Clear as can be.
ETA: Set it to “autoplay” and just sit back and enjoy.
Suz526 videos
Trespassing/Kickin In
Just watched the whole show again in HD.
I had the same question you did and I don’t think eywflyer that Adam’s voice was pitchy anywhere during this performance.
I was wrong last night when I thought his voice “faltered” during “Cuckoo” for the “Gotta get out of this straitjacket” part. Instead of forgetting the words, I think he just lost his place for a moment, if that makes any sense to you, and he covered himself very well. I don’t however like MF. That’s not part of my vocabulary.
I’m wondering now if he really did forget the words during “Broken English” but, yes I’m pretty sure he did. I thought his vamping with his back to the audience went on much longer before I viewed this tonight but it was very brief and he recovered from that brilliantly.
Wasn’t that little girl adorable? I couldn’t help but notice her reaction to Adam’s BIG note! So glad though that whoever put her on his/her shoulders … took her off.
Nice to see all the videos up and will enjoy checking them out later today. Glambotgram: Thanks for the on Shoshanna. Imagine her complaining about a short trip in the same time zone when Adam’s effectively circling the globe, LOL.
I loved the little boy in the blue shirt,too, Luval. Too bad he was so far back but he clearly had a good time.
My day in the sun at another Adam event – Summerthing. Drove to east bay from
Sacto and took BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) into downtown SF where I met
@madnessinmotion. She lives in downtown SF and understands the xport system so
I just followed her to the GGP venue. A little hiking but got there in good shape
just before 10am. Found Suz526 and @tchrsd homesteaded about 10 feet from the stage on the left side and joined them. Was worried about weather but
not a problem. Temp about right for sitting in the sun and a light breeze once
in a while. Sound checks – the two UK bands, a little. No Adam sound check.
Vicci Martinez – enjoyed her – wee girl, big voice. Two UK bands – okay. Boys
like Girls – really, really loud and couldn’t understand a lot of the words.
Sound problems for everyone – base would be okay and then all of a sudden – way
too loud. In the vids, Adam can be seen doing a lot of sound level motions, and
takes his ear buds out completely the last two? songs. Adam and his band –
fantastic. Fill in drummer okay, BUT NOT ISAAC. Listening, watching them in person, no pitch problems and they have melded as a cohesive unit. Tommy – good.
Damn, Adam is thin. Noticed various members of other bands watching from the side of the stage. Naturally, everyone wanted an encore – no go. So we went.
Driving to SF east bay in the morning took about 75 minutes – driving home 3 1/2
hours. Accident somewhere turned I-80 east into a slow moving parking lot. Got
flashed by kids in one car and talked to lady (colorado car) about SF pride.
Two young men (boyfriends) rode with me. They stayed downtown to watch pride
parade and then came to the park for Adam’s set. Very long – 5am to 10:30pm – day,
but lots of fun.
So glad you had the oppy to go and to meet up with others! The vids have a great vibe, glad it was the same in person!

Jlurk thanks for the recap, so glad it was a good day. I noticed several comments on twitter about the drummer, Heavy handed was the general consensus.
Thanks jlurksacto for the good description of the show – so it was what it felt like on the videos, something strange happened with the bass. First couple of songs ok, then it messed up the sound (on the video). Did you noticed who took care of the sound things, was there a mixing board or every performer took care it themselves?
To the left side of the stage was the sound board (I think). Vicci and the two
UK bands used the same person. “Bs like Gs” and Adam had their own tech.
Vicci http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRHt-5S4yXI
Graffiti 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2mzR8rSUO0
Scars on 45 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3MA3Sku6AM
Boys Like Girls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSiPdCn7hAc
Hello! Just in to see the final video: Hot Stuff and Cuckoo. Fantastic – I love Adam’s Hot Stuff in every sense of the word.
Anyone else notice what wonderful chemistry Adam and Brian have? Around the 2 minute point you can especially see it. Brian has an infectious smile and he’s really enjoying himself onstage and Adam is mugging for him a bit.
Oh, just checked back a bit and am so happy to see that jlurksacto made it to the event. Sounds like a good day was had by all. Meeting up with SUZ and @tchrsd must have made it feel like old home week.
Going to be seeing @tchrsd in Uk very soon!
Been a bit busy but I understand that there are videos of Ron singing online. Have to check that out….