- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Wohoo, for the first time I am first
Thanks for the thread and beautiful poster!
And with that I say good night! More after I take a long disco nap!
Sweet dreams AL! I am just catching up videos from yesterday, how wonderful that someone brave heart broke the rules about videotaping
Adam just looked and sounded wonderful! And wonderful audience. Now back to vids.
I like it when he opens with Trespassing. To me it sets the stage for the rest to come. Of course I’m at work so it doesn’t much matter!
Lady North you may be holding down the fort because I think everyone is asleep!
Just realized this may be the last show until Phoenix in October unless something else pops up.
Yes Luval I guess I am “home” alone
Who would get up this early Sunday morning in American continent if not forced to… especially if there is no live stream. And yes, I also prefer Trespassing start. For me Kickin in is the least favorite song of the album.
I’ll go and check if I find some info in twitter, if not, start to think about lunch.
damn I found a link to live stream but can’t see anything… Some people can, some don’t. I don’t know what I do wrong, but I give up. Hunting some pics instead.
Pics from the show were so dizzy I don’t post them…
Lady north. Sneaking a post here. Kickin in is my least favorite too. Goes on forever. But I guess we can’t like every single song. And some more than others, of course.
Hi Luval. Yep, having faves and non-faves is only natural
Now hungry and off for lunch. Lazy rainy Sunday… My “guy” seems pissed of my focusing lap top only, have to give his some quality time too.
I post this one pic. Silver striped pants. Is there again panties on the stage or what is that fabric in his hand??
The answer:
lockerz.com/s/236214283 RT @bani_: My friend took off her shirt during NL&threw it to the stage.He grabbed it&threw it back to her!!Eeeee!
What is with the nkd worthless talk on the last thread? Absolutely not, honey. Please take it easy on the summer weekend. Sending good thoughts your way.
So glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t love Kickin’ In. It’s good but at the bottom of my list. Have to be in the right mood for it, whereas all the other songs can put me in their mood in a minute.
I slept in. Gather there is no livestream?
LadyNorth I think this is what it was.
Well he did say he wanted us to get naked!
I like Kickin In, it is down on my list, but I don’t skip it. I skip BTIKM, but otherwise listen to the whole CD straight thru.
I always repeat Runnin though.
mlg beautiful poster again. You are a master and we appreciate all your time and effort. And it gives us so much joy, thank you.
I skip BTIKM, too! That and Kickin’ In are my bottom two. I love everything else. On my way home I always skip to Runnin’ so it’s playing while I walk the last block to my house. Love it!
I think I figured out why bonus tracks aren’t usually singles: they can’t help to sell the regular cd, which is the one most people buy. So sads.
BTW, just ran around twitter looking for a livestream and something happened last night on Twitter. Whatever Adam saw, he tweeted that from here on in he will block Glamberts who are negative.
I don’t know what he saw on his feed but this is the second weekend in a row that he has had a twitter party and bumped into negative tweets on his feed. I am sure he has seen things before but it may be getting to him.
Why do fans fight? It breaks my heart. I hate waking up to bad drama.
Good morning!

I would so hate for a few bad (read: entitled, controlling, angry) fans to tip Adam off of twitter and those spontaneous interactions that we all love so much, and that seem to be so important to Adam.
But I love that he is so alpha about it, and smacks them down every time!
Am over in the chat thread for now.
WWFM from Osaka
Thanks HK fan That was beautiful, even if the fan was filming from a distance, his voice just soared. Interesting to hear the piano accompaniment.
Almost true for me. My very least is Broken English, making Kickin In next to last on my list.
There are a couple of blurry pics of Sauli backstage, one of them with Adam. The girl on twitter said she took one right after a friend said Adam quickly kissed Sauli.
I love this tweet
some pics
These photos were great! Adam was having a good time, I bet audience too
And Ashley in the second photo looks hot too – sweat or oil on her skin
Above I posted the backstage pic of Adam and Sauli, the nearest I can figure out, from twitter translations, lol, is:
Adam went off stage during “thank you (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)”, and wiped himself with a towel and gave Sauli a quick kiss before returning to stage. AWW
Glambotgram and firstimerob thanks for posting this stuff. Today is a much harder day for picking up videos and photos. Just found this link to a partial Chokehold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u8D4YMG9E4&feature=youtu.be
Lots of dancing in Shady. I love that. I think Adam is actually a very good dancer (years in clubs paying off), he should do it more. I don’t always care for the very choreographed routines that some pop stars do, I prefer when the moves come out naturally. And those zebra pants are worth the price of entry alone. I remember someone thinking they were somehow lit from within, they are THAT sparkley. BTW: I love Kickin In.
When I click on the video above I’m getting all sorts of weird stuff. First a show about Navy Seals, then some Japanese singing group.???.?.
Calgary, I just returned home and tried them, they both work fine for me.
Videos from the same person as yesterday
Official photos
Really HOT Fever
Just slowly getting into my Sunday.
Glad to see riddle601b again… was in London too.
Thanks everyone for finding videos and pics!
Looks like riddle601b could not record all the songs.
riddle601b takes such good vids! Too bad she got blocked.
That Fever was fabulous. Looks like he’s hitting his concert stride again!! He gets hotter and hotter in these shows one day after the other.
Off to OZ now, right?
Love those pants…Glad that some glitter is back… And I love what those VJJ’s singers are wearing… with a touch of yellow…
And I also love Kickin In, even though I think it would work better if it is sung after Trespassing… but I guess Adam just wants the audience to “bounce” as soon as possible…
Enjoying these videos: Kickin in, Shady, Fever… after a hectic sunday as it was the biggest religeous holiday of the year at my place… Bonus: visiting elder relatives and close friends and eating lots of food…
ETA: I have a new favorite : “Shady”…
I think this person has most of the concert
Thanks HK fan. Will post all those up top.
Loving loving Cuckoo from aquariusadam.
He really let it loose there! Now I get the “vocally masturbating” references.
Simply a great performance.
OMG Cuckoo. So. much. fun. I love the freestyling (or whatever else he calls it).
Why have y’all not been all over this? Huh???
Adam kissing Sauli just off stage at about 0.25-0.26.
When I got home I saw talk on twitter from about 6 hours ago. It was crackin me up!
I like seeing tweets like these.
Just out of my first @adamlambert gig in Osaka! Never moved so much at a show in my life. Didn’t want it to end but id have died if it hadnt Retweeted by mmyy9
I’ve been to 100s of gigs in my life & always thought I enjoyed myself at them but NONE compare to ADAM tonight. i’d have danced til I died.
No one threw underwear on stage, it was a tshirt.
@milwlovesadam Cuckoo is a great encore… My number 2 fav of the album… (still have a soft spot for “Naked Love”)…
Finally I hear Tommy giving a great solo…(I haven’t seen other “Cuckoo’s lately so I don’t know how Tommy is in those)…
The whole band is so ready now for a Trespassing Tour…