- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
On my way to Fort Myers now. Incredible show last night, one of the best I’ve ever seen from Adam. He looked so confident and happy, the crowd was extremely enthusiastic and knew all the words to all the songs. Adam knew that was his crowd!
Amusing quote from the W-B newspaper review this morning:
Obviously they don’t know what fandom they are dealing with!
Yes, sorry about that! I set the titles up so I can just plug in the videos later.
More vids have been added above. More to come…tap…tap…tap
Pas de probleme AL – it’s always nice to have something to look forward to.
Back from the gym and guess what? My trainer’s favourite song so far is Outlaws of Love! She says that she can tell that he’s singing it from the heart. I told her what it was about and I think she likes it even more now.
She also loves Runnin’ a whole lot.
She made me guess so I ran through a few songs like Shady and Naked Love and she said yes (especially to Shady) but they’re not her favourite.
I can tell she listened to it more than once but I bet she starts to like the faster ones because she’s going to bring her speakers and play the fast ones for my next exercise session and I know she’s going to fall in love with them.
I hope she adds a few of them to her exercise class tape. That will reach a few ears!
I got through TSP and Kickin In so far.
What the??
Those dance moves at the end of Kickin In!!!!!!!!!!!
((( Somebody quick. Mils needs a floor scraper. I’m. Thud. )))
IKR? I know I’ve mentioned this before, but must say it again… This song will be so much fun for Adam and his audiences each night throughout his tour.
Looking forward to it!
Also, note to self: Be sure to stand in the front row with my arms crossed, especially during Naked Love.
AL, thank you so much for bringing to us this great concert from Wilkes-Barre, and a special thanks to all of you who attended and brought “home” goodies from the show!
LOL, dcglam, I had the exact same thought when I was watching that vid earlier! Then I was wondering what might ensue if I somehow stood with my hand over my mouth…? Ah, well, a gal can dream, can’t she?
Yes it is! Thanks mlg!
The new thread is up for tonight’s Spring Fling at Six Flags.
Come on over and try out the roller coasters and stay for the concert. Hoping that we will get dinner but not sure yet.
Tommy cam from Wilkes-Barre!
aww, great ending on cuckoo.
Hi all-
First chance on a computer since last night! So great to have dinner in the pleasurable company of Kradamour, Adamized,Sparkle,mmm222,Nkd,luval, turquoise waters,cgesq,Ovation impact and ???(can’t remember name right now).It was a great way to start a memorable night.Several had already had brief “encounters” with our boy and excitement was building.
The 3 acts prior to Adam were barely tolerable and in some instances almost painful. ADam however was at the top of his game-happy, bouncy, vocally adept and working on changing up some of those songs to include great dance moves. He was so comfortable. From where I was sitting in the mezzanine, we lost a lot of the good “wails” due to the sound not projecting high enough to us and getting drowned out by the screams each time he went and hot those notes we love.Other than that great seats.
Adam as the last act after some younger dudes came out dressed most appropriately, I thought. He seemed dressed younger and and a little more dressed down. Sneaker type shoes raher than boots,etc. It looked right and felt right under the current circumstances.
The show itself was fabulous–we were his and he was ours for 45 wonderful minutes. Chokehold was a new introduction and was terrific. How long will we be able to get these semi-intimate shows?? Get ’em while we can. So glad I made it happen for me!
After the show was when we all became fangirls & the Duke!(fanboy?!) went out and waitedby the bus and equipment truck with a lot of people. We waited and waited and waited…forever it seemed. the crowd thinned a bit. Security wasn’t bad but we all wondered whether we’d get close to out boy. And then it happened. he came out but with so many taller peeps and everyone with cells phones and cameras high over their heads-I could barely see the top os his hair. I had brought Trespassing CD with me…just in case.But how to get close enough. But Adam gracioussly gave of his time and himself so very generously. He kept signing anything and everything he was asked to.The Duke pushed me forward and Adam asked peeps who had gotten things signed to move back 3 inches so thers could come forward. Thatis when I got my liner notes signed.!! The closest I’ve ever been. He hands it back and looks right at you. Very flustering! All the GNT shows I attended I never waited by the buses but when you’re with a group the group metality brings you along. I also managed to have him sign my ticket and the Duke cam up with having him sign his solid yellow tie that he;d worn with black pants and black shirt, So he asked Adam who thought it was a cool idea and took his time to sign fairly nicely and straight and if it were an inch lower it would have been in the exact middle; But pretty perfect we think. After that the Duke became a mini celebrity with so many peeps asking to take his pic with the autographed tie. It was all very exciting and didn’t end there. But this computer I’m using is a bit wonky right now and I don’t want to lose what I alreday wrote, So might be back later with a bit more.
This is mmm222’s recap that was posted in the May thread.
Just dropped into this thread for a look at Cuckoo which was posted late. Just want to say that the show sounds amazing and I’m so happy to read the recaps and find out that so many of our gang got to meet Adam as well.
Have to say that as much as I’ve enjoyed all the recent concert vids, Wilkes Barre is by far the best show on this tour.
Thanks little duchess and mmm222 – you made me so sad I wasn’t there. Which is EXACTLY the way I want to feel!
The thread for today’s concert is up. Twitter has been active so might as well get that one going too! See you on the lawn amphitheater over there!
Thanks AL. That balcony view of Kickin In is just yummy. Those moves, Oh-oh my!!
Added this balcony view of Naked Love above.
Hi all! Sorry to be posting this recap so late! It took me a couple of days after seeing Adam in Wilkes Barre to recover enough to form semi-coherent sentences and attempt a recap, lol. And then RL interfered and I didn’t post right away. In the meantime Adam has been to several other states, done two more concerts, flown to Toronto, done a bunch of interviews and hosted a television show, among other things! And that’s after also doing an early morning concert before the Wilkes Barre concert. I really don’t know how he does it.
I’m also impressed with all who can remember enough to post detailed recaps. A lot of it is a blur to me. Sensation overload!
Here’s what I remember.
I was sitting in the 16th row, left of center. The sound for the opening acts wasn’t great. Neon Hitch’s voice was almost completely obscured by the band. But I loved her drummer guys! And was impressed with her shoes! Kevin Rudolph has no charisma. None. The Cab were charming in a low key way, but from where I was sitting, the singer was painfully off-key. And that’s not something I normally notice. It was strange to me that so many people thought he was good — but it pretty clearly had to do with where you were sitting. People near me heard what I did; people in the mezzanine and maybe other places thought he was good. In general, the sound mix seemed MUCH better for Adam.
Adam’s band came out. I LOVE the backup singers (and they kind of function as dancers, too). I have to admit, I hardly notice Isaac and Brian — they are kind of in the background. But I think they’re good. (I’m amending that statement – saw a vid from DC where Brian is dancing as he plays – thought it was fabulous). Love Ashley’s vibe and her playing — really fantastic. Tommy still looks so tentative and shy when he first comes onstage. But I think he’s doing a great job on guitar — I really prefer his playing to Monte’s (eww, sorry for mentioning that name!). Very different styles. M was technically proficient but IMO boring. Tommy has a more interesting style, IMO, and his playing seems more suited to the funkier songs on Trespassing. This is all just my VERY uneducated, subjective opinion. But I digress….back to the concert…
As Adam entered, everyone in the entire place was on their feet. This is theMAIN thing I remember: Adam EXUDES star quality. He RADIATES energy. I don’t even have words for it. I keep thinking he’s a force of nature. But then again, his energy and charisma are so extreme that I think, no, it’s not natural. Clearly he is an alien.
He sounded amazing, but we’ve come to expect that. But it’s always a surprise just HOW amazing. Gorgeous vocal playfulness and energy (there’s that word again). There were also a few things that for me were noticeably different than the other performances I’ve seen. One was his confidence. I remember, especially at the beginning of the Glam Nation tour, that he seemed just SLIGHTLY tentative, especially in the first moments of the show. There is none of that now. He appears completely sure of himself. And one of the ways that manifests itself is in his dancing and his gestures. So precise, so perfect, so fluid, and so playful all at the same time. His dancing is sexy and lulzy all at once. As are his gestures. I particularly noticed the gestures during Kickin In — rapid, funny, perfect. He’s clearly letting loose and being totally himself in his superhuman, charismatic, humorous, gender-transcending way. And again, the ENERGY that pours off the stage and into the audience is phenomenal.
I can’t remember a whole lot about the individual songs — it all goes by so fast, and I just remember dancing a lot. But I mentioned Kickin In and the gestures that he used in that. Kickin In was by far my least favorite song on the album when I first listened, with Naked Love a close second as least favorite. But I’ve totally warmed up to Naked Love
and Kickin In is a lot of fun live. So there you go. I listened a lot to the album on the drive up and back to WB, and I really love the whole thing more and more. I like ALL the bonus songs a LOT, but I can see why they don’t fit as well on the album as the others. My very favorites right now are Shady and Take Back, but I love so many others as well — Trespassing, Pop that Lock, Runnin, Chokehold…and all the others, lol.
What took place outside after the show is VERY much a blur to me — I’m amazed at the detail that many of you remembered. I waited near the bus after the show with cgesq and others from our dinner group. I knew from past experience I would feel some regret if I didn’t wait and Adam did come out. But while I’m glad I got to see Adam ‘in person’ (1st time seeing him off stage), the whole experience of people crowding around trying to get autographs kind of unsettles me. It’s partly that I’m basically an introvert and just kind of want to fade into the woodwork in that circumstance. So I’m thrilled for all of you who were able to have an encounter with Adam, either before or after the show; I think I’m good with just observing from a distance, lol. (And cgesq, thanks for grabbing my ticket and getting Adam to sign it when it was clear that my timid, hesitant ass was not going to go for it!).
I’m so glad I got to meet so many of you at the dinner and after the show. Thanks, cgesq, for inviting me to come along!!! <3 <3 <3 !!! It was great to meet Kradamour, adamized, little duchess and the duke, nkd, sparkle, turquoisewaters, luval, mmm222, glambotgram, and ovationimpact. Hope I didn’t forget anyone. Oh, and eywflyer! Thanks for the work that you put into creating and maintaining this blog. I am primarily a lurker here, but really appreciate it all!
haha, was only going to post a 'short' recap, lol
Thanks for the ‘short’ recap Ksha518. Glad to see that you met so many peeps from here as well as see Adam perform.
ksha518, what a wonderful recap! I was going to write one (eventually…) but no need. You said beautifully everything I was thinking about Adam and that performance, his new uberconfidence, and our response. So glad that I had a chance to meet you! and so enjoyed our chat while we hung out at the bus.
Totally agree that the backup singers double as dancer stand-ins, I just love them.
And agree also about Tommy.
And your take on the opening acts.
So basically, I’ll just say “yes, me too!” and thank you for posting! I enjoyed living it over again.
My only regret is that I am “out of practice” and had forgotten to take my CD to be signed. On the other hand, not getting a signature myself allowed me to really enjoy watching others interact with Adam, so it’s all good!
Will add that the dinner at the hotel was UGH-ish and I posted a terrible review on our behalf on OpenTable. But honestly, who cares about dinner when the main course was so yummy?
turquoisewaters photo of Adam in Wilkes-Barre:
Thanks, Ron – I love that photo, Adam looks so zen…the calm at the eye of the storm! Turquoise, thanks for sharing!
Ksha518 First,it was nice to meet you too. I guess I never knew your blog name, only your real name so couldn’t refer to you properly in my review except to say “I can’t remember her name”. Sorry!
Your recap was right on the mark and I enjoyed it all especially your images of being at the buses. (I never got back to that part as I wrote on he road and my computer wanted to fail) BUT I really felt what you described above. Despite the fact that I did get an autograph on the CD liner notes it was with great effort. I’m short and had trouble getting in that crowd and I’m not pushy and wouldn’t do well trying to elbow my way in. The Duke had to yell at me that at the rate I was going I’d never get it. And I didn’t want him to do it for me! So I did but with the crowd that was there it felt like it was from a distance. But later as the crowd thinned I got bolder and asked Adam much closer in to sign my paper ticket and that really unnerved me. I went to say “thanks, Adam…see you Sunday’ and what came out was ‘Wednesday”, then corrected to ‘Monday” and finally to “Sunday” and I left feeling really dumb and embarassed. So it is harder for some of us more than others.I would love to meet him once but not sure I could pull it off. I kinda like the signings like Ron did…that kind of format might fit me better.
Here is the official video of Adam’s performance and meet and greet from KRZ in Wilkes Barre (not sure it has been posted?), it is a 5 minute “readers digest” version and quite good:
From the “For What It Is Worth” department…I recorded the entire concert from beginning to end and just posted it on youtube. Caveat: this is not a professional quality recording! But it is the whole set, uninterrupted. Adamized and I had front row mezzanine seats, just off-center, and I decided at the last minute to make a souvenir video from our vantage point. There was a solid railing to support the camera, so I didn’t need to view the show through the viewfinder – I just set the camera down, hit “record”, and hoped for the best.
It is what it is! I think it gives a very good overall idea of the concert – also shows the first couple of rows of peeps and their excitement – but you need to watch the individual vids taken by peeps with better cameras in conjunction with this one.
I actually opened two screens on my monitor, with my vid on the left, and play the individual vids on the right-hand screen (obviously, with the sound muted on one of them) and it is pretty cool.
Anyway, here it is:
What a fabulous souvenir, Kradamour! I loved watching this show from “your perspective”. It was also great to be able to see the entire stage as well as audience peeps throughout the show. We do miss much of that with the zoomed in vids of Adam. This was fun — thanks!!
Thanks Kradamour. I think it gives a great perspective. You have no idea how often I revisited that concert. I am so thankful there is great video available.
I am glad you liked it! I also wish that the peeps who make vids would let them go just a few seconds more to hear the applause. I LOVE to hear peeps appreciate Adam!

Kradamour thanks for posting! Loved seeing the entire concert from “our” perspective. It is a pleasure to see the whole stage and get a birds eye view of his wonderful dance moves and interactions.