TOHT moves to New Jersey tonight. Adam and the gang are performing at the State Theater in New Brunswick. Let’s see if the set list is expanded tonight after having shortened sets for the casino shows.
Alex Newell kicks things off again at 8 PM with Adam following around 9 PM EST.

Poster by @mlg621.

Enjoy the concert and the chat!

World Clock: State Theater (New Brunswick, NJ) – 8:00 PM EST

Dinner: mixlr – theosgma, mixlr – nica575

Set List: Evil in The Night/FYE, Ghost Town, Underground/Rumors, WWFM, Lucy, After Hours, Mad World, Another Lonely Night, The Light/The Original High/NCOE, Fever, Let’s Dance, These Boys, IIHY, Trespassing/AOBTD




“Intro/Evil In The Night” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – TALCvids

“FYE” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – Jesha84

“Ghost Town” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – TALCvids

“Underground/Rumors” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – Jesha84

“Talk/WWFM” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – TALCvids

“Lucy” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – TALCvids

“After Hours” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – TALCvids

“Mad World” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – TALCvids

“Another Lonely Night” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – Jesha84

“Break/The Light/The Original High/NCOE” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – Jesha84

“Fever” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – Jesha84

“Let’s Dance” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – jesha84

“These Boys” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – Jesha84

“IIHY” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – TALCvids

“Trespassing/AOBTD” (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16 – TALCvids


73 Responses to LIVE: State Theatre (New Brunswick, NJ) 3/1/16

  1. ultimathule says:

    Cameo Cleaners @CameoCleaners
    Thank you to Adam Lambert and the NJ State Theater for trusting us with getting wardrobe cleaned and ready for tonights show.

  2. luval says:

    lol on that tweet, ultimathule. When I saw Adam at the last 2 shows I wondered how often the clothes are cleaned. Grin

  3. rs says:

    Love the poster. They are all beautiful, but mlg621’s are instantly recognizable and so special. I love the way she incorporates the photos.

  4. cgesq says:

    At the theater! Diverse crowd. Hope it’s the expanded set list!

  5. ultimathule says:
  6. ultimathule says:

    This is on – Alex?

    Here, too –

  7. ultimathule says:

    Very organized and friendly .@adamlambert merch vendors @StateTheatreNJ And they brought plastic bags tonight! ?

  8. ultimathule says:
  9. ultimathule says:
  10. ultimathule says:

    mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
    I’m sitting front row loge and there’s a 9 year old little girl sitting next to me…. with stars in her eyes…

  11. ultimathule says:

    Hip New Jersey
    We’re in the building!

  12. ultimathule says:

    Jeff Santilli @jeffsantilli
    They put the ONE hot cop in New Jersey in charge of the Adam Lambert concert. They know what they’re doing.

  13. luval says:

    Andrea L. ‏@NJLovinLambert 16m16 minutes ago

    There are so many guys here…gay couples, older dudes, boyfriends, husbands! Heard a lot of them talkin and they dig him! Yay! #TOHUSTour

    Joe Montes ‏@notjoemontes 55m55 minutes ago New Brunswick, NJ

    What an interesting demographic at the Adam Lambert concert!

    (People are really surprised at the demographics. Wonder what they expected?)

  14. ultimathule says:

    BTIKM. .. show about to start.. going live on Mixlr.

  15. riskylady says:

    Crowd pic!

    Yay! There have been so many guys at all the concerts, of all stripes! LOVE the diverse audiences, to me the sign of a true artist!

  16. asifclueless says:
  17. ultimathule says:
  18. asifclueless says:
  19. asifclueless says:
  20. ultimathule says:
  21. asifclueless says:

    Black shoulder pads, black leggings and silver shoes.

  22. luval says:

    Sounds like he’s skipping Runnin’, Chokehold & SW again. Frown Must be they’re thinking it “tightens up” the show to shorten it a bit. But it’s early. Maybe…….

    eta: Or perhaps they just want to stick to TOH songs. Not the older tunes.

  23. luval says:

    PattiHume Retweeted
    Kathy ‏@itsmekathsea 6m6 minutes ago

    Down on my knees begging for Runnin!

  24. luval says:


  25. ultimathule says:

    Bye, periscope –

  26. ultimathule says:

    Hahaha, luval – we did it at the same time – two times!

  27. asifclueless says:

    mmadamimadamm ‏@mmadamimadamm

    From this seat, the production is so frigging spectacular! Lighting imagery choreo

  28. luval says:

    Laugh , ultimathule!

    So a couple peeps on twitter said…it’s a trade off. We lost a few songs but no more IIHY reggae!

  29. ultimathule says:

    Seriously…every person is standing!!! ?

  30. ultimathule says:

    His voice is pure heaven – ALN

  31. luval says:

    So he didn’t do a little talk before ALN? I left the room.

    Will peeps start to bombard him about the skipped songs?

    ♈ ‏@hirokoinkobe 23m23 minutes ago

    Why Did @adamlambert remove fan’s favorite songs “Runnin’, Chockhold and Sleepwalker” from the set list?! Why? Adam Why??

  32. luval says:

    One thing I noticed in the last couple of shows I went to is how thin Terrance & Holly have gotten. Maybe following Adam’s way of eating.

  33. asifclueless says:

    mmadamimadamm ‏@mmadamimadamm 1m1 minute ago

    Little girl has been on the edge of her seat the whole time. She knows the words to every song. …

  34. ultimathule says:
  35. luval says:

    PattiHume ‏@PattiHum 3m3 minutes ago

    @adamlambert Begging for Runnin/Chokehold combo back in the setlist. I felt like it was a gift to the fans. And now US doesn’t get it?! ?

  36. asifclueless says:


    Ali K @Alikat1323

    The light #TohUSTour

  37. ultimathule says:

    “Mad World” still. #TheOriginalHighTour #HipNJ

  38. luval says:

    Was NCOE even on the radio? (although I did like it). Could replace that one & Rumors with some of the missed songs IMO.

  39. luval says:
  40. asifclueless says:
  41. luval says:

    He sounds like Bowie to me on LD. Except the high parts, of course.

  42. ultimathule says:
  43. ultimathule says:

    @adamlambert where are you?

  44. ultimathule says:

    Smacking Terrance’s ass!! Lmao #adamlambert #fever #statetheatre

  45. ultimathule says:
  46. ultimathule says:
  47. ultimathule says:

    max smart @MaxmSmart
    Gotta say @adamlambert 75 minute concert is SO great but SO short. WTF?! 3 albums, idol covers plus Queen. Disappointing.

  48. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @14gelly
    Great mini clips

  49. ultimathule says:

    We saw @adamlambert before the concert ?

  50. ultimathule says:

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