- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Go Chunky!
Trespassing was cut off at the end. That last glory note was a little short.
lol. This tour could be called The Banana Family Tour. So many bananas! Am watching TFM and that’s all you see.
And he hasn’t worn his yellow & striped pants for quite a while. Unless the yellow was duck tape and he ripped it off to wear black pants.
Not sure why I like to watch the back heads of audiences. They can’t take their eyes off of motor buttocks.
@Asifclueless… yeah Singapore is one hour in advance compared to Bangkok AND Jakarta…
Hope you had a good night sleep. Have fun in “fine” city Singapore
Hi rs, yep, up already, always up at 6 during the week.
Gives me 1/2 hour on the computer before anyone else comes down. Hubby leaves for work at 7, Son leaves for school at 7.10, me and my daughter leave at 7.50…..
yeh the coat hangar was on FYE, I was standing to the left of the stage as you look, so could see it clearly, not sure if it would be visible from the front or right side.
@Luval: I went to a store and saw the bananaholder… I almost bought it, just for the concert…
It is almost 6.30 am at my place now… my biological program wakes me up every day at around 5 am-ish… except maybe after watching an Adam Lambert concert the previous night..
Gosh that floorwork of the three guys during Fever.. there goes my theory about a censored setlist…
Was this photo posted? Not sure which show this was from
From Adamtopia, here is the place to ask Adam a question.
Adam sticks up for his fans. ILHSM
Apparently this is the sweat towel Adam threw at security
HK, I am thrilled and happy you got such a terrific show.
Was it just me, or were TFM and Shout just a little sleepy?
And what is that silver thingy poking out when he does that tummy gif? Is it a piercing? Or a wire from his sound device?
Or is it an electrode linked to his GB and causing it to stay, um, erm, less “alert?”
He may have added new songs, but he sure hasn’t added anything else.
On a whole other note, Ron are you listening? I think he’ll sing Nirvana in Finland. It’s written for Sauli. Wouldn’t that be sweet? Maybe, just maybe, he would bring Sauli out, have him sit all cute on a stool, and sing to his sweetie. In public.
mils Now I was forced to look at the tummy gif. There’s something there but how do you slow down a gif?
asif, travel well, feel better, I know what it’s like to be sick and traveling to see Adam, I had a whopper of a sinus infection when I flew to Hawaii. Yucky. Goatie had to take me to an urgent care clinic straight from the airport. Felt much better by the show a couple of days later. Wish you the best.
Recaps when you can please!!
HK, you were so great to do yours so fast! WOW and thanks.
I wish I knew luval, I wish I knew…
What do you think it is? I’m going with GB reducing electrodes.
Which song was it from? I can pause the youtube!
LMFAO, mils!
I found it but still couldn’t tell. It actually does look like an electrode.
About 1:20
Oh. I see….hmmmmm….we may be on to something….
(( raises hand. Oooh. Pick me pick me Mr Kotter!! )
I will volunteer to fly over and remove the electrodes.
Who wants to take over tending to the corner while I’m gone?
We need more popcorn and sweat towels. Adam threw one away today. Waste not want not.
HK Fan: Just now got home. I want to thank you for taking the time to write a recap. Loved reading it. There is nothing like a first-person narrative. Please feel free to add as more memories pop into your head. I think you had quite a unique concert.
mils – agree about “sleepy” – almost have the feeling in certain songs (WWFM/TFM/OOL) that he slowed it down deliberately – to a singalong type of performance. The fans in the audience seemed to love being able to participate this way. Looks like he did research for Hong Kong.
ultimat, you may be on to something.
On that note, does anyone else think he may sing Nirvana for Sauli in Finland?
As for the “electrode” or whatever, I’m thinking it looks like ink. Tattoo in the nether regions??!!
Or something taped to him? Does the mic pac need something taped down for a hand mic?
ETA But then, the bulge controlling electrode could be taped in place!
Nirvana is exquisite – even the little ones here love it – like a beautiful lullaby.
HK fan, thank you for the wonderful recap!
hkfan thank you for thinking of us immediately! There is just nothing that is as good as FAST! I read your recap right after itvwas written and it gave such a clear overall impression. Much appreciated!
Not up to your standard Kradamour
I was too hyped up to go straight to bed, so thought I’d better get something down straight away.
Just wish we’d got stay and Underneath
I think with TFM he kept it fairly soft and slow rather than rockier as it was ‘the power ballad’ for the evening, rather than Underneath.
Looks like a new cuff on the left hand too?
Its nice watching the videos as I had a side view, rather than straight on, so I can see some of the smaller details that I missed.
mils – you have watched to the end of Is This Love, have you not? At 2:40, to be specific?
That 65-minute vid has great audio. Can’t see much of the stage, but have the audio on – it’s really spectacular.
It’s more than spectacular – the audio is mindboggling. That voice and the cheering of the crowd – whatta concert.
@glam_alidol – photos – http://alidol.blog.163.com/album/#m=1&aid=252379525&p=1
– you’ll need to turn your head sideways
and some great HQ videos posted by her taken by nikki
Shout – http://youtu.be/oblfoKGv7MA
Outlaws of Love – http://youtu.be/uuqVwxWcI6U
Dragon Attack and Shady – http://youtu.be/w66QPv7GpK0 (Full HQ version + banana, bra and band intro)
Fever by Nikki posted by Alidol2011 – http://youtu.be/d4HUwfV6EVQ
Time For Miracles – http://youtu.be/N9xyvXd4dcg
For your entertainment – http://youtu.be/a0ehsd-n-QA
Found some great pics of the Hong Kong show:
Gif of Adam and Terrance during Fever (hot and funny at the same time): https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0crKP5u3elg/UTY5yzrJhnI/AAAAAAAAAFE/fK4EbWV2RlI/Fever-HK-2.gif
Gif of floppy hair during TFM: http://s1113.beta.photobucket.com/user/illuxxia/media/algifs5/hk-itl-2.gif.html
Fierce! http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/6bafb8b1gw1e2fbwxvb94j.jpg
Close-up of wrist adornment: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BEmpWyDCIAEwQEm.jpg#twimg
Putting on the Chinese bra: http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/large/79561d1bjw1e2fd3l3vhoj.jpg
Yeah! http://distilleryimage6.s3.amazonaws.com/dc8ab2d485bb11e2959322000a1f9d56_7.jpg
The FYE pose: https://twitter.com/glam_alidol/status/308929862607978497/photo/1
For some reason I like the way Adam looks here: http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/large/6bafb8b1gw1e2fc3jenvfj.jpg
Love this one: http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/large/74927364gw1e2fbq0frsfj.jpg
And this one: http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/large/9aa0fe95jw1e2f9et9y1ej.jpg
Nice: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/281936_473805646020373_1548107405_n.jpg
On the floor with Terrance in Fever: https://twitter.com/Virg1877/status/308983946396459009/photo/1
Cool Trespassing shot: http://distilleryimage9.s3.amazonaws.com/b2f2797085b611e29edf22000a1e9a73_7.jpg
Very sweet pic of Adam and Tommy during band intro: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BEoqFj-CEAEINpr.jpg#twimg
A few more goodies:
Excellent quality complete video of Fever, with…ummmm… excellent vantage point visually:
Great shot of the back bend: http://twitpic.com/c91odl
“Legs up to his earlobes and leather so tight it makes you weep” https://twitter.com/SweetOnPeacexx/status/309181734249955328/photo/1
mils– what you were seeking has been found. In Hong Kong. LOL
WOW! The videos are so terrific. I enjoyed yesterday’s livestream and the sound was great but couldn’t really see much. I was way wrong about Fever. My eyes must be going ‘cos I couldn’t even see Terrance and Johnny for most of it. I was the one who put you on the wrong track Axxxel.
I agree with glambotgram about Shout and TFM – sleepy. If they keep playing these songs, they will pick up the tempo. Nice change. Seriously miss Stay/BE/Underneath, though. Can’t he just sing them all? Why not 2-1/2 hours of every song on both cds and every cover he’s ever done?
Fever was hilarious. riskylady is eagle eyes again. Adam’s hand touched his crotch, not Terrance’s. They both have gloves on – a little sleight of hand. Very cool. Keep your magnifying glass out, hon.
Now I am perplexed about the electrode – where is it?
So many thanks to HK Fan for the recaps. You focussed on filling in the info gaps and questions that came up during the livestream. Very thoughtful. I read them at work on my iPhone and was so stoked I wanted to go home.
Still can’t find the electrode. It will be years before I get to mils’s level of expertise. Sorry to display such ignorance but is it in the front or the back? I checked out the video provided and nada.
At around 19/20 secs in the FYE video above you can see the coat hanger in silhouette against the red lights. Then you can keep seeing it swinging away.
At 1.06 Reyna grabs it and quickly throws it off stage.
Darn, Reyna. I love the coat hanger. Wish Adam would tweet that. Funny enough to make the news in some places.
Thanks to everyone who brought vids, pics and gifs yesterday. Lovely stuff this morning. Getting ready for work, now. See y’all tonight – unless I succumb to Ron’s invitation to watch Idol. At some point I need to see how well the judges are keeping the seat warm for Adam next year.
HK FAN can I ask you something? What was your initial impression when you first saw the concert live. was it more than you expected, what you expected, or other? I have never seen Adam live, and probably never will, so aside from we all loving him, I am curious on what you thought. If you dont feel like you want to say that is fine with me.
He does look great in those photos doesnt he, of course singing needs not be said, it is always great. This does look like a great show, different that Glam Nation but a lot of it I kinda like better. When he started singing TFM I got a chill, I wonder why?
HK fan, loved your recaps and amazed at the speed with which you wrote them! Thank you, because watching the videos after reading is more fun!
I am just GOBSMACKED at Adam’s skill in making every show different and fun NOT ONLY for the audience (which may have seen some videos of previous concerts) but for those of us who watch them. I don’t watch anyone else’s concerts, but just wondering if anyone else loves their fans that much?
And he probably enjoys it too, likes the fresh stuff.
Very interested to see what he does in Singapore. Don’t get all the concern since he has performed there twice before.
I just love this concert, the yelling at security LOL, that FEVER which is just CLASSIC, TFM (he looked a little emotional doing that, after all it was a big deal at the time, his first big deal) and I like the rock Shout – if he keeps doing it, it will get rockier I think.
TLKC, thanks and to prove my eagle-eyes, back in Nagoya I think it was, he was wearing that chunky spiky bracelet that Carrie from VH1 tried to swipe just before she swiped that kiss…he claimed he bought it on the street in NY LOL.
ETA: Of course, there are branches of specialty in eagle-eyes, and for all matters pertaining to GB and surrounds, I yield to mils and cwm!
Hahah, I see what you mean with the hangar, so funny! And, this FYE sounded even better – I think they raised the key a tad, and the girls maybe sang along more which gave it more body (plus the audience). Anyway, it sounded good to me.
Updated videos again. At this point we are missing the intro/first part of IIHY, Pop That Lock, Chokehold, and Kickin In (band/skit only so not important).
Kudos to Reyna and Keisha for saving their man boss from hanger-embarrassment!
LULZ at the hanger.
Loved Fever.
FYE was much much better. Better tempo, just better.
The “electrode?” Maybe. During Shady, at 1:29 , during his tummy roll.
cwm. LOLOLOL Thanks for the pic. I noticed it at 24/7. I had nearly given up hope. However, there seems to be our old friend the nob, again.
I’m still going with “GB reducing electrode.” Electrodes have nobs ( I’m thinking of tele pads, like we use in hospitals ), they have a snap on them, connected to a wire.
Obviously, it can’t control every “impulse.” But, on a serious note, I can’t believe I’m saying this, maybe he really is growing unhappy with all the attention to his nether-regions. We are mainly humorous about it, even me, I’m just all talk, but in other circles, there is cray fan-fic, which really is porn, and now the penis toys thrown on stage. During the Idol tour, it was dildos, underwear, etc. Is there any other star out there who has this kind of attention?
I just love to see him enjoying himself so much that he can’t contain himself. That’s all.
This venue in HK is kind of in the middle of an Industrial area, so there really isn’t any bars or clubs to go to afterwards to unwind and recap the concert. So we went straight to the car, dropped my friend home, then came home myself. That time of night I can be home in 20-25mins.
Miss Chaos
My first concert was the HK GNT, and it blew me away even though I’d seen the videos. Then 2 Queen shows, probably best atmosphere of anything I’ve ever been too, so hard to describe.
Even though I’d seen him 3 times before, I was still really nervous all day before this one. Excited to be seeing him again, but nervous in case anything goes wrong, just always want it to be perfect for him.
He always reaches and surpasses expectations. It really is hard to put in to words what it is about him. The voice, is just amazing live, I’ve been to a fair few concerts and enjoyed most, but have never heard anyone that sounds better live than on the records. His style, looks, he just has an aura about him, the sexiness, stage presence, charisma just jumps out at you. But he also always looks like he is enjoying himself, that he really does notice things and people in the audience, he never looks like he is just going through the motions which some acts do.
HKFAN I so totally agree. Thank you so much for your recaps. Loved reading how he looked at your friend and she blushed. Those eyebeams are unforgettable.
I have seen many many concerts, many many performers, rock, pop, theater, Broadway, local theater, touring companies, and nothing compares to seeing Adam live. He just has “it” in spades, and it is addictive, a true adrenaline rush, you just want and need more more more.
Mils, I so agree with you about the “nether regions.” I have even thought that since the nob discussion, (which on Twitter was just beyond the boundaries of all restraint, and he must have seen it), maybe he was wearing the tightest spanx ever with even some kind of padding. Now seems a little more relaxed in the leather pants, but in that blue suit invisible. And of course, the audience GB sign……I mean, there will always be attention and he must know that after 3 1/2 years…..but really…..
Found the electrode. LOL. As for the knob – my rule of thumb: If mils, who has the healthiest libido on this site, says it’s a snap, it’s a snap. (And I mean healthiest as a compliment.)