- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oooh! Now the nails are silver!
What’s on his necklace?
Inquiring minds need to know
Hated those M&G pix. Adam has his M&G face on tonight.
And what is with those huge family photos?
Boy, am I ever cranky tonight. Can’t believe how upset I am about Adam’s possible facial hair. Overinvested much? (eye roll)
Well, kradamour, look at it this way. If he does shave something, it’ll be facial hair.
He did recently shave his chest.
And, with Sauli not with him, no need to worry about stubble burn whilst kissing! So, let it grow!
Adam on fire.
Cuckoo Adam
Dattass needs tighter jeans
From back of stage.
stank face
hair still looks pretty high
Adam backstage
You guys are so funny about Adam’s supposed facial hair. The poor man has been running nonstop for days now — Idol in LA on Thursday, Chicago on Friday, Boston on Saturday, and Philly this evening. Whew — Who has time to shave?!?! LOL, it kind of reminds me of baseball players during the World Series with their grueling schedule. IMO, Adam is stunningly beautiful with or without the facial hair. The eyes are still the same.
cool picture
skull necklace
So I’m back from Springle. Left right after Adam. In fact many many people did. Long line of cars. Very much an Adam crowd I thought. They loved NCOE and Cuckoo! And of course WWFM. The tongue from AI came out when he sang some of the glory notes. Honestly I didn’t notice facial hair or that his hair seemed any shorter. But he did seem a bit unkempt. Clothes were baggy. Not saying it was a bad thing. Just looked like he rolled out of bed!! Which he probably did with his schedule.
Crowd around me were loud Adam fans and started the “ADAM!” chant several times. Little girls were dancing in the aisles.
He did not do the naked love audience thing as you may know from dinner.
All in all I loved the show! It was Adam F Lambert for heaven’s sake. Can’t wait to see him at WB. Smaller, more intimate theater. It’s gonna be a blast!
Thanks luval!
So nice to have an on-site correspondent!
luval, glad that you enjoyed the show!
So who is going to the W-B show on Friday?
eywflyer, luval, Kradamour, glambotgram, mmm222, sparkle, little duchess and the duke…anybody else?
glambotgram, Loved the backstage interview! Radio guy had great rapport with Adam…was very cute–did you see those dimples?! And, bless his heart, he asked about Runnin!!
fwachdr Yes it was a question from twitter about Runnin, I think Adam is getting the hint that we love it.
AL, we also have nekkid and adamized in WB, and cgesq and turquoisewaters.
The Delightful Dozen!

The Dashing Dozen!
The _____ Dozen!
Daring, Diva, Delectable, Dazzling, Dancing, Damn Fine, Decadent
Loved the backstage interview with Maxwell….You can tell how much Maxwell likes Adam and admires him….and Adam is so confortable with him….
OMG. So much goodness.
He didn’t look disheveled to me. Except in the saggy pants butt department. But, hey, he prolly didn’t have time to get them washed and dried between shows.
Hmmm. Where’s Neil? Sounds like Adam needs someone to do the wash.
I hope he keeps hearing about Runnin. I just flove that song.
That backstage interview was all kinds of fun.
Luval, I am so glad you had such a good time!
That interview was really cute, especially love Adam’s little laugh at the end!
AL, we also have nekkid and adamized in WB, and cgesq and turquoisewaters
has gone to the airport to pick up
for W-B as well. A bunch of St Agathe-ers revisited. Have fun everyone!!

Thanks Kradamour and cher.
Looks like there will be a baker’s dozen at WB this Friday then.
eywflyer, luval, Kradamour, glambotgram, mmm222, sparkle, little duchess, the duke, nkd, adamized, cgesq, turquoisewaters and ovationimpact…
Geez, there will be more ALL peeps there than here! It should be a fun night for all – even those of us unable to be there.
Looks like Adam has a few days to celebrate his #1 album so you will probably get a great performance. He will close the concert so won’t have to rush through his set. Can’t wait until then!
I added a link to the performance photos from the Q102 website. Videos to come. Post any good ones that you find here and I’ll add them above.
Trespassing – Jesha84
Kickin’ In
Wow! I think he looked damn good last night! I don’t know if I have ever seen him look sexier:
Glad you had fun luval!
luval Thank you for the recap and so glad you had fun.
See you Friday.
tuke18 pictures http://twitpic.com/e/2fo1
I love love love having Brian on keyboards! He adds so much – love how they’ve taken some of the more complicated recordings and adjusted them for live performances, love how he sings/chants/ raps (pleez more rapping!), love how he gets the audience involved with claps, AND he’s really hawt.
Just dropping in to say good morning! Have to watch these videos tonight. So glad you liked the concert luval. Is there no video of NCOE? See you guys tonight.
Adam’s #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NCOE and other videos added up top. They are trickling in. If you see any really good ones, post them here and then I can add them later.
Texas, I agree. Brian is so animated on stage. He even talks back to Adam kind of like Paul Shaffer on Letterman.
All the TALC videos