- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Whatta beautiful profile that man has – love the poster!
Good afternoon! Thought the same thing, ultimathule.
possible dinner?
Just got back from doing groceries and picking up a new computer!
And just in time for Adam to come on.
It seems like the band was out enjoying the rides today!
Ahh the benefits of playing in the band!
LOL….. Love Brian!!
She did the stream last night too! Seems that she is going to the concert tomorrow night too since she is on the twitter list! Yay!
Is it an outside concert? It’s raining cats and dogs here in NYC.
Seems that there is a perfect weather in Agawam, Mass. Eighties with low humidity, no rain in sight.
Yes. I would have thought that the stage was covered but it doesn’t look like it from this photo.
I checked Agawam weather. Seems to be perfect. I noticed a long time ago, that Adam has some deal with God regarding weather…
Outdoor stage setup
However..no matter how hot it would be, Adam will play brussel sprout again. I believe that what I saw in St.Agathe is as close to nekkid Adam as ever will be. (Shucks)
Ummm. Even the storm that broke out at the end of St Agathe yielded a lot of greatness. And it took a downpour to get him to take off his vest. Gah. Those videos and pictures of him in that wet shirt wet skin wet-neck were quite memorable.
So, let’s see.
Things we need to do:
Get him drunk before he goes on stage.
Stand with crossed arms in front of him.
Act crazy at M&G
Sing along the right way to Naked Love
Stank Face
Weather looks good for tomorrow too – sunny 80’s, light winds. I believe it is outdoors too with lawn seating. Bring a blanket!
Ooh. Oksana I was typing while you had same thoughts! Hi!
I have a date with my treadmill. I’ll catch up later.
mlg thank you so much for the lovely poster. That profile. Mmmmm.
Tweets are funny.
“Adam will be here eventually”
What else is new?
I’ll swear, he does it on purpose..
) Playing hard to get.. hehehe
Well, we might see some leg!
Dinner is served! ADAM !!!!!! ADAM!!!!!! ADAM!!!!! NUMBER ONE!!!!!!NUMBER ONE!!!!! They are all screaming. He’s probably not on for another couple of hours. (???). This is great!
hmmmmm he’s on now??
oooooh nice calves
haha – tank top with yellow $ signs!? and cut off shorts. Yep, Glam is so last year!
Arms and legs and $ signs – oh my!
He is really moving in those capri pants! It’s about time in this warm weather! Appropriate for outside. I noticed yellow and black either boas or pom poms in the audience earlier.
Does he just have his jeans rolled up?
Did he just say “break it up” to peeps in the audience or was he talking about Chokehold? lol
Bootie shot!
I’m not on team clamdiggers. They cut him off and don’t make him look as long and lean as he is.
If he’s hot, just take off the leather vest baby.
Or, maybe don’t wear big ‘ol army boots.
I do like the swag shirt though.
mils… agree.I don’t think clamdiggers look good on anyone! Short, tall, skinny, hefty. NO. Maybe if they were looser…like the hip hoppers wear them. But even those cutoffs look awful on anyone IMO. I’d rather see him in in the turquoise shorts or shorts like that but not turquoise!
Don’t want to seem dumb but AL, that bootie shot…those were cut slits???
Another one down and one to go.
I’ll post pics, vids and other bits from tonight’s concert as soon as they come available.
Who is attending tomorrow night’s concert from ALL? There will be a thread for that concert as well.
Looks like just stripe details on a back pocket. It’s not very clear.
AL…you are probably right. If it was REAL bootie we would have had a scream from the audience that would reach into outer space! (Planet Fierce)
Tomorrow’s concert will be Kradamour, nkd, Adamized, littledutchess & Duke. Can’t remember who else but I know others from here are.
I’ll be there with six family members in tow.
Adam looks adorable, and I totally agree.
I am one who wears capris all the time during the warmer months, especially at work. Please tell me what the difference is between clamdiggers and capris. Thanks!
AL, here is a list for you….
little dutchess and the Duke
ultimathule and family (7)
ovationimpact and friends (3)
glambotgram and family
Sorry to have left you out dcglam & ultimathule! Have a wonderful time.
I think of clamdiggers as tighter and fall just below the knee. Capris (to me) are longer…mid length somewhere above the ankle to mid calf. I like capri pants…the longer type nearer the ankle. I’m probably wrong! I always think of the J.C. Penney ads that come in the paper. Full of capri’s.
eta: omg left more out! Sorry! When it isn’t about me my mind goes blank!

Plus ulti+6, dcglam, cwm…I’ll check the planning thread to see who’s going to dinner – a real dinner!
There better be real dinner here!
In the NCOE video thread at MJ’s, two people mentioned they were going to National Harbor – poster named “Marie” and another “Jennifer Mcconville.”
Wonder what he did for him?
Thanks dcglam! Quite the gang! You guys will have a blast! And we all know that concerts on the last night are the best! Although Adam might cut it short so he’ll be fresh for his date with Ron on Monday in Toronto!
Alikat will be there and she has served dinner the other nights. We should not go hungry on Sunday.
But if that doesn’t happen, I’ll have to eat my words. 
Adam finally has his flames coming out of the top of his head!
Lots of great pics here – @tuke18
Hi everyone – I’m here at the National Harbor now (flew in today) and did some reconnaissance work to check out the venue for tomorrow. This place is a trip! The Gaylord Hotel is HUGE and its lobby is like Disneyland (except that it’s sponsored by Dreamworks – seriously!).
The concert will be outside looking over the Potomac – there’s a grassy amphitheater that faces toward the stage, with the water behind it. Really pretty. And not particularly big, so it will be one of those more intimate shows. It will be very interesting to see what the crowd is like – how many are Adam fans and how many are otherwise just guests of the hotel for the weekend. And given that it’s on hotel grounds and hotel guests will be able to hear it, I wonder how Adam will comport himself. teehee. Should be interesting and fun!
Can’t wait to meet everyone from ALL who’s coming, and can’t wait for the show!!! If the weather is anything like it was this evening, it will be beautiful. Hot and humid during the day, but beautiful by evening.
Bring it on! It’s been two long years since I’ve seen Adam live onstage and I’m ready!!
Hi cwm!
I’m glad you made it into DC safe and sound. I’m looking forward to getting together with you this year as we couldn’t make it happpen last year at this time when you were in town.
I am thinking that the Gaylord will be fairly packed with Adam fans. The radio station (FRESH 94.7) has been doing an awesome job of promoting Adam and this concert for the past couple of weeks in this area. I’ve heard NCOE a countless number of times on their station as well as WWFM. It seems that BTIKM has gotten lost in the shuffle somehow. Anyway, this radio station has a “Win $500 With Fresh Artist Of The Day.” Yesterday the Fresh Artist Of The Day was Adam Lambert. Peeps could win $500 for being the ninth caller after hearing one of his songs on the radio. There were also many other opportunities to win tickets during this past week. I have all good things to say about this station that the Fab Four visited just two months ago. They are totally supporting our boy!
Hi, dcglam – only listened intermittently to the radio, but yesterday, for the first time, heard 94.7 play BTIKM.
Don’t know if they ever played it before or have since. But it was delightful to hear.
Yay! Glad to hear that, ultimathule….