- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I use this page for all translations.
It auto detects the language and provides what could be a lengthy article translation into English instantly.
I think it might be a little better than Google.
Keisha and the gang backstage before the show.
Thanks Ron! I went back and added the MS translator version to my previous posts. You can do a tab to tab comparison to see which is best. Neither is perfect though but certainly better than nothing and always good for a chuckle.
Thank Sunsister for that. She found the interview. I just posted a working link.
I love how Adam interacts with young people.
Then, thank you sunsister!
Agree, AL, and I they had a couple of new questions too. He didn’t seem to mind answering the “favorite” questions either. Probably because it’s been a long time since anyone asked “what is your favorite dessert!”
So it seems he’s fitting the songs with the country. (TFM)
Thanks for pointing out the set backdrops are positioned as zebra legs mils. Mlg does an amazing job every time. I love Purple Rain, too. Also Enter Sandman. I think my rock-loving brother might come around to Adam if I could show him that. He would love it, right up to the kiss. Please let Adam perform that again sometime.
ok…truth coming out…I LOVE Prince but do not like the song Purple Rain.
In my mind I think of it as Adam “singing” Fame. Doesn’t do much for his vocals. IMO of course!!!
Here is a 34 second crumb from Jakarta
I LOVE Prince, too. Kiss, Cream, Peach and Nothing Compares 2 U. Purple Rain isn’t vocally demanding but it’s in “Shout” territory – rock anthem. If Adam could make it his like Sinead o’Connor made “Nothing Compares”, it would be mind-blowing. Like Adam re-making Mad World.
I want a whole slice. I want cake….
Great HK interview. Those kids did a great job. Happy to hear his label is represented there. Protecting their precious property. Any nay-sayers on MJ’s who insist that Adam’s contract is up-in-the-air can put that in their pipe and smoke it.
My favorite Prince song is When Doves Cry although am not sure it would be a good fit for Adam vocally.
More crumbs:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhLwFwlmBa8 IIHY
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP7o0gk6ve8 MA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntJVARZRyBw&feature=youtu.be NCOE
These are awful.
It seems that these are videos of videos so the sound is not that great. The original links that he has listed have better sound but they still are just crumbs.
NCOE – https://path.com/p/4rAHlP
Here’s the twitter account of the one posting some of the original crumbs.
Opening http://path.com/p/28KFpj
Never Close Our Eyes http://path.com/p/4rAHlP
Kickin In https://path.com/p/2uhckN ,https://path.com/p/1Aop6u
Awesome ending! https://path.com/p/31kYkE
That WAS an awesome ending (unless he forgot the words).
Here’s another twitter account of one posting some of the original crumbs.
MA https://path.com/p/4phHqX
That was a great interview from the HK young post people…(I knew there would be something in there, but totally forgot to buy a copy
My older kids love bubble tea……knew the conversation would come round to food, Hong Kongers favourite thing – eating!
I love Shout, I didn’t like purple Haze, sandman, or AYGGMW. Loved 20th century boy though…..
The only complaint I heard in HK was It wasn’t long enough…
(the concert, that is!). Adam actually sings a fair few songs, but he rushes through them, often without a break. He could chat a bit more, even put longer instrument solos in, just to make it all last longer!
I really like Music again too, I always thought it would have made a good single as it was very ‘pop’ sounding.
Thanks for the recap Axxxel, glad you had a wonderful time.
luval says:
Mine too! (I’m a big fan.) But I am not sure if I want Adam to cover Prince songs. Prince has a very unique singing and performance style, it would be very hard to do it justice. Although “Cream” is like written for/about Adam. Such a saucy song.
I agree with others: Music Again out, Sleepwalker or another rock song in.
I’m still dreaming of more Zep. Kashmir. I would die for it. He would kill it.
Kashmir, Ring of Fire, Chokehold, Fever, Sleepwalker. WLL.
CPR would be needed.
@HK fan…I thought Music Again would have been a great single also..A favourite of my daughter from FYE..Her favourite is Underneath from Trespassing…She loves all sorts of music..from classic rock to pop. She is 12 if anyone is wondering…
@AL…Loved the video you posted…Adam is a doll and love hearing him talk and his laugh…I’m sure those young girls were nervous to be doing thism but Adam has just a great way about him that he put them at ease. I wonder if it was them that he waved to in Music Again…
I would love Stairway to Heaven…My all time favorite Zep song.
Comment by Q3 at Atop concerning Jakarta attendance.
@AL http://hot.detik.com/music/read/2013/03/10/223939/2190773/228/irama-reggae-mengalun-dalam-konser-adam-lambert-di-jakarta
The detik.com review..
Apparently the reviewer was surprised by the reggae part in the concert and in OOL. He did say that it is a pity that the venue was only half full. But by reading the article, I think the reviewer is a Glambert.
But I like this part below..
Freely translated. He does not only served us with a prima/great voice but he also showed a stage act with a good concept for his fans in Jakarta.
Besides changing wardrobe 4 times, the lighting was also livened up with lasers. Adam even invited the two dancers to join to sing Kickin’ in… He brought 18 songs in about one hour.
@jlurksacto… The venue was split in 2 parts. Festival A in front that was a bit larger than festival B. A was full, B was almost empty… Total capacity 5000. SO I think maybe a bit above 2500 people..
@HK fan, you are welcome !!
@turquoisewaters.. Thank you for sharing… I do not often go to concerts..In my whole life I only went to 5 concerts (of which 2 are Adam’s) and one music festival with multiple artists and groups and performances.
Maybe if there is a next time I will stand a bit in the back…to hear his voice better. but then I cannot see his gorgeous eyes hehehe… oh well, I had plenty of that yesterday in the Jakarta concert. I feel so lucky…
@milwlovesadam Being an auditory person, I just concentrate on Adam;s voice… but only after tonight, I can finally understand statements like yours like the following
And I would never thought I would ever say (borrowing your words)… Just looking at him can keep me entertained and happy so “who gives a wild frack” on the lousy sound?
Then again, I think only yesterday I understand why people are so mesmerized with him when they interview him. It reminds me of a video (see below at the 5′: 40″ point) in which the interviewer said that ‘Adam has a stage presence in real life, you feel cool next to him”…sigh..
@mmm222… I think that is what I experienced yesterday… a sensory overload of the highest and gorgeoust-est degree… Never thought it was possible… He stood many times just in front of me.. Even if I was 6th (or was it 8th row ?) from the stage, it was so easy to see his eyes and and from tophat till part of the knees (I think)… sigh sigh…
The way he divided his eye contact over the audience… How he did those cute cabaret like poses during FYE…Or just him being fierce… Not too much sexy moments though.. Well censored.
but my most favorite part was when he showed his boyish smile when e.g. one of the dancers made an unexpected move…
@Glambotgram: ” You call it MC poses”… I really love those during FYE !! I did not make many pictures… just wanted to savour the moments…
Love that interview, Axxxel – I actually saved it since it was so prescient.
TLKC – had trouble understanding some of the remarks on the HK interview – but you said his label is represented there “protecting” their property. Could you let me know what he said? Thanks.
@Ultimathule… Yeah ! Who would have thought…
About the discussion of “Music Again”.. I think it is more of a Rock song..and I liked it in the encore as a warm up to Trespassing… and the jacket.. gah…what an armour ! He was truly a knight in yellow/black shining armour.
No videos so far other than those crumbs.
Let’s hope some show up in the days to come. We need more than a few crumbs to survive the next 5 days before the Minsk concert!
axxxel I just caught up…thank you for sharing your experience so fully, and I especially enjoyed your cultural comments and impressions, it was terrific to have one of “ours” there to be our boots on the ground! I read evey one of your posts with considerable interest.
I really like Music Again, because it speaks to my experience. I never even bothered to turn on the radio for at least ten years before Adam, but since he entered my consciousness I have started to look for new music to go with his, and I have found some wonderful stuff. Loving loving “Safe and Sound”, for example, from late last year (no, not the Taylor Swift song! The Capital Cities song).
I don’t like any of the rock songs you guys have been waxing nostalgique over on this thread, and don’t think I would like them any better if Adam sang them.
BUT if he were to sing Cream I might just dissolve into goo.
Re the loss of the Stay trilogy…it may well have something to do with the fact that it is still fresh on the charts for Rihanna…kinda soon for a cover? And he does own that song now, she can just take it out of her repertoire and be done with it IMHO.
But more likely it was just too painful to sing regularly. We heard what went into it, and he also may have not wanted to risk dulling it for himself, perhaps wanting to keep it as something special.
But I also get the impression that Adam is in a really happy place right now, and wanting his show to reflect that.
Re Shout – I only watched one of those videos, and TBH it sounded less than stellar to me. I didn’t get the sense that Adam was really feeling it. Probably just my impression, though.
Someone tweet him to sing Cream…OMFG…what was it we used to say? The entire audience would be pregnant. And ded.

was it TLKC that said she didn’t like the screaming in the HK shout?
Just wanted to say, that listening to it live there, we couldn’t hear all that yelling, a general noise yes, but none of the individual screams and shouts to Adam.
Axxxel, maybe the sound mix wasn’t quite right at the Jakarta concert, I was pretty near the front at HK, about 10-12 feet away, and the sound was great. Could hear every word.
Thanks axxxel!! Glad you had a great time! So happy you made it!!
232 gorgeous photos and more from Jakarta WAGT
Adam Lambert Coming to Jakarta a Proven Star
Finally … whole songs … videos ..
Adam lambert concert in jakarta 10 march 2013- WWFM
Hi .. Axxxel.
Thanks for the wonderful recaps.
Glad you had a fantastic time.
A short youtube playlist
JAKARTA Adam Lambert 3-10-13
Rolling Stone Indonesia : Adam Lambert Concert in Jakarta
Adam Lambert Success pounding Jakarta
An article, also from OKzone, commenting on the “gay” aspect of the Jakarta concert
Erdian Aji Prihartanto or “Anji” is a backing vocal singer of a popgroup “Drive”.. (am not very updated about indonesian pop) and she felt the gay nuance with the 2 male dancers…
But when her friend said that “Crazy, he is so gay ” , then she said, “Freddy Mercury was also like that (meaning gay)”…
Again the gay aspect..This is from Kompas website. Kompas is well known catholic newspaper, but well known and respected nationally despite being in a majority dominated muslim country..
Title: Adam was ‘naughty’ on stage
They mistyped and said that there were only 300 fans, I think they meant 3000 fans…
Actually the article was quite positive but I will only translate the gay part…
For the next songs, Lambert became more “naughty” with the support of the two maleblack backup dancers. With their dance moves, both of them treat Lambert as if he is a girl when Lambert served: ” Whataya want from me, time for miracles untul outlaws”…(my comments, I think they meant FYE and Fever hahaha)…
These dancemoves are not surprising for a Lambert concert, He has already said to the media and the public that he is gay. But the audience in Skeeno Exhibition Hall don’t care about this.
They keep on participating in singing and moving when Lambert sang Is this love, Kickin in, FYE, Fever, DA, Shady , MA and the encore Trespassing.
Gay aspect.
this article digged even more in the gay aspect of the consert.. Not really that positive, I feel.. also referring to the 2 male dancers who dressed in their underwear (with a net pattern) or half naked …sometimes tease Adam…
Title of the article : Adam Lambert teased by male dancers…
Somewhere towards the end, they mentioned this Anji signer again who did not deny that there is a gay vibe to the show, by referring to the male dancers, but Anji did mention that she was more dazzled by Adam’s golden voice.
Tempo is a well known general news magazine.