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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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So funny, TLKC – the screaming was what I liked – guess I’m just a rocker at heart. Not a big fan of slow songs in concert usually – Chokehold’s probably my fav of the bunch.
Axxxel – I’m so glad that you had such a great time! Thanks so much for the fast recaps! Love to hear about all of your favorite moments and all the little tidbits. Sounds like it was a blast!
Most important thing that makes me happy after these shows is to hear that the show went well, that Adam sounded and looked gorgeous, that Adam had fun and was happy, and that the audience loved him and was happy. That’s all I need.
@luval: you are welcome !!
Paul McArtney’s concert is 3 hours as well.
Overall, I’m okay with Adam’s concert lengths. I don’t want him to hurt his beautiful voice. I want to look forward to the magic of moments such as the first time we heard him sing “Who Wants To Live Forever”. I want him to keep his voice safe so that he can thrill us again and again.
For as long as we all shall live, lol.
It is around 00.30 now around Jakarta and I have one last thought…
When in another blog, people were complaining about the costly tickets for Adam’s concert in Bali last New Years Eve, there were some posters who were expressing their hope that Adam might perform in Jakarta… Then one of the other posters replied:”that will never happen, he may get a lot of protests”..
To be honest.. until the very last moment, I thought like the latter… I was like, naah Adam Lambert in Jakarta, never going to happen… Jakarta is more homophobic than Singapore… and the promotor for Adam’s concert is the same promotor who failed to bring Lady Gaga to Jakarta at the last moment and suffered a big loss.
Until the last moment I feared for demonstrations.. but thank goodness that did not happen. Adam’s concert happened under the radar of the general public. Result ( I guess) : the cheaper tickets were almost not sold… Those cheaper Festival B tickets were sold by middlemen in the mall near the entrance of the concert at a discount of 25% – 50 % of the original price.
As for merchandise, they only sold one type of T-shirt at Rp250,000 or around USD 26 which is way too high for an Indonesian budget. but I bought one anyway because last time at the GNT in Singapore there was no merchandise allowed because his concert was part of the F1 GP event who was already selling merchandise.
Still, the fact that Adam was able to perform in Jakarta without any incident.. was for me a miracle.. And therefore when Adam sang ” Time for Miracles”… I thanked the universe for allowing me to witness the performance of such a gorgeous man… and his band .
You know ulti, Shout made me wonder if Adam is trying rocker on for size. It reminds me of Fun’s big hit and it would be a great creative exploration, especially with how he absolutely killed Queen’s repertoire. He’s allowed to use concerts to try new things and work them out. It’s great that he feels safe doing that with us.
I was in the first audience for 20thC Boy and it wasn’t half as good that night as it was in Staten Island.
BTW, I came to Chokehold late but honestly think that might have made a good follow-up single to WWFM.
One of my favourite Bon Jovi songs is “Make a Memory”. They can be as powerful quiet as they are loud. Adam would kill that song.
When McCartney’s concert is three hours, TLKC, does he sing throughout – or does he have guests?
@CWM you are welcome ! Yeah, Adam looked happy ! And the crowd loves him…
I love what Adam has done with Shout! Very bluesy rock vibe. I really like it a lot! Been stuck in my head for several days now.
I also really love the BE/Stay/Underneath segment, so I’m very grateful that we got that segment in Korea/Japan/Shanghai.
Maybe it will come back, maybe it won’t, but we have fantastic performances and perfect vids of it that we can go back to again and again.
I love Is This Love as well, because I can’t hear Adam sing that song and not feel happy.
I think it’s cool that he’s singing TFM now, and I totally understand why he’s dialing it back – to fit into the slow, soft, vulnerable segment of the show. But it does lose a bit of punch without the bombastic bridge and ending.
If I had my way, I’d have him include them all! But if Adam forced me to trade out something, I guess I’d first trade out Music Again and then I guess TFM in order to keep the others. But overall, I love the set lists (both of them) and I’m honestly happy to go wherever Adam wants to take me. My thinking is, the more different songs we have multiple performances of, the better!
Were you in Erie, TLKC for GNT? If so, I was at that concert, too – my oldest daughter lives in Erie.
AAAAAAWWWW axxxel. That says it all.
Not a MA fan either – skip over it on the Acoustic Live album.
YOU WERE???? How did we not meet? Maybe we did and didn’t share names? That is the smallest town I have ever been in. Half the fans met the band at Starbucks, lol. It’s nice to see Adam in places like London and Paris but there are so many competing attractions. In Erie, he was it.
What got me was the crowds who showed up at the buses after the concert. It seemed like the whole town was there and the sherrif made the tour buses leave right away because he was freaked by the crowd.
ETA: and the impromptu crowd performance of “Don’t Stop Believing”!!! My twitter avatar is a blurry photograph of me dancing to that song in Erie. LOLS.
Axxxel – That’s such a lovely sentiment about Adam performing in Jakarta being a “miracle.” I’m so very happy to hear that his fans there got to see him, that he was loved and adored, and that there were no demonstrations, incidents, or negativity! YAY!!
I don’t know ulti. I was told by someone who went. It was my impression that it was just McCartney because the person was impressed by how long he lasted but I could have misunderstood.
Yes, Erie was a great audience – wasn’t that the one where the Adam lookalike was in the audience? Think it was the first concert, too, where the people were singing and dancing before it began. At any rate, it was VERY lively.
Yes, axxxel, he has “freak of nature” on his arm, but miracle is more like it.
Well, I guess McCartney doesn’t do any barnburners like Adam, TLKC – the boy has a much more exhausting set of songs than Sir Paul does.
axxxel: thanks so much for sharing your experience. I think it’s a trade-off sound/view, and I certainly don’t blame you for going with view! Glad you loved it.
I really like Shout. Remember it well from my youth. I think Adam sounds great on it, his voice is so strong and elastic. Look at how many people sang on the Tears for Fears live performance, no wonder they achieved a full sound. I dare anybody to outsing Adam by themselves, he is just amazing.
I am really thankful that we got all those Stay/Underneath performances. When the album came out, I was fully expecting to never hear Underneath live. And what Adam does with Stay is so special. It showcases his unreal control over his voice and musical sensitvity perfectly.
Hi all! Long time, no lurk. Got out of the habit of coming here with my limited stanning time, but feels like home.
axxxel Maybe I missed the explanation earlier, but I’m not clear on why you couldn’t hear his voice a lot of the time. Was it the crowd singing, the band too loud, the location of the speakers? Just curious, because his voice is what makes his live concerts so incredible – that and his magnetism. IMHO.
Yah, one hour of Adam’s vocals is priceless.
@CWM : Thank you !!
@Ultimathule… maybe he should make a new tatoo.
ok where are you guys?
Those were the days.

@Turqoisewaters and Sunsister
On one hand I think it is that trade- off… the closer we stand to the stage, the less we can hear the whole sound. I still remember Suz 526 beautiful video that she made in Denmark with a gorgeous sound during the glamnation tour ? You can see in the beginning of the video that the position of the camera is on the balcony and that she zoomed a lot in to make the scene visible.
On the other hand, maybe it is a bit technical…
I mean, I was able to hear Adam well during the slower songs… I saw that the speakers were not directed to the audience. Am not sure whether the band was much too loud. To me it was just loud enough. I did remember that once I did not hear Tommy;s guitar even though it was obvious that he was playing it hard.
Paul McCartney’s shows are not all singing. He plays a lot of guitar, a lot. He also has a lot of sing-a-longs.
I would love love love to see Adam’s shows be longer. He certainly has enough material.
I remember also that Neil talked about Adam doing covers all the time growing up, and killing it all the time. He was so sick of it back then, but knows it paid off now.
I’m sure Shout was in his wheelhouse a long time ago.
Which makes me wonder about what other goodies he has up his sleeve.
May I also say that I just love how mlg made the back drop his pants in the poster??? OMG. It looks like the zebra pants, but we know they aren’t. Love that.
Axxxel sounds like you had a great show. Can’t wait for vids.
axxxel Thanks for elaborating on the sound. Sounds like more of a speaker thing than anything else.
I’m trying the link function below. This is a sound interview only conducted by high school kids. Hope it works.
youtube.com/watch?v=-W5-1wtX2dU&sns=tw …
ETA: Link didn’t work but you can copy/paste into address bar and that seems to work.
Oh, Axxxel – please no tattoos for a while – I’m just frightened of a neck thingee (think Sauli). Nightmare.
I really don’t think he’d do a neck tat. He makes way too much money and PR from his modelling gigs.
Being up front you do sacrifice sound quality at times. But, I would rather catch up on songs that were too loud later at home through vids. The joy of being up close and seeing him sweat and smile and strut is soooooooo worth it. Gah. What memories.
Not to mention the eyebeams. The way he is able to lock eyes with you is simply breath-taking.
Yes, you’re probably right, mils about the neck desecration – thank heavens.
axxel: I remember having a similar impression at my first concert in San Francisco. I was standing in GA with only 3 people in front of me. Perfect view from the glam hair to the glam toes. But I think the speakers were too close to me or maybe the sound guy did not do that great of a job, especially in the beginning. Then during WWFM, Soaked, Sleepwalker the sound was just gorgeous.
Hi, luval – I’m somewhere in the middle of the Orchestra – at my height you’d have trouble seeing me even if standing up – lol. Anyhow, can’t locate anyone from my family. But thanks for these vids – remember watching them at the time.
Erie’s an interesting town – daughter is a prof at Edinburgh University – running now for County Council, District 2. Having a ball.
turquoise, I had the same experience at all of my GN shows. The bass was overwhelming on louder/rocky songs and just right on ballads. His voice came through just divinely. To be honest, Des Moines this summer suffered from the bass badly. But. We were so close and catching constant eye beams and could see every freckle and ginger hair on his arms, so who gave a wild frack?
Not to mention those boots and fabulous pants and that leather vest…somehow knowing that some of this wardrobe had also been onstage with Queen just a couple of weeks prior was also exciting…and sexy.
I am so bad.
Treadmill time. There’s so much to catch up on. Il Divo was on last night, the Les Miz 25th too. And the St Agathe DVD. Ta-ta ya’all.
There are so many factors contributing to what you hear at an Adam concert including the acoustics at the venue, the sound mix, where you are standing, and whether or not the person next to you is singing off key in your ear. I’ve experienced all ends of the spectrum at the 10 shows I’ve been to. The sound mix is better in some venues if you’re a little further back. On the other hand, if you’re close to the stage, your brain is experiencing so much sensory overload from the visual experience that the sound is secondary. Thank goodness for the videos so we can go back and put it all together after the show.
As for Music Again as an encore song, I just don’t get it. It was okay on the FYE album, but was my least favorite song in the GNT concerts. It doesn’t show off Adam’s vocals or do anything else memorable. It seems like a strange song for the end of the concert. Sleepwalker would be a far more fitting encore from the FYE era.
I think Adam is singing songs that were popular in Asia. Some songs were singles over there that weren’t here in the US. He seems to be hitting his fan base quite well right now. IMHO.
Yes. Music Again, and even Strut were not my faves. I’m a Soaked and Sleepwalker and Fever gal. That’s why Shady, Runnin and Chokehold do so much for me now. I love ballad Adam and Rock, R&B Adam best. Give me WLL, Purple Haze, Sandman, Are You Gonna Go My Way any day.
He needs to cover Prince. Purple Rain PLEEEEASE. Between his vocal, and TJR wailing on guitar, I would never recover. Never.
Egads, Adam was an infant when Purple Rain came out. Doesn’t matter. IMHO, some of the best rock music of all time.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a new rock cover in Russia. Different fan base, they love their harder rock over there. Goody goody goody. Ima greeedy gurl, I know it.
Sunsister, thanks for that. Adam talks about adding TFM to the set.
To get the short link, just click on the “Share” tab, you will see the same link that I posted above. You just need to copy (CTRL-C) and then paste (CTRL-V) it here.
Some nice photos here -> https://twitter.com/TitiSiregar
like this -> https://twitter.com/TitiSiregar/status/310831847561129984/photo/1
Collection of photos here -> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.621373431222902.1073741834.118357001524550&type=1
lol…mils is pulling a Kradamour
Like this tweet.
luval, I just can’t seem to get my butt on that treadmill today…you figured it out….I got lost in the pretty…
AL…what a great interview (as usual)!
Another really good MC pose.
Concert article – LensaIndonesia.Com
Google translation
Using Microsoft Translator
Concert review – detikHot
Google translation
Using Microsoft Translator
So in that interview AL posted Adam mentions someone from his label travels with him to help with “things”. Maybe that woman is with RCA and speaks several Asian languages. I have an acquaintance who speaks Mandarin, Japanese and German. I can barely speak English.