- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Forgot to set my clock ahead but I still woke up early. Am first for the first time. Hope Axxxel has a wonderful time and can say hello sometime before the show!
yay, I’m Adam for the first time
Love that poster, such a gorgeous pic of him in the blue suit, those eyes…..
some fans love the eyeliner attempts
As someone mentioned I think FYE is getting so much better. IMO, however, I think Johnny is getting sloppy again and too show-offy.
Good Morning Love the poster mlg, beautiful.
pictures of the line
lol get that eyeliner on girls
Good Morning
Shows on.
So the concert has started…I forgot all about the time change..
Look at all the cameras, I think there is hope for some videos LOL
Good picture, all smiles
Ohhh I see Trespassing last on the set list. Perfect ending(instead of music again).
love this picture, the lights, the mesmerized crowd, Take me to your Leader!!
Even so, the addition of MA as an encore is mystifying. I am always going to stand and cheer for Adam to come back but I can take or leave MA. How did it make it to the end? I am not feeling this set list. To me Stay/BE/Underneath was a revelation. Together, they showcase Adam’s range, subtlety and capacity for nuance, not to mention his vulnerability.
Remember when someone asked Kevin, his MD before Brian, what it was about Adam and he said there are very few singers who can reach out so, so far AND pull you in so, so close? To me, the prior set list showed both of these capabilities and I miss it.
There was a mammoth argument on AO yesterday about Adam not throwing himself fully into TFM. Unfortunately, the complainer chose to compare TFM with a Bruno Mars performance, LOL! Most of them are hammering her (justifiably) for that but it does beg the question: how much is Adam throwing himself into TFM and Shout versus Stay, BE and Underneath?
I miss those songs. I miss that side of him.
Those songs require deep feelings to do them justice, TLKC – maybe he needs to escape from them once in a while. I like Shout for a change myself.
TLKC…I agree with your post. Never liked MA. Maybe the radio stations, glambert groups, Adam’s advance people, whoever, did polls on what they would like Adam to sing and the slower ones did not make it. I have a friend who hates Adam’s rock stuff but loves the moving slower songs. Then another person I know hates the slow stuff and loves the rockers & Adam wailing…I always have to send her one of the wailing live videos. LOL!
I gave both these people the Trespassing CD. One liked the second half, the other liked the first half!
eta: unless he’s been nursing a cold for a couple of weeks and the quiet songs would show this so he decided to change.
I’d actually like Nirvana, Take Back, Map, By the Rules, or even Sleepwalker (rocked out). BTIKM might have been good for these audiences, too – unless he has bad vibes about it now.
Never liked Soaked or Loaded Smile – only ones I still play are SW or BO (reminds me of Nirvana).
@Luval… Thank you… I wanted to post something before I went to the concert but the thread was not up yet so I posted it in the Singapore Thread
It might be a cold. I didn’t know he had one. Thing is you don’t need to be an expert to see that the slow set was a huge hit. Everyone has been flailing about Stay and then the audience in Korea sang the last 2 words to BE, and this was repeated at every concert after. Who knew that song had gotten so far into people’s heads?
I can see Underneath being a challenge to a sore throat and I can see Rihanna’s or Adam’s management wanting him to stop singin Stay while it’s on the charts. I can see him being bored with BE in spite of the reaction. Maybe he wanted to be more upbeat, who knows? I’m just saying that there was magic in those moments and I miss the them.
Hi ulti!
“Shout” is one of those songs that I used to play over and over again. I love it!
Whenever Adam has performed a cover song, in my opinion, he makes it his own and his version is just that much better, if not a lot better, than the original recording artist.
This is the first time that I don’t feel that way. I think the Tears For Fears original is far superior than Adam’s take on it. It’s always better to be an original ‘you’, which Adam has always been, than a second rate version of someone else but I don’t think it happened this time. Not for this particular song.
I’d really be interested to know the reasoning behind removing Stay/BE/Underneath. When this first occurred I thought, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it Adam”. The audience reaction was incredible when he performed them. Those songs became the heart and soul of the show for me and I miss them.
Agree, ulti…never liked Soaked or Loaded Smile or Music Again and dare I say it…don’t care too much for BO or BE!!!! lol what do I like?? Sleepwalker!!!!!!!!! (think we’ll never see that again performed live
)Differences make the world go round!
Wanted to mention,ulti in case we don’t go back to the Singapore thread…yes, that little chuckle in FYE made me chuckle.
Hi Ron! I had dinner with Sleepwalker1877 last night and she said the same thing. She loves Shout and something was missing for her as well.
Adam has 5 days to rest and re-group before Minsk. If he’s under the weather, this will be a blessing.
I totally agree about Shout, not feeling it. I miss Stay/UNDERNEATH too. But I am in the minority because I love Music Again. #EyesBabyEyes.
Ron…I think Adam’s Shout needs a second voice to “shout”. The Tears for Fears version has the two guys singing (shouting) in unison. It gives it sooo much more power. Maybe Brian or Tommy could join in or someday have Adam’s voice in a backing track.
Maybe he’s doing Shout for his brother or dad.
Tears for Fears:
eta: just replaced the youtube with a live version. I think the other was lipsync.
Hi All, Axxxel calling from Jakarta…
but maybe that was the reason why I was fawning on him apearance during the whole concert.
am home already at 11 pm after a concert that was supposed to start at 8 pm. It started half an hour late and ended around 9.30 ish pm .. I think…
So different to watch an Adam concert practically in my backyard and in a mall.. Last time in Singapore 2010, it took so much effort: plane, hotel, subway.. But today it was much less effort… Just like a stroll in the afternoon till evening… but I cannot feel my feet anymore.. lots of standing before the concert started… We started queueing at 5.30 pm and doors opened at 7 pm….. and the concert was general admission…
To sum up the concert in my eyes…It was like an one hour adoring his awesome beauty and bodylanguage… Never really realized how gorgeous he looks until tonight.. Unfortunately for 75 % of the concert I could not hear his voice
I admired his expressive face and body language…He was really full out in his expression. Then all of a sudden, I realized that there was also the band..Tommy and Ashley looked gorgeous, I stood too far from Brian London,and couldn;t see the drummer well. The VJJ’s looked great. Spencer too, but Johnny stole my heart…Much fun… and… there were many lasers : yeah !
I should clarify one thing…the only time I didn’t mind Music Again was on the CBS morning show right after the AMA’s. He was great and he looked amazing even with no sleep (you can tell).
Axxxel…there was a band?
I have always loved that “Beatles-like” chorus in BE but it is not a super favourite for me. Just blown away that it became an audience moment in Asia.
I like the whole cd but playing the fast songs non-stop at the gym 3 days a week for months has worn them out a bit in my mind. Now, I am much fonder of Chokehold, Runnin’, Take Back, Nirvana and Map.
I must be listening to them too much as well because over the last two days I have been playing Bob Dylan non-stop. Maybe my ears just need a change
I was in the company of 2 other females like me… one was another glambert and the other a close friend of mine but not a glambert
My favorite moments during concert:
– Sing along: When singing along, then I noticed how Adam sings low when he usually sings high, or with a slight delay, or not sing at all… just so that we can sing together and still be able to hear his voice..
– Fever : my favorite act during Glamnation and also on this tour…of course, tonight toned down. It was also the favorite act of my companion who was not a glambert
– Outlaws of laws… Did not like the reggae version on youtube, but live it sounded really great… and after the last notes,tenderly sung by Adam, me and my glambert friend looked at each other and said “aaaaawww”.
– Chokehold: because it was the first time that I could hear Adam’s voice well. and I love the song.
– Whataya want from me: sorry guys,not my favorite song, but live, I could really hear Adam’s gorgous voice well, it was the song everyone in the audience sang the loudest, it was a beautiful moment.
– Time for miracles: really could hear Adam’s voice well ! Wonderful.
– Dragon attack: I love Rock Adam and could hear his voice well
– Shady: very nice, could sometimes hear Adam’s voice… Tommy;s introduction got the loudest cheers in the public. My non-glambert companion is fascinated by Tommy’s hair and haircut and wondered how his hair stays in place.
– Encore: Music again, and Trespassing.. Could not keep my eyes from the yellow/ black jacket
– Naked Love: so nice to move and wave along.. my favorite song..
– Cuckoo: even though I have seen the choreo many times, it gives a special feeling if you can see it live in front of my eyes..
– When one of the dancers, usually Johnny in my case, danced close to me.. really great to see..
– The lasers
@Luval… hahaha…I mean, I have read some postings of some of you who were so focused on Adam, and I was sort of laughing them off… Now I have to swallow my laugh… I never thought I could be so fascinated by Adam during the concert, I really almost forgot about the band…
I loved that, too, luval! He really rocked it. Remember how he moved the mic back and forth at the beginning? THE BEST! Love that scarf, too.
Axxxel So regarding the discussion here about Stay/Underneath, etc. Did you miss these songs? Did anyone even notice?
I love Music Again..The audiences always seems to like as well..I loved Shout from Singapore.
Thank you Axxxel for your posts..So happy for you…This tour is awesome and since alot of us are not going to ever witness it in person, I am so thankful to those of you that go and write about your experiences..I know I could hardly wait to hear from you..
Axxel love your thoughts on the concert. Thank you for posting so fast.
Hi axxxel! Thanks for putting your recap out to the universe so quickly. LOLS – as much as you KNOW how charismatic and amazing Adam is, you don’t FEEL it until you are in the same space and fall completely under his sway. Isn’t he awesome? During GN, I went into every concert dying to see Tommy and somehow I never did until later, on YouTube.
Adam is like Nureyev – all the energy in the room is concentrated into him.
Adam is like Nureyev – all the energy in the room is concentrated into him.
Beautifully said..
Did you see this edited version of Shout, Ron? Think it’s pretty good.
And, as I posted “elsewhere,” the lyrics suit him to a T – “you shouldn’t have to sell your soul” – “those one-track minds” – Kiss them goodbye” – really great.
Moments about the audience:
A quick observation led to a quick conclusion:
Maybe there are only about 2,500 people present… According to detik.com, more than the half of the tickets are sold
Festival A area was full, Festival B was almost empty…
However, the audience was very diverse.
There was the 9 year old boy and his sister who was in junior high, there were the 40 somethings like myself, lots of younger people, also lots of hetero- couples… a handful of westeners…a handful wearing a veil.
One westerner guy said he saw Adam on American Idol and asked me whether Adam will sing a Queen song. I told him about “Dragon attack” but he did not know the song… But during the concert,I noticed that (I think) his wife was rocking it out more than he did.. so…
There was a girl who went to the Bali concert and I saw the 2 veiled girls who were posing with Adam on Adam Lambert News 24/7.
I remember once there waa a whole discussion about those die hard Glambert fans who wanted to be on the front row and who had an “entitled”attitude . I saw some of those, but they were really younger.
Before the concert started I was on the 3rd row in front of the stage, a bit to the right and standing next to my friends.But during the concert, many people were able to take advantage and I ended up at the 6 or even 7th row from the stage and behind my friends.. but I had a great view on the stage and could see Adam really well, so I did not notice that I was pushed back in the crowd.
My intention was to dance, but everyone was standing so close to each other.. no room to dance a lot, and I was in total adoration of Adam…and said many times to my friends: “Oh gosh he looks so gorgeous”… hehehe
When we went out, we met this elder lady, maybe in her 50s.. who went alone… Wow… She was looking forward to Stay and Underneath. oh well… but she enjoyed the concert !
@Luval: my glambert fan is a great fan of Stay/Underneath but I already told her that Adam has changed the setlist in HongKong and she was dissapointed. And as I said earlier… This elder lady in her 50s was really looking forward to those 2 songs as well, she really loved Underneath.
ETA: I am not a big fan of “Underneath”.. I like “Stay” and “Broken English”.. and feel a bit sad that they are not included because I can hear Adam’s vocals better on the slower songs…But Adam sounded great on Time for Miracles and Is this love… swoon…
Oh ya, I forgot “Is this love” ! I could also hear Adam’s lovely voice well…
I adore those songs… I usually play them in the car when I have a bad or sad mood, or when I am tired and need a boost.
Thanks, Axxxel and thanks for your recap and all your observations!
What I would want is for Adam to keep Stay/Underneath/BE and also Shout and Time for Miracles..Yes I want it all..I just don’t want his concerts to end..
RE: edited version of Shout in HK – I couldn’t get into it because of the screaming banshee. Wish someone had put her out of her misery before the end of the song. Unless, of course, the banshee was one of us, in which case I’ll overlook it.
ETA: Yes loveroftalent! That’s what I said in the Singapore thread. It’s more that he took them out than what he put in. We just need a little heartful / heart full.
lol, TLKC. That’s all I could hear and I was laughing all the way through. Reminded me of Ste Agathe and OOL when you heard the “oh my god” and “marry me”. But for some reason I didn’t mind it so much then.
@loveroftalent, glambotgram.. you are welcome !
I still remember during GNT in Singapore in 2010, the concert ended at 00.30… and I arrived at 2 am in the hotel.. I typed my recaps… and went for a nap to wake up at around 7 am, to post it on MJ at that time, using the hotel’s WIFI with only a limited timeframe…
Gosh what a difference if the venue is closer to home… the concert ends earlier…
@TLKC you are welcome and nice Nureyev analogy.
jlurksacto said the Bon Jovi concert last night was 3 and 3/4 hours!!!! Guess that audience had it all. Suppose they had a lot more albums to cover, though.