- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Article from MetroTV ( a CNN type channel), neutral, but I don;t think the person saw the concert. The person said that the concert lasted for 2 hours, which is not true, It was only a bit longer than one hour… and there were only 1000 people.. I think it was a bit more…
My comments about the gay part… The teasing was most prominent during Fever but honestly speaking, it was already much much toned down..
And as I said earlier, Johnny was mostly dancing on my side, but I felt he was great… and has such flexible arms and body.. not too sissy… just the right dose in my eyes..but apparently not in the eyes of those journalists..
Adam did give a friendly soft slap on Ashley bottom after her introduction during Shady and she kind of frowned… oops..
@Kradamour: Thank you and you are welcome. Shout sounded as if he wants us to sing along… it was ok in my ears but nothing special…like an intermezzo.
Am not really a Music Again fan, but the lyrics also reflected what you said.. I became interested in music again after listening to Adam Lambert.
Guess I have to look up “Cream”, from Prince right ?
@Cher, you are welcome… It was so different from Singapore.. This time, Adam was almost “right in my face” for 1 hour. Ok, he was about a few meters from where I was standing and sometimes he was standing right in front of me… I was on the 6th row or so more to the right but I was thinking like, how come I am such a lucky girl.. but unfortunately with a small camera… so no sharp pictures. But I felt so blessed yesterday even though I could not hear him well..
@Asifclueless. You are welcome!! At least Adam had some energy left.. so you did not wear him totally out.. Are you back in your place ? Hope you arrived safely ! Hope you don;t miss the tropical temperatures too much.
@HK fan, I think you are right. I mean, when I was in Singapore, I was also rather close to the stage and I was able to hear his voice much better than in Jakarta.
WWFM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u40SVbeXrdE
Fever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI1SVt_QKtU
Music Again and Trespassing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs78eNBVYB0
And two AMAZING photos! You gotta see these –
This person’s collection:
Hey, axxxel, Cream is my one of my favourite Prince songs and I used to imagine Adam rocking that song out. I would love to see his moves during the intro music. Glad to hear someone shares my view of that. Since he seems to be following Kelly Clarkson in throwing in the odd cover song, I would be all for twitter-trending that song request.
RE: Label protecting their property – I was a bit OTT on that comment, ulti. In the interview, Adam said that culture shock was minimized when he visited other countries because his label rep was with him. I took that as literal confirmation that he is still with his label, something that not-so-nice posters on that other site have challenged. Sorry if I confused you.
HK Fan, In the case of the screamer during TFM, I was talking about the video that ulti posted. The videographer was a little bit too close to a screamer. In other videos you can’t hear her. A bit like SUZ sitting next to the men talking at Ste-Agathe. An accident of location, not something that the whole audience has to deal with.
You know, I could see Rihanna’s managment wanting him to stop singing Stay if people are posting links to his covers on her sites. It was a nice plug but it’s current and she wants to own it. Remember him singing “Bright Like a Diamond” on the treadmill? Maybe the online reaction to that suggested the idea of letting him cover Stay. Maybe that’s why Shoshanna said “not now” when someone wanted to take it viral.
Maybe Adam’s getting a Rihanna duet next. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Link to Cream video
The audio is quieter than the cd version (or maybe I just crank it up ‘cos I like it so much.)
This has female dancers. It could have male or both or none. Adam and a mic is all I need.
“You’re filthy, cute and baby you know it….”
Okay, so a venue worker doesn’t have attendance numbers
credibility. Got it!
More videos from a, shall we say, enthusiastic videographer LOL:
Intro and very beginning of IIHY: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FvCQ5A0-es
NCOE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkUKPynzGs4
Chokehold: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYTFZnX2_v4
Having skimmed back through the link I see talk about Prince songs. Did he actually cover one in Jakarta and I missed that part?
Axxel: thanks for the great recaps!
reese, no, that was just a fantasy when there was some conversation of what we would like to hear/see him cover, as kind of a follow-up to our critiques of the covers he has chosen and performed.
Posted some videos up top. It seems the second set that cwm posted are no longer available. The account has been closed.

But I found some others!
The crowd was very loud and singing along to all the songs. As for attendance, I’m going with 3000. I read an article from the promo company, BigDaddy, that said that a week before the concert more than half of the 5000 tickets available had been sold. So it seems feasible that 500 more tickets were sold after that. That’s my sales number and I’m sticking to it!
Here is a you tube channel with some videos by glammerati.
Thanks glambotgram! Added those up top too!
AL she is adding more has FYE/Fever and TFM/OOL/ITL now too
LOL !!! Chunkey did it again.
I would love to work at the baggage claim to check the oversized baggage.

asif oversize baggage pics
Some of those glammerati vids have terrific closeups – especially Music Again – gorgeous.
Posted a complete concert set of videos from glammerati ->
Love Adam’s talk before OOL – http://youtu.be/KXah5Rlz_eE?t=3m25s
His beautiful smile at the end of glammerati’s WWFM – melting.
hot as hell.., trio woohoo, really. really. really. fuckin’ awkward. @adamlambert,
adam lambert jakarta 10 march 2013
From the Fever video, it appears that Adam toned it down with the Johnny and Terence a bit but he put his hand suggestively on Ashley’s thigh during the intro and left it there for a moment. Maybe his little defiance?
OMG luval I’m in there! So are two of my FAB5 buddies. One of them is in the first video the entire time in the white shirt with her back to the camera. I am at 0.45 among other times and another FAB5-er is at 1:08. We were not sitting together. We all opted for the best single seats we could get. SUZ took this video from a couple of rows in front of me.
Where are you ulti?
Can’t find me (or my sister next to me – must be just out of range) – was in the middle of the orchestra on right side.
Wasn’t the enthusiasm just wonderful!
asif do you know what the “fuckin’ awkward” means?
Just saw a picture of Adam on the “Adam Lambert 24/7 News” blog… Seems that he is in Bali for holiday. Unfortunately, he looks a bit burned… his skin is so red.
Then again, if he was in Bali on 12 March… he must be very surprised to see a Bali that has no public and private activity for one day because of their religeous holiday where it is a day for contemplating the past-present-future.. In other words, the worse day to be in Bali, unless you want to rest or maybe even recover from sunburn.. Right Adam ?
Axxxel, I am so glad you got the experience of being up close to see him live. Nothing can beat it. It goes by so fast. The best memories are of making eye contact, seeing all of him up close. The details of his clothes. The freckles, the tats. The sweat. The glory notes. The dance moves.
Once you have had this experience you just want more. And more.
Some amazing pics – I think these are from the Jakarta show:
Collage from Jakarta TFM screencaps: http://twitpic.com/can2td
sorry, wrong thread