- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Those photos, AL, are just wonderful – especially the one you highlighted.
Here’s the Cuckoo finally!! Starts with IIHY, then Naked Love, Cuckoo, soooo fun. I recommend watching all this person’s day 2 vids. Right in the middle of the front rows, but gets most of the video, and when he jumps down into the crowd, plus Dragon Attack is FAB!!! Great audio!!
Videos are listed on the side.
Maybe riskylady should tweet again
I love fever, it’s one of my favorites from FYE. It is so catchy and fun and allows fun choreos
Adam gets a huge crowd reaction from the choreography at beginning of Cuckoo. Love it!!!!!!
He sang sweat!!!!!!!
Too late, LadyNorth – already did – sure we’ll see a completely different FYE #3 – lol.
That Cuckoo is beyond fabulous.
This whole show makes me on very good mood, I enjoy everything
Cuckoo was very great, even without the straight jacket – wonder will we see it ever again
I can see Adam loves doing this too! He’s moving and chatting and singing those wonderful runs, having fun. And then sits down and gives us those beautiful ballads. And then comes the hot sleazy part with Fever, Dragon, Shady…
Lol, ulti, do you mean you or she did it already
When I watch the show, I have regrets that I won’t be in GA, very close to that EVERYTHING. When I think he may step down to the audience… How I wish I was healthy to do that, to fight myself to the first rows and see that miracle man in few meters, jump and party like crazy on the sea of people! I know many fans who will, because they have VIP GA ticket. But I am VERY lucky to see the show, and have a great seat. Reason has to win emotion…
LOLOL guess what has reappeared???
After this, there were several more tweets both pro and con LOL…..
LadyNorth, you have email!
That ain’t no snap or cock ring! Just sayin’!
Love the black outfit with the wrist corset and the Blonds’ claw! He looks gooood!
Added videos above and will keep on the lookout for more. Thanks ALL for finding those!
Looks like he re-thought wearing the claw with the fringe, it was getting caught.
nkd I am on team piercing now after the second picture. It looks like a ring with a ball.
Adam Gif from BE (sexy)
Love Fever. looks like Terrence grabs Adam’s ass. lol
Here is a short Pop That Lock with better audio than the one posted above
Not to complain, but does nobody filming with a good view like Cuckoo? I want full on front. C’mon es2012v! I need to see full body choreo without a bunch of heads in the way! Begging PLEASE!

He’s right in front of ya!
ETA But so so thankful for the videos that we have and for those that take the time to record and post them!
Dancing boys look much tighter. Looks good!
ha ha nkd…
just came on to post the exact same thing….
Is it really too much to ask for a full frontal cuckoo…need to see those dance moves!!
Can’t believe I’m being ‘forced’ to check out GB pictures for evidence….gosh its tough being an Adam fan sometimes
Off to sports day, will have to watch videos later.
But we got some full frontal cockoo!
a couple more gifs
I’m already there glambotgram!
Leave room for mils cause she’ll be joining us soon!
Ron says:
02/20/2013 at 8:51 am
I hope that all of the music store shelves that were stocked full of brand new Trespassing CD’s today in China have been left bare by the end of the day!
Hopefully you are right… then again, lots of piracy in China… Hope his 2 chinese concerts will be sold out though !(Shanghai and HongKong)…
double posting
Car wash Adam, such a dork LOL ! he refers actually to a term that he has used in a sirius interview , but I don’t think the Japanese audience caught that term…sheet drag. see interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3COGfbKHX4
So fun to read all your comments… Adorkable Car Wash Adam and his “sheet drag” comment… Much much better Tommy solo when Adam introduced him to the crowd. Really hope that his other concerts in China and etc are sold out !!!
Oh Man Oh Man Oh Man!!!
Um. Fever. Dragon Attack. Shady. I have loved Dragon Attack since Kiev. I just felt that Adam FELT it.
Piercing? Ring? Wut Iz Going On?
I’ll tell ya wut. If it’s pierced, if it’s a ring, if it’s something, I’ll tell you all something:
It’s stopping the BULGE.
I protest.
Not only that, but it has made it switch sides. WUT?
Like Elaine said on Seinfeld: ” How you do walk around with those things?”
I volunteer to fly over and remove it.
In the name of the fandom.
@milwlovesadam>>> You are gorgeous ! Love your post !
Adam’s expression when he knew what we’ve known and found out about his “Prince Albert”.
music downloads from today. from @scorpiobert
Is anyone else having trouble logging in (lot of buffering)? and if I click on a link, a lot of buffering to return.
riskylady, the site is having speed problems currently. I am troubleshooting but it may take some time, please bear with me. I doubt this will get fixed until sometime Thursday at the earliest.
Everyone – please see a related comment in the February thread.
I am having the same trouble riskylady.
The comments are even taking a while to post.
And no smileys.
LOL asif, that look to me is “feigned surprise bordering on snarky smirk.” He is a naughty boy – if he has that and still chooses the tight pants HE KNOWS. Hehehe, and we KNOW he reads twitter, so……just adds to the mystique.
Thank you eywflyer.
@addimaree amazing! Heard her sing an acoustic set in a radio station in Canada. It was super early and she sounded flawless. So Talented.
So no?!!!
So the mystery begins again!
Now the truth
@MikailaGlambert prob just get more ear holes!
adamlambert @misshellirrific hahah zero body piercings.
So the answer is no, he has “plenty” of piercings. LOL
So he has a b b in his undies?!!
So no piercing, IMO probably a CR which is what I thought from the beginning.
b b…little sphere made of metal.
No, It was just an M&M in his pants, any ideas what color?
lol bb or maybe it has a really big pimple. LOL
on the other hand, why would he be wearing a CR during a show?
Green of course!!
I’m stopping before I say something really embarrassing!
As if I haven’t passed that point already!
(but chocolate flavored?!!)