- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thanks go to AL for the tremendous work he has done on this site in the last several months. He has run many concert threads for us, and now is providing the weekly crosswords as well. Thank you friend – I couldn’t have kept this place going without you!
Hi ALL! You know the drill. Post what you find and I’ll put the best stuff up top for ALL to see. Enjoy the concert!
Tonight’s crowd…http://pics.lockerz.com/s/284139096
Stage for tonight (and tomorrow and the day after that)
This is cute
Pic of the band
Sold Out!
Different outfit to start IIHY tonight.
Looks like the same set list so far.
Different clothes though, blue suit to start, then black t-shirt, grey jeans and white creepers.
Linda Jean Picasso@Lindajean139
They just played Adam’s version of Stay on radio asked whose version you prefer better to leave a comment on website http://www.2dayfm.com.au/the-dirt/blog/video-adam-lambert-covers-rihannas-stay/ …
audio of Stay/underneath Tokyo
Gorgeous audio of Stay and Underneath and the best part is that the audience was quiet all the way through till the end. I have a lovely Broken Open from Tokyo and I love the fact that the audience was quiet then, too. It is a cultural thing, and it sure makes for good recordings. Remember those awful screams during Soaked that just drove us crazy?
Thanks to everyone able to post updates here!
Thanks once again Eywflyer, AL and everyone who finds and posts links and starts this beautiful day off so beautifully!!!
And another wonderful poster! From MLG??
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
Thanks for a great first night in Tokyo!
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
I’m so glad everyone is enjoying the Seoul performance of STAY. I felt even more connected to the emotion tonight. Anyone have a video?
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
Oye! Security was just doin the job they must have THOUGHT I wanted them to do. I will try and get them to chill out for the next two nights
The Lambrits @LambritsUK
Adam Lambert fans! RT @kai357: Tokyo Day 1 FULL AUDIO (medium quality). Enjoy!! http://www.mediafire.com/?m9av4oja1ct8trg …
video of OOL Tokyo
LOl Adam you can’t have it both ways!
And he’s still tweeting
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
On the flip side, it was nice to have your undivided attention. Connected eye to eye, ear to ear, heart to heart- w no technology tween us.
Glam Queen@PersianGlamDr
@adamlambert but then there were poor ppl like us that could not see/hear/feel anything from today’s gig…:”(
@adamlambert I think the only solution is to have a pro videographer at all your concerts win-win situation
Exactly!!!! then we all get to see perfect videos, the audience gets to see Adam in ‘real life’ not through a lens, and Adam gets to see his audience face to face…
Adam Lambert singing WWFM video snippet #WAG #Tokyo1 #sidewayshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os3IZwRiloM … via mako9026
(love that blue suit!)
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
Found this though! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk3LMMWvWvs&sns=em … Love me some TALC!
So, Adam is hanging out searching for vids just like the rest of us — LOL!
Gotta love him….
Yes, that OOL is incredible — my favorite version, yet!
STAY and Underneath
FYE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWhAj3F0LWE&feature=youtu.be
DA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycEmgsA52bg&feature=youtu.be
AL watch this persons you tube for updates video and audio is great!
DAMN Got To Go to Work LOL
Stay/Underneath – OMG. I remember now from GNT how perfectly silent the crowds in Japan are during these types of songs.
Sorry Shosh, this needs to be pushed for PR NOW, not later!
Was OOL reggae or regular.
Yes, clock ticking. ITA Eywflyer.
Adam just tweeted praises for Rianna. Can’t bring it over.
Mostly reggae, luval — started out regular, though.
Good Morning, luval!
Regular then reggae.
The quality of these videos are excellent!!
Maybe they are seeing the light, tweet from @EdgePublicity:
And from Shosh:
Just watched Stay/Underneath again. Stunning.
This is one of those performances that we will remember and cherish for a very long time.
Eileen @monalee62
Merch outside venue pic.twitter.com/DLFjwa34
Really cool merch!!!
Wow, just got home, found those WONDERFUL vids, watched and loved them. I think we can’t ask any thing better for a video quality! (or anything better from Adam but I know he’ll top himself somehow or surprise some other way
) I love that silence on those videos…
And the poster of this show is very beautiful, thank you!
Stay – Underneath – OOL all sung with the most exquisite tender emotion, I’m totally floored all over again. Thanks to Adam, and thanks to the person who filmed it.
Am stuck at work. You guys are killin’ me!
Watch out for this person … es2012v.
She is from Japan … has excellent 14 videos (all Adam’s from Queenbert to Tokyo). I think there will be a lot more from her.
I subscribed her Channel.
In this case a little bit of shameless pimping of Adam’s vids over there seems entirely appropriate. Hi asif (and others I don’t recognize)!
Hi … turquoisewaters.
I “liked” your posts over there.
Got it! Thanks glambotgram!
Posted all what she has up above. Will be back later to check for more.
Finally getting their asses in gear, I see, eywflyer
The vids of es2012v are so good, I downloaded them all. Maybe she just had to get some sleep and continues to upload more later.
I love to read all those billions of news sites praising Adam for Stay. Many of them mention he’s doing it better than original… Which it is
Tokyo version is slightly different from Seoul, but both are out of this world. I don’t know why, but Seoul version touches me even more, there’s incredible softness in that sound.
I was so impressed about Stay that I posted it on my RL fb page. I should have known no one comments or likes it
They don’t recognize good – or probably don’t even click it. So I give up and return to fanland. I’ll take the mediafire of the whole show next.
Adam with the Kano sisters
and their blog (Google translation)
Anubai Sisters
and more about who they are – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kano_sisters
Other than Ste. Agathe, this was the best OOL I’ve heard. Never liked the reggae version but it makes sense the way he sings it now. Slow and sorrowful at the beginning but hopeful at the end.
So Adam and “Stay” are mentioned on a bazillion website blogs of some sort but who reads these things? Are any of them mainstream? Has RollingStone.com picked it up or Foxnews or cnn or any of the gossip shows…Extra, Enews, Entertainment tonight? I am just afraid it’s going to fade away before TPTB do anything about it!!!! Shoshanna & company…talking to you!
Our friend Perez Hilton liked Vin Diesel’s version better. Sorry, that’s just laughable (and nobody agrees with him in the comments). To spare you the trip, this is what he wrote:
Some photos from the concert:
That’s so laughable!
Vin Diesel’s Stay
He’s not a singer.
PH hates Adam that much?!!
Still no frontal Cuckoo?
Like this photo –
Seems like Steve Ferlazzo is doing the background programming for this tour. He is/was the keyboardist for Avril Lavigne.
The music sounds much fuller than it has in the past so it could be due to his programming skills.
Yes, where is frontal Cuckoo? Just have to see that choreography!!!
Now I definitely think Adam got some new sound equipment. Second venue, and sound is pristine. Plus, he’s not fiddling so much with his earpieces. His voice sounds AMAZING, pristine. Really now no one can compare, come even close!
Love that FYE! On DDD they were always saying what a hard song it is to sing, that he never got it completely right, yada yada. Well, he PUT IT TO BED this time, a fabulous cabaret-type version, love it! And he killed Dragon Attack too! Hope we get more vids from the next show, I want to see Cuckoo too.