- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
The media covered the Streaker Returns
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Just posted a photo http://instagram.com/p/bUaoPMONEa/
Trying to catch up.
Suddenly have an urge for some Good ‘N PLENTY
And some ciggies.
I don’t even smoke…
Oh Chunkey. You dirty dirty gurl.
Glamily Reunion ~ The Brass Rail San Diego ~ July 1, 2013
Adam Lambert News 8 Report 7-2-13
and some GIFs
I’m updating the thread now with videos and photos.
Print article
Has this been up? Been away so long.
The Streaker’s vid
While the streaker was kinda funny, and Adam was a good sport, it was also just kinda….creepy and scary how easy it was to get on the stage.
Just sayin’. Crap like this could make the security around him tighter. That’s not always a good thing!
It’s always easy to get to him, I’m afraid, if you really want to. Always in the back of my mind, too, mils.
Still, enjoyed the vid immensely – sometimes you just gotta go for it.
AT&T Live Proud
Looks like a great crowd! —> AT&T Live Proud: http://youtu.be/Qvr0dwpOssA via @youtube
Adam Lambert Events @adam_events
Poss stream for 7/3 8:30pm PT
Check out our #attliveproud VIPs and @adamlambert at the pre-show! #glambert4life pic.twitter.com/lDZdnSesoI
Look at the guy next to Adam. LOL
That pic’s so cute, asif – cynosure of all eyes – as he should be.
Got home 1/2 hour ago. Great trip (Some LA traffic), amaz-
ball show (loved the seats), and fantastic time with ALLer’s.
And other peeps meeting for the first time.
Thanks to Adam Lambert and a couple of persistent pig race veterans, several more ALL’ers can now cross watching pig races off their bucket lists!
The pig races were so much fun! We were all laughing so hard. Cher and I bought plastic pig snouts to wear, and rs took our pictures. The racing piglets were so adorable. There was also a swimming piglet named Swifty. We all had to yell, “Go Swifty go!” to get him to jump in the pig tank and swim. He was a little reluctant to get in so we yelled louder and then he did a big poop for us. We told him to “go” and so he did. Then having lightened his load, he jumped in the tank and swam. The crowd was laughing hysterically.
More tomorrow. I arrived home in Maryland a little while ago. I have to work tomorrow, but will have time to post. One comment on security at the show though. They were so busy harassing people, including me, about their cameras that it’s not surprising that that girl could get on stage. It really was funny to see her. She was wearing the same turquoise bra as in 2009. I immediately thought that there was a good chance it was the same girl, and it was. I love her spunk!
This is from the local print review. I don’t think the writer knew how funny his last sentence was…or did he?
LOLOL. He really summed it up with plenty.
Hi everyone! I’m back home in Miami! Took a red eye flight and got back at 530am EST this morning. No sleep yet, but Glamberts haven’t slept in what… 4 years?

Gonna grab some shuteye! Happy 4th of July!!
We had such a blast! This was the largest group of ALL-ers to ever meet up! I’ll have to get a head count. Many I’ve met before but it was so great to meet others we’ve never met before. When my brain is thinking clearly again ( will it ever? ) I’ll do a more thorough recap mostly of our get togethers! Our blog members are so much fun. We were a well organized group and other glamberts are interested in joining our blog.
cwm re: hubby – my berting is on a need to know basis and he doesn’t need to know unless I want him to.
I did complain to him that Adam was in Orlando while I was in Calif and how bummed I was. He was a bit sympathetic, but not much.
CHER Sweet Adam dreams baby!
Full set
The TALC vids are really great.
【Full-Set】Adam Lambert – Del Mar Summer Series Concert 07/02/2013 (Butterknife0204)
If it’s ok, I re-posted asif’s(I think) youtube by the streaker on this thread
Haha, cher, we left at 1:40 pm yesterday and barely beat you into Miami, landing at 1 a.m. But arriving home at 2:30 a.m. LOL. Miami airport at night is a wasteland. Wouldn’t be surprised to see tumbleweed rolling around. Took us ONE HOUR to get a shuttle to appear and take us home. All because left San Diego late, downpours in Atlanta, etc.
Then to top it off, landing approach in Miami abruptly aborted and plane soared upward, scaring me to death. Pilot later explained a burned out bulb made them think right wheel not down. GULP. rs, relied heavily on the Hamsa bracelet!!!! Thanks!
ewflyer, sad to read your post. Very appreciative of this site, such a joyful place for all of us to get together. Will always support it regardless.
ceddies, what a scary experience! Hope you recover all your online features AND your health soon!
My meet and greet photo. He was so sweet.
I even posted my first pic on Instagram.
Anyway, ditto to what cher said! What a blast! There were so many of us ALLers it was almost impossible to meet with everyone. Great fun to see everyone though, what a wonderful group, and also meet new friends. I have one hilarious story to tell.
On our way walking to the fair for our 5 p.m. dinner, the large group separated into smaller groups. NorthernSpirit was walking alone about 40 feet ahead of me, riskyhubby, TLKC and rs. As we approached the tunnel to the fairground, NorthernSpirit was ahead waving us on through the tunnel. At this point, a “discussion” began between TLKC and rs and me:
Me: We should follow NorthernSpirit, she is waving us through the tunnel.
rs: NO! The group got on the Shuttle, we should go left and get on the shuttle!
TLKC: We can follow NorthernSpirit, we were here on the first day and she knows where to go.
rs: No, we were here yesterday, and we sat in our seats, and we need to take the shuttle.
TLKC: Yes, but that was the concert, now we are going to the dinner.
NorthernSpirit *has disappeared by now through the tunnel at warp speed*
We turn and go through the tunnel to the fair entrance. “Discussion” continues. *virtual repeat of same points uninterrupted by walking and shuttle boarding that follows*
We are directed to shuttle by staff (20 feet ahead of us) which we board and travel another 100 feet or so to O’Brien gate. Upon exiting shuttle, come face to face with….. NorthernSpirit waiting for us. LOLOL. Priceless!!!
Entering the building, there was somewhat of a scramble until we were directed to the stairs to the dinner site, then other *discussions* over their staff’s insistence on seating us in the most wildly random and distanced pattern imaginable. At least, we had the pleasure of being serenaded by the GORGEOUS sounds of Adam’s soundcheck.
Here’s the view from our dinner location (the stage is to the left, not in the picture)
The concert was schfoeirjoenfownthweowehi@%$^&%@#!^&$%@#@.
Translation: F**KING FABULOUS!!! Long enough to leave one with a satisfied feeling (a la cwm‘s very accurate description). Dancey, strutty, gyratey, chatty Adam in the tightest pants ever (they did have some stretch in them, though, as proved as the concert progressed), glory notes, little surprises (WWRY!!!!, Purple Haze, AYGGMW), wonderful solos by Tommy, just lyrical but not taking over the song, tight band performance. Adam’s voice: Unbelievably amazing.
First time I EVER heard riskyhubby be so enthusiastic about a concert, even McCartney or Neil Diamond, his faves. He was literally bubbly!
Needless to say, we followed NorthernSpirit walking back to the hotel. Gotta say, she walks FAST. Then, we kept the bar open WAAAAayyy after their normal closing time flailing, drinking and eventually – cher was present, you know – eating again.
Actually, the food at the hotel was quite good, at least IMHO.
So, packed few days, schedule was:
Sunday, 6/30 – Arrived 6 pm, straight to The Fish Market to meet ALLers for dinner.
Monday, 7/1, sleep late, banana for breakfast.
11 a.m. lunch at Poseidon with ALLers and some other Glamberts who showed up. Beautiful beach, lovely touches by tchrsd, yellow roses (given to Adam after concert), cards with anagram of his initials listing his qualities and great food and conversation.
About 6:30 pm, dinner with ALLers, and other Glamberts staying at Hilton, in Hilton dining room.
After, some went to The Brass Rail gathering. We stayed in patio chatting.
Tuesday 7/2: Breakfast at Denny’s, then retjenny and hubby very kindly took us to Old San Diego, where we saw lots of Spanish/Mexican style architecture and had great Mexican lunch here:
Then, returned to hotel, and at 3:30 pm met with others to begin the trek to Nirvana (Adam’s concert), and afterwards stayed in hotel patio until 2 something flailing.
Wednesday 7/3: 8:30 a.m. group breakfast. I confess, did some overnight worrying about a few comments from a couple of people, that A might have upset many with his “bumblebees” and “Beyoncé’s concert in SanFran” comments. But cwm and rs (official voices of reason) and others dissuaded me, so mind is at rest.
Sorry for long drawn out, maybe boring, account. Now to watch vids. I did see part of the whole set on YouKu, and sound is excellent!
What a great M&G photo, aely – so nice to put such a pretty face behind your name.
Your recap, riskylady, left me breathless – you peeps must be in great shape to experience all that and survive. Just a crazy wonderful time apparently – lol.
P.S. Know the “bumblebee” thing, but what’s with the “Beyonce” one? Thanks!
HD – Adam Lambert – Dragon Attack feat. WWRY, Shady – Del Mar County Fair -(TALCvids)
Hello…I did not understand the Beyonce thing either. Can someone explain? And I am a little confused about the bumblebee comment. He’s said it before. Remembering once he said “I don’t want to see a bunch of bumblebees in the audience”. But every concert there is black & yellow. So does he not like the black & yellow or just the stripey combination? There was so much of it there with the striped Adam signs, etc. Is he done with yellow & black? He’s still singing Trespassing music so I don’t know.
Anyway…What a wonderful trip! cwm,, riskylady, retjennyand others have pretty much said everything. I am very sorry I didn’t get to spend more time with ladybugs,., paulanation, Reese,and many many others that it was enough time to say hello but not much else. And firstimerob…you are a hoot! See we are not too scarey!
At the beautiful lunch on Monday I was talking to someone (not in our ALL group) who;s cousin insisted on stopping in to see who his cousin was hanging out with. What kind of a cult was she involved with. (lol!). After checking out the people there he was satisfied she was in good hands. haha little does he know.
My roomie nkd and I were waiting for the elevator with this young family…husband, wife, couple of kids. This was about 11:00am. The husband says to his wife “did you hear about the guy singing tonight at the fair? He fell off the stage during soundcheck & hurt his hand. Adam something or other. Won’t be able to hold his microphone”. I screamed..ADAM LAMBERT???? WHAT???. Then he started to chuckle. He snookered us real good. Nkd asked him how he knew we were fans. Was it the glam-ish looks we were wearing? Then he fessed up he saw my Adam Lambert rubber bracelet. We all had a huge laugh over the whole thing. They were from Sudbury Ontario. Not sure why they were visiting but mentioned only $8.00 for a concert ticket once in the fair. They kinda seemed interested, not sure if they went.
After 2 glorious days of San Diego, La Jolla seals, we all of a sudden realized we were to see Adam that night! How great an ending. Show was fabulous. right in front of me was Tommy’s mom, sister & brother in law. Then in popped Leila. After the show Eber. I decided to go and introduce myself & shake his hand…which I did. So tall & handsome. He put his arm around me as if waiting for a camera but I didn’t have mine handy so I said “aw..no pictures today”. He said ” Oh thank you!! sheesh”. Can really tell he’s uncomfortable with this attention. This girl behind me kept saying “I want to date Eber. I want to date Eber” over and over again. haha.
So wonderful to see and hang out with our people. Oh little dutchess and the duke…hello again to you two!
So that’s it for now! May add things later.
Oh, two rows in front of me was Sutan & four of his friends. Boy is he tall! Nice looking guy in person too. I was in the center of the Lambert family & friends. Fun!
And I really didn’t see SPG’s. They could have been there but I didn’t notice.
Don’t think I commented on the show.WOW WOW WOW! And the streaker was so funny. First I thought it might have been staged without Adam knowing but after I saw her head cam I see it was real. Funny Adam said she could have been a coal miner.
And hello to rs too!!!!Nice having dinner with you, TLKC and turquoisewaters.
Geez, cwm, and my roommate nkd. Just the best!!!!!
They are her fans. Here is an article
And then there is this….
HD – Adam Lambert – Purple Haze, Are You Gonna Go My Way (Encore Part 1) – Del Mar County Fair
lol…and I really want to give a special thanks to mmm222, Adamized and nkd without whom I would have been lost. And I am really going to buy new shoes this weekend!
Also, the strap on my purse ripped totally off when I landed in Syracuse it was so heavy! Have to buy a new one of that too!
I will be doing this all night….hello to jlurksacto and cher!!! Love to you both.
ok, thanks, aely. That does ring a bell now. Have heard this before. And sorry too that I didn’t get a chance to spend more time chatting with you.
There was a women I met at the after show dinner who posts on 24/7 all the time. She posts as DRG and said she was one of the sane ones over there. I would love to invite her here. Wonder how I can do this? She was really really nice, intelligent, informative, supreme Adam fan from Chicago. I would address something to her but don’t know how to go about giving her this website without the insane people over there seeing it. Anyone have any ideas let me know.
Shout – AT&T Live Proud – 7-3-13 Carol Hagey
TALCvids are pretty great. Although FYE is posted above, here is TALC’s, Seems like he forgot quite a few of the words. I noticed this at the show too. Maybe just me?
Is This Love – Bob Marley Cover – AT&T Live Proud Carol Hagey
If I Had You – AT&T Live Proud 7-3-13 Carol Hagey
Outlaws of Love Intro – AT&T Live Proud Carol Hagey
luval, apparently according to this tweet, she’s not on Twitter cause you could have DM’d her.
The other lady, funbunn40, spent some time with us before and after the concert and she is on Twitter. Maybe she will tell DRG (I think we asked her to mention it) or you could DM funbunn and ask her, or glitzylady.
Thanks, riskylady! I thought too I might try ALF. Haven’t been there in months but we’ll see what happens.
I’ve never DM’d anyone. This will be a first!
M&G pics from San Diego
Great IIHY/NL by thefilmqueen
So I especially went to a hotel in San Diego so I would be close to the airport for my early morning flight, and then the girl at the desk told me to give myself a half an hour in case of holiday traffic (at 5 am?). I had to leave an extra hour early anyway because the computer didn’t let me check in on-line. So the ride took 5 minutes and I arrived veeeerrrrrry early. Then when I went to board the flight disappeared! No sign, nobody there, just “gate closed”. Thought I had missed my flight, but they had moved the gate. Then when we got on board we were informed that there was a problem with the plane and it couldn’t hold enough fuel to get all the way to Newark, so we would have to land and refuel in Omaha , Nebraska, of all places. So the detour and leaving late added an hour and a half to the flight. When we finally landed, there was no gate for us! Sat there for 45 minutes waiting. The pilot was so mad. He wanted to get home, too. Then when we finally got to a gate, it took another 15 minutes before they opened the doors. Got an email of apology from United with an offer of compensation, but I haven’t checked yet what it is. Living where I do, I probably won’t be able to use it. Then after another hour and 20 minutes of driving I finally arrive at my cousins house and there is no cell phone connection way out here. To top it all off, I can’t connect my i-pad to the wifi for some reason Apple won’t give me on-line help!
So the fabulous weekend spent with Adam and ALL my friends, new and old, was the highlight and it can’t get any better.
Of course, looking forward to seeing the Toronto crowd again and especially meeting Ron!
When I get home, in the privacy of my own space, I will watch the vids and work on the photos. I think that I took over 200 and many need culling.
I didn’t think it would take me so long to get back here today. I had to get up early this morning and run all over the hospital working until mid day, and then came home and slept all afternoon. So now I have a second wind and am catching up on the important stuff, meaning Adam.
San Diego was such a wonderful experience on so many levels. It was one big multi day party with a coming together of kindred spirits. Even without the concert, it would have been a great time. The concert was just the icing on the cake. And it was fabulous!
For adamized and me the party began on Sunday as soon as we got on the plane from Baltimore to San Diego. We sat next to a very friendly DC Glambert with another one across the aisle. We watched the concert videos from Universal Studios and berted the entire way across country. It was the fastest cross country trip we have ever taken! When we arrived at the Hilton, we joined our fellow ALL’ers in the outside lounge area and didn’t stop partying until we left on Wednesday. It was so wonderful to spend time with everyone and connect names, faces and blog personalities with the real person. We have such interesting and fun group at ALL.
Other than hanging out with all the ALL’ers at the hotel, some of the highlights for me were Marilyn’s group lunch on Monday, the trip to La Jolla with cwm, adamized, nkd and luval and dancing with my yellow and black feather boa at the Brass Rail. On Tuesday a big group of us went to the fairgrounds to scope it out. After the pig races, we went to the venue to check out our seats and wait for sound check, or so we thought, until security threw us out. We made friends with a female security guard who was new on the job. She was amused that we were such nut cases and finally found out from Adam’s management that sound check would be late. So we left and came back for the dinner at 5 PM just in time for sound check. It was such a treat!
The concert was just indescribably wonderful. All of the seats in sections 3 and 4, where most of us were, were great with perfect views of the stage. The acoutics and sound mix were perfect too. I had my big telephoto lens that I use for wildlife photography on my camera. (How appropriate!) Before the concert we spotted Leila and I started taking pictures of her from a distance with the telephoto lens like a real papparazzi. That’s when I got busted for trespassing. Security told me long lenses weren’t allowed. Really? There was nothing about that posted anywhere. So I said politely, “Okay”. What I thought was, “Yeah right, dude”, and just made an effort to be more subtle after that. I did get some great close up photos of Leila, and also of Eber after the show. I got some nice shots of Adam, too, although I was dancing around too much to spend too much time on photography. I saw rs’s photos and they were excellent.
I loved so many things about this concert. It was everything I want an Adam concert to be…wailing vocals, fancy foot work, rhythmic hip thrusts. It was pure Adam… no divas, no dancers, just Adam and the band. The set was a good length and included some great covers I haven’t heard live before. And the band is sounding really great. I left feeling so happy and satisfied, but at the same time yearning for my next fix.
I have posted this web site on 24/7 a few weeks ago…took me a while to pluck up courage as I didn’t want the trolls to come over, have been trying to get Funbunn, DRG, Glitzylady, daydreamin and JAK to come over here. No luck yet. I have mentioned it to Funbunn and Glitzylady in messages on the fansite (my memberships lapsed at the moment though), and I now have Glitzyladys e-mail, so maybe will try again.
They would love it here…..24/7 has just been crazy lately.
Ok. I did a head count of All-ers present in San Diego, including others that don’t really post here too much but who several of us know from MJs days. I really thank her for bringing us together. The best glamily! I thank eywflyer for keeping us together now. Sorry to hear he’s not going to host threads and post comments here anymore. AL, we appreciate all your hard work now. You rock! The number I came up with is 35, including a few lurkers but not counting several hubbies and a couple friends that were dragged along with our peeps. We were a large, very visible and vocal group. We had a crazy good time even though a few others and myself got pooped on by pelicans after our Monday lunch. Tchrsd arranged a lovely lunch that day. Not much more to recap since a few others have already done a great job of that. I miss everyone and was sad that we all had to go our separate ways. luval, great to see you again and I do have phone numbers for glitzylady and funbunn40 if u need them. Remember you can’t dm anyone on twitter unless they follow you already. Will check back in tomorrow when I can.