- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
We are at the airport starting with mimosas! Let the fun start!!!! Can’t wait to see and meet everyone.
Ok. Hanging with Gene Simmons at the admirals club
Okay. Here it is. He was pulling me in to snuggle so it was a horrible angle. Anyway.
I’m here! Met TLKC and Northern Spirit at the airport and we are at the Hilton with adjoining rooms. YAY!
We are on the third floor in adjoining rooms, so anyone coming, ask for the third floor and we will make it OURS!
Hi! From TLKC
Just got up – 6am here in San Diego and this Canadian can report that the weather is beautiful – a cool breeze this morning.
We received an email last night saying that the Hilton Del Mar, where most of us are staying, has generously set aside a room on concert day for Glamberts to meet. We told the guy at the desk all about Adam performing with Queen at the same time last year. I offered to show him some videos. San Diego very proud of Adam.(Hope jlurksacto has a Queenbert Ukraine DVD on him LOL!)
Yesterday, rs’s flight and ours both arrived early, the first of many anticipated happy accidents in the coming week (including all of us bumping into Adam at some point and having 5 minutes of him to ourselves.) IMHO aely’s encounter with Gene Simmons can be added to that. Half points, though.
Northern Spirit and I had an absolutely wonderful running conversation throughout yesterday with rs about everything from Adam to Scrabble to Adam to Israel to Adam to Adam. Heard all about her group of Glamberts who email and skype together. She called them the group of seven. Canada’s most famous artist collective is called “The Group of Seven” – cool name.
Adam has inspired so many social clusters. We talked about ALL and what we have here. This week is major fun, with Universal and SD concerts, but the truth is we have talked each other through some difficult times, too, and together we offer a chance for conversation, happy distraction and moral support, when needed.
May it never end.
We are catching a play at La Jolla Playhouse this afternoon. Then we are coming back here to a happy trickling in of the best damn fandom in the universe.
Gonna go and check out the Universal thread now!
Fog is lifting, sun is coming out should warm up now. Am waiting for Nkd at the airport. Her plane was diverted to Palm Springs for refueling!
Read the Orlando thread. He really did look great except for that up close vine video lol.
That crying baby YouTube is so cute.
Yes, sitting on the plane at the Palm Springs airport. I think we may have lost our place in line now!
You’d think I was driving this thing!!
Waiting to see all of you SD travelers.
So after waiting in the lobby for about 2 hours watching vids from last night, I heard some people talking about Adam and I went over to talk to them. Then M and P came, then Floridagirl and Margie, then little duchess and the duke and finally nkdand luval, all within the span of about 20 minutes. Mmm222and adamized are expected shortly. What can I say? I love this. Going to lunch soon.
Spoke to Cher this morning from the road and they will be here late afternoon, as will risky and hubby.
Lots more are coming, too during the afternoon and most staying at the same hotel. The hotel is right across the street from the fair, so traffic is terrible coming in here because everyone is going to the fair. (Isn’t that the name of a song?)
So I had been thinking all day as more and more of us gathered at the hotel and then headed off to the fish restaurant that I really wished that cwm could join us, since she was nearby, but I knew that she was busy with her rl family. We had a great meal and on our way out, who do I see but cwm! I thought that she read about the fish restaurant on the blog and came to find us, but she and her family just happened to come to the same place. There were so many hugs and screams all around, the rest of the diners (to say nothing of her family) must have thought we were certifiably nuts, or had at the very least found long lost relatives. Tomorrow at lunch we will see tchrsd and ovation impact
Peeps are here who went to the Orlando show and are saying that it was the best ever! maybe because it was so damn hot!
Mornin’Just sitting in the breakfast room waiting for Glammies to wake up. I’ve been here over an hour and meant to post right away but I started talking to the waitress and before you know it we were watching Queenbert Hammersmith YouTubes. Showed her Who Wants to Live Forever and I Want to Break Free. She loved the split pants moment and couldn’t get over how he interacted with the audience. I am getting one of jlurksacto’s dvd’s for her.
Another one bites the dust!
The Fish Market last night was terrific. It was like old home week. rs isn’t kidding by the way. cwm got a sucession of hugs as we all trooped by and I saw these people in the booth beside her looking totally mistified.
Met retjenny and her hubbie last night. She and I talked up a storm and I think we have Adam’s life all figured out, retrospectively and ongoing, LOL! Gotta get her email.
Also met aely. Her pics don’t do her justice – she glows. (Maybe Gene Simmon’s star power rubbed off on her a little yesterday morning yuk, yuk, yuk.)
Only a few guys: jlurksacto, we had the Duke, Retjenny’s husband Jim and P. None of them seemed to feel outnumbered.
Two Glamberts I don’t know just walked in. Gotta go!
Hi all – rs and TLKC are so sweet for telling the story of last night. What a treat it was to see everyone at the restaurant! I had been sitting there enjoying dinner with my brother and his family, who live nearby, and my daughter, who came with me on the trip. I occasionally casually looked around to see if any ALLers were in the restaurant, because it is so close to the hotel where everyone is staying, but never saw anyone.
But toward the end of the meal, I suddenly realized I could see adamized in the adjoining room. Out of surprise, I said to myself under my breath, “Oh my God, I see [adamized]!” Well obviously, I didn’t say it under my breath quite quietly enough, because my daughter quickly turned her head and looked at me with alarm as though something was wrong. “Oh no, nothing wrong. Just talking to myself,” I smiled. We all proceeded to finish our meal.
Then adamized, mmm222, and luval exited the adjoining room first and walked right by our booth. I quietly looked at them, smiled, and waved. It took them a moment to recognize me and then all hell broke loose. I got out of the booth to give them hugs and proper greetings, and then 20ish additional ALLers proceeded to file out of the adjoining room past my family’s booth, all with proper squeals of delight, hugs, and excited chatter right there in the middle of the restaurant. So funny.
By the time the excitement had calmed down and I was in the car with my family, they asked “Who ARE all of those people? Are those your Adam Lambert friends? How do you know them?”
I have been fully outed. And so have all of YOU!!
Just found paulanation at the san diego airport. We are on our way to the hilton and then to the poseidon. Hope to see you all soon.
just getting ready to post my Orlando thoughts (what a show!!! and thought I’d stop by here. Guess I’m the 1st one-just had the most spectacular lunch party with EVERYONE/tchrsd outdid herself putting together this event overlooking the Pacific Ocean with lots of peeps on the beach below. Yellow roses on the tables for each of us with handwritte with handmade Adam Lambert cards.
What a labor of love from this wonderful and warm lady. Everything just perfect & gorgeous. So much fun with this group. We really are so well behaved despite how crazy we can be. Lunches were terrific, the waitstaff worked well around us and a good time was had by all. Lots of picture taking, even on the beach afterwards. The Brass Rail tonite.
Now onto the Orlando thread where I was supposed to be
Hi little duchess! So glad that you and the Duke arrived safely and are enjoying yourselves so thoroughly!
TLKC glad you met Retjenny and had the same experience I had meeting her in Phoenix. She was my welcoming committee along with hubby Jim and our other Jim. Great to meet other fans and feel like old friends. Glad your all there and making memories.
Just a tad jealous. 
Hi all. My daughter and I will be arriving tomorrow afternoon. Looking so forward to meeting and greeting all of you. Daughter Sabrina already thinks I am crazy, but she is a Glambert at heart!!! She is the only one who has really had a personal encounter with Adam! See you all at the hotel tomorrow-XO

It’s today! YAY! And I am here, not watching on my computer the next day from halfway across the world. Words can’t express how great it has been to see old friends, to meet in person those I have known only on the blog, and to make new friends who will make their way to ALL now. And tonight…..it’s gonna be epic! Gotta get out of bed and start the day now
Mornin’ We had a wonderful day yesterday starting with meeting a few new Glamberts who came alone or didn’t have DVD’s. Jim played Santa Claus all day up to and including the Glamily reunion at the Brass Rail.
Tchrsd’s luncheon was amazing. She gave each of us a yellow rose tied with a yellow ribon and a beautiful card listing many of Adam’s charmer qualities; the first letter of each forming an acrostic of Adam’s name.
We are bringing the roses to the concert and, after 3 songs, passing them up to tchrsd, who will give them to a security guy for Adam.
We also took a group shot on the beach with the intention of posting it on this site with a “wish you were here” caption. This might not be to everyone’s liking but perhaps the photo link provided by Ron renders this a moot point, so we will discuss this morning.
Any of you are feeling that we are too blessed with great good luck to be here, should know that immediately after we took the photo, a flock of pelicans flew over and shat on us in unison. The universe’s way of saying: nobody can be that lucky ever….
Last night was a riot. We danced our heads off – a lot of Adam’s music in the mix. There was, lamentably, a live feed. On behalf of the ALL gang – please DON’T WATCH IT. We are all in there. Yikes. All you need to know is that turquoisewaters and cwm can dance – the rest of us?!?!?
Waiting for eywflyer. Don’t know what time he’s arriving but the traffic into this place is really bad so he needs to get out of the airport a.s.a.p. Hope his plane arrives before 3PM.
Oh jojosie we talked about you because I nearly joined you two on a road trip a couple of years ago and have regretted missing it. We will definitely meet.
Have a great day!
Good morning from Del Mar!
We all had a great day yesterday. Had a beautiful lunch on the terrace of a beach-side restaurant. Much happy chatting and catching up with everyone over delicious food. We took a fantastic group shot with all 25ish of us out on the beach. Hopefully someone will post that here to share with you all. Many many thanks to tchrsd for organizing that lovely lunch. And the pelican poop-bombing at the end of our photo session on the beach is a great story to end an otherwise perfect lunch!
During the afternoon, we were on our own. Some folks poked around Del Mar, some folks hung out at the hotel, some folks went on little excursions (e.g. La Jolla, San Diego). mmm222, adamized, nkd, luval, and I checked out La Jolla and it was lovely. We watched the seals come out of the water and up onto the beach to rest for the evening in the little cove.
Lots of ALLers had a big dinner at the hotel. The 5 of us missed that, but ate an absolutely delicious seafood dinner at the restaurant next door to our lunch restaurant. After dinner, we wandered out onto the beach to watch the sunset and witnessed the most amazing sight unfold with a man and his dog and a boogie board: The dog hopped onto the boogie board, the man guided the board out into the waves with the dog standing on it, and then, when the wave was right, the man would aim and release the board and the dog surfed the wave into shore. THE DOG WAS SURFING. I kid you not. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. After the dog surfed to shore the first time, I shouted “what a good dog!” to him and he came trotting up to me for a pat on the head and then stood next to me looking out at the ocean, waiting for his master to retrieve the boogie board, knowing deep in his heart what a hot shit dog he was. It was awesome.
Then last night was the big Glambert reunion at the Brass Rail, a gay bar in downtown San Diego. We piled into our cars and made our way 20 miles south to the event. When our car got there, they were playing Kickin’ In, so turquoisewaters, paulanation and I made a beeline for the dance floor and danced to Kickin’ In, Naked Love, Pop That Lock, a NCOE remix, and Broken English – all in a row. What joy that was! To be able to dance to Adam’s music at high volume on a real dance floor was a first for me and was truly a joyful experience!
Then 80s night kicked in for the regular crowd, and as the night wore on the dance floor filled up more and more and the place was really hoppin’. adamized, cher, mmm222, TLKC, and an ALL lurker (M, you know who you are!) joined turquoisewaters and me out on the dance floor. Most of the ALLers chatted (i.e. shouted into each others’ ears at close range to be heard over the music) at the back of the club or watched the dance floor from a safe distance. The excitement level on the dance floor really surged at 11:00pm, though, when the mostly naked male and female exotic dancers started dancing on pedestals in the middle of the dance floor. People were going nuts over them, shoving cash in their skimpy little undies and taking pictures of them, and I must say that the male dancer had quite the crowd of Glamberts enjoying him. (I want to assure you that all of us from ALL retained our dignity and composure and only enjoyed him from a distance.
As worn-out ALLers peeled away and went back to the hotel, only turquoisewaters and I remained from ALL, holding down that dance floor late into the night with the large crowd of Brass Rail regulars. I have to tell you, turquoisewaters is a great dancer and she is every bit the dancing fool that I am, so we had an absolute blast. You can be sure that turq and I represented ALL well on that dance floor, and I have the sore feet this morning to prove it. But I was feelin’ pretty fierce in my dancin’ shoes.

Today! The fair! And then the concert!! Eeeeeee!!!!
We are having an absolute blast being all together. Wish all of you could be here with us!!
I am loving loving loving the play-by-play! Thanks to those who are posting and making us feel part of it all!

Cwm politely did not mention the part where we got just a bit lost on the way home. But yes the dancing was such fun. Cwm and I showed them boys that middle-aged women might not have the latest moves but we do have stamina.
Thanks .. cwm and other posters of the fun time you’ve had together. Wish I were there.
You make me smile from ear to ear.
Please post more .. can’t have enough like always want more from Adam.
AL … Here is mlg‘s SD poster .
Thanks … TLKC, cwm and turquoise .. for your posts.
More .. please.
Can’t wait for tonight. I’ll be glued to my screen here watching the dinner.
Hi asif! Don’t you mean that you will be devouring every morsel of dinner like me? LOL
Loving all the posts – more, more, more!
Thanks asif! Got it from mlg earlier too. And it’s there now for ALL to see.
For those in San Diego, don’t forget to check
to let people know where and when to meet up today.
Gorgeous poster!
Yep! … sparkle .. devouring every inch ..oops … I mean every morsel …
Yes, … more, more, more posts from the ALL’ers Gang … please. Such Fun!!!
I’d like to keep this fort busy while most posters are in SD, but I need to do some RL work before tonight.
Will be back in 3 hours to chat and read report play-by-play.
HI !! ALL’ERS GANG. See You All tonight.
Checked out the fair today and at mmm222’s insistence we went to the pig races! What a hoot! Or should I say oink? We checked out our seats at the venue and got some food and went back to wait for the sound check, but were then told that Adam won’t be coming till much later so after a while we
headed back to the hotel. Heading out soon for dinner at the turf club (included in the tickets) and ADAM. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! We’re off to the venue!! Woooot!!!
I don’t think I made it onto the twitter list in time, but I may tweet some. I’m @cwm122.
Am loving all the details you’re all sending us, if we can’t be there then the next best thing is to live vicariously through you all.
Keep the posts coming and have a blast in just a couple of hours or so….
I just surprised some of the Glamily!! They had no idea I was coming! I’ve missed these crazy kids!! #2CloseNot2Support #Glamily
Soundchecked Purple Haze.
Boy is feeling feisty.
Speaking of which, I was flicking channels last night, and stumbled upon Velvet Goldmine. I had only seen portions of it before, and FINALLY saw it complete.
It is simply stunning. I know many of you have seen it, but, wow. It was pure and simple Adam. From beginning to end. It’s like he absorbed the movie and was re-born through it. There was barely a visual image in it that he hasn’t re-created at one time or another. From his People Magazine gold shoes jumping in the air picture to Zodiac to even that large brimmed black hat to the GlamNation feather pictures to so many hairdos and makeup styles to even his manner of posing and , LOLOL his stage antics.
Oh his stage antics!! Especially during GN, his play with Monte during WLL and finales. Not to mention 20th Century Boy. The concert in teh movie is the Death of Glitter show. Sound familiar? ” Glitter is dead to me.”
Sorry for being off topic, but with a show tonight and how epic Orlando was, and knowing he soundchecked PH, just leaves me ….erm…excited.
So Keisha is going to the show, not performing in the show?
Hate to say it, but, YAY.
Orlando reminded us of how great Adam is all alone up there, with just a band.
AYGGMY. Soundcheck.
OOOOOh. Rawk it out baby, but save some for later. Mama needs her rawkstar.
Ok. This sucks. Waiting for the VIP pass. It is time for dinner but Adam’s mgmt hasn’t bothered to bring down the passes. So I have to wait and maybe miss dinner. Seriously. Whatever. Ughhhh. Nkd and my friend are on there way to dinner. Damn. Just threw away my vodka.
Okay aely. I almost feel sorry for you.
We’re all hungry when it comes to Adam.
All these peeps do is EAT!
Glad they have the concert to tear them away from the dining table.
By the time dinner will be served tonight, I’ll be in bed.
Mil’ alarm clock is set for quite early in the morning tomorrow.
Dammit I simply hate it when being adult and living a real life doesn’t match up with my stanning needs. ( Whines a bit ).
Or, since Ron is here, ( hi!! waves) WINES a bit.
Are you offering me a drink.
Well, maybe just a … tiny … triple.
My drinkipoo of the evening will be Jack on the rocks with a splash of Diet Coke. Care for a glass? I’ll share.
We are at dinner now. Sound check right below us!
Band just played Sunshine of Your Love by Cream… unsure if Adam will perform it, though. We are hoping.
See? There they go again!
A sound check appetizer – mmm, sounds good!
Share? I want my own.
Okay luval.
Loving the play by play.
But seriously, you guys getting TWO concerts plus food is killing me. Simply killing me.
It’s almost too much sensory overload to manage.
LOLOLOL. Remember the Seinfeld episode where George combines his two favorite things?
Eating and sex.
Yup. It’s exactly like that.
Enjoy your dinner. Every single bite.

Oh honey , I’m pouring it strong tonight. We’ll need it to get through our friend’s blow by blow of the night’s goings on.