- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
oh hkfan we missed u this time around.
Glitzylady did mention she’s been talking to you and that you had invited her here. She and funnbunn might join. I introduced Glitzy to eywflyer after the concert. She said she was trying to log in but she was having trouble doing so. Told her to use the blog email for help logging in.
I wish I’d been there cher, it sounds like everyone had such an amazing time, an experience to talk about and treasure for a very long time.
Hi everybody just got back here since my recap and have been enjoying all the recaps and fun with plenty. I repeat I was worried Adam would not be able to move in those extra tight jeans and as usual he proved me wrong and plenty survived.
luval yep you guys are not scary, fun and nice too. My only regret I could not stay and meet more of you.
I am at Bear Mountain for the family wedding. Festivities start tonight. Now I am just trying to catch up, but not watching vids. Will wait until I get home to my fast computer and good speakers for that. HK fan you were part of the London crowd and you were definitely missed. You too, mils, Kradamour, and asif. I need to meet all of you soon! That goes for all the posters and lurkers of ALL. This is such an awesome site and I am so thankful to eywflyer for setting it up and running it for so long. I don’t know what happened, but I am so sorry if you were hurt in any way, you are so special to so many of us, and I was so glad to finally meet you after the concert.
I am still recovering. Three nights in a row with only 4-5 hours sleep definitely took their toll. But what a blast it was. I think I got more dancing and laughing done than in the rest of the year combined. People from this blog are just as fun, sweet, and wonderful in real life. It’s weirdly wonderful how easy it is to connect. I think it is due to the fact that we all know and share our most embarrassing secret already which is this intense love of Adam. There is nowhere down from here, no need to pretend you are something you are not.
I loved seeing cwm again (first ALL person I ever got to know back in glamnation SF), my buddies from the Wilkes-Barre show and people I had just briefly met in Toronto. And I must mention the extremely generous cher who just tirelessly makes sure everbody connects and is taken care of. And my roommate paulanation was just perfect. We got along so well, even though we come from very different RL backgrounds. A great experience.
Really, the concert was just the cherry on the top. During the soundcheck when Adam came first on I distinctly remember thinking “Damn, he does sound good.” It felt so good hearing his voice again live, with nothing else around. The concert is still a bit of a blur for me. I personally did not care for his outfit, found the pants too tight and the boots a bit goofy. (I think he looks best in something like the Pittsburgh outfit.) But man, he sure sounded good. What stood out for me were the reggae-style songs OOL and Is This Love because of all the nuances, the big smile on his face singing for a home crowd, and of course the power notes. It was a fabulous three days.
I believe that Beyonces fans are called the Beehive. That’s why he said he didn’t understand “why the Beehive is here” since she was in LA.
He’s mentioned the bee thing a few times now. It’s my guess that he may be hinting that there’s no need to dress in any special color (?) What do I know?
I will say that this was by far my favorite of the 8 concerts I’ve attended. He was just so relaxed and natural; even goofy. I like when he’s comfortable. His voice, well what can anyone say about that voice that hasn’t already been said dozens of times? It was impeccable. Loved meeting everyone, and had more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Can’t wait to do it again!
Ho everyone. I got home at 12:35 a.m. July 4 and am still recovering! I agree with all the recaps – it was so much fun seeing everyone and attending the concert. I had a blast and can’t wait to do it again! My sinuses, however, are not happy. It’s been almost two days and I feel like I have the flu AND a summer head cold and while sitting in an oven. The Orlando and San Diego shows were fantastic and I’m so glad I finally decided to go to both!
haha San Diego A Day in the Life
Oh luval, that is so darn cute! I just love the ending. Kinda sums it all up, doesn’t it?
Finally popping in here. Between feeling pretty tired after all that fun in Del Mar, and taking a couple of days to get back to home turf, picking up a new car along the way, I can finally sit back and reflect on the fabulous time I had this past week meeting up with you all, exploring Del Mar and environs, eating all the fresh seafood I could get my hands on, and having a blast at the concert.
. You’re the fandom’s Santa for sure, handing out all those DVD’s. I can’t imagine the time it took you to burn these. I’ll never forget the looks on people’s faces in the hotel lobby and at the Brass Rail when they were told these precious momentos of Adam’s concerts were free to anyone who wanted one.
Everyone who has posted here already has given a great snapshot of what transpired over the 3 to 4 days we were all there, and who was there. It was so nice to catch up again with people I met for the first time either at Ste Agathe or in London, and to meet new ALLers. This really is a great group. I wish I posted more often here, but I’m trying, these days, to push myself away from the computer and get more active again. Easier said than done LOL.
As everyone has said, the concert was the icing on the cake, but I always find that the great times we all share together before and after the concert, is what seals the deal. Riskylady, it was nice to get to know you and hubby better. Who would have thought my stubbornness to walk to the venue, with or without others, would provide some amusement to the trek over. I never thought anyone would ever say I walk fast (thank you)…let’s just say you walk slow(er). But I feel an explanation is needed to explain why I did keep walking…on my own. I’ve had a rather bad year for foot pain. Just one of those things. Finally this past month or so, the pain has subsided, and “dammit”…I’m going to walk.
Luval…really, you met a couple from Sudbury, Ontario? That’s where I live. I wish you could have gotten their names. I’d like to blast them for giving you that scare
jlurksacto, I still owe you a beer. Next time. Can’t say I didn’t try
Paulanation, great seeing you again. All the best with your e-book sales.
There were so many others that I interacted with, shared laughs. I won’t even attempt to mention you all here, for fear that I’ll leave someone out. It was great talking with you all!
As you all know, I travelled with TLKC. We had a great time together, exploring La Jolla, dining at Eddie V’s overlooking the ocean/seals/sea cave, taking in a great play at the La Jolla Playhouse (Tribes); visiting museums at Balboa Park, and just hanging out with y’all.
I was so happy to catch the sound check during dinner. What a bonus and a surprise. I just didn’t have the energy to wander over to the park earlier that day (after Balboa) to see if Adam was doing a sound check mid day, so everything worked out in the end. TLKC and I sat beside a lady who brought yellow and black beach balls and glow sticks to the venue to hand out to those on the floor. The intent was to throw the beach balls out into the audience (to punch around) during Trespassing, but as the show neared the end, and she wasn’t sure if Adam was going to sing Trespassing (as if), we threw them out, but no one kept them bouncing
After the show, TLKC pointed out to me that Glamberts were gathering around Eber. So off I went. I noticed a friend of mine, Sue, get her photo taken with Eber, so I asked her to take mine with him, too. I waited, waited for the right moment, then–horrors–he was making moves to leave, so I touched his arm to ask him for a photo. “oh, one more,” he said. “What’s your name?” So I told him and said what a great show Adam put on that night. We posed for a pic. The flash didn’t fire! Sue tries again. Still doesn’t fire. Frick, Eber’s going to give up on this. I desperately grab the camera and make sure the flash setting is okay, hand it back to Sue and we try one more time, me apologizing all the time…. This time, success! A highlight of the night for me. Eber’s such a handsome guy, younger looking than I thought he’d be, and of course, tall. So nice to meet him.
rs and M and P, see you next weekend!
luval, love that video. Thanks for posting
Hey! You won’t be believe what happened. Got home Wednesday night, woke up July 4th morning, came here, clicked on the YouTube link for the streaker video and was informed that the RCMP had impounded my computer…… due to violation of copywright, and if I would enter my credit card number to pay the $100 fine etc.
Took it in to get fixed and picked it up last night – $92 lighter.
Love all the recaps. The funniest story is risky lady’s. I hope this finally relieves Northern Spirit of the misapprehension that she is a slow walker. I keep hearing it but I don’t see it, lol!
What a wonderful glamily event. Great chance to renew old acquantances and meet some familiar names like retjenny, aely, firstimerob and reese.
I collected a lot of non-ALLER’s contact info, including funnbunn’s, and am sending out the link to the blog. Certainly hope that we see some of them here. It’s interesting how many twitter Glamberts are out there without an Adam website for a home. I guess many of them are “travel light” sort of people but a concert is so much more fun when you can share it with friends.
OKAY: SO SAME TIME NEXT YEAR! everyone put away a dollar or two a day and get ready!
Wow, TLKC, was it really the link to the video that got you that virus? Glad you took it in to get fixed.
Yep, same time next year!
And since there is break before the next concert, how about trying the weekly crossword if you have not done so before?!
This week “Universal Appeal” looks at the 2 recent shows in Florida and California.
luval says:
07/05/2013 at 9:18 pm
Love this vid. My Daughter in law was sitting in Row 4 of section 5, which was just left of the stage. She saw “the Girl” come out of the dark, and proceed to climb up the silver frame of the stage. When she got to the stage level she left the frame on climbed over some fencing. Then she appeared on the stage and you know the rest. D.I.L said that she appeared to know exactly where she was going so she must have scouted it out before. Personally, I didn’t think Adam looked too surprised. Do you think he might have know about it beforehand?
retjenny, Adam sure seemed to take it in stride. I’m still in awe of what this Katelyn did. She had guts, and clearly knew what she was doing, the terrain she was entering. Her video is outstanding. It does expose a security flaw in the venue, but still…my jaw drops at what she did and I love it. There’s a bit of an edit in the video between her asking to use the washrooms and then her running to the johnny on the spots, so I wonder what she did to finally get them to let their guard down.
I have to say, I obviously blinked when she ran across the stage because I totally missed seeing her. I remember being perplexed when Adam was talking about a girl with a head cam on and wondered if he was referring to someone in the audience.
A big shout out to tchsd for organizing the luncheon for us at the Poseidon. What a great place for lunch, on the beach. Could not have asked for more. I’ll never forget that poor guy, with 6 cameras hanging from his arms, so patiently taking our group photo. What a trouper. I fortunately escaped being shat on by those pelicans. Whew.
The Kickin’ In sound check video I took while we waited for dinner at the Del Mar race track. What a bonus to have Adam practicing while we were up there.
WWFM sound check. This time I managed to raise the camera a bit to capture the stage. Security stopped me earlier on so I put the camera down and let it roll
Thank you very much for all the recaps.
I have so much fun reading them … feel like I were there with you. Love all the recaps .. short and long. What a blast you all had. and What a beautiful friendship from like mind people who are together because of the love of Adam.
Thank you for sharing your great moments and wonderful experience with us.
The latest and the best PLAYLIST.
TALC HD -FULL SET PLAYLIST -Del Mar County Fair 14 videos 1 hour, 18 minutes
Home trip happening. Starting in south LA headed north on
Interstate I-5 prius was running great but getting hard to
control with legs crossed, squeezed tight with need to piss.
Exited three times to gas stations – no restrooms available.
Fianlly exited in a industrial/commerical area and found a
street going under I-5 that was like a wide shadowed tunnel.
Pulled over to the curb, went to passenger side (shuffling
very carefully), opened the two doors on the passenger side,
stood between them and let go. What a relief! Three cars
went by but don’t think they even noticed; and no one
walking. I never notice before, but I don’t think city/urban
gas stations have restrooms. No need because they serve local
populations, not travelers. Made it the rest of the way
without incident. Note to self – use rest stop/truck stop
restrooms prior to traveling thur cities. (and watch coffee
Poor jlurksacto! You mean that Cher didn’t leave any Depends. lol Next time, think McDonald’s Facilities always available.
Looked for a fast food place, Lowes, Home Depot, anything –
didn’t happen. Underpass worked great!!!!!!
Haha jlurksacto! Funny story.
Daughter and I arrived home tonight from our week-long road trip. I have additional details to recap about the concert and our ALL shenanigans together, but they will have to wait for tomorrow evening.
Right now, I come bearing gifs. I have to share these here, because my computer is about to explode from happiness if I don’t share them somehow.
Remember when I said in an earlier recap that I had the thought during the show that it was like one great gif after another? Yep, that’s what is was.
An entire collection of Kickin’ In and Fever gifs is here: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rl5nsn
A delightful, delicious, delectable collage:
From Kickin’ In:
From Fever:
Floorbert at end of show:
*wipes brow*
And some gorgeous photos:
Thanks for the gifs cwm. I love the Kickin’ In ones best. He almost seems to be tap dancing. Sorry to hear about your “dilemma” jlurksacto. Lesson learned, as Adam would say.
Did anyone check out P’s Brass Rail video shown above or were some of you too scared? Not to worry, no one made a fool of themselves. I saw a few of us dancing. This is just the first two songs, though. The night was young.
There are quite a few mentions of our Monday night dinner online. Hope to see a few of those people on here in the future.
P.S. In retrospect the pelicans actually peed on us. Cher and I both got it in our hair. She was pretty quick to get under one of those shower-thingies they have on the beach. Deepest thanks to whoever thought them up.
Wow. What a blast, meeting all of you, sharing those special moments with my roomie and especially what I call my Londonberts. I’m still so tired! I can’t even bring myself to type all the screen names, but rest assured, every one I’d met before and all the new people I met, what an honor it was to share the madness and one of the best shows Adam has ever done. I loved the stripped down band, it was tight and Adam’s voice was in perfect condition. Not that it matters, but I still hate that damn mustache. It detracts from all his other fine features. I can’t stop looking at it first thing when I see his beautiful face! ha ha ha BUT other than that, it was ALL GOOD. (pun intended)
And thanks, you guys, for all these wonderful recounts and links. Loving it! Soundcloud…wow. So glad people can video and take good pics. I couldn’t stand to take my eyes away from the stage long enough to even try more than three or four times. It took me out of the moment. I hope the show stays this clear in my mind…I know it won’t. But there will always be those moments. I’m so thankful to all of you who capture the magic on video and in photographs. Thank you thank you
Hehehehe, TLKC, I did watch the Brass Rail video but was disappointed that there were no crazy antics, but now I understand….
I do hope there was at least some craziness later on. I heard there was a whole lotta dancin’ goin’ on.
cwm, did I not say you are the champion at bringing links over? WOW! Those Fever gifs!! I remember those moves during the concert, almost knocked rs‘s camara arm. Fortunate we had PPPofP‘s yellow towels – definitely served a double purpose.
Toronto guys, have fun. Wish we were there.

Thanks CWM Love, love, love all the gifs I think my favorite is “floorbert”. I was sitting 4th row, directly in front of where he sat down. Some how I seem to have missed some of his bigger assets.

Has this been posted here yet? A concert goer wondering why Adam attracts such a varied crowd
P.S. In retrospect the pelicans actually peed on us. Cher and I both got it in our hair. She was pretty quick to get under one of those shower-thingies they have on the beach. Deepest thanks to whoever thought them up
tlkc, you’re lucky it was just your hair. I got it on my hair, my arm, the front of my shirt and the back of my shirt. Thank you ladybugs for helping me wash off. ladybugs got some on her arm and the duke got some on his head too…luckily not much hair to warrant a full wash…
sorry duke I’m so bad.
Really had a great time in San Diego. Our peeps here are amazing and it’s really like a second family. We feel like we’ve known each other forever. Fun times. Can’t wait until the next one.
cwm glad you and your daughter got back safely home. Thanks for the gifs. Jim, that story cracked me up. Thank goodness we stopped to eat on the way down and that restaurant did have a restroom. I would’ve really had to find some Depends. BTW I still have the ones from London last year and the travel johns that I never had to use because Sonisphere got cancelled.
I just posted a link to some of the concert pics in the planning thread. I put it there so that it would be a little more private. They are posted at 07/17/2013 at 10:18 am.
rs-Adam in San Diego Picasa photos
ETA Link added by AL
alikat’s Del Mar photos are here: http://alikat1323.smugmug.com/AdamLambert/Trespassing/Del-Mar-County-Fair-San-Diego/30651463_B6dDW4#!i=2647297125&k=CdJXZQS
Thanks NS! Added that link up top.
Very comprehensive set of pro and fan pics and vids – a great resource!
Complete set of the M&G pics here: