- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
The poster for this thread is absolutely stunning! Love it!
Wow, was I really first to post on this thread? That makes me Kris. In all the three years I’ve been posting, I’ve never been Kris or Adam. Well, I can scratch that one off my bucket list – LOL! I really am kidding. I’m pretty pathetic in my berting, but I’m not quite that far gone… yet!
Tidbits from the twitter list:
I am sooo excited for this performance for Adam. What an opportunity for him.
I posted a possible “dinner” link above. Hopefully it will be served!
Another pic from inside the venue:
The show is now underway, Spelbound is onstage. Adam is fourth in the program with a 15 minute set from 810-825 PM UK time (310-325 PM Eastern time). This looks like the type of venue that runs things ontime – even Adam may not be late lol.
This guy’s profile says “Tweets are meant to entertain, not offend, and are not to be taken seriously.” Good thing LOL!
Im pretty sure that we will hear 87th version of WWFM (one that we never heard before,LOL) NCOE and ????. Lemme think… (thinking)
A big THANK YOU to mlg for our beautiful poster this evening! She does amazing work and I’m so happy that we can feature her posters here.
Since according to one tweet RAH is full of parents,kids and Lambert stans, I guess any song that has four letter words is a no-no. And any references to ass. This takes care of Trespassing, Cuckoo and Shady.
Broken English then? Or Naked Love?
Hi,mlg, great works as usual.Dziekuje!!
“Rays of Sunshine” very aptly named.
I want at least one sassier song, like Trespassing.
An appetizer was just served – testing for the main course.
Stooshe now onstage.
I have sadly to admit that I don’t know most of the performers. WHO is JLS???
Haha, did you see the yellow section?
JLS British Boy Band
It shows my age, but I’ve never heard of them..
Another version of One Direction or Wanted?
XFactor UK runners up 5 #1 singles in England Signed to Jive in US but never charted From their picture, they appear slightly older than 1direction and wanted
Conor Maynard on now – Adam is next!
apal123,thanks for info. I guess peeps in UK know as much about Adam.
Adam is on – dinner is served!
Trespassing. Wow I hope that echo is a dinner problem.
ETA: Dinner has now stopped – got about halfway through Trespassing.
Maybe she got caught!
Cuckoo – wow that’s a surprise. Wonder if he uses the f word.
Ron, there was mention earlier of a security person near the dinner location.
ETA: there’s our answer on Cuckoo:
NCOE – I’m sure that will be the last song.
And it was. Trespassing, Cuckoo, NCOE.
I’m off to the mainland for a couple of days – AL will be hosting the G-A-Y thread on Saturday. Will try to add videos to this thread later on tonight or more likely on Friday.
Here goes my theory about song selection. Adam is fearless!!
That tidbit was great! Love the tweet where they are shocked to see Adam in a suit. What did they think he would wear? lol
Adam’s memory is amazingly bad sometimes lol:
This is an interesting tweet. Am guessing he’s talking about Adam’s backup band.
RecklessWanton @recklesswanton
Possibly unpopular opinion… The uk band kicked some serious arse…
Hope we get some videos so I can make an opinion.
He’s right. The first one was in Scotland. In Belfast.Oh, Adam, never change…hehehehehe..
Must see a video. Please.
Hopefully someone will have a mercy on us and will post vids on YT. Have a patience.
And I want to see Adam in blue suit. With leopard shoes. Only His Majesty, I swear….
Is Adam the only nonBrit performing? Again, what an honor, and what a UK team he has working for him!
Me too, Oksana! Do you think it’s the blue suit he’s wearing in the photo in the program? He looks so good in that!
Just got here and missed the party. But there’s still the twitter list!
Looks like a blue suit.
Although it says British band in the tweets, it looks very like Ashley in that blurred twitter photo above?
More pics.
It sure does, HK fan.
Here’s the twitter account for the UK bass player.
Seems like she will be playing on Saturday also.
Good news/bad news.
We’ll get videos! But only tomorrow!
Good news – someone else is posting vids!
Trespassing is up! http://youtu.be/dRLIaRtemtQ
Thanks for posting the Trespassing vid, AL!
Come on, peeps….. Get out of your seats and dance!!

Hmmm, maybe that isn’t proper etiquette for the Royal Albert Hall.
Maybe not a dancing crowd?
Wow, our boy looks so spiffy and classy!
Thanks for posting those tweets, jlurks — very sad indeed!
Cuckoo and NCOE
Don’t know that I have ever seen such loose pants on our boy.

I like the fluidity of the fabric when he moves.
Wow – he knocked NCOE out of the park – loved those thrilling high notes. That’s the way to do it, baby.
NCOE was magnificent!!
Another triumph. That was great.