- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
@foolishbeast i would’ve snapped a LOOONG way ago
Yeah he really said all those things to ladies in front row…lmaooo his preach just went on and on! “Sometimes I just have to say this…”
Great pic –
Merch –
And they have all blocked me ?
Rose. @itsrosemary
He was even more flirty and dirty and funny and charming than i remembered
There will be hot debates among glamberts.
The ones who can afford to go to many shows with M&Gs and front rows will say they pay for them and they share all the fun and joy thru photos, videos, snapchats, IGs, recaps, twitters .. etc….
And the money mostly goes to Adam’s pocket.
But what do I know!
I’m still a virgin! …
Adam’s M&G virgin.
Never even have a quickie like you guys have.
.. DANG IT!!!
Now I’m starving and gotta go socialize with my family.
Lotsa pics –
I dont feel bad at all lol I feel bad for the fans who were hopeful to see him or meet him but it taken away by ppl who saw him 100 times
Superstar @adamlambert on Estonian tv just now
lol – he probably thought he could at least escape them in Estonia – no such luck, babe! – they’re relentless!
It was ADAMazing! So professional, so fun, so much soul into what he does!
Beautiful pic –
Put your phone down!#dragthem #adamlambert
lol –
Jennifer ♕ @iMenageTrois
He’s excited to go on tour in different places, to see different types of people but instead see the same ones each time like hello??
#WelcomeToTheShow @ALAlwayz
There were plenty of photo ops remaining that could have been purchased…
TALCvids @TALCvids
Can’t you just feel the crowd’s joy?! < tomirstagram #adamlambert pörräiltiin ammeessa ja katotiin komistusta ! ?❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEb16nLkrvF/
Mel @RabbitholeGirl
@adamlambert U look like a million bucks in that “new” suit of urs that u wore today during After Hours. WHOAH. Plz wear it again
Boom shakalaka, ühe ilusa mehe kontserdil ? #adamlambert
Another beautiful pic –
Set list
Floofy hair and schwetty neck
Well as they are saying on twitter the people he was talking to won’t get it. They will think it is meant for the person next to them. They will say he is just teasing with them. He loves seeing them up front (in their minds).
I guess that answers the questions about repeat offenders we have had before. Where do we draw the line? 1 per tour. 5 per tour.
Who the hell went to Estonia anyway, do we know who was there?
ETA. Go Adam.
Thanks AL all I can think of now is schweddy balls
Think it’s more the hogging of the front rows that’s annoying –
Adam Lambert – The Light/ Original High / Never Close Our Eyes (Tallinn, April 20. 2016)
Adam Lambert Live at Tallinn, Estonia “What Do You Want From Me”
Maria Põlder
This is what I think too. I mean these women must spend thousands of dollars to follow him around the world. If they have the money why not. But at least be a little more discreet in where you sit/stand. Bet there are many more people who follow him (like me) that like good seats at times but he wouldn’t know me from Joe Shmoe. And that’s just the way I want it. Yet he says in many shows it’s nice to see familiar faces.
These m&G’s are starting to get expensive. Would they really sell out of them if these people didn’t buy them? You see on twitter many times on how peeps would love to meet him but can’t afford it.
Actually, not really sure on how I feel about what he said right now.
I also think it is more about hogging the front row but the way these people get that is buy the m&g, so they do go together IMO.
It honestly sounds like he is just fed up with it and maybe he thought he might not see them, off the beaten path but there they were, and he decided to say something.
Lilybop @ lilybop2010
@breathless2 @_swoosh14 Remember when A said a brief appearance at a gay club (name?) was just for his community but the usuals came anyway?
Lilybop @ lilybop2010
@feraltwirler @breathless2 @_swoosh14 He’s in an old town in Estonia and sees the usuals stuck to him like velcro!
(Really curious where they get the time and money to do this – and sometimes what seems like inside info.)
H @ shawol_26
Went to Adam Lambert’s concert tonight, he has such a good voice
Shawol from Estonia ^.^ OT5
Herta Elin Janson @YunonaChiruno
@adamlambert Greetings from Riga, 5 hour ride from Tallinn! Absolutely loved your show. Left with tears in my eyes – the show must go on!
I don’t even know what to say anymore.
Meet and greets are expensive, not every fan can afford them.this limits who can do it.
All meet and greets are expensive, Adam’s are actually much less than others.
I don’t care if people go to 2 a tour. But over and over, all over the world? I’m sure it does take away from locals.
I’ve been talking about this since GN.
What bothers me is the BEHAVIOR.
The entitlement. The up front, hands on the stage. The refusal to budge an inch.
The sudden, here I am, first in line at meet and greets, WITHOUT having to be outside with the mere mortals.
Then being front and center at every single show.
He must get sick of it.
But I also think he doesn’t understand competely that they post and share up front vids with a world of fans.
It’s a tough line to draw. I appreciate the vids and streams, but, in person, witnessing the behavior gets hard to take.
Over and over again.
Maybe if they didn’t have BOTH meet and greets AND front center .
I don’t know anymore.
I do remember during GN there was much talk about some performers limiting meet and greets to once per tour per person.
Any other feedback guys?
The problem I also have is that many of US know many of them! !! It just makes it uncomfortable. I’m not saying this well.
It’s a hard line to draw.
I know that I witnessed some unbelievable behavior in Toronto 2 for QAL at the tip of the thrust. Unbelievable entitlement and outward horrible behavior to a very nice security guard an hour or more before the show.
Risky, TLKC and I saw it.
And he is gorgeous, floofy, happy, leather panted and just….Adam in Estonia. ILHSFM.
Is there vid of what he said?
Totally agree with you guys, luval, asif, glambot.
Shweddy neck and balls and floof.
There’s twitter talk about why he accepts gifts from fans…expensive gifts. Maybe he should stop doing that. Could cause entitlement from the givers.
eta: Makes me chuckle that this happened in some out of the way place like Estonia. Who would have thunk?
Lovely B&W shot –
I’ve been reading some of the comments here about the M&G and front row repeaters. I guess if they can afford it they have the right, but I don’t get it at all. I have never had a need to meet him (or anyone) myself. The music is what I crave. I don’t need autographs, personal photos etc. No criticism of those that do but surely once on each tour is enough. As for the front row thing ,especially in a very small venue it seems a bit greedy. Perhaps the front row prerogative should be separated from the M&Gs. I really don’t know how you sort it out. We don’t have the option in NZ. Adam has never done more than one show, though I did go to two Q+AL shows.
If I lived in the US I would surely go to several concerts but I think I’d like to see it from different spots for a different perspective.
OMG! I missed so much today! This made me cackle out loud!
I don’t know how many is too many but one after the other and another and another and another is a bit much. Glad he said something.
But I do need those vids!
The following link is the video of Adam calling out the ladies for filming his performances.
Link to vid doesn’t work –
From the horse’s mouth –
amazing pic from crowd @adamlambert
Great pic –
Nice gallery of photos
Adam Lambert – the soapbox speech (Rock Cafe, Tallinn)
The other speech…
Yeah at the video you can actually see that he made his point but not as it looked like yesterday
He was actually sassy and made his point in the best way possible . Funny but hit it on the nail
Gelly @14gelly · 2h2 hours ago
“You fought all these locals to get in the front”
But then he’s “they know I love them but”
“You’ve seen the show 150 times ”
He didn’t talk about M & G tho Ahahaha and rap “put the muthe fucking phone ” ahahaha
Away put it away put it your tits” ahahahaha
“Hand up! Doesn’t it feel good to be a part of this crowd” YES YES”
From one of the ladies Adam called out