- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
The new outfit was awesome! It looks so great in the concert.
Such a hot and sassy man! Tonight’s show was off the charts! Absolutely incredible! WOW! Blown away!
During WTTS mils and I were pumping our fists in the air, he looked over our way and started pumping his fist. No one in front of us was doing that. We think he saw us! That’s our story and we’re sticking to it!
#WelcomeToTheShow backstage turn up
Good night … my dear ulti!
I don’t know if I can sneak in here tomorrow for the Chicago show or not.
I have 4 house guesses from out of town coming and staying over night.
Sister-in-law was here for a week and she just left.
Very busy and tired.

Hi … nkd.

You had an amazing show tonight.
Hope he keeps everything, every song and the long set for Wichita Show.
It’s the only show I go and take a few Adam virgins with me.
I would be very happy even if Adam just stood there and burped or blabbed as a comedian.
But I want the new fans to be impressed by him.
Fingers crossed!!!

Wow, wow, wow. So happy for you guys experiencing WTTS live and finally a pair of “fitted” pants. Not sure which make me happier. asif Adam mentioned on a recent interview that his show was 90+ minutes long unless the venue wanted it shorter. I’m hoping that no future venue is crazy enough to want anything but the whole enchilada.
WTTS is a stellar addition to an already fantastic concert. This is an anthem he can carry with him. It is so hard to believe that he didn’t help write it and that it wasn’t even written for him.
PS, love the silver hair tonight now that the sides have gotten a bit longer. Someone on twitter said that they thought it may have been sprayed on. It did seem that the color shifted in the vids. nkd and mils – your thoughts on this very important matter.
eta: same question , adamized…about the grey hair.
Just wanted to drop by and say hello. Huge thanks to AL for keeping this site running! Real life for the past year or so for me has been such that I’ve not had time to devote to this site, beyond the bare minimum of doing occasional behind the scenes updates and paying the monthly web hosting bill. I’m hoping that either Adam or Q+AL will have a concert in Hawaii someday, but I have to confess that I haven’t really been following Adam much for a while now. I see that TOH sales haven’t been exactly great, but glad Adam has been able to do a tour nonetheless. I don’t think he will be hurting for money at all thanks to his Q+AL income. Anyway, hope that many of y’all have been or will be able to see an Adam concert this year!
Hi eywflyer! Think about you often. Nice to see you post. Yes, hoping for more Adam or Qal shows anywhere other than Europe. Maybe Adam will continue the tour later on.
Music industry is moving so fast now. Albums seem to be dead. It’s all streaming & singles.
eta: touring too!
Great show tonight!! Thank you, Adam! #AdamLambert
Adam Lambert, Welcome To The Show , Milwaukee 22.03.2016
Adam Lambert at The Riverside 3/22
Check out the pictures from Adam Lambert at The Riverside! Meet and greet pictures too!
Read more: http://www.973now.com/photos/main/adam-lambert-at-the-riverside-322-446820/#/3/24903148#ixzz43k7k4mIl
At Starbucks. Getting ready to get our glam selves to Chi town.
Hair was NOT silver. Blonde.
New outfit was gorgeous up close.
New creepers were sky high.
Dreamt of him all night…..
An amazing concert Adam Lambert… absolutely amazing!
More vids from Adams Minion
#TohUSTour March 22 Milwaukee Mixlr audio (full show) by @BluntAssJenny (jennifer1) TY!
Well hai there, you silver fox. Boy had his smize face going hard last night. Love it. I went in, asked for a hug, kept my arms around him as long as possible up until they started counting for the picture, turned, grabbed his hand and smiled. Haha. I was getting my full 30 seconds worth outta that hug. (Also it was weird holding his hand when he had no rings on. Randomness.) Nice way to revisit my first time with Adam. ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆
Mils Recaps Milwaukee, her Hometown, which became GlamTown for one epic night. Gah.
I took the whole week off from work. To have an Adamfest and get some boring work done at my house.
The Adamfest began when I picked our nkd up at the airport Monday afternoon. She really didn’t recognize me, between the weight loss ( 116 pounds now ) and my new short haircut. I went up to her, and she just said “Oh wow! It is you !! ”
I took her on a scenic drive on our Lake Drive toward my house. We stopped at a nice mall near me, called Bayshore, and had some dinner at Cheesecake Factory, shopped at Chico’s, Charming Charlie’s and Trader Joe’s. The weather was quite brisk for our Texan, but she managed!!
Then it was a quick trip to my house, where we sat and gabbed and visited The Corner a bit. LOL. She also gave me a generous gift of earrings which were stunning,and I still haven’t taken off! Thanks nkd.
At Charming Charlie’s there was a cute young clerk, with bleached blond short hair in a beachy do with a nose ring and black eyeliner, who LOVES Adam, has never seen him, follows him a bit online, who was not going to the show. LOLOLOL we told her she had to, much laughing, wonder if she ended up going?
In the morning, we just hung loose, and eventually made it out. What to do? Not much time before check-in at The Milw. Hilton. So we got manicures. Nice girl time. Nice nails.
The whole day, many texts with mlg, her niece and friend, and AA100, who were coming up from Chicago to meet us.
Also, many texts with my workberts. They were Adam virgins.
More on this later.
After check-in, and a hilarious cab ride from our very talkative and cray driver, we met up with my workberts for dinner. Had a great time, and then walked to the Riverside. They went to Mo’s for a drink before the show, and we went and got our VIP swag bag. Then went to Mo’s. Where we met up with our beloved mlg, and gang. What fun!! So many Glamberts at the bar/restaurant.
I forgot to talk about the very funny, handsome, wildly dressed hysterical boys I met while in line for VIP. They were all about 30-ish, very handsome, striking in fact, and all were wearing jeans and jean vests which were different from each other, but fabulously decorated with Adam and Queen and lights and decals and patches and just so very professionally done.
So, I went up to one of them and started asking if they were fans, if they had seen QAL . They hadn’t. One of the guys, tall, hair spiked and gray ( colored gray ) said he was a designer and had made the jackets. I was asking the following question to the shortest, and darkest and dimpled one,
I said, “Oh you’re an Adam virgin!!” And the tall guy said, “oh honey, I bet he’s slept with a 100 Adam’s !!”
“I said, ” I don’t care how many Adam’s you’ve been with, THIS one will blow your mind!”
The cutie said ” Oh, something’s gonna get blown, don’t worry!!” We just laughed so hard. I took a pic of one of the vests. If anyone wants a pic, please text me.
They had Meet and Greets, all of them. Wowza!! I can only imagine!!
So, after meeting up with everyone at Mo’s, nkd and I went back to the Riverside,( across the street ), and got our VIP early admission.
Our seats were just right of center, 5th row. The seats at the Riverside have a slanted floor, no such thing as a bad seat really. It’s a grand old theater. Vaudeville and other incarnations over the years. The balcony hangs way over the first floor, where I saw the stairs on GN that remain my avatar to this day.
So who comes and sits right smack in front of us?? My workberts!!! Unreal, they got one row closer than we did, and just by buying seats!!! Needless to say we were hooping it up pretty good.
Mlg and I were taking pics of each other at the stage. She is so naturally beautiful, and so photogenic. Her niece and her friend were a hoot.
Taking a look at the sell out crowd ( yeah, it did sell out !!) We saw a lot of ages, lots of boys, and lots of people dressed up in various glam attire.
Alex came out, and you all know by now that he has a look of trans, glam, and androgyny. He also really reminded me of the Vajayjays, because his pants and shirt were quite ill-fitted, not good looking on stage, and not flattering at all, IMHO. It looked like he went shopping at Wal-Mart and not for a show. His cape, hair and shoes were very nice though.
His voice and songs were very good, I actually really liked him on Glee, his voice was always stellar on that show.
The audience seemed to have a very positive response to him, which I was grateful for.
Then, the intermission. The audience and myself and mlg and nkd and aaa1000 and my workberts were slowly losing our minds with antici….pation.
The songs kept getting more dancy and louder…many Adam remixes, which we really enjoyed..Cuckooo…getting closer….then…BAM!! We started to lose our minds.
For those of you who have seen the show live, it simply can not compare to the videos we watch online. The lights, the dancers, the effects, the overall production quality, the band. The freaking band!!!
It’s an orgy of senses all exploding and causing an effect of overwhelming happiness and joy and sound and eargasms, it just lasts for days and days.
He popped onstage in such a fierce masculine rush of testosterone I can hardly describe the effect it had on me. His movements, his tone, so fierce. The costume in real life is billowy and light, like the Sleepwalker coat on GN. In photos it looks so heavy. The white boots were awesome.
I’m not going to recap every song, but I’ll start with Welcome to the Show: OMG…we got it FIRST!!!!!!!!! So incredible live, I love it!! The audience all seemed to know it!!!! At one point nkd and I were waving/pumping our arms, Adam saw us, and copied us and got that funny grin that he makes when he’s happy with fans!! Gah!!
Ghost Town and the backdrop of dark fierce Adam photos, was striking. The choreo and the way he drops his face down to make those spooky dramatic eyes, it just goes through you. The spins,….gah.
Runnin: I can’t even. I looooerve this song. His register goes so low, the eye contact!!! Chokehold, he raped that mic stand so good, my workberts lost it again!!
Lucy: My second favorite song on the CD! Holly is sooo fierce. Tech fail, the spotlight wasn’t shining on her….oh no…but, super professional Adam, walked over to HER, so his spotlight shined on her!! Awesome Adam!! Saved the day. Adam Ross is a guitar God. He is unreal, so talented, he shreds so great…
Then, out he saunters in his gorgeous pink suit, black shirt unbuttoned to there, cummerbund, and black creepers. My workberts were losing it. Adamgasms. Losing it. Moaning.
Then, After Hours…and some serious pelvis pushing. Audience goes cray. That voice, that face, that pelvis.
Mad World, sublime beyond sublime. The acoustics at the Riverside are incredible. Many artists record HBO specials there, because of the acoustics.
Talk. Soooo funny and candid. Added some funny stuff, in his gay/straight, black/white, all rainbow diversity stuff, so candid, so sweet. Asked how many were seeing him for the first time, popping cherries right and left.
ALN. So stunning, the lights, the voice, so excellent.
The dance songs: First. Let me talk about the new outfit. Wait. I need to take a breath. Okay. It is stunning in real life. It fits. I love him in tight pants and fitted shirts, unbuttoned. And creepers. Thank you universe. You listened. The creepers were so high!!! So white.
Glory notes glory notes glory notes.
Let’s Dance, OMG Let’s Dance. His signature song, Idol Tour , VH1 Divas, and now TOH Tour. Crowd went wild. He was up on his toes in those insane creepers!!
Encore: again tech trouble, and he did AOBTD TWICE!! Crowd goes wild he does this with humor and just moves along.
The whole show was incredible. My workberts popped their cherries. One took 100 excellent pictures, got eye contact with Adam and has now completely lost her mind.
Re: The telephone “incident.” It’s not an incident. It was funny. Adam grabbed a lady’s phone from the front row, took some selfies, posed with the phone, and tossed it back to her. It did look like he dropped it hard, but it may have been my angle.
My take on it is that she was taking tons of pics and videos right up front and watching the show through a phone. We have heard him talk about this many times, he doesn’t like it.
So he used humor to get past it and make a point. I didn’t see any anger or anything at all inappropriate. The crowd was laughing . No big deal.
This show was so superb, the audience was eating him up, he was so happy,so dancy, so sexy it boggles the mind. We got eyebeams, my work friends got eyebeams a row closer than us, and are fans for life.
And after all the BS from the JS music reviewer, he didn’t review the show!!! No paper review. unbelievable. He pimped the show so hard, and now zilch. I’m sending him an email.
The Who were in town, he was there instead. But, another music writer could have been there. I’m very disappointed, especially after that gay/AMA article he published. Maybe he was afraid of Glambert backlash again. IDK.
His loss, Adam’s loss. Although, the only review Adam needs is seeing the audience lose their minds and scream for him.
Another funny thing: at one point, Adam went and took a big swig of his tea, and said, “Oh I got a chunk of ginger”, and spit it out!!! It was so big, we could see it in the 5th row!! LOLOL
( I do the same thing, I put chunks of ginger in my ginger tea. Love it.)
So, it was back to the Hilton, wondering if Adam was staying there, or going right to Chicago, we know he loves Chicago.
Thanks so much mils for your fabulous re-cap! You’re alway’s so much fun, and see the humor in everything.

Our own Bette Midler/Funny Girl of sorts. Your review is so appreciated.
Looking forward to the Chicago concert!
mils Amazing recap, good to know the truth about the “incident”. I felt the same about the DC show. The venue was just throbbing with excitement and it continued throughout the show. Just so contagious.
Thank you nkd for your updates !!! Good to read you had a great time and the fist pumping moment is yours and milwlovesadam
milwlovesadam So thankful for your extensive and enlightening and very visually stimulating pre-recap-and epilogue… ! I can see you walking around in the mall or have dinner with nkd and workberts being happy… Sad to hear that there is no review in the media… but “word of mouse” is also a strong marketing/PR tool to use, like you just did…

mils loved your long and detailed recap. Our DC show seems like it was years and years ago. Glad to hear that the cellphone incident was done with humor and no ill will. Twitter certainly is the devil.
Hope you and nkd do a recap of Chicago as well.
Chicago is posted adamized.