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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Another good Killer Queen
Sylvia Grant @SylviaGrant211 5h5 hours ago
I was sooo afraid ppl might not ‘get’Adam here,being a”sacret Mercury”grownd.BUT OMG! the love he gained!Way more that I could ever imagine!
Kirsty @ChiquitaCandy 19h19 hours ago
It’s official now. Mister @adamlambert is the best voice of our time! What I’ve witness today was not from this world ?
Babs ♪♫ @LetMeLive81 3h3 hours ago
rufusttaylors Foto https://instagram.com/p/BF9IAjszhBy/ Roger rocking in the rain
Great photos here…
Another good revue
All I can say is, I hope none of them get sick, the oldies and the young’ngs
I loved this line in the review above
Its slightly lewd gestures that can hervorblitzen Lambert from time to time, however, is not gentlemanly.
Thank goodness! That’s part of why I love his performances.
Not sure what “hervorblitzen” is, I must look it up.
Wow. The English that came up was “to flash”. Now I really wish I’d been there. Cait, we need you!
kiwi, I saw that line about the lewd gestures too. Pretty sure they were referring to Don’t Stop me now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN-SgKfjWuA#t=46
His usual “love” of the mic stand. “I’m a sex machine ready to reload” at about :40
I wait for those “lewd” gestures. Love them, and the cheeky grin that always follows.
#QALCologne pics by @JuLiia_xx3
I wonder what he just told him…
Reigning over the rain….
Like this –
“The most impressive moment was there long ago, May, Taylor and Lambert are three of us in the rain, very close together, and play “Under Pressure,” Lambert sings the Mercury passages, Taylor accepts the row of other dead, David Bowie. The rain pours equally over fans and band, both hold stoically stood and the invocation succeeds: It’s great opera in the smallest space.”
.@DrBrianMay in the rain.
Probably one of my fave shots from tonight because… this is my idol ? #adamlambert #QAL #Cologne
Another Play the Game
Gelly @14gelly 1h1 hour ago
Lambert did his job flawlessly.” http://www.electrictunes.de/2016/05/konzertfotos-queen-adam-lambert-27-05-2016-rheinenergie-stadion-koln_006961.html …https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.electrictunes.de%2F2016%2F05%2Fkonzertfotos-queen-adam-lambert-27-05-2016-rheinenergie-stadion-koln_006961.html&edit-text=&act=url
champagne fountain
It always amazes me how much water he gets in his mouth on the ‘champagne’ fountain….and how much distance he gets with it.
Strike a pose! #qalcologne
neat pic –
Another great Eric Morel pic –
waitin’ – so cute –
His Face Cute.. Don’t Stop Now by Jessi @MyDreamADAM
Roger and Adam –
Before and After –
Playlist –
That moment you do hold #adamlambert hand ❤️??#adamlambert #Cologne #QAL
What a night. It was just…I dont know how to describe it. The emotions, the atmosphere, the energy. But I am going to start at the beginning.
When we arrived at the the stadium…the sun was shining, it was hot and sticky. And I really had hoped that the weather would stay dry and warm throughout the night. Boy was I wrong.
We were just taking out seats when the rain started. Slowly but continuously getting heavier. First I was a bit disappointed that our seats were so far away from the stage and reall on the side (couldnt see the Q-Screen at all
) but after the rain was getting stronger I was somewhat glad that I was sitting under a roof. Who am I kidding…I would have swum in the rain if I could have been in front of the stage. Anyway we were somewhat dry all evening, I could use my cam for some really really distant shots (not so happy about them but than I was somewhat spoiled lol ) and whats even more important – I had a BLAST!
I was so surprised but so so happy to have “One Vision” as the intro. I love this song, its a perfect intro for an amazing, incredible night. We couldnt breath, we couldnt even think about anything but dancing, screaming, singing and just be there…with them…and thousands of fans.
I didnt want it to end. Seeing the hands, hearing the clapping, the singing….perfect. Just perfect. They demanded, we gave. As it should be.
Before the tour I prayed for “Hammer To Fall” The song rocks, is perfect for big audiences and I always have to think about Freddie singing it at LiveAid 1985, he was so full of live, so energetic on that stage…Always going to love that song.
“Seven Seas of Rhys” and “Stone Cold Crazy” were fabulous. He so slays these songs, is having fun on stage and I am just gobsmacked that Adam can sing “Stone Cold Crazy” like Freddie did. Its so much text, anyone who can sing it like that is one hell of a singer and Adam just kills it every night without any problems…amazing, just freaking amazing. (I may even like Adams SCC a bit more than Freddies, a tiny bit but he just owns it)
“Fat Bottom Girls” totally crazy, we all waited for the RIIIIDE and werent disappointed one bit ^^ Did I tell you guys recently that I love him…I do, I really do
“Play The Game” – even though he stumbled on the first lines of lyrics – that song is perfect for him. He can let his voice soar, can play with it and still sing it with such emotions. How he does it is still beyond me but I am not complaining.
“Killer Queen” not saying anything about that but he is such a naughty, naughty man. We all had fun and I would kill for that throne. Because of the extreme weather the throne was on the stage under the roof – understandable. He would have looked like a drowned rat after sitting in the rain for that long…but I bet he would still have been gorgeous with his wet hair, rain drops running down his face, getting caught in his eyelashes. Getting sidetracked, sorry.
His speech before „I Want To Break Free“ dont matter how many times I hear it…I love him more and more each time. His respect for Freddie and the old image of Queen. He is not just saying that…its the truth and I think every single person that night knew and understood it. That made IWTBF even more special, everyone even the kids in front of me sang this song with Adam and Queen. It was so beautiful to feel again the love for Freddie, to see and feel the connection. That is why Brian and Roger are still playing…for themselves and for us, for the joy and love, for Freddie and his memories. Its worthwhile and we all felt it.
And then came „Somebody To Love“ one of my all time favourite. I just LOVE this song. And Adam was on fire. Had so much fun. I was a bit afraid for him trying to walk down the middle stage on his killer Freddie-Boots. Really even my bf was like „Damn he shouldnt do it“ But he did and got himself an umbrella and it was the end of sanity. HE had fun with the umbrella, we had fun and the Queen – guys were laughing so hard too. That umbrella made our evening even more funnier, happier, cuter, sweeter, more special all around. He played with the umbrella – and he played us, had us eating out of his hand for the rest of the evening. How can that man be so innocent, cute, naughty, sexy and downright dirty all at one? That STL was definitely my favourite live so far.
And it was already time for Dr. May and his selfie-stick moment, what a beautiful sight it was, arena all light up…really beautiful. As expected I cried during „Love Of My Life“ I cant even listen to it in my car or at home without crying and seeing Freddie, hearing Freddie ( yeah I knew it would happen but it still breaks me every time ) is such a bittersweet moment. He was there for a short moment…but he was never far away the whole evening.
Roger sining „Days Of Our Lives“…first time I heard it live and it killed me. Broke the last pieces of my heart. I just saw a tiny bit of the screen-play but just the emotion in Rogers voice, seeing Freddies last videos shots in my mind again and again, the lyrics…I was a mess. Couldnt stop the tears, just thinking back makes me cry again. The strength Freddie showed in this last video clip…the message Roger and Brian send out each time they play this song…I just wish Freddie would still be with us, that he would see the joy and happiness his music still brings to the world…Even though I was only six years old when he died….I miss him in this world. He gave us – me so much happiness with his music, helped me through dark and bitter times, influenced so many…he is still badly missed but his legend lives on. And I know when the time comes and my generation is gone from this world – his music will still be there, helping other, bringing joy to the world…
I really needed the „Drum Battle“ to get my tears under control. And what a picture it made….Roger sitting in the rain, his cap backwards, punishing the drums, letting the rain drops fly. He has still so much strength and energy and Rufus is getting better and better. He will be as great as his father someday.
„Under Pressure“ and David Bowie’s pic – I dont know but it felt like they were trying to see how many tears I can cry in one concert. I love Bowie, I miss Bowie – may he rest in peace.
Adam coming back in his palm jacket and jeans…I love him in jeans. He has so much fun sining that duet with Roger. The looks between him and Roger – precious. So precious to see. And lets dont forget his red umbrella – it was back. I hope there will be a photoshoot sometimes with him in the rain and a red umbrella in his hand. He knows how to swing that. Vocally it was impressive. And audience was singing along…it was loud!
What to say about „Crazy Little Thing Called Love“…what a show. I love this acoustic version. His voice is perfect for this song. I want to go back to last friday pls…
And then it was time for another all time loved and fav song of mine – „Dont Stop Me Now“ It was a party, the crowd was on a roll, really everyone was dancing, singing, clapping along. Seeing the fun on the stage….I had no voice left but they demanded that we gave everything we had left, or last breath, last tiny bit of scratchy voice and it was worth it. Really nothing could have stopped us at that moment. Freaking fantastic.
The intro to „Another One Bites The Dust“ was so cool. Neil is so talented. I was a bit distracted though. Somehow it took me back to TOH-Tour. Funny because hearing Adam sing AOBTD on his solo tour it made me think of Queen. Now I was remembering his last concert in Munich and got a bit emotional. Because of that I cant really remember much of this AOBTD but just hearing him sing it…Maybe he fried my last brain cells that night.
The riffing before „I Want It All“ impressed everyone. Brian and Adam are really two of a kind. So in harmony with each other, having so much fun just letting Adams voice play with the guitar…beautiful and IWIA brought down the roof if there would have been one…by the way…the rain was still as strong as an hour before and now we were getting a bit wet too. Respect for the ppl in general area. They were soaked to the bones already but partying like no tomorrow. And Brian didnt care about the rain at all. He was running around in the rain every now and then….He had so much joy that night. It was just incredible to see.
„Who Wants To Live Forever“ – it was a bit weird at first for that song coming after IWIA and AOBTD. But what can I say…he slayed it. Havent expected anything else by now. He owns this song, lives this song, breathes this song. Its his now. It was great to feel the energy when the audience started to sing the last chorus. Adam was grinning like mad, I think it made him happy that we all had so much fun and were singing along like the crazy ppl we are.
The guitar solo – I love just sitting back, listening to Dr. May pulling everything out of his guitar. I needed some time to regroup. The last part took so much out of me. We all were exhausted but still waiting…wanting for more.
When Adam came back for „Tie Your Mother Down“ we were ready to rock again. Almost everyone was standing, dancing, rocking, singing…having a good time, loving every minute of it.
„Bohemian Rhapsody“ – Everyone really everyone was singing, swaying, holding onto each other. It was so beautiful to watch. It was madness, a party…havent seen over 20.000 ppl bonding like that before. That song is one of Freddie’s masterpieces and we honored his gift giving everything we had left.
And were ready for „Radio Gaga“ and I missed the red umbrella but Adam went into the crowd without it.
The encore…holy hell it was loud, it was crazy, it was amazing. We had a blast, Adam was standing every now and then just letting us sing for him, having a big grin on his face…Brian was grinning, Roger was grinning…everyone was just out of their mind, crazy and grinning. We were singing together with them and that was so beautiful to expierence…They gave us one perfect concert and we gave them our energy and our love…I miss them already….so much.
WWTLF sound check
Aww Cait I feel like you took me to Cologne with you. Great job.
Lots of umbrella photos here – Adam Lambert Sverige/FB
Cait– Thanks for the wonderful detailed recap! It brought back memories of the Barcelona show and made me feel like I was seeing it all over again in Cologne.
Also, I’ve really been enjoying your excellent concert photos. I’m curious. What kind of camera and lens you use at concerts? You can get my email address from rs or AL if you would prefer to answer me via email. Thanks!
mmm222 just using my Sony Cybershot HX 90 for concerts
Searched long and hard for a compact cam that I could use for concerts. Really happy with that one.
Thanks, Cait! I have not been able to get decent concert photos with the compact camera I bought as a back up camera for my Nikon 3200 DSRL camera. When I can sneak the Nikon 3200 into a concert and I’m close to the stage, I can get great photos with the 18-55 mm lens, but that doesn’t happen very often. I would love to use my 55-300 mm lens, but there is no way they’d let me take that into a venue. So I do need to buy a better compact camera to take to concerts. Thanks for the recommendation.