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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Was watching a video of Moscow’s Tie Your Mother Down. That’s the first time I’ve seen Adam play an instrument…at least in the first part of the video. I wonder if Roger is giving him tambourine lessons! LOL.
I agree.
Ellessay, don’t you remember the cowbell in Austria?

I love that!
I’d forgotten that! But it wasn’t in concert, so maybe it doesn’t count.
More vids from theRealKittyChan
Radio Gaga – http://youtu.be/bxs5fnnECsM
The Show Must Go On – http://youtu.be/0a0h5muKI0I
Her channel for almost all the songs:
Has somebody already put up this “Somebody to Love”? I’ve watched it about ten times and keep dancing around the room – it’s just so great.
Yes, I see AL has in the above post. Gonna go there now and look at the rest.
Maybe each one could sing a part of Bohemian Rhapsody?
Updated the post with some intial videos, thanks for posting the links. I’m sure some better ones will emerge later on, please keep bringing the links here. Will update again late this afternoon or this evening with any new videos that appear.
Partial Another One Bites the Bust
Good morning!!
Somebody To Love—- Un–F******cking — Believable!!!!
Mils has a new life goal. A completely new Bucket List. A new life plan if you will::::
This list is not about health, money, employment or wishes for children’s futures.
It is about joy, satisfaction and camaraderie and eargasms, bodygasms and stomping and hand waving and clapping and dancing and singing and crowd bliss…
It has one wish.
#1) MUST see QueenBert. Anytime, Anywhere, Anyway. Money =No object. Time= No Object. Place= No object.
ulti, this is the one I keep going back to, over and over again. Just can’t get enough of it! This QueenBert thing is becoming huge. “They” are still great, Adam is superb, but together, they are mind-boggling!!! And Adam just keeps getting better and better. He no longer looks like “company” on stage with them – he’s owning it and singing it like it’s his. mils, you and I share that wish – I’m saving my $$$$ to see QueenBert – it just needs to be after school starts!
renataademelo gotta say this gave me a chuckle this morning. I don’t think it will be Adam biting the Bust.

glambotgram, I noticed that too – I think renata made a Freudian slip!! (Wishful thinking by all of us!
Queen and Adam ~ Poland
Total setlist
hahahaha yes it´s true I wanna bite his bust hahahahaha
Oh Adam what you do to us! To me!
Beautiful picture of Adam outside his hotel in Wroclaw.
That picture is simply stunning, nkd – like the shorter hair – he looks so young.
I just finished watching the videos from last night. Incredible! Just when I think Adam can’t improve on perfection, he proves me wrong again. He totally owns that stage. He was born to sing this music. All of his experiences of the last 20 years, musical theater, Zodiac Show, AI, and GNT (except maybe Debbie Does Dallas) have led up to this incredible moment.
TSMGO and BoRap (check the crowd reaction after BR, about 9:30)
Opening (watch the overhead spots. I never noticed them moving before)
Close-up vids:
– http://youtu.be/MYtMv58Ivso
A Kind of Magic – http://youtu.be/oU9e1JzEVdk
Another One Bites the
BustDustBoRap – http://youtu.be/MSFlCZYJOwk
mmm222 ITA!!! Who knows even the DDD may have made some small contribution. Karma is a bitch sometimes and maybe his having to suffer through that gig gave him a little extra bad to balance out this incredible good.
nkd thanks for the pretty. I think these are the only pair of sunglasses with the exception of the retro ones he wore to the grammy’s a few years ago that fit his face to a “t”.
Queenbert has to come to the US! Please!Please!Please!
If Queen doesn’t learn TSP and surprise Adam with it in London, maybe they’ll save it for the USA Tour.
Also, while in London, maybe he’ll meet William and Harry and they’ll introduce him to their Grandmother.
More close-up vids:
I Want It All – http://youtu.be/L9NYMXjdEmU
TSMGO – http://youtu.be/aSuJ1cUr414
Google translation
Photos from the above website:
http://i.wp.pl/rozrywka//gallery660869/2012/07/27/queen_22.jpg – Strut!
Good Elmo photo!
Readers Digest version of concert courtesy of “wroLiveTV”
More news pics.
Another TSMGO, front and center, good sound, good picture. Full stage.
They don’t mind singing along, do they????
Makes me so happy to hear that even though they drown his voice at times. You know he’s gotta love it that they’ve taken to him like that.
Damn, my eyes are spilling over…
Oksana, thanks for the reviews from your friends (family?). It’s always good to hear from folks who were there.
Such a cute gif. I love them!
I love your second hand recaps Oksana! Thank you so much.
Watching the videos that show the crowd makes me teary eyed and gives me goosebumps at their reactions. I’m so proud of our BB!
I’m late to the party, as usual – that Somebody to Love is SOOOOOO fabulous! I prefer it when Adam sings in his lower registers – way more rock-y!
Solved my problem. a big DOT
I can’t help but wonder whether any of the Season 8 AI alums are watching Queenbert vids!
fwachdr I tweeted Kara and asked if she had seen her rock god in Queenbert concerts!
Calgary, Thank you sooo much! I don’t Twitter, and I would LOVE to know the answer!
I noticed that some were commenting on the mics and that maybe Adam had a new one. No, the mics are part of the instruments that are shipped. One big reason why Kiev was different is he was singing mainly in his lower register the beginning half, I adjusted my computer for power vocals and I heard him just fine. The other bigger reason was the feed for the stream was not from the speakers like fan videos, it is from the sound tech booth mainly because it was outdoors but also to assure sound quality and not get feedback and reverb. Also during the beginning of the concert Adam had signaled to lower his mic.
Also he can’t hear the audience singing along, he can see lips moving, but the ear pieces have vocals in one ear and music in the other. That is how he knows when to join in when the others are singing.
Thanks adamland – that’s very interesting!
Dragon Attack – close-up video but not great audio – Elmo is alive and well on Adam’s back!
Who Wants To Live Forever – good video but not great audio –
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwJKTBS3B8g&feature=channel&list=UL I can’t stop watching this. It is the fun Adam and Brian are having with each other. Just love Brian even doing a dance totally getting with Adam’s grove. Adam’s expressions are so adorable especially when Brian tried to get by him to play with the piano guy. I can not get enough of this.
Thanks so much for all the posts and info, it is a thrill to come here. Can not wait for the recaps from our fellow posters going to London. Lucky guys.
Posters art work are out of this world talented peeps here.
Thank you all for this outstanding site, thanks again and again.
I think I put my post in the wrong place.
Another great shot of the crowd in Wroclaw.
some vids that just surfaced
I copied this recap from July thread. Better late than never, and this recap belongs HERE
Good Afternoon!!
This is going to be second hand recap of Wroclaw concert.
I just spoke to my friend who is visiting her family in Poland and they happen to live in Wroclaw. She and her two sisters (all 29-ers) got some VIP tickets and went to see Queenbert.
What can I tell you, we have two more Glamberts!! Ha!
Before Queen started and other groups were playing, the stadium was 20% full. Then people started coming and the crowd was unbelivable. Almost no room to stand. My friends were trying to leave their comfortable VIP seats and join the crowd but were turned by the security. Yuck!
Then the show started. These 29-ers were standing, dancing , singing, waving hands and having time of their life. As the rest of the audience.
The audience was very diverse, from people that grew up with Queen to their grandkids. All singing every song,knowing the lyrics.
People who never heard of Adam before were very complimentary about him, said that he was very modest, not trying to steal the show but showing respect to Brian and Roger and that he has terrific voice.
As usual Adam was lucky, because whatever lousy weather was there before it cleared 20 minutes before concert and it was just perfect.
My friend’s sister said that Adam looks like Elvis!! I wonder where she got that idea from,lol. Anyway , she said that he GORGEOUS!! And the VOICE!!Said that she watched GNT DVD before and it was just so-so for her, but now she understand why people go gaga for Adam.
The stadium security was very strict, they were checking peeps for liquer cause knowing Polish crowd they didn’t want any scuffles. One could buy a drink in a bar at VIP section, but bringing drinks to GA crowd was verboten..
As I mentioned before, mayor of Wroclaw provided additional (and free ) transportation from the stadium to Old City Center, where are little restaurants and bars.My friends were so excited after the concert that they stayed until 3AM at some outdoor cafe and were reliving the whole event.
They said that they were listening to other concert goers that were with them on that bus and everybody was very positive about Adam. I am emphasising this, because I’ve read so much garbage in Polish press before concert (mostly from disgruntled Queen fans) that I’m happy to hear that Adam was embraced by Polish audience.