- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
All in blue –
TSMGO (Silver Blue)
Smaller screen, but good audio – see Adam and Q behind him – and left more applause which I always appreciate.
More of SB’s vids –
Mieps and twilight so glad you had a great time and thanks for the awesome recap.
Oh Mah Gawd.
I don’t know if I can take much more of this…
I nominate this for July’s header picture.
Respectfully submitted.
Nice choice, mils. I only noticed yesterday the BIG bracelet on his left wrist. I think he got that on the WAG tour.
Thanks cwm……he looks like a ballet dancer in this pic, the way he is standing…so much poise.
That bracelet looks a lot like the one from NY when he was interviewed before Divas, and he kissed the interviewer under the mistletoe.
I just don’t think that Newton guy got it…….Adam is the reason that Brian (and Roger) has that sheer joy…
Wonderful recap mieps and twilightmagic
I love this comment from that Newton article, so well stated.
And thats it..I’ll say no more on the subject!
Hello Everyone – I’s been a long, long time for me to stop by here. A lot has happened in my life – all ending up in the right place. Somehow I have managed to keep up with Adam and his exploits. I am really involved in dog rescue and Facebook is our friend. We can make arrangements for transportation and adoption without spending a lot of money on a web site. In fact right now I am full to the rafters with 14 small dogs under 20 pounds. Of course 5 are my own. But between our business and rescue we are busy enough. I so missed this site and all of you. Most nights I think about visiting here but know that I’m so tired that I know I wouldn’t make much sense. Jennie and I and our adopted son are headed to Dallas. Is anyone on here going to that concert?
Thank you mieps and twilight for the wonderful recap! Sounds like it was a good time!
Love that comment HK fan. Thanks for posting it.
Hello rainbowgal! aely, TexasWannaHoldEm and myself will be at the Dallas concert.
Happy Birthday dear Ceddies! You are missed.
nkd Thank you for letting me know who’s attending. Is there any plan for getting together either the night before or the night of the concert? I would love to meet all of you in person is that could be worked out. Also can you give me an idea of where to stay that is near the venue?
Just popping by to say ‘thank you” to all who share links and videos. The duke and I watch, read a little at a time…so much out there…so much wonderful out there!
Loved your recaps-mieps & twilight.
Kind of enjoyed the twitlonger by the youngish) girl with her family. Felt so bad for her with no real support or interest (except they got her there!)in her love and admiration for Adam. Her deep feelings feel so very much like my own when I see him…there’s a feeling of disbelief sometimes just being in his presence. When I feel overwhelmed by his voice and emotion I usually hit the duke’s arm and say “that boy can sing!” Been saying that for 5 years and it helps me get through my own emotion.
Getting ready for Las Vegas this weekend and I work 2 days this week so not much time. Then return to FLorida for 3 days (have to work for 2 more days) then head out for 13 days-including Toronto, New York and Boston! It’s too much for an old 29 year old!
rainbowgal…Since I don’t live in Dallas, I’m not sure of hotels in the area, but will look into it. Except for the W hotel where we plan to meet for a drink pre- and perhaps post-concert. That’s the only plans we have going. The W is right across the street from the AA Center.
I’m going to be in town with my daughter with the expected arrival of our new granddaughter that week. So my time away will be limited.
ETA How about this hotel list?
nkd How exciting the arrival of a new grandchild. There is nothing better. I would love to join you for that drink before the concert and after. What ever the group is up for. I can check into a place too. I thought there might be someone from the area who would have the inside scoop. Please help me out. The W is a what? Bar, hotel?
Happy Birthday ceddies!! Hope it is spectacular and sparkly! Congrats,nkd,on your news of the new addition to the family. I find it hard to believe that you are a grandmother – you look so young!
Sweet His Royal Hotness Dreams, ALL!!
A pic or two haven’t seen –
rainbowgal… It is a hotel with a bar. It’s about a block or so from the AA Center, so a place to hang out before hand to avoid the crowd near show time, and after while the crowd thins out.
Did you see the hotels.com list above?
Thank you for the congrats, we are very excited!
sparkle, thank you for the compliment! It’s very sweet.
Great photo – Brian’s flying cape –
Thanks so much for the great recap, mieps and twilightmagic8! I’m so glad you had such a fantastic time! Front row – WOW!!
OMG Dr. Bri you have no idea. I am SO ready to wallow. Bring it on!!
Might be posted already, but this guy (Rob Feller) has nice video of Vancouver. Close up and good sound.
radio gaga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_JCmKaV9d8
We Will Rock You/ We Are The Champions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43Kh6aYMWgA
Bohemian Rhapsody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1CD5BFLVvc
New July chat thread is up.
Gosh! Is it July already??? I am so ready for LA and Vegas but so not ready to pack!

Awesome recap Twilight and Mieps! So happy you had a great time. Didn’t realize they were front row tix! Wow. I done good without knowing it!! Thought they were 4th. What a bargain!! I think the closest I’ll be is 6th row Toronto. Then I’ll have mils, tlkc, northern spirit and rs behind me. Can you imagine? Will I be able to stop laughing? I shall have a detailed recap of the drooling going on behind me I promise.
Unless they bribe me to keep quiet???
lol cher! You always do good by us, starting when you got me my M&G back at the Hard Rock.
How many years ago was that?
I leave on Friday
and I am in the middle of running around trying to get ready for my trip, totally disorganized, for a change. I think something is distracting me.
Oh the anticipation
, and the worry about which camera to bring, and can I sneak in one with a zoom lens
I also want to thank everyone for the photos, vids, recaps, comments, etc. Every one adds to the vicarious experience. I probably won’t be able to watch much while I will be ith friends and family before the Toronto concert, so I will have catching up to do when I get home.
And HK Fan, thanks for bringing over that comment from the Queen fan. It says it all!
Must run now and get my toenails painted cherry red
Brian, Adam and Spike pounding the keys – cute
Brian and Adam –
Love the expression on Brian’s face –
I have the full Vancouver concert HD on .mp4 wowzers!!!
@Jadelle1 no a friend recorded the whole show. I didn’t even know he was at the show til after.
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
@jafoal @Jadelle1 BB, is it all one big file or broken down by songs? Have you use Dropbox before?
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
@jafoal @Jadelle1 I’ll walk you through it if you want.
Bike ride –
Great pics –
WWRY (iamjafoal)
cute pics
Brian and Adam
Adam upclose and sweaty
San Jose thread is up:
From MyShinyThoughts blog – recap and photos