- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Long time no post, just a major lurker. But I felt to compelled to post to comment on Ron’s avi. Not sure how long it has been up, since have not been here for awhile. But Ron, you look so gorgeous in this picture! Silver fox looks fab on you. You also look like you have finally been successful adding just the right amount of weight, because your face also looks great with the most charming smile. Are you still doing theater or tv? Because you should.
No doubt it needs it – lol
Found it –
yeah..I’m the lucky bitch that got the drumstick Adam threw. Perfect ending to perfect tour!
Doris @starr_d
@vistadiva cool!
Patty @aisforadam
@vistadiva Really??? And are you missing one eye?
Marsha @vistadiva
@PattiHum @citygirl36 He looked right at me when he threw it, but it bounced on the railing first.
Marsha @vistadiva
@PattiHum @citygirl36 Otherwise he would have impaled me with it. LOL! M&G’s for life!!
Marsha @vistadiva
@citygirl36 @PattiHum I think it wasin retaliation for seeing me take so many GB pictures!!
Pat H @PattiHum
@vistadiva @citygirl36 I think he was trying to use Roger’s technique, which obviosuly needs practice!
The King –
Stank face –
TLKC our new Glamberts were so funny, saying, he is so sexy, he is so hot, and saying it all with absolute wonder, like it was something new. LOL I wanted to say, honey you are preaching to the choir. It is so fun to watch other people discover ADAM.
Thanks, TLKC for the shoutout earlier! The duke and I were thinking about all of you in Canada this weekend too, remembering your warm and wonderful hospitality and the fabulous concert that 1st weekend. So wishing we were there with you all for the 2nd…and last in NA. Fortunately, a pretty good Ustream so we could feel a real part of it.
I see some people I know! First photo –
Don’t know where to start! Sunday, day before the concert I checked into my hotel room and 5 minutes later there was a knock on the door “room service”. But lo and behold I opened the door & it was Ron, mils and nkd. Just a coincidence that I arrived just as nkd checked out of her room to room with me. Very sweet hotel. Hotel Victoria…they called it a boutique hotel. Only about 56 rooms. Ours was very spacious. I could move in there!
We went and got something to eat and discussed what to do later. Turns out nkd &mils would eventually go to Bruno Mars. But we did have a little time to stroll around downtown Toronto. A bustling crazy city with outdoor music and party atmosphere all around. Later on Ron went on his way (after giving us a tour of the mini mall in his building), nkd and I met Glambotgram, M and P, TLKC and other wonderful peeps at a place called The Works where we enjoyed a nice late lunch. Turns out all we seem to do is eat!!! I love it!
Monday…show day! Can’t even remember what we did early in the day lol but we all met for dinner at this beautiful restaurant near the venue. Loved seeing angelowal, northernspirit, riskylady, cher, floridagirl, TLKC, omg I know I am forgetting some but our group was very large!
Showtime! Made our way to the venue to find our seats. They all were great. Myself, nkd, northernspirit, fiercealien, angelowal were all in the same row next to each other. Ron on the floor and the rest of the gang at the thrust! M and P were in the section right next to us which was great for photos. And what a show! Have to say of the 5 shows I’ve seen Chicago and Toronto II were the best. But each had it’s own special qualities.
Party afterwards. Ron mentioned how security at the hotel were about to boot us out. We were a bit loud I guess. LOL!!! But such fun. Great food, some new people, beautiful yummy cake. Thanks to mils, glambotgram, TLKCand anyone else who had a part in putting this all together.
Driving home yesterday I was short on gas so I knew I had to stop somewhere. I was about 50 miles from home and saw an exit but decided to go 15 more miles where I had been before. I glanced quickly down the exit that I skipped and what did I see???…A Queen & Adam Lambert semi parked at the truck stop! If only I had pulled in there. but I was going 75-80 MPH and there was no way I could stop. So I waved and thought what a fitting goodbye for me. Wonder where it was going? This was between Buffalo NY & Syracuse NY heading east. I’ll never know.
Anyway I know I skipped names, things we did, all sorts of stuff but it’s almost all a blur now. And all over. Boo Hoo. Later……
Okay. So. I’m back.
Laundry is done. House is clean. Went shopping and filled up my car with gas. Dinner is cooking. Whew!! I even read through July and this thread a bit to catch up.
Have not yet caught up with Atlantic City or CT shows that I missed while away in Toronto. I know, “bad fan”, LOL.
Nibbling on my treat from angelowal as I type. Yum. Thanks!!
So many recaps have been posted already, so this will be a “thanks” post.
Thanks to: luval for carrying my treat.
Ron and TLKC for meeting me and nkd at the airport. Thanks also for our ride on the Toronto shuttle and subway, with our final stop at QUEEN Street. How appropo!!
TLKC and Northern Spirit for all the party stuff. M and P for the special cake.
Cher and riskylady for the Bruno and Queen + Adam tickets!!
Cher for taking Riskylady in, and for solving the hotel situation with Glambotgram.
Glambotgram for being a fab roomie!
And Ron. How do I even start? Ron thanks for being…yourself. I’ll never forget our walk to your neighborhood. You walk those streets every day, I know it, but, you are a stunning visual presence. You turn heads with every step. And as visually stunning as you are, it isn’t even a tenth of how warm, friendly, and generous you are. Your voice is like buttah, you are charming and gentle and witty. It’s a joy to know you!!
If there is anyone I forgot, please don’t be upset, this was an event filled few days. That’s for sure.
Well, as has been posted, I arrived on Saturday, and was met by Ron and TLKC at the airport, found nkd, and we all took multiple modes of transport to arrive in the St Lawrence Market area for our hotels near the Air Canada Centre.
We decided to have some lunch, gabbed our faces off, and ate what was supposed to be hummus as an appetizer, but nkd and I never did quite figure out what it was, just that it owes an apology to real hummus!!!
After lunch we parted ways a bit, and caught up with northern spirit, so TLKC, nkd and her all ended up across the street from the Novotel guessing if we should go to the Tilted Kilt,or one of several places that all looked interesting, with outdoor patio dining. We ended up at an over-priced and foodie type place called the BierMarkt.
After much decision-making, I opted for a Mexican beer!! Yes, the girl from beer town, in a German restaurant with a huge beer menu, opted Mexican. LOLOL
By the time we were done eating, nkd and I nearly had our heads in our laps, we had each been up since 3AM to travel to Toronto. Back to our rooms, to sleep alone. Needless to say, I crashed. Hard.
Sunday morning, feeling much much better, I met nkd at the Second Cup and had more than that in coffee!! Nkd and I strolled through a flea market and spent a lot of time enjoying the shopping and bought some pretty things to take home, earrings and shawls. Ron met up with us, and soon we were meeting luval at the Hotel Victoria.
Ron took us on a long walk, which was wonderful, all the way to his building on Yonge and Church ( if I’m wrong correct me please ). We walked through a festival put on by the Japanese Cultural Centre. Great sights and smells.
That walk was like being in Chicago crossed with New York crossed with Times Square. Such diversity of cultures, languages, restaurants, theaters ( including the one where Adam played in Wicked for several months ), and gay clubs, gay strip clubs, and many “interesting” places. LOLOL.
And the architecture. OMG. The buildings in Toronto, especially in Ron’s neighborhood. Gorgeous and innovative. It would be worth looking up Yonge Street on Google Earth and going to street view to “walk” down that street. I may just do it later with the tech support of my son. Anyway, Woody’s, where Adam was on Sunday night, is very very close to Ron’s building.
Nkd and I hopped into a cab to get back to our hotels, needing to conserve energy for Bruno that night.
Got back to the Novotel to find glambotgram!!! Yayay!!!
After a little time to refresh, and dress for the concert, we met up with the gang at The Works for the best meal I had in both trips to Toronto. Just a great big fresh salad with a turkey burger patty on it. Perfecto. Everybody was there, some went to Bruno, some didn’t. Nice to see angelowal and M and P. .
luval!!!! What restraint!?? How you didn’t just do a massive illegal u-turn and catch up with that truck!!
Muwhahaha. I would have…
Bruno Mars: I bought a ticket, excellent seat, row one off the floor, about half way from stage. However, Cher had managed to get Row 6 on the floor seats.
So, I canoodled another security guard who allowed me to go sit with my friends and visit them, and then, same guard asked her manager …and long story short, I ended up right next to Cher and nkd in the 6th row.
Let me tell you guys this: before I switched seats, I was talking to the super cute young couple next me, about Bruno, music, Toronto, etc. mentioned Queen and Adam and the gal was so into it. LOLOL. Her boyfriend left to get some drinks, and the gal and I started to talk Adam. She looooves him, he’s so sexy, loved him on Idol, bought FYE, but, “what has he been doing since?” GAH. The same old story. Never heard of TSP. I told her to look up Running and WWTLF. She said they couldn’t stay in town to see Queen, but would have if….they had known there would a show. What gives? Poor PR?
Anywho, the show was really good. The lights and sound ( needed my earplugs, LOUD LOUD LOUD, and there was this sonic boom with blinding lights that Northern Spirit commented about. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody on the tour had a heart attack in the audience.
What gets me about Bruno is that so many people find him sexy. I just don’t. I know I know, different strokes, different folks, but, sheesh, he’s about as sexy as a wet noodle. He can do all the pelvic thrusts and sweat as much as he wants, but…no sex appeal there. For me.
LULZ LOLOL. He even plays with his mic stand. Boy needs some schoolin’. I know a teacher he could take some lessons from. Heheheheh.
His band/back up singers/dancers are sexy though. They have some mighty fine moves. I love all the syncopation, all the choreo. All in all, a good show, and I’m glad I went.
Cher, mea culpa. Next time I’ll trust you to pull out great tix at the last minute. My seat was great, yours were much better darling. And it was so very nice to meet your sisters and Bessiedim..
After the show, many of us were talking about how there were so many kids and tweens there, and there was a lot of f-bombing and sexuality there. Oh well. New generation I guess.
ETA: forgot to mention, I found the gal security guard from show #1, she was wearing all the bracelets we gave her last time, and clearly remembered me, and could not believe that I came back to Toronto again!!! She said, no problem, she for sure would help us out again. She was so excited herself to be able to see Queenbert again.
mils I was on the New York State Thruway. No way to make U-turns. And the next exit was at least 25 miles away. My mind was spinning. Maybe I should stop and back up on the side of the road but I was already a couple of miles away with heavy traffic. It was virtually impossible. I will never forget the sight of that huge Queen & Adam Lambert truck so close yet so far.
Back at the hotel, glambot and I getting ready for bed, well, truth be told, glambot was already in bed, all snuggy with her computer, looking at …stuff…including that Adam was already spotted at Woody’s …and she and I talked until we couldn’t keep our eyes open anymore and literally fell asleep mid-sentence on each other.
Show day/Monday: Glambot and I headed to Second Cup, met up with nkd and decided to get a real breakfast, not sweets and coffee. So we strolled the area and found a pretty good restaurant, market was closed.
I’m having a hard time remembering details, but I think we hung out in our room after brunch, and nkd went back to hers to change for dinner and the show. Oh , yes, that is right!!
We went to O and G’s and there was a large group of us, some Toronto Glamberts, some lurkers, some faces that were there at Toronto #1, and it was simply wonderful.
So funny luval about seeing that truck. It just has me grinning. especially because you kinda had a thing about those trucks!! Love it!
Yes, mils You know me so well!I do/did have an obsession with those trucks. Loved any photo of them…glad mmm222 took a couple of me pointing up at the truck in NYC. Just so massive and powerful to me. Did I show them to you?
I miss the trucks.
That’s very nice of you Soccermom! Thank you very, very much! You’re very kind!
The photo is courtesy of
So many photos were taken of ALLer’s at the dinner, in the arena, and the parties and they’re slowly trickling in.
I’ll probably change the avi in a couple of days.
My theatre days have turned into many years ago now. So long ago that I look back and wonder where I ever got the nerve and bravado to do what I did and actually make a living at it. I don’t think that I could pull if off today.
Thanks again for your very thoughtful comment!
Hey there, my Hello Gorgeous girl!!
So happy to know that you, and everyone by now, had safe trips home!
I’m so glad that you enjoyed the walk up Yonge Street. That time spent with you and nkd and luval was an extra special part of the weekend for me. You were all in my building and I loved that, loved showing it to you.
It turned out to be a good thing that we didn’t pop up to my apartment. I walked in and Gil had dropped a full bucket of water on the kitchen floor, there was water everywhere, and 9 towels were lying on the floor to soak up the water and he was mopping away.
It was so wonderful to be with you again mils. I enjoyed every moment of the time we spent together! I feel as though I’ve known you my whole life! You were so proud to show me pictures of your two “boys”. As I looked at them, I was thinking how well adjusted and level headed these young men must be having you for their mother.
I haven’t felt this way since Ste.-Agathe. I would go back and do the weekend all over again and not change a thing. Even my confusion at the airport trying to get to you I would do again because it’s part of the memory and it was the start of a perfect three days to come.
You were a big part of making it perfect and so memorable mils! Thank you for being here and for being the wonderful person that you are!
Let’s do it again sometime.
mils, you have mail.
Got it luval. Thanks bunches! You have mail too!
Ron, there aren’t enough emoticons for you!! I just love you, I also feel like we’ve known each other forever, and am forever grateful that Queen played in Toronto twice so that we could meet.
That was the reason, right?
The Show:
So we get in, and realize our tickets are Row 10, right up against the end of the thrust. I spy our security guard friend, and TLKC and I go right up to it. Risky isn’t sure if she can stand the whole time, but ends up right next to me. We are at the curvy end of it, not the tip. TLKC is chatting up the nice 18 year old guard, and he is just smiling and listening, and sharing his musical tastes.
So everybody is gathering, so many well-known Glamberts, so many people we have known through here and through MJ’s, and many lurkers who are so glad to meet li’l old us!! That always amazes me, like we’re celebs or something. I’m just a fan who posts on blogs!!!
Anyway, some VERY entitled well-known Glamberts were making their presence known, and I just don’t want to talk about them anymore. UGH. All I can say is that after one of them ( the one who got spit on) told the guard what she intended to do, not asking permission, just commanding him, the 18 year old guard, said she was acting entitled. Very wise and mature if you ask me.
Now listen, I am fully aware that some may think I am “entitled” because I have seen Adam up close several times, have traveled, however, I buy my tickets and take my chances just like anyone else out there. I don’t end up front row center over and over and over. Those tickets aren’t available on Ticketron. That’s all I’m going to say.
Finally, the curtain is getting a deeper purple, the vibrating has begun, movement behind the curtain, smoke from the thrust,lights go off, Now I’m Here. Crowd goes nuts. NUTS. Best audience ever.
The show was insane, whole audience on their feet, fully participating, I looked back to see several times, not a person sitting, all the way up to the rafters. Radio GaGa clapping, just fully “IN”.
Killer Queen: OMG. Killer Queen. I thought TLKC was going to LOSE it. Well, maybe she did. I mean, it was right smack in front of us. Those fringes, those shoes, I could see tiny details this time, OMG OMG. That fan. The leg kick. The smiles.
I got eyebeams so many times I can’t count. Smiling smirking laughing recognizing me as a fan so corny so over the top so loving every single second of it. He is so fully engaged and theatrical in Killer Queen. There isn’t anybody else on this planet who could do KQ justice. It’s just surreal how many people comment on getting his eye contact and knowing that he recognizes them.
Oh. And do I even need to talk about when he spread his knees apart and fanned “himself?” Do I?? His laugh killed me. Killed me I tell you. I was laughing so damn hard, and TLKC was falling on me, OMG.
And then he did it. He spit on that entitled fan. Dammit. TLKC got some of the splash, pretty funny. It was interesting what he said after his spit. “This one is on the house.” Hmmmm. Multiple meanings there, methinks.
Under Pressure. Never ceases to amaze me.
And then. He asks if we want to hear something sexy.
I can’t even. I’m getting , erm, feelings just thinking about Dray-gon A-Tack. I can’t….okay Mils, get ahold of yerself, you can do it, recap Dragon Attack. Try. Breathe.
Okay. Guys, from the very first time Adam sang DA, in Kiev, I have been a slave to DA. Love it. Listen to it. Researched Freddie doing it. Saw Adam’s reaction to it. I remember watching the stream, having multiple tabs open, posting on it right away, I could see how Adam just grooved to it differently he felt it. And then it became his Elmo moment, and a fan favorite. Yeah, you could say it has an effect on me.
I’m laughing at myself now, because most of the show I had my camera in my hand, and tried to take some pictures, I managed a couple, and really wanted to get some during DA.
Yeah right. I couldn’t even think straight, much less take a picture. I think this was his sexiest DA ever. Ever. And it was maybe 5 feet from me. Maybe 4. He worked it. He worked it hard. His dancing, his head banging. His bending over head banging. His wail. His WAIL. I could see his face, his veins, his pores. So close. So sexy sexual just unleashed. Unchained. Perfect. Needs to be archived so that Merriam Webster can define sex.
Sex: please refer to Adam Lambert performing Dragon Attack at the Air Canada Center, July 28, 2014. ‘Nuf said.
Other highlights: Somebody to Love. Just love it so much. Every single time is different. The glory note. 12 or 13 seconds this time. I do believe the first Toronto show was the longest at 15 or 16 seconds. The second glory note “toooooooooooo”. The drama. Can anybody find me …can anybody find me.. flirt…bat yer eyelashes…pause…pout..The twirl. Love me some twirl.
WWTLF: Bathing in the lights, being where we were, we were in the lights, able to reach out and touch our fingertips in the light too.
The whole show the audience was just “there.” They loved him in a way I haven’t seen before. Maybe because it was the second show there, there were fans who bought for both shows, and were already fans, maybe because the first show got such great buzz that anyone who missed the first show was able to get tickets for this, but, wow, two sold out shows in one town. That’s massive.
Queen die-hards just massively loving him. So many fans lingering after the show, needing to talk, to share.
Had to catch a cab back to the hotel. Could Not get a Cab. Trying and trying, finally, a couple who was also trying and I began to talk. She’s a fan of both Adam and of Queen, he’s a long time Queen super die hard fan. So I asked him what he thought of our guy.
He thought he was unbelievable. A singer on equal footing with Freddie. Talked about Freddie and opera, claimed he was a trained opera singer, ( no he wasn’t, he just loved opera and sang with Monserrat, but never trained) and I told him that Adam had trained with an opera coach when he was younger and clearly uses vocal techniques he learned then.
The guy said that there isn’t anyone else alive who could sing Queen better than Adam.
We talked a bit in the cab about the “other guy” praise from Brian. He felt it was a big honor, and that it should shut up any die-hards who don’t accept Adam. He also said that Brian is clearly setting a stage for when they play in the UK. They both feel that they will add shows. Have to. They are that good.
He also said he has a huge man-crush on him. His wife was laughing hard. She’s a massive fan. That was a fun cab ride.
After the show, party in our room, and after cleaning up, and gabbing with glambot, looking at stuff appearing on line, and literally falling asleep mid-sentence again, that was the night.
Next morning, woke up to glambot already going out for coffee and a bagel, and bringing it back for me! How wonderful. Room service. Thanks!!
After our goodbyes, I stayed in the room for another hour or two and felt tremendously down. It was all over.
So. I decided to check out, and leave my bags and go for a walk. I ended up getting a latte at Starbucks and strolling with it. I ended up at a park a block or two from the Novotel, with a fountain in the middle, and sat with my coffee. Sunny, lots of people, feeling better, and saw some commotion. Lots of young people wildly gesticulating.
I thought, oh, somebody is having an argument. Suddenly, more people running up and it seems like they are acting. Hmmm. A flash mob? A local theater group? Oh. It’s Shakespeare. More actors running up and joining in. Crowd gathering and watching. They were rehearsing for a production for next week.
Feeling much better. Coffee. Sunshine. A walk. Some entertainment. Yup. Life is good.
At the airport, I was waiting at my gate, and somebody comes up to me. She saw my VIP totebag, and asked if I had seen the show. I looked at her, and she was wearing the Pennyroyal eye of horus necklace ( Glambert alert )and we Berted a bit. I invited her here, she said she’d check us out. She is active on twitter and gave me her twitter name. I’m not going to share it, yet. Let’s see if she comes here.
I had to change planes in Detroit. At the counter, the guy saw my tote and we talked rock music a bit. He was hilarious. When he gave me a tag for my carry-on, he told me to leave my VIP tote with him. To keep. I just laughed and kept walking. I could hear him laughing behind me. So funny.
First off I want to thank eywflyer and AL for keeping this community going. I may not post often but I try to lurk lots. And a big thanks to mgl for all the wonderful posters of each show. That said now, it was truly wonderful meeting up with all who attended the various show that I did and our conversations that took place. I loved seeing all of you who I have had the pleasure to meet up with in the past as well as you guys that I met for the first time on this go round. Mils and glambotgram you both come to mind. It was so nice finally meeting up in person with you.
Adam entered my heart back in 2010 and I’m so happy that I was able to connect back then with this terrific group of individuals who share so much in common with me. I wished that this North American tour would last forever but that’s actually selfish of me. The world and so many others need to experience his magic.
Not happy!! Long post and pressed something wrong and it left me again.
Gone to sulk….. 
Great shot of the confetti from the show.
and this one – http://pic.twitter.com/AxrMfT1YYk
I am still sulking!!
@cher….. *bearhug* maybe it was not meant to be…. *dodge*
@milwlovesadam: thank you for your extended report, even post concert (those totebags incidents are fun to read) and the juicy DA report !
I feel privileged to see DA live last year during the WAF – tour… and the funny thing about DA is that I felt that it just fitted seamlessly into Adam’s solo repertoir even though it had more a rockvibe than a sexy vibe at that time…
Awesome recap mils, as I knew it would be. Very much as it happened on the barricades on Monday night. Adam, Brian and Roger so close, so good and so happy.
My two newbies absolutely LOVED the concert. One of them is a long time Queen fan and could be seen singing along to the songs whenever I looked back. Both of them knew Adam from Idol but the spell hadn’t been cast. Now it has, BIG TIME. Another one bites the dust.
It was a bit disappointing that more of my countrymen didn’t join in for God Save the Queen but they can be heard on at least one of the videos. A beautiful ending. “Long to-o-o-o-o-o reign over us.”
It was an honour and a pleasure to have everyone in our fair city at some point this month (including asif, who arrived here last night in a case of world’s worst timing, lol!)
Will treasure the many wonderful moments that our gang shared, in real life and over the blog, during this magnificent tour.
Waiting for downunder ALL-ers to share their stories now. Bring it on!
BTW, floridagirl had front row centre at the end of the thrust. LUCKY GIRL.
Re-reading mils: sorry to disappoint but I didn’t get any spit. I was safely behind the yellow-shirted guard and am pretty sure Adam quite intentionally avoids the staff.
FYI, I can guess which guard tweeted that Adam’s voice changed his life. He was in the thrust. Our guard told us that they are not allowed to look at the stage but this guy was in my sightlines and he couldn’t help himself.
Some nice photos from GlamazonToronto
Like this one – how does Adam fit on that tiny couch?
Loving all of your wonderful recaps!
RL was back for me yesterday as I had MIL appts to attend. It gets exhausting sometimes, especially when you’re already exhausted from all of the fun!!!
These trips away are such a wonderful blessing spent with old friends and new.
Seeing Ron again was my reason for this particular trip. It had been so long, and was worth every travel mishap! “It’s an adventure” as luval would remind me!
I won’t tell you all about having to rebook my return flight and getting lost from multiple bad directions to the airport arriving 45 minutes before take-off, and after customs and security arriving at the gate 15 minutes before. Luckily it was running just a bit behind so all is good! Thank you luval for all of your time and trouble! Love you!
mils and I had a chance to spend some time together and further realized how much we enjoy each other’s company. I just love her!

Same goes for glambotgram! Such a delightful time with these two. Love you both!
Having Ron and TLKC meet us at the airport and guide us to our hotels was wonderful!
As I came out the big doors after customs there was a crowd of people waiting for theirs to arrive, but I didn’t see anyone I knew, until I came off the ramp and turned. I could see the back of TLKC‘s head, then I spotted Ron looking at the doors for me. So I snuck up behind him and touched his back lightly and he turned. It was a long awaited embrace and it felt so good to see him again!
TLKC and mils were waiting, hugs were had and we were on our way! I’m glad that TLKC and Ron knew what they were doing because I certainly would have been lost!
TLKC is a delight, and it’s always wonderful and uplifting to see her.
The Toronto group is strong and close and it’s always great to see them all.
Northern Spirit is just great. I loved sharing some meals with you and of course the concert and after party.
M&P and angelowal, loved seeing you again.
cher got us wonderful seats for the Bruno Mars concert on Sunday and it was such fun sharing that with her, riskylady and mils. I thought cher was shot at one point as she fell back on me after the loudest bang. It was truly like a large rifle went off beside our heads. Kind of shocking! We laughed and continued dancing!
I really feel like we get younger after these gatherings as we laugh so much. That makes you younger, right?!!
Also met two of cher’s sisters. They are beautiful ladies!
floridagirl, I loved seeing you again! Always fun!
Kdd and milkywayfairy, so good to see you both again.
The concert was spectacular!
People ask me which concert was my favorite and it’s very difficult to answer as they all have something special.
Chicago was the first and all was unknown so each unfolding of the show was breathtaking, and I left awed!
Dallas was excellent, and I was a little closer. It was great!!!
Philadelphia…not sure I have enough adjectives for this one. At the rail on the thrust and got spray! A lot of spray! On top of my head running down my face and onto my shirt and scarf. Slept in it so it could soak in! Laughed our asses off all night!
In New York I was on the top at the side of the stage and could see and observe the show very well. It was electric in MSG that night and I felt honored to be in the building.
Merriweather was a wonderful show.
ETA I should add that our Maryland hostesses, adamized and mmm222 were wonderful. Putting us up in their homes and planning wonderful meals and gatherings. It was a special time!
Toronto, the last of the NA shows, was great! The crowd was really into it and it was special because it was the last for me and for NA. For now anyway.
After my 6 shows, I feel satisfied, for now.
We’ll see what happens next year!
I’m blessed to have been able to make it to these shows and spend such wonderful times with my ALL

friendsfamily. The strengthening of the bonds at every event is special and treasured. It makes it much more of an adventure to have lovely and fun people to share it.http://www.gq.com/entertainment/music/201407/photos-60-classic-rockers-still-unbelievably-on-tour#slide=10
I will try again axxxel much much later tonight.
A guest’s viewpoint of the Toronto show
lilybop is just awesome!
I did three concerts and they were each wonderful and unique.
Chicago was full of anticipation and excitement, everything was new and sharing it with mils was just awesome, we squealed all over each other. The sound mix here was not good, I kept straining to hear Adam, the instruments were too loud. Then I had the added excitement of meeting All people at the after party and for breakfast the next morning.
Merriweather was special because we started out the day with a wonderful luncheon arranged by mmm then had a great time in line with so many ALL’ers. I had seats on the lawn but it had the best sound of the three shows I went to. Plus I shared this concert with some of my family.
Toronto 2 was amazing for many reasons, I had the closest seats at this one, could see Adam more clearly without having to watch the Screen. Enjoyed the row with many friends, the sound was a bit screechy at times, but Adam was amazing. Lots of fun for a couple of days with All’ers and lurkers.
They are all my favorites for different reasons. I am going to miss this tour.
Breathless @breathless2
What a wonderful summer 2 b a Glambert!!!! FUCK YEAH! @adamlambert you ROCKED!!!! pic.twitter.com/NGBz81Movg
(Chicago pic)
This is the silhouette pic I meant.
Hello ALLers
(do you see me waving? ;D)
Been a couple days since I’ve been able to post and catch up on recaps, posts, pics, videos, etc. …
Happy to be back.
LIFE (*sigh*) has seen fit to get in the way of this delightful luxury.
Really, how dare it?!
I must say…I have SO enjoyed reading all of your fascinating and entertaining recaps. They have certainly been enchanting and engaging, to say the least!
In spite of the tiring expenditures on your fingers and recall, thank you for the time and efforts you’ve put in to providing them. (cher, I’m sorry you’ve had trouble.
Your remarkable moments have brought big grins to my face, hearty laughs, and even some tears to my eyes as I’ve been genuinely touched by your heartfelt accounts and the unforgettable memories you’ve created together; how you’ve eagerly supported each other, and how your actual lives have been enhanced & inextricably altered by ‘the ‘incomparable Adam Lambert’.
Honestly, I’ve been impressed by the giving spirit ALLers have shown; the sincere affections exchanged; and the genuine friendships and lasting bonds formed that are quite unigue, endearing, and very special.
Honored to share in it by feeling the love and joy in your accounts and in your interactions with each other.
Y’all are class acts!
While I’m still relatively new on this site… and – melancholy to say – haven’t had the exquisite opportunity to attend a concert from this recent QAL NA tour… it’s been a real treat sampling tastings of the finer delicacies of evenings spent with Adam Lambert, and with sincerely dedicated admirers of his enormous talent.
(with genuinely kind individuals to boot).
Hopefully soon, in Adam’s bright future, (in era3 touring schedule?) I will enjoy opportunities to know some of you better.
A big “Thanks”
, also, to those of you who spend your time and late hours posting articles, reviews, pics, tweets, & videos for us all to partake in and enjoy. Your dedication means a lot and enhances the Glambert (&, um, *Glambulge*
) little corners of our worlds.
It’s a privilege for me to interact with such positive and engaging people here.
And, who also happen to “get” how extraordinary Adam truly is.
I also love reading all of the comments and posts each one of you contribute in this gathering place here.
ALLers rock & roll!
PS. I’m posting this in the July thread as well since this thread is “technically” over. Hope that’s okay ..
Finally catching my breath between getting back to work, unpacking, tidying up my place and now packing again to go to someone’s cottage for the long weekend we have up here in Canada. Throughout all of this, I’ve had a flood of flashbacks of the wonderful weekend spent with ALLers in my hometown of Toronto. I don’t live there anymore, but still consider it home, and so it felt just a bit strange to have you all there, when I usually see you in other cities.
I think this last concert (along with Chicago and MSG), will be the one that stands out most for me because of the several social activities we had along with a fantastic final concert, the crowd energized and ready to have a great time.
I drove down, from the north, to Toronto on Friday. On Saturday I met up with TLKC, Ron, Mils and nkd at the British Embassey pub in downtown Toronto. Mils and nkd had just flown in and Ron and TKLC had gone to the airport to greet them and show them how to get downtown by public transport. So great to see them both again. After the pub, I had leftover wine to deposit in Mils‘ room; that done, we headed to the Bier Markt for another quick bite before calling it a night.
Sunday was Bruno Mars concert day. I was to meet TLKC and M & Pat a grocery store to see about subs and also about a cake for the party, and met up with Luval on the street, quite by accident, and we walked to the store together. Shortly after we met up with Mils and Glambotgram for dinner at The Works (great hamburgs) (nkd and Luval came by later) before heading out to the Bruno concert, which was fantastic (see earlier post). I had met Glambotgrambefore briefly in Chicago, so it was great to have a chance to spend more time together this time around.
Monday, Q+AL concert day. I picked up Ron on the way downtown and we stopped by Novotel, where we met up with Glambotgram, Mils, TLKC, and walked to O&B together, where we had our pre-concert dinner. Cocktails outside…everyone else wandering in: Cher, Angelowal, riskylady, floridagirl (so great to see them all again), luval, nkd, M and P, and then later, @jaysjen, @ripleysmom. Great time had by all.
Ron, luval and I left for the venue ahead of the others. I had some merch to look for, and wanted to get that out of the way. My seats were row 2 off to the side of the stage….great seats. I’ll look for similar next time. Before sitting down, I wandered onto the floor to catch up with friends sitting at the end of the thrust. While standing there, a lady comes up to me and asks if my seats are here. I said no. She said, “good”, because she and her friend have seats here (right at the front of the thrust) and at the very front, row 1, and they’ll be going back and forth throughout the night (so if I was intending on standing there, she make sure I didn’t). Lovely.
It was such a great concert. Adam was on fire. My seats were perfect and close, and I got to sit with Angelowal, Sleepwalker, nkd, Glambotgram, which made it that more special. For 3 other concerts, I’ve sat by myself, and didn’t realize how nice it is to share the experience with others.
Post-concert party in Mils‘ room afterward for about an hour (a call from front desk got us moving out fast), then it was all over
and I drove back to my parents’ place, dropping TLKC and Sleepwalker off along the way.
I will never forget this last concert, this fabulous month and a half, actually. What a ride it’s been!