- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Boommm!!! ???? Queen + Adam Lambert was one of the most amazing performances ever!! #officialqueenmusic #toronto #wewillrockyou #adamlambert
Love this picture.
Beautiful pic of @adamlambert & @DrBrianMay from the Toronto gig at #aircanadacentre -Happy Birthday Bri ?
Look what they did ! Bless ’em ! Bri. Photo by Jimmy May @jim213may
#QALtoronto #adamlambert #redhairrocks
Good Night … ALL!!
Sweet Bicycle Race Dreams!!!
lol, asif – that’s sumthin’ else –
Zak @MiracoloDiGigi
Replying to @ethantblack
I knew Adam Lambert had a good voice as it was, but he was really really good tonight. Definitely recommend watching some videos, yeah!
natasha @omgmedusa
i am never doubting another artist again. adam lambert put me in my place.
From the awesome Toronto gig tonight at #aircanadacentre Such a great gig & @adamlambert was amazing! #AdamLambert #QAL
His eyes –
@QueenWillRock @DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT @Metallica @RobertTrujillo @KirkHammett #JamesHetfield #neilfairclough
These guys were there too
Adam Lambert with a really good backup band
[#QALToronto mix] HBday @DrBrianMay IG Christinet_xo/courtneyconquer @HMSHarry @EkmoGL@Citygirl36 @mariahveronika TY @lilybop2010 @14gelly
This is neat –
That tongue of @adamlambert gets everywhere ? From the gig in Toronto tonight…totally awesome ?
raquel @raquelskilich
Queen & Adam Lambert was such a good concert? like I already have post concert depression
Jessica McGow @jessmcgow
In absolute awe at how amazing @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert were tonight. My jaw was dropped the entire time I wasn’t singing along ..
Ashley P. @AGoodBookandTea
Replying to @adamlambert
You were mesmerizing tonight! A true professional and showstopper. ❤
#Queen and #Metallica Toronto Show Afterparty !
Great finale pic –
True Blue. #QALtoronto #AdamLambert #queenwillrock
Jennifer Marcus added 13 photos and a video.
Montreal, QC, Canada ·
What a weekend! Queen and Adam Lambert came to see Volta on Saturday night and chat with us after the show! And then we got to go to their show last night and had the BEST seats ever! It was an amazing concert and brought back lots of memories of twirling to Under Pressure in 1999 and We Will Rock You/We are the Champions at the 2004 world championships. Thank you VOLTA by Cirque du Soleil for the opportunity!
maddie ! @b00mitsmaddie
have to say, @adamlambert was truly legendary tonight with iconic @QueenWillRock in Toronto!! so much love in the air ???
Our Allers, no doubt –
Good morning after!!!! Well, to quote asifclueless it was amaze-balls!!!
They were all stellar but Adam was beyond. I have not been watching much of the concert footage this time around, because I wanted to be surprised, and am not sure if Adam has been this silly in the other shows but he was totally in touch with his funny bone tonight. You can tell that the pressure is totally off to prove himself (in a good way) – he knows he’s been accepted as the Crown Prince and can take the Queen catalogue with tongue firmly in cheek.
I had one of the best seats in the house (Row 1, Seat 1 – gonna frame that ticket) and was on Adam’s side of the house. Can’t help but wonder if there was a little showing off by the guys because Metallica was in the house but, just maybe?
The audience sang along a lot more than usual (for TO anyway) starting with FBG. I don’t know if you can tell from the videos but, at the end of Brian’s “Love of My Life” the audience spontaneously broke into Happy Birthday” just before Adam came out and led everyone into a more coordinated version of same. It was sweet.
Alas, I did not meet any of the guys
and so did not get to show them mils’ truly inspired earrings but perhaps somewhere down the road on this tour one of us will get a chance to do that.
Had a great day with mmm222, adamized and luval walking around town until the heat got the better of us.
These tours would not be the same without the many strong and enduring ties that we have developed over the years. Last night’s dinner with the glamily brought us all together including far-flung friends riskylady + riskyhubby, M + P, Sparkle, angelowal, northern spirit, and of course Ron and the entire TO cohort. Interestingly, another QAL group as big as ours was seated next to us and the restaurant had set up a Queen playlist.
Seriously sad that I can’t see any more concerts this time around but will be watching the upcoming concerts online and thinking of everyone as they road trip their way along the east coast. So very, very sorry to have missed meeting up with you rs! #Fingerscrossed that you make it to Newark, Brooklyn and beyond.
Up for my early swim, thought of you northern spirit, and had to check in before I hopped in the pool.
That was a couple hours ago…listened to the stream last night, couldn’t make out the banter. Need to catch up later.
It sounded like Adam had realllly hit his stride, both vocally and in play on stage. He was loosening up in St Paul, and is there now baby!!!
So thrilled that TLKC and all of you had such good times! !
I’m at the Toronto airport with adamized waiting for our flight home. I finally made it to Toronto and got to meet Ron. What a charmer! (Love you, Ron!) Many thanks to him and TLKC for welcoming us Sunday and showing us around the city. It was also great to catch up with all our other Canadian ALL friends.
The show was great! I was grinning the whole time. Adam was in great humor and was really frisky and energized. The mic suffered from abuse again last night and there were plenty of hip thrusts. And those red leather pants…how on earth does he get them on? We were sitting very close to the stage on the side and my eyeballs were assaulted. Haha! Adam and the guys sounded fantastic as usual. Our next show is in Newark in a week. I can’t wait!
This is what my cousin just wrote to me. If I couldn’t go I am glad that she saw the show. She is a long time Queen fan and saw them three times with Freddie when she was a teen:
Can’t wait to get home tonight and watch fiercaliens vids. Good ones last tour, if I’m not mistaken , she’s a friend of northern spirit’s.
Wow! Last night was fun watching Queen and Adam Lambert
Nadine citygirl36
Gelly @14gelly
You guys watch that video. CLOSE UP of everything happening when Adam gave the crown to Bri! SO ADORABLE!
Entire Concert –
[FAN CAM] Queen + Adam Lambert at the Air Canada Centre 170718
boom 97.3 added 15 new photos — attending Queen + Adam Lambert at Air Canada Centre.
Toronto, ON, Canada ·
It was a phenomenal night rockin’ out with Queen + Adam Lambert! So many classics! What an amazing night to remember! ???
?? @ScorpioBert
Gorgeous Toronto Video from jungpeter1958gmail
mmm222 says:
07/19/2017 at 11:12 am
It was entirely my pleasure to finally meet you mmm222! You are every nice thing that everyone has told me about you.
Time has stood still for dear adamized since the last time we sat side by side on Ceddies blanket 6 years ago, leaning against a fence for 3 hours, waiting for the show to start in Ste.-Agathe. You haven’t changed a bit and are as lovely now as I remember you then.
mmm222 and adamized sat on the tarmac in Baltimore for 2 hours before they were able to make their way north. TLKC sipped on a glass of wine while I chugged down 3 Bloody Caesars as we waited for them to arrive at the restaurant where the four of us would later have dinner. It was also at this restaurant where, midway through dinner, I almost died. S.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y!
But more about that later.
Another picture of Metallica with Brian & Roger. was hoping to see one with Adam but haven’t so far.
Photo of the front of Toronto Sun Times
✰ sara ✰ @sara1977_ 1h1 hour ago
In today’s Toronto Sun newspaper: Queen and Adam Lambert!
Also, the concert in Toronto last night was phenomenal!✨
Happy Birthday Brian!
Queen Official
Queen + Adam Lambert really rocked Toronto last night. Brilliant show- I hope I never forget how lucky I am to see their shows.
tlkc…thanks for the very nice tour in downtown Toronto yesterday. Really appreciated all the knowledge you have about the beautiful buildings. Yes, it was hot but thank goodness we found shade here & there!
Hi, luval – love the Toronto paper write-up – interesting pic of Adam –
Queen + Adam Lambert – July 18, 2017AlbumsQueen + Adam Lambert – July 18, 2017
12 Photos · Updated 6 hours ago
Photos by: Igor Vidyashe
Online viewer of 24 Hours Toronto (same article as Toronto Sun)
[FAN CAM] Queen + Adam Lambert Full Concert at the Air Canada Centre 17-07-18
It’s later …
TLKC and I made the l-o-n-g trek up from our comfortable perch at the Oliver and Bonicini restaurant to the Hotel Victoria where mmm222 and adamized were going to stay.
It’s a 2 minute walk.
No sooner did we sit down in the lobby when I heard TLKC say, “There they are! They’re here!” It’s a double door entrance, I opened the second set of doors as they entered, and the big hugs and smiles began. I thought it was best to stay in the lobby while the three ladies went to the room to freshen up. I didn’t wait long at all and we then went back to Oliver and Bonicini.
I was in such wonderful company! But what a terrible first impression I must have made when, half way through my meal, a piece of meat got stuck in my throat. I knew immediately that I was in trouble. I couldn’t breathe. I got up from the booth and turned away because I was so embarrassed! I was gasping and gasping for air. It’s odd that I was so calm as I remember saying to myself, “I’m choking to death” while I must have looked like a fish out of water.
I then heard someone say to lean forward and, when I did, I felt this sharp pull on my upper stomach. Two seconds later, I
on the floor and the waiter was hitting me on my back.
Well, that was a first!! I hope that it’s my last! I recovered almost immediately and even had a few more bites of my dinner. The waiter knew just what to do in that kind of situation!
After we paid our bill, I asked if maybe I should give the waiter $10.00 for coming to my rescue. Give him something at least. The general consensus was that my life was probably worth more than $10.00. To me though, it seemed just about right.
But then what really happened came out. It wasn’t the waiter who performed the Heimlich maneuver, it was mmm222!! My back was turned so I couldn’t see who was doing what. It was the waiter who was patting my back so I thought that he did it.
Thank you again mmm222 for saving my life. Seriously, I wouldn’t be typing this now if it wasn’t for you.
I offered the $10.00 to mmm222 but she didn’t take it.
OMG Ron What a story. I am so glad you are ok and that our hero mmm222 was there for the rescue.
Second glambotgram’s sentiments, Ron – mmm222’s presence of mind is extraordinary – thank god she was there –
mmm222 live saving hero !!
Queen & Adam Lambert concert July 18th 2017
© Igor Rockxposure Vidyashev