- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
When I look at this picture, I feel like the offender is the horrible baggy pants, not the lace. Imagine how much better it would look with tight leather pants.
Who am I kidding I just want the tight leather pants.

Adam out last night (lucky girls)
Gelly @14gelly 16m16 minutes ago
alexandras_collection About last night What a night @adamlambert ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BKToRdaD0BI/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14350880_1265636406782012_766114772_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzODU5MDYzNTkyNjQzNzk2MA%3D%3D.2 …
Gelly @14gelly 22s23 seconds ago
laurenricedavies About last night with amazing Adam lambert. https://www.instagram.com/p/BKTfTEzgCES/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14272195_1199286350113184_87661696_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzODU1MTE2NDUzMDA3Mzg3NA%3D%3D.2 …
great GaGa, riskylady!
Just came across another one from a different angle
instagram.com/p/BKTmrBDju9K/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/14354210_1732715226992428_1992230558_n.mp4 …
It looked to me like the last outfit was a skirt. Or was it baggy shorts?
Noy @NoyPerel
Some are saying Adam traveled to Jerusalem today, but there are no pictures online yet…?
(Google translate)
“The performance of the band Queen with singer Adam Lambert at Hayarkon Park in Tel Aviv was memorable for about 57 thousand Israelis. Adam Lambert on his part, also enjoys in Israel and continued after the show Club Lane gay club H”limh Lima “south of Tel Aviv, with waitresses who served him the night before at” Namus “Herzliya, and got him an invitation to the Golden Ring concert and entertainment extraordinary behind the scenes. Lambert was the star of the party, and was photographed only with associates of the club owners.
“To remind you, Adam Lambert asked him in what they find love Israel, at least for one night. So did he find? There is a debate: on the one hand, the waiter returned excursion desk and opened with four in the morning at the Herzliya. On the other hand – close to the production swear Lambeth finished the evening at the home of a local man, and not at the hotel. During the day, Lambert went out Israel.”
Just got home and read those two reviews in Hebrew and watched the entertainment show that was on TV. The reviews are very good and so is the TV show. They can’t help but talk about Freddie, but the praise for Adam is enormous. One said that if Freddie were alive today he would be 70 and after a life of drugs,smoking, etc, it is doubtful if he could still give a good performance, so it is better that Adam took over the reins. What I love about the reviews is that it is obvious that they watched the whole show and didn’t leave early to make a deadline. They go into detail about the songs, choosing their favorite moments and talking about the traffic jams after the show.
By the way, do you remember the curly haired girl who interviewed Adam and Brian a couple of months ago? She was obviously so infatuated with Brian. Well, she had a 3 hour breakfast with him today, at his invitation. They also talked about Adam going out to the gay club in Tel Aviv and spending time with the waitresses. Some said that he didn’t go back to the hotel last night.
And while the others left today, Adam stayed, came to Jerusalem (YAY, he came to my city) and the Western Wall, and then to a performance in Rishon in the evening. I promise that I will sit down tomorrow morning and get the recap done.
I see lots of opinions about “the looks”
I don’t like the hair (but it will grow)
I don’t like most of the outfits
But I loved the fringed/slashed pants and vest outfit.
The complete concert video is great. I do love to watch all the little bits between the songs. The riff prior to IWIA was amazing…
From m & G I think
Gelly @14gelly 12s12 seconds ago
Mai Arlowski
https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14311288_1251251918239082_3018257515899252684_o.jpg …
Hi pretty https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1251251918239082&set=a.173247336039551.35563.100000628566038&type=3&theater …
Ziv Rubinstein HQ https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14352149_686130421537663_2643233144852759701_o.jpg … https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=686130421537663&set=a.127046674112710.28353.100004221332442&type=3&theater …
He’s tired… (maybe of her
Ziv Rubinstein HQ https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14352149_686130421537663_2643233144852759701_o.jpg … https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=686130421537663&set=a.127046674112710.28353.100004221332442&type=3&theater …
Ziv Rubinstein HQ https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14352149_686130421537663_2643233144852759701_o.jpg … https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=686130421537663&set=a.127046674112710.28353.100004221332442&type=3&theater …
Photos with different guys
So he went to the Wall? Love it. Hope he posts pics or talks about it sometime. Wonder what else? Maybe Masada or the Dead Sea. Me hopes.
Who Came out after show with Adam Lambert
Playing Major Lazer at the end. Concert he was supposed to have gone to tonight.
A shirt for Adam’s next concert
Fantastic Billboard review…
and why is Roger wearing a dressing gown at the M & G?
I think you’re right glambotgram….its the trousers….the waist is so high, it makes his body look really short, and because his chest is so broad, the lace makes him look wide an short…
Love the ripped jeans and waistcoat look best too.
Well, if Adam would wear that shirt, we would have to stay in the corner & share the fainting couches.
If Adam wore that shirt
It would be zipped shut.
That whole concert video is fantastic, almost professional quality. I thought the drum battle was great, and Brian’s guitar solo was particularly beautiful last night. And his solo with Days of Our Lives is always gorgeous.
Adam’s voice blew me away. Just no words.
And we may not appreciate his fashion, but I noticed some critics and many tweeters did, as well as the hair. I’m just past that – his gorgeous face does it all. The UP outfit was great though, and the reworked jazzed up DA? And those hips???
Loved the fringe pants and loved twilightmagic8’s shirt and milwlovesadam’s comment about that shirt! LOL
Didn’t see a vid of “Dragon Attack” anybody?
I love that song!
magiclady, it’s in the whole concert video, just before the 1:00:00 mark (1 hour). But, just try to “endure” watching the first hour and you’ll find it right after Crazy Little Thing.
does this help anyone?
0:00:16 Seven Seas of Rhye (Queen II, 1974)
0:03:05 Keep Yourself Alive (Queen, 1973)
0:05:56 Hammer to Fall (The Works, 1984)
0:10:22 Stone Cold Crazy (Sheer Heart Attack, 1974)
0:13:02 Fat Bottomed Girls (Jazz, 1978)
0:20:07 Don’t Stop Me Now (Jazz, 1978)
0:24:56 Killer Queen (Sheer Heart Attack, 1974)
0:28:18 Somebody to Love (A Day at the Races, 1976)
0:38:23 Love of My Life (A Night at the Opera, 1975)
0:44:10 These Are the Days of Our Lives (Innuendo, 1991)
0:49:00 Drum Battle
0:51:55 Under Pressure (Hot Space, 1982)
0:56:42 Crazy Little Thing Called Love (The Game, 1980)
0:59:52 Dragon Attack (The Game, 1980)
1:04:03 Another One Bites the Dust (The Game, 1980)
1:08:00 Guitar Solo
1:10:56 I Want It All (The Miracle, 1989)
1:15:58 Guitar Solo, Hava Nagila
1:25:58 Who Wants to Live Forever (A Kind of Magic, 1986)
1:29:55 The Show Must Go On (Innuendo, 1991)
1:34:18 Tie Your Mother Down (A Day at the Races, 1976)
1:39:48 I Want to Break Free (The Works, 1984)
1:43:30 Bohemian Rhapsody (A Night at the Opera, 1975)
1:48:56 Radio Ga Ga (The Works, 1984)
1:55:10 We Will Rock You (News of the World, 1977)
1:57:47 We Are the Champions (News of the World, 1977)
2:02:45 God Save the Queen (A Night at the Opera, 1975)
I’m halfway through the full video…..those ripped jeans, are they ones he’s worn before but with a fringe added??
I’m not sure about the opening few songs, love 7sor, but the next 2 or 3 didn’t seem to click with the audience, they didn’t seem to wake up till fat bottomed girls.
Its great that I can watch youtube on my tv, much better than the computer screen
The ripped jeans looked a bit darker than others I’ve seen him wear, but I’m probably wrong. I’m sure he has many pairs.
I love to watch video through my new 55″ Tv. It looks and sounds amazing!
Kiwi, thanks for the play by play!! Wonderful
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
rufustaylor photo. Maaan Queen don’t fuck around with security
https://www.instagram.com/p/BKVRhjfDUam/?taken-by=rufusttaylor …
Israeli special forces guarding them.
Watched Dragon Attack.
The song that dropped me to my knees at the thrust in Toronto.
Holy crsp, the vest, the fringes on the tight ripped dark jeans, the hint of zipper, the hips, the voice, the ending but not over yet, the I don’t wanna stop wailing on this song, fringes flying,
Dragon Fricking Attack.
Right luval.
Remember that I said that there would be uber security?
Protecting them and embedded in the crowd. I’m so glad that it all went soooo well and so safely.
Awesome pic open the hq to see it! Jacob Bahar photog @adamlambert https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14305443_10205637707381694_7183965558692373885_o.jpg … https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205637707381694&set=o.82805678650&type=3&theater …
At the Western Wall in Jerusalem today.
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
With Queen and Adam Lambert
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14295003_1761998604062842_337405731_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzOTEwNTIxMTYxMjkxMzI0OQ%3D%3D.2 …
Roger in his bathrobe is killin’ me.
Western Wall – Jerusalem
Singer Adam Lambert in prayer at the Western Wall http://www.kikar.co.il/210018.html
[Google translation]
International singer, Adam Lambert , lead singer of the band “Queen” is currently visiting Israel as part of a show that took place on Monday in Tel Aviv’s Hayarkon Park.
Lambert is an international player and singer, but also a Jew and therefore used his visit to Israel to come and visit the ruins of the Temple.
The singer has come a long celebs along with Mordecai followers , the Western Wall plaza. Followers let him tefillin and read together with the Shema. Then they went to the wall and prayed wall.
Lambert Hasidim later accompanied by a comprehensive tour
of the Western Wall tunnels
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 53s54 seconds ago
http://adamlambertmtt.com/viewtopic.php?p=2747#p2747 …
ultimathule thanks for posting many of the Jerusalem pics on this thread. I put them on the Sept thread at first but didn’t bother to bring them over here. They are so great, though, it’s good they’re on both!
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 4m4 minutes ago
http://adamlambertmtt.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1578 …
Yes, good to have a few on this thread, too – thanks, luval
That translation of the article about Adam in Jerusalem was so convoluted. It was saying that Adam came to the Western Wall with the “rabbi to the Celebs”, Rabbi Mordechai. The rest can be figured out.
Will put this on both threads. Information on what Adam was wearing.
Noy @NoyPerel 4h4 hours ago
@shuboogie Teffilin is that square thing he has on his head, and that leather strap wrapped around his fingers and arm
it’s called a Kippah, it’s a symbolic jewish “hat”
@BeatsOfLambert Teffilin could be worn by men during prayers, and this box thingy on his head contains scrolls with versus from the bible
Hadas @Glambert4everAL 6m6 minutes ago Israel
https://www.instagram.com/p/BKV6bqxAIe2/?tagged=adamlambert … People’s reaction to @adamlambert lol

I’ve been on that tour of the tunnels at the Wall. It is so historic and moving.
I can’t wait to hear what he has to say about his experiences.
That kid is giving me so much life today.
lol – that pic you posted at 1:08, luval – that boy’s face!
Wow, Kiwi – that breakdown you posted is just so great! Thanks so much –
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 2m2 minutes ago
http://adamlambertmtt.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1578 …
Queen + Adam Lambert – Under Pressure – Live in Israel 2016
Yifat Cohen
Also includes CLTCL –
Legends never die!
@adamlambert &#Queen in #TelAviv #Israel @officialqueenmusic
@brianmayforreal @rufusttaylor
Had the best time in my life!!!
???⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐????????????#adamlambert #braianmay #rogertylor #freddiemetcury #love #liveconcert #once-in-a-lifetime #showmustgoon #queenintelaviv #queenandadamlambert