- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
So. He IS mingling. ..
The crowd
Wonder where he’ll head off to between now & Saturday’s show?
Love the crowd shots!
Brian’s hair is epic
Adam Lambert Pics
mayak75: That’s what perfect match looks like ?❤️? @adamlambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BKRwosMjft7/
https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14156382_1480375855313026_117239805_n.jpg …
Haven’t read everything yet….
Just thought I’d say, i quite like the hair, don’t mind the very short sides, its nice to see it a bit different, has been the same basic style for a long time now…
But that lace vest top, nope, don’t like it, doesn’t suit him…looks really nice in the chibi pic though
eta….don’t shoot me, but it makes him look chunky
I just don’t like the cut of the lace top. At times it looks like a “V” neck and doesn’t show well on stage. IMO of course.
Absolutely love that pic luval!!!!
So cute! Close up of Adam fanning his front, rear and neck – I wondered what was taking so long!
We have green hair.
Green nails.
New tats.
Shaved sides.
Fantastic new outfits.
No pics of shoes or boots yet that I have seen.
Groomed, waxed eyebrows.
Sassy campy overtly near drag quality walking.
Bits of Hebrew and Yiddish, a la mom’s friends from Jersey and NY.
Banging Hava Nagilah.
Long black gloves.
The choker.
( saw both of these last Halloween in Chicago up front. )
Dragon Attack. Be still my heart. Need vids.
Many awesome poses and flexing.
Voice. Voice. Voice.
And the crowd and press ate him up.
Boy looks buff.
Been working out methinks.
thanks @adamlambert
Great times
Very good complete WWRY/WATC video.
That Times of Israel review is lousy. And correct me mills, rs seems a cheap shot to call Adam “half-Jewish.” I’ve never ever heard that said about anyone. Also, Freddie DID NOT have four octaves, it’s a never proven myth his fans propagate. I think they mention it to be defensive because Adam threw out some impressive glory notes. I watched HTF by Fred at Wembley and he couldn’t sing the bridge high notes, comments said he rarely did.
They don’t say anything bad, but damn with faint praise – just say he performed rocking versions – and that was all.
Wow – Brian!
Hehe Brian asks about the new boy again
FROM Ben Levin’s FB page ~
With Adam Lambert at Lima Lima Bar!
This pic was up already, but don’t know if bar mentioned –
LOL, comments all IMHO of course
I think Adam’s legs are one of his best features and really couldn’t see them accept in the third outfit, which is the only one I love.
The last outfits tunic I liked but not the pants. Do not like the lace shirt either.
This haircut and color is my least liked ever. He is such a sexy man and it doesn’t do him justice. All this being said
his voice was magnificent! Hoping to see SCC and DA videos.
Great crowd pics!
PRISTINE WWTLF!!! My God his voice gets better and better! And the marvel of Queen’s equipment that can magnify it with no distortion, just plain gives shivers!
Comment says best of the night.
Loved that they did full versions of HTF and SSOR! Really great.
Only missing the very end of TSMGO.
“Queen + Adam Lambert – Tel Aviv Israel 12.09.16”
Thank you #queen+#adamlambert for the most amazing night ever! ??
I know that I still have to write my recap, but I just wanted to say that I have read a lot of reviews, both in Hebrew and English, and they are all raves with videos embedded…except for the one from the Times of Israel, a third rate right wing rag. It sounded like they really wanted to hate Adam, but couldn’t fault him on anything except for not being Freddie. And it was much better than the bad reviews from the likes of the big papers in New York, Toronto, and LA.
I just read a long review from someone who absolutely loved Freddie, and a lot of space is given to him. He said that none can compare to him, so don’t try. Then he said that Adam is the closest ever to come to him. He went on to rave and rave about Adam and the show. He said that there is a new Queen in town.
Have to go now and do shopping for my father. Back later.
Can’t wait for your recap rs!!!
Risky, the “half Jewish” comment stood out to me too. For a couple of reasons. First, because Adam is considered completely Jewish , as his mother is, and being considered a Jew runs matrineallinearly . Second, saying he is half, to me, smacks of making sure that people know that his parents were intermarriage/interfaith.
Not nice, IMHO. But not worth getting riled up or contacting the writer about.
Jewish identity can be a touchy thing sometimes, what do you think rs?
I think that it was a stupid and inaccurate thing to say. Corrections were made in the comments section, both about Adam’s Jewishness and about Queen being mentors on AI. But then there was also an article positive to Adam before the concert that mixed up We Will Rock You, Roger’s tribute band and QAL saying that Roger and Brian were looking for a singer and Adam auditioned for the tribute band, was no.119 and after he auditioned they didn’t look any farther. A girl quoted that to me and of course, I set her straight, lol.
Thank you both! Yes, I remember their prior article, cut and pasted from other sources mixing up WWRY and Queen.
ALL the other reviews were lovely and the crowd was amazing. Seems like a fabulous concert – very demanding set list, and Adam sounded just off the charts!
Love that one tweeter said much bigger crowd than Elton or Bon Jovi (my post at 12:03).
Waiting for your recap!!!!
instagram.com/p/BKS_xYkBrI8/ DL https://scontent-ord1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14240740_1754565968140535_868862140_n.jpg …
Gelly @14gelly 6m6 minutes ago
Beatiful smile
avirameir החיים עד עכשיו…
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14156705_1465957066751439_438800381_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzODQ1MjIyMzkwMjYyMjYzNQ%3D%3D.2 …
He’s posted three beautiful pics in instagram
David Brinn
For those who didn’t get enough of @adamlambert at @QueenWillRock – he will be appearing tonight with @MAJORLAZER in #Rishon #Israel
Not sure if he’s just presenting
review if anyone can translate
There are so many dozens & dozens of photos from last night cannot keep up! So I may only post here & there when I seen one that doesn’t seem repetitive.
Will look at the article when I get home later tonight.
By the way, I spoke to cgesq earlier today and she said that she posted something on the September thread, not knowing that peeps were here.
Noy @NoyPerel 9h9 hours ago
Noy Retweeted shahar
For all those complaining about Adam’s green hair, it looks so much better in person! He looks simply gorgeous ?
A+ billboard
REVIEW : Queen plus Adam Lambert,shook the hearts of the audience and showed that they are still relevant as ever”
(am not able to translate)
(quotes mostly from Jerusalem post)
Full show
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 1m1 minute ago
http://adamlambertmtt.com/viewtopic.php?p=2747#p2747 …
That Billboard review was spot on stupendous.
He gives us the fashion information on IG
So Adam’s in Rishon?otherwise formally, Rishon LeZion? Very nice. My sister in law and family live there. Nice city, great mall. Makes me feel good knowing he’s there and spending time in Israel
Google translation from NRG review –
“Lambert is a monster performer could set the stage at any given moment. Even when he sits on the throne make the Killer Queen, every move is calculated on the face, all his movements and all the histrionics accurate sound from my throat. He Performer uninhibited, extroverted and androgynous. Extraordinary vocal abilities, not states – the closest to the original as possible, and in any case not worthy of him. Dancing, jumping and spinning on the heels height 20 cm. He changes clothes, winking at the audience, pulls Fan, rolls his eyes, making Toorking all naturally and gracefully. When you talk about the performer or singer born with the characteristics of the star mean exactly that. Sometimes frequently, this is the show draws on his back, while the legendary musicians around him seem the only accompaniment standard monster with green hair and black lace top that you can not take your eyes off.”
Ulti, so funny#!
I get it, oh baby, I get it!!!
Think they liked the show!!! And our guy!!!
m&g pictures
Can really see Brian’s lace shirt here
Wow…that full youtube of the show is excellent. She zooms in close at just about every song. Haven’t really seen Adam in the audience for RGG. This video shows a little…on the jumbo trons.
Appropo!! Here’s Radio Gaga complete and he sings right into the camara videoing when he comes down much to the videoer’s surprise!!! ADORABLE!!!
Lost in the two-hour show – thanks, luval