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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Wonderful poster – says it all –
Glorious Poster. Love it.
Arriving at Sheffield –
Mandatory Truck pic https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-2fFpJXAAABfyL.jpg
Beautiful poster and perfect for the end of this leg of the Once in A Lifetime Tour, which, hopefully will become a Never Ending Tour (with pauses, lol).
I have one question, AL. Where have you found these talented international artists to make such gorgeous posters for our little ol’ fan site?
You have to thank mlg for that. She rounded up these designers somehow. She did not have the time to design all the posters herself due to work commitments so suggested using a team of designers. I think the results were quite exeptional! The Q+AL fandom has certainly enjoyed them as they are now not just part of our “little ol’ fan site” threads but of many around the world.
And speaking of work…I’ve got to get back to it so I’ll be able to listen in today!
Such a perfect beautiful poster for closing evening! They all look so gorgeous, happy, smiling.
It’s been a wonderful journey so far. And to be continued! This fan might need that pause too, I have noticed this touring is pretty hard
This is the first time I have followed streams so intensely -because of perfect timing- and suffer from severe loss of sleep. Streams get me overly excited and high! But tonight gonna celebrate in Sheffield
Oh AL, I know that the posters have spread far and wide, but they originated here, and that makes me very proud, especially of our dear mlg
Hi folks. Am working on my London recap. For sure this weekend. What else will there be to do.
I don’t see any true fan hugging the truck, glambotgram!
Anybody know what IDF’ers are?
Idol Forum’ers? Calgary
Only a true blue fan would hug the truck!! All the rest are pretenders LOL
Good to see you back luval
Calgary, I believe IDF is Idol Forums. Maybe they are redoing their site. It is similar to Adamtopia. They’ve been around for a long time. i met an IDF’er once at a show and she tried to “bring me over”.
FIVE selections for dinner tonight! Wow!! Sistasif, will you be checking them all out and letting us know which is the best one? Great job doing this for some of the other concerts!!
Love the poster, foxvegas! Especially since it features Adam’s unadorned arm!!
Ron – Good luck on your adornment today. H,T & P to you. I’ll be thinking of you for the next hour and sending positive thoughts!
Sad news about Leonard Nimoy passing today. Spock was my favorite character of the original cast.
I have mood swings thinking about tonight. I have it bad lol so bad for hearing Adam sing, seeing Dr. Bri caressing his guitars, dancing to Rogers drum slaying, seeing Spike, Neil and Rufus goofing around.
I wont ever forget these epic few weeks, expierencing things I have never dreamed about. And I have to thank Adam Lambert for it. Without him, there wouldnt be a tour. Without him, I wouldnt have seen the joy on Rogers and Brians faces slaying concert after concert with him
And I am really glad and proud to have turned into a Glambert. Knowing I can witness the birth of #ERA3 with all you guys. Makes me so so happy.
I wish you all so much fun tonight. Dont forget to dance, swing, scream, sing, go crazy and smile all through the end!
Cait – your excitement is infectious! Be sure to “dance, swing, scream, sing, go crazy and smile” too!
Front row!! SO EXCITED #QAL #Queen #Adamlambert #sheffield
(My girls took pics of me with the trucks up in New York – never saw them – gonna see if still have them.)
i’m not ready for this
Filling up
I don’t think they will do anything out of the ordinary tonight except maybe longer hugs & tears at the end.
Who can blame her, luval? I wonder if the husband knows what he’s in for?
Was Sauli really at the show last night & at this one?
Go, guys!
So far this one is the clearest.
Today the stream is l little muddy. They may get better later.
Stream is very frustrating tonight of all nights. The last one on the list isn’t cutting out, but the sound is lousy.
Sauli was at last night’s show. People tweeted that they saw him during the concert. Don’t know about tonight. We will have to wait and see.

Do TALC have a stream? do you have the link. What I am listening to muffilepardskin, isn’t so clear
The best stream so far
Muffile certainly isn’t as clear as last night. Love the anticipatory whoop when the crowd hears the first bars of Killer Queen.
I see that TALC tweeted out the stream that I am listening to, but it isn’t very good
Muffile is the only one working. I tried all the others and they are “off-air”.
TALCvids TALCvids
Adam Lambert to Sheffield” This is the last night of our UK European tour….an honor, I am humbled by it…take a chance on me”
Muffile’s keeps cutting out for me. Is everyone experiencing that?
Yes TLKC. Very frustrating
cwm is listening to the stream and tweeting. milkywayfairy is live-tweeting, too.
Hi everyone here! I am just glad we have something at least. We are spoil
I just tweeted milkywayfairy
Welcome back luval!
Thrilling STL –
OMG! I just die again to STL! I think the spring on my couch is dead too!
Love this from FBG
Awww Bri raving about A, band & team…
Ohh – just love that pic, M!
hi M & TLKC!
Hate it that this is the last show & the audio stream cuts out at the most critical moments! Guess I should be thankful there’s any stream at all.
ShowMustGoOn @ALAlwayz
Wow! Lots of improv tonight! Go Adam!!!!
lol M
I can’t wait for the vids of STL, even though we know it by heart so we can imagine every move, right?!