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Sweet Seoul-ful Spectacular Show Dreams, ALL!!
Brian with the band –
Great b&w pic of finale
All Your Love (ultratvxq)
Many IG pics – like this one –
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
@hirokoinkobe They’re on a private jet… so no real time scheduled. Just that he tweeted that they were leaving about 20 minutes ago.
Ḩıřọƙơ ♈ @hirokoinkobe
anyway JP Glamberts are waiting them at the airport now. you can see the pics when you wake up
@mmadamimadamm goin’ tomorrow
RT @Jun__July: @DrBrianMay we’re waiting for u at kansai airport!
Do you know which gate you arrive? North or South?
Ḩıřọƙơ ♈ @hirokoinkobe
⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀▽ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ Queen + Adam Lambert will arrive in Kansai Airport on tomorrow afternoon!!!!!! many media will be there
@SosoChan just back, my pics not so good cause audience totally crazy!
Great shot –
Howdy guys. Late night for moi… finally on and able to see all these tidbits and links. Man, I’ve missed quite a bit!
Ok, so let me see what’s been happening here . . .
So far, we have Sharpied tattoos … Adam props legs & feet on speakers…. goes into the audience… crowd goes crazy… New IWBTLY addition… Crowd out does westerners in sing-alongs… Adam sans the jacket (hallelujah for heat/humidity)… looses the vest (finally)… New sideswept bangs grace the forehead … Holds back a bit in performance (he may’ve held back in prior Asian performances, if I remember correctly?)… Boy’s pants are fitting better than ever… Voice is over the top phenomenal… Brian camera happy with the selfie stick … Adam smiles big as he’s always up for selfies… Roger frowns big as he’s annoyed with selfies (lol)…
Much love & adoration exchange between Q+AL & exuberant Korean fans…
Japanese fans already waiting at the airport.
– And, what do we have here? As hair on the Man’s head gets shorter…
the beard gets thicker. . .
ultimathule says:
08/14/2014 at 5:05 pm
Awwww… kinda sad, but it warms my heart. I love how they love them.
Omg, this Korean crowd is so great!! What a JOY to watch them.
Brian looks so delighted with them as they perform WATC. And what a fantastic WATC it is. Adam sounds simply phenomenal. Love the way he changes up the ending… throws the extra soul in… draws it out as long as possible for them.
Fabulous ending to an unforgettable & emotional night for these precious fans.
The crowd here is much younger than the NA crowd. We know from past concerts that Adam’s Asian fans are younger, but I also didn’t see all the older Queen fans that filled our shows. It gave this concert a different vibe, less of a “nostalgia-fest” (as one reviewer lovingly called it) and more of a exuberant, high energy, sing along rock concert. The boys must have loved it and I bet it took Roger and Brian back 40 years!
I wonder what the concerts in Japan will be like. I remember that in Adam’s concerts there they sat quietly during the songs and then applauded and cheered loudly when they were over. It was a cultural thing. Will they sing along like the Korean crowd? We will see tomorrow. Can’t wait!
Pretty amazing watching and hearing the crowd….Brian looks pretty gobsmacked. The cheers at the end for Brian and Roger were loud, but then you can hear them go up a slight notch when Brian calls Adam back over….
But I’m glad we haven’t had to hear the singalong on all the shows, quite like listening to just Adams voice
gah…how cute is that all your love video, the way he throws his arms in the air!….great to see all those young girls and boys in the audience..
Hi, HK … Dr. Bri gobsmacked is right. lol
I hope your air conditioning comes back on for your comfort and your hubby comes home soon so you can get your rest!
rs says:
08/15/2014 at 3:08 am
I must say… it took me back a number of years, too!
That’s the type of rock concert I was used to growing up.
Sing your heart out, cheer your throat hoarse and leave happy.
Looks like everyone+Q+AL had an awesome time together at a
good ol’ fashioned rock concert.
Me neither, rs – I’m stoked! Heard there may be a stream?
Hi smalls
Been to price air cons today, now waiting to hear from landlord, then have to arrange a day to install…reckon it’ll be a few days yet. pushing close to 30c in the bedroom!!!
Did anyone hear Brian ask the crown what they think of the new/other guy? Did he ask? I have to say that I don’t like the term “other”. I know that it was meant with love and to signify that Adam isn’t the “new” guy anymore, but couldn’t he just have said “this” guy? “Other” has connotations of different or separate, to me anyway. JMO
ultimathule says:
08/15/2014 at 12:08 am
Awwww! Goodness, this is so great. lolol.
Just makes me grin from ear to ear…
Adam is soooo cute & sweet with them. They really were killin’ it, too. haha
Yikes, HK
A few days of that? No wonder you can’t sleep. So sorry…
Hope your landlord makes it snappy!
rs says:
08/15/2014 at 4:00 am
rs, I wondered the same thing?
Seems to me that exactly what you mentioned earlier was evident. Rather than revisiting nostalgia & the past… Young, accepting Korean fans embracing QAL with fresh & unbiased open arms the way Q+AL is now.
A milestone in Korea may have been reached.
Maybe there won’t be reason to do it? It would feel more natural at this point in the tour for it not to be done, imo. Such a unified flow happening now…
I’ve thought that about the “other” also… If Brian doesn’t say it, maybe QAL has moved on from that with overseas audiences (possibly revisit it in England in 2015; as there are hard core Queen-fan skeptics more fierce than in the States, I think? Hope not, but Freddie was theirs, so we’ll see!)
in the airport
Lots of welcome to Japan tweets, no more photos yet though.
ultimathule says:
08/14/2014 at 6:18 pm
Loving this one.
… To me, Adam looks powerful in this.
Lol, love that All Your Love, they sounded amazing. But gotta say in Maryland we were spot on too. Even Jimmy Crack Corn didn’t throw us.
Indeed, glambot! Jimmy Crack Corn is the crown jewel of call & response.
You guys also get bonus points for “I don’t care” without a skippin’ a beat.
Brian, Roger & Adam – large pic –
Pro pics –
Ohbest vids –
IWBTLY (ohbest) – great – closeup
Adam imbibing –
I Was Born to Love Your (audre ban)
GREAT audio –
@asifclueless: I am apparently not as driven as those Indonesian Glamberts who went all the way to Korea.
If QAL would perform in Singapore… I may consider to open my wallet and buy tickets…
(dream dream dream)…
This vid is just so wonderful – talk about audience enthusiam – way to go, Korean fans!
@asifcueless: jetlag makes Brian wake up early.. in my case it is age… Lately I have been waking up at 3 am or 4 am without alarmclock and no sleep afterwards , except for an afternoon nap .
I do love the audience enthusiasm ultimathule but this version of I was born to love you is my favourite so far I think.
Possibly because I can hear Adam’s voice more clearly
@DrBrianMay: You’ll notice we all holler at the end of I WAS BORN TO LOVE YOU, amazed that we got it right !! ha ha. Never did this as a band before Bri
Love that one, too, Kiwi – I’ve been going through the whole bunch of IWBTLY and that is one of my top three because of the audio. The one I posted was just for fun – the enthusiasm makes me so happy.
And “Never did this as a band before Bri” – no wonder Adam was incognito – probably hit the ground running learning this song.
I am not a fan of IWBTLY as yet. it doesn’t really grab me like Love Kills did on the first listen. But give Adam a few more times singing it and I am sure he will make me fall in love with it.
Yep, at first I wasn’t too sure about this song but now after listening to it multiple x 10 times I can see it becoming a favourite. Much like Lap of the Gods, it was one I didn’t know very well. Now I find I cannot get ‘Lap’ out of my head…I wonder if we’ll get it in Oz or NZ?
Was impressed with “Love Kills” when first heard it, but was not unhappy to see it disappear for a while. After the first surprise, found it, as time went on, a bit of a downer with a sort of “drift-off” ending that went nowhere.
Much prefer IWBTLY which, like ITLOTG, has a gorgeous melody; plus it has an absolutely terrific ending. Hope they keep it around for awhile. They sure had fun – Brian’s raised arms at the finale said it all.
Count me among those who are so delighted that Queen has got their groove on again and that they are so enjoying their renaissance!
I didn’t know much about them before Adam, but I really respect that they never became a heritage band doing oldies over and over. When it was no longer a growth experience for them, they took their $$$ and went on to other personal pursuits, and apparently never really seriously looked back until the catalyst of Adam came along.
I have read quite a bit about them now, and went to a concert, and really enjoyed a couple of the songs.
I Was Born to Love You is one of my favorite Queen songs so far. So glad that it happened!