- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Adamized and I are on a very comfortable Czech train on our way to the Polish border where we switch to a mini bus for the rest of our trip to Krakow. Finally, time to catch up on all things Adam including my concert recap.
I was traveling in Thailand from 1/24 to 2/10. I was able to keep up with the most important Adam news but got woefully behind on the concerts. Then I was home for only 3 days before leaving for Prague. I decided not to watch any concert videos while I was home so I could experience the full impact of QAL with quasi virginal ears. (After six prior QAL concerts, my virginity was long gone!). I planned to give body, soul and all my senses to the experience. So I left the camera at the hotel to eliminate any temptation.
Adamized and I were seated in the lower section on the right at the level of the B stage. (One section closer to the main stage than the rest of our group.). The entire floor was GA. Everyone on the floor was going crazy with love for the boys…singing, clapping, waving their arms. Many of the people in our section were equally. enthusiastic even if they were sitting. Our section did finally stand for the finale. I think the more muted response by some of the audience was cultural. Agathe.hb says that the Polish people are much less inhibited. If she’s any example, we’re in for a real treat in Krakow.
So what did I think of the concert? Oh goodness, I was sitting forward the entire time, grinning so hard that my face hurt. Adam was so loose and so funny. His hips were swiveling like mad and his facial expressions were hilarious. And that voice, that voice! How can it keep getting better? I just about died, especially hearing Save Me live. The beginning of IWIA was also exquisite. Also of note was our fine view of the back of those gold pants during UP. That is one mighty fine ass! And on that note, I’ll end my recap.
TYMD (Banskususku)
More videos –
Lind Rella
lool, this is never gonna get old is it?
Recap time!
After a long night sleep and some catching up I try to sort my thoughts and write some feelings and impressions about Prague concert and everything related to that
I didn’t watch any Prague videos until today, was too occupied with other things like enjoying Prague sights, great company and good food. I arrived home yesterday just a few hours before Zurich show. Listening to the stream really triggered some post concert blues button – remembering how wonderful it was and realizing I was again back in my real life -mode, listening to the streams, not being there in person. And being many days in glambert company, then at home alone.
I was feeling very ill because of my vertigo problem on Monday and Tuesday, so it was mostly resting and chatting with my fellow ALLers at the hotel, couldn’t go out and do sightseeing. Fortunately Tuesday afternoon made me feel better, we had a nice pre-party in the room I shared with rs. I had brought some Finnish snacks and goodies with me. Also agathe.hb and her lovely daughter Emily joined us. We already spent some time together in Helsinki during WAG, it was great to meet them again!
The security at the gates of the venue was the tightest I’ve been through – quite similar to airports, security gates, x-raying and checking your bag carefully. The ticket said no cameras, but no problem with that, sigh of relief. I took a risk and took my camera with me but it’s a small pocket model. We didn’t have too much time to wait at the venue – I said hi to some Finnish/European glamberts I knew, bought a QAL T-shirt and had something to drink. Riskies and rs were already at their seats when I got there – and what seats were they! Thank you AGAIN ticket wizard Cher! Our seats were on the next section (further) to mmm222‘s and adamized‘s seats, but with a perfect front view to stage B!! mmm222 and adamized had probably side (or butt – lol) view. We were at row 5, amazing. Perfect level to see both stages. Pretty much the same spot as my VIP in Helsinki 2013.
I decided to record a couple of songs to save an overall view of the stage, lights and audience. I recorded couple of minutes before One vision + that. Also WWTLF and singalong. But for my later disappointment sound was distorted and singalong had disappeared completely (!). I felt that sound mix was much louder than in London concerts in January. I don’t know if it’s because of a different location or was it really mixed louder. There were those two huge speakers hanging in the air right in front of us. In Helsinki I recorded BTIKM and it was very good sound. So sound in the venue was loud now but not over the limit where I put on ear plugs. In London 2012 for the first night I had to.
I was enthusiastic to be in one the first seat rows for QAL, close to the floor audience. They seemed to like what they saw, my impression was that people on the floor were clapping a lot and cheering, especially between songs. They smiled and laughed a lot (I saw that also on vids I watched today). This wasn’t as loud and active crowd as many others lately, but in both London shows I was higher and (especially the first) I had a lot of lame, sitting nonclapping people around me, so this was a better audience experience for me. But to be honest, I was too occupied with the show itself to pay a lot of attention what was happening behind me on seat sections. I bet riskylady and rs can give a better impression of that.
But at least from my spot of view people on the floor were into it, I also remember feeling when they stood still that they are so mesmerized of Adam that they just stare at him, lol. The fact is that it depends a lot on your location and people around you what kind of impression of the audience you get. There has been sleeping sections also in other concerts. There was huge applause to the new man and after the songs. It would be interesting to know what Czech peeps in the audience thought about the show – haven’t seen much comments. Maybe they don’t tweet in English? I also wondered was the audience more like ordinary concert goers than hardcore Queen fans and how typical this behavior was in local rock/pop culture. Maybe they didn’t know the lyrics. Have to google when Queen has performed there before. But I am sorry if Adam and the band felt the audience was not responding. There’s been so amazing audiences lately.
The best thing in this show was (once again) Adam’s vocals. You could hear he was completely healed, hit those amazing notes in many songs. I can’t get enough of his voice live. Especially WWTLF with some special new riffs/melodies was amazing. Have to say now, I should have fully concentrated on that, not record at the same time… Because the end product was not worth it. I was also amazed by the light show – seeing it quite close but still in full effect. The light show during Brian’s solo is simply amazing. It felt like those lasers came straight towards me, through me. So I just sat and enjoyed it, as well as video clips on the screen and things happening on stage B. One cute detail – at the end of STL Adam’s fringe sleeve dropped off the shoulder and he stripped it off so sexy. Oh…
Yes, I sat. For the first time in any Adam concert! I said to riskylady before concert started that hell no I am going to sit, I want to dance. But the whole section was sitting and I was busy taking photos and staring Adam on stage. I wanted to take advantage of being so close. But I did a lot of singing (maybe better that my singalong vid disappeared lol), clapping and fistpumping, screaming after the songs. It comes so naturally that I don’t even notice it any more. Some songs and beats in Queen songs just FEEL like you have to do it – fist pump here, clapping there. But before encores I got up to clap, so did a middle aged couple behind me. They were cheering and clapping with a big smile on their face. I think young woman next to me was their daughter or same company. She obviously enjoyed the show very much, was also cheering and screaming a lot during the concert.
It was a great show to me. Loved my spot with amazing view to stage B. I missed Adam’s sexy moves though. Not very wild show this time. He was more crazy and sexy during London 2 and also in many other shows in the continent. I wish that one of the shows I saw would have been one of those with amazing audience – but I am very happy I could see and hear this amazing show for 3 times. Top vocals every time, and every show had their own special moments and things. I find it great to have seats in different spots and parts of the venue, it gives different kinds of perspectives and details. Last shows in UK will be amazing, I am sure of that. Wish I could be there.
Concert ends (sorry I am jumping here). First time I am close enough to get confetti, it rains on us. Enthusiastic couple behind me is also trying to catch some. I visit toilet on the way out, take a different door out, see the trucks behind the fence. I took pictures, at least 11 plus some buses. Some of them already had engines on, ready to reload I think. I had no idea where I was, but I found the right direction and the others on the meeting point. I asked Emily what she thought (it was her first QAL) and she loved it. I felt very high, didn’t want evening to stop. Agathe.hb and Emily were leaving in the morning, they were willing to join me for a drink somewhere close to our hotel. We managed to talk over others too. It’s good to have a moment of chatting after the show. Actually the moment got longer, because we were hungry and had afternoon picnic leftovers in the hotel room. It was almost 3 am when me and rs closed our eyes.
Best part of this trip besides the concert was spending time with all these wonderful people. Meeting riskies and agata again (can it really be almost two years!!), getting to know rs better and meeting for the first time mmm222 and adamized. I didn’t speak a single word of Finnish for 3 days. Looking forward to new adventures like this
Thanks, LadyNorth> Delightful review!
Thanks for the reviews mmm222 and LadyNorth. Sounds wonderful.
mmm222 and LadyNorth Thank you both for the really nice reviews. We all seem to go through similar experience, just wording it differently.
heartfrumps’s channel
Great recaps mmm222 and ladynorth!. So glad you enjoyed the seats ladynorth. I try my best to choose but it’s just a guess for other venues so good for you.
Maria @_swoosh14
Here are my pics from Prague.
like this one –
Queen + Adam Lambert – God Save the Queen [O2 Arena, Prague, 17.02.2015]
Канал пользователя quoo6u
Golden shower, etc.
Vids by Drakulka CZ – good audio –
Recap time. I will try to give my perspective of the trip without repeating what mmm222, riskylady, and Lady North have said in their recaps. First of all, the setting. Our hotel, the K&K Central, was one that I had stayed at on a previous trip to Prague, so I recommended it to the group and it was wonderful. It is a renovated Art Nouveau theater with a combination of modern glass with the beautiful art nouveau trimmings. Just gorgeous and ideally situated a short walk from the Old Town as well as the newer commercial areas, a mall, restaurants, etc. What I didn’t know before the trip was that it was a five minute walk to the subway and just five stops to the O2 arena where the concert was held! We tended to get late starts in the morning because the six of us lingered for ages talking over the wonderful buffet breakfast. They put us all on the same floor, so room to room visits were so easy. Mmm222, adamized, and I arrived on Sunday and on Monday we went on a 4+ hr. walking tour of Prague. When I got back to the hotel the riskys and LadyNorth had arrived, so it was hugs all around. Since I had been to Prague twice before, I didn’t run around to lots of tourist spots, but saw what I wanted to see, including the near miss of the Adam sighting at the Dali and Warhol exhibit. It was wonderful being with the riskys, mmm222, adamized, and getting to know LadyNorth, my roomie, as well as seeing my old friend of six years agathe.hb and her gorgeous daughter who I have watched grow up.
The concert! Our seats were in the 4th row on the right side of the arena, just in front of the small stage, which was great because we could see the faces when they were there and didn’t have to look at the Q. Our tickets said no cameras and I was afraid to bring my camera with the long zoom that I used at MSG, so I brought a smaller camera. I have gone over all my pics and am disappointed that the facial details aren’t sharp. When I make a picasa album of the best pics I will post it on a members only thread.
Adam was in great form and his voice was soaring with fantastic glory notes and riffs. And he looked absolutely gorgeous! I do have to say that on Save Me his voice sounded a little bit “brassy” and not as pure as I expected, but I thought it was the speakers or my ears (I hadn’t been using the usual ear plugs) since the peeps sitting in a different place didn’t hear the same thing and it didn’t sound like that on the vids I watched. I didn’t catch the WLL riff, but that laugh was infectious. His duet with Brian at the beginning of IWIA is just getting betterer and betterer and I agree with mils that they have been listening to FS-WLL.
It was definitely a Queen crowd and they loved Brian and Roger’s solos. I saw only one person get up during Brian’s solo, which was absolutely riveting. And the addition of the lights and lasers was fantastic. Roger’s drum solo was also fabulous, as was the drum battle with Rufus.
There have been many comments about the crowd. I have always felt that Prague is “reserved”, for want of a better word, and I guess you could say that about part of the audience. We were very close to the floor and they were very lively, and I could see and hear people nearby getting very excited, but I kept looking behind me and the people were just sitting there! WTF! I have never sat for so much of an Adam or QAL concert in my life. It really bothered me, but I didn’t want to stand and block everyone’s view. There was a huge roar for “the New Guy” but they didn’t stand. I finally couldn’t take it any more and stood for WATC.
So if I compare it to the US shows I saw this summer…on the one hand, the spectacle is bigger and Adam is freer and gets more confident with each show, but on the other hand, I was more of a spectator than at the two shows where I was standing right at the small stage, or at MSG where I was on my feet dancing a lot of the time. Here I was dancing in my seat!
Thank you rs …. it is so great to read more details about the concert and its audience… I would have been frustrated as well.. sitting almost all the time…
Wow, a 4+ hours walking tour ? I would not be able to do that anymore… My most recent longest walking tour was in 2012 and it was 2,5 hours, it was supposed to be 3 hours, but when we saw the souvenir shops and the restaurants… we could not resist…
Lol, Axxxel, that walk included a hike up to Prague Castle, and by the time I walked back down and to the hotel, it was more like five hours. I definitely felt how out of shape I am!
One Vision – Mark Bowles – Multicam
Very nice recaps rs and LadyNorth! Also loved the pics, there were some really special ones in each of your albums. rs, a black and white of Brian, fab, and one of Adam in color but with black and white background! And the next to last on of yours, LadyNorth So funny. Roger is bowing deeply, Brian ignoring him, and Adam looking amused. Also, a finale one where Adam was just cracking up! Don’t remember whose…
Bold fail….
OK, I just posted a link to a picasa album with my Prague photos on the Glamberts and Recaps thread. You can find it on the right of this page under Handy Site Links (last one). Here is direct link.
Since this is a public blog, I prefer posting my pics on a members only thread. (My photos from this summer are posted directly above these.)
great Prague picture