- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
First time first
ADAM!!! Nice poster @FoxVegas.
I think I might make it home for the whole concert today.Hope they get a great reception in Gay Paree!!Lady North that KQ you posted on Leeds thread is awesome, I am going to have to search out all her videos. Great camera skills and great position.
ETA I guess I have my times all messed up, I kept thinking I would hear more of the European concerts but in fact it is less.
I am Backwards
Like seeing Neil in the poster. And the rich blues are back. Nice.
Brought over the trucks
Everyone on the East Coast in the storm’s path, please stay safe and warm, and may your electricity stay on so that you can follow the concert via stream and Twitter.
Thanks for bringing over the trucks!
No problem luval I have a thing for those trucks too!!
How are you situated in this storm, Are you in the thick of it?
It just passed us by about 30 miles south of us.
We have a thrust https://twitter.com/Caro_angeli/status/559771708794871811/photo/1
Hi guys!! I’m home today and have managed to crawl to my computer, been away for a couple of days…sick. You know that illness that affects fish, called “ick?”. Yeah, well, that’s what I have, I’m covered in mucuous and just “ick.”
The antibitoics are kicking in, my ears are un-stuffing, just enough for me to catch up on threads and be here for a stream.
So, in my time-zone, when and where is lunch being served?
Hi mils! Feel better!
Check out the dinner menu at the top of the thread for time and lunch info.
“ready to rock @ Le Zenith Paris!”
lol – love the truck pic up top – remember when I hit New York and saw those massive vehicles outside MSG with the huge letters on the side – instant euphoria – whatta thrill that was –
dinner (or lunch
) today
or this one http://mixlr.com/aintbroken/
Lotsa French on that twitter stream – where’s Krad?
glambotgram, re videotaper of that KIller Queen, she seems to be Queen fan, and doesn’t have all the songs. I checked some and she doesn’t focus on Adam all the time. But please share if you find other goodies
mils, I don’t have a clue what fish thing you have, but get well soon!
Guys theres a video stream! Check mmadamimadamms twitter!
Eta Sorry im on ipad and dont know how to post links.
dinner with picture too
There is also video stream. I’ll keep both on.
Very original French clapping lol!
Yay Queen truck made the top o the page!
The videostream looks fantastic, if it works with good sound
Take a look at the January thread if you want. I posted something from THR about Phillip Phillips suing to get out of his contract.
LOL Ladynorth! I don’t have a fish disease, I was making some humor of my yuckiness. I once had a fish tank, and my fishies got sick, with “ick” and they were covered in mucous. That’s kinda how I feel. But I popped into a hot steamy shower since my post, and feel tons better, and less icky.
AL, I’m here with a big steaming bowl of my chicken soup, ready to rock!!
Do I have to join to listen to the streams?
Hmmm they are late. Audience restless. Im going to get a coffee.
Not in the storm path at all.
Mils Not for the video. For the audio yes but its dead easy
You need to sign in for the audio only if you want to be part of the chat.
Dinner with a view!
No Q and one screen. Guess the place really is small
mils, you only have to join if you want to comment
stream stopped working
It’s off and on. Hope fixed soon.
It seems like dinner has stopped serving. All the restaurants.
It was back on but kept playing FBG which was behind real time.
The camera got stuck on FBG … Heh..heh!
dinnerus interruptus
Yes, asif, same here. I think I’ll catch up later on vids.
Wonder how security was at the venue, given all the recent problems in Paris…
Lol mils
I was sure it had something to do with my broken English. Didn’t get that fish part
Have to go and check couple of words…
I keep getting fat bottoms in small pieces.
LadyNorth … Haha … Somebody on twitter said … “FBG GROUNDHOG DAY!”

Queen in French –
mils my dictionary didn’t know “ick”. I know this is not what you mean but quite funny. From urban dictionary when I googled ick…
Brian singing a french classic “Chagrin d’amour”