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Haha I too found myself watching the Radio GaGa closely to see if I could detect where Adam might have paused and Alexander Morner gotten his hands all over Adam’s chest.
Alas, we don’t yet have a video that’s close enough to really tell. Apparently Alexander was at the end of the catwalk, and in a series of tweets he said that Adam smiled at him (probably because he recognized him from previous shows) and paused just long enough right in front of him for Alexander to reach out and run his hands from Adam’s shoulders down to his waist (about 3 seconds total). His hands were over Adam’s clothing – not under – because he said that he could feel Adam’s muscles through his shirt and vest.
It’s a cute little story and it would be fun to see it captured on video. In the videos we have, we can’t see clearly enough what’s going on at the very end of the catwalk.
In any case, I love watching the Radio GaGa videos to see Adam interact with the crowd. Makes me smile everytime.
I saw someone here wondering upthread if Alexander was maybe a photographer or something and that’s why he was at so many shows. Nope, he’s just a smitten fanboy, and went to about 4 shows in rapid succession, getting in line early enough to be in the front row up against the catwalk each time. He’s young, cute, and androgynous, with wild and noticeable hair, and he is head-over-heels in love with Adam.
These French reviews translated through Google Translate have been a goldmine of great quotes. One of my favorites was from this review:
(french version: http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2015/01/27/le-show-continue-pour-queen-pres-de-25-ans-apres-la-mort-de-freddie-mercury_1189551
google translated version: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.liberation.fr%2Fsociete%2F2015%2F01%2F27%2Fle-show-continue-pour-queen-pres-de-25-ans-apres-la-mort-de-freddie-mercury_1189551&edit-text=)
“The singer with an impeccable banana and suggestive lame…” is my most favorite quote ever. Impeccable banana, huh? Oooh reeeally? LOLOL
Well, according to a fan who did a real translation of the French, it turns out that an “impeccable banana” is a “perfect quiff” and a “suggestive lame” is actually suggestive hip sways. OMG that just cracks me up! Here’s the fan’s translation:
I thought the profile pic from Alexander Morner was female….and I remember seeing him/her at the NYE concert, where I would have sworn it was a woman too…but whichever, they are certainly a huge fan.
cwm Alexander Morner’s profile includes a link to his photography site. I don’t think he is there is that capacity, he is there as a fan, but he is indeed a photographer.
And he does have an impeccable banana
Our Ustreamer was at the end of the catwalk too, and in her video you can see Adam whizzing by lol to go and stop again on the other side. There seemed to be some kind of commotion just before he passes her, so could’ve been that 3-second moment for Alexander, especially if he was ready and waiting
He does have a beautiful face and that hair, I’m sure Adam would notice!
I would imagine hooking up with a smitten fan like that would be fraught with all kinds of complications! Kudos to Adam for restraint (at least, don’t think he’s been in the tabloids, has he?) We’d have heard, for sure!
Adam communicated with his musicians.
2013-12-31 WinStar World Casino – Red House *Multicam, Improved Audio*
Take off his jacket
2013-12-31 WinStar World Casino – Lay Me Down *Multicam, Improved Audio*
Dance and Bounce, Bounce, Bounce … Kicking In.
Kickin’ In *Multicam, Improved Audio*
Via. People Magazine
Here are some photos from People
Rock Stars and
Side Kick