After the cancellation of the concert in Brussels, let’s hope that Adam is well enough to perform tonight in Milan. Riskylady, riskyhubby and mieps are there tonight.
Note the show starts one hour later than all the other shows.
Show time at the Mediolanum Forum is approximately 9:00 PM CET.

Tonight’s poster designer sharing her talent with us again is @creativmind1281.

Enjoy the concert and the chat!

Henry Ruggeri - Milan
Photo of Mediolanum Forum by Henry Ruggeri

World Clock: Queen + AL – Mediolanum Forum, Milan, Italy – 9:00 PM CET

Twitter list:

Dinner: Audio: CheshireCatGirl, GoldenSpikeHell
uStream – amlamla2

Set List: One Vision, Stone Cold Crazy, Fat Bottomed Girls, In The Lap Of The Gods, Seven Seas of Rhye, Killer Queen, I Want To Break Free, Somebody To Love, Love Of My Life, ’39, These Are The Days Of Our Lives, A Kind Of Magic, Drum Battle, Under Pressure, Save Me, Who Wants To Live Forever, Guitar Solo, Tie Your Mother Down, I Want It All, Radio Gaga, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Bohemian Rhapsody. Encore: We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, God Save The Queen

It.Lifestyle.Yahoo (With photos)
Velvet Music

Adam Lambert Fan club
Talented Artists of the Glamily (T.A.O.G)
Barley Arts Promotion – Concert Pics, Fan Pics
@adamlambert_pic (Pro pics)
Elena Di Vincenzo (Facebook)
Giuseppe Rechichi – Flickr
francesco prandoni – Flickr
Rodolfo Sassano – Flickr
Concerto Queen Milano – Dropbox
Stefania Loriga – Flickr
Luca Montovani FB
cicabum – Flickr
Francesco Castaldo
kinkykiedis – Photobucket
Cristina Alessandrini/FB
Silvia Donati FB


‘Full Concert’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Benedetto Arlia

‘One Vision’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Enrico Tinterri

‘Stone Cold Crazy’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – TheVOZ90

‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – TheVOZ90

‘LOTG – SSOR – KQ’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Queen of the Highway

‘SSOR – KQ’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Rockismylife

‘Killer Queen’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – amary76

‘I Want To Break Free’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Rockismylife

‘Somebody To Love’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – W7Rock

‘Love Of My Life’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Emanuele Locci

‘’39’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Marco Privitera

‘These Are The Days Of Our Lives’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Queen of the Highway

‘A Kind Of Magic’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Rockismylife

‘Drum Battle’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Queen of the Highway

‘Under Pressure’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Rockismylife

‘Save Me’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Freddie Bluk

‘Save Me (with salute from Brian)’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Tony

‘Who Wants To Live Forever’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Queen of the Highway

‘Guitar Solo’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Queen of the Highway

‘Tie Your Mother Down’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Queen of the Highway

‘I Want It All’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Queen of the Highway

‘Radio Gaga’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Rockismylife

‘Radio Gaga (with “New Man” speech)’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Freddie Bluk

‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Queen of the Highway

‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – marco Vettorello

‘We Will Rock You’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Rockismylife

‘We Are The Champions’ (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15 – Rockismylife

Link to Idol Forums list of concert videos by mmadamimadamm
Adamwiki – Milan


262 Responses to LIVE: Queen + Adam Lambert (Milan, Italy) 2/10/15

  1. cher says:

    Oh wow! Am I first? Yay!! Happy Milan day!
    Gorgeous poster as always!

  2. Cait1602 says:

    I just hope he is well enough to do it and straining himself

  3. LadyNorth says:

    Cait you are Adam Smile It means you came second – like he in Idol.

    And I hope the same! Probably shorter set list and a lot of backup vocals. On 2012 tour Bri and Rog sang Tie you mother down, not Adam.

  4. Axxxel says:

    Please no WWTLF…

  5. Axxxel says:

    shortened version of STL like the one Adam did by mistake in the first O2 London show…

    NO SCC, No AOBTHD, A shortened “All your love tonight”…and not going down to the audience in RGG…

    More letting the audience sing…

  6. skaschep says:

    Axxxel Is that based on information you received somewhere or your own feeling?

    I really hope it goes well. Been feeling anxious and nervous whole day already. Very weird that I feel this way although I don’t know Adam and even hardly knew he existed until about 2 weeks ago.

  7. Axxxel says:

    Just based on my own feelings,,, the songs I mentioned are harder to sing… and in Frankfurt, when he started to be ill… he did skip WWTLF and SCC…

    ETA: oops he did sing SCC in Frankfurt but there was one concert in which he has left it out…

    Wow, you are still in the honeymoon period with your feelings towards Adam… then again, my honeymoon period has been going on for 6 years. LOL…

  8. luval says:

    luval says:
    02/10/2015 at 10:19 am

    @Kate__TheGreat: Confirmed from the guard: they are inside the venue

    Maybe he didn’t have bronchitis. Just a bad cold. The worst that could happen IMO is that he sings today but might have to cancel next show and it really harms his voice due to not enough rest.

    BEautiful poster

  9. ultimathule says:

    Hi, skaschep – got that nervous/anxious feeling, too – have had it since he got sick – keep running to computer to see if any news – wish he’d say something –

  10. skaschep says:

    Axxxel They left SCC out in Cologne and Amsterdam, but that was because Brian was sick there. SCC is pretty gitar heavy.

    ultimathule Had it yesterday too, but today it is more severe. Mostly because he doesn’t let us know how it goes I think and today is kinda an exam for him maybe if the concert goes through.

  11. Axxxel says:

    Ah.. ok…about SCC..
    Maybe Adam was sleeping and resting all day… Not wise to write something on twitter under the influence of medecine that makes you sleepy LOL…
    Then again, I guess he is not the first person who should make an announcement.

  12. ultimathule says:

    In answer to tweeters months ago, Brian did say that he would take care of him.

  13. luval says:

    I guess one thing I don’t want to read is Brian saying something like “Adam has decided to perform tonight”. And you know he would want to as to not disappoint fans.

  14. rs says:

    He won’t do anything that could permanently compromise his voice! Going out tonight so I am very glad that the concert is scheduled to begin later than the others. I might just miss the first 45 minutes or so.

  15. skaschep says:

    Adam just tweeted: Tweet

  16. luval says:

    Right from the “horse’s mouth”! That’s what I’ve been waiting for!

  17. Cait1602 says:

    luval Me too! Good to know, that he is feeling better.

  18. LadyNorth says:

    Hi ALL!

    Good to hear about Adam. It’s been a quiet and serious day… Been anxious too.

    I just posted some stuff from professional singers about singing when sick on February chat thread, should I bring it here too?

  19. LadyNorth says:

    I pumped into some info about singing when sick, from people who are professionals (classic/opera). I want to believe Adam and the other crew do all the right choices tonight.

    The second one I can’t link, because it’s from the closed group. So I just quote it and inform it’s written by a lady who sings professionally, brought from QAL Fans United fb group.

    “As promised, a bit more detail about the “technical stuff” which stops a singer performing when they have bronchitis. There are two dangers; the coughing knocks the living daylights out of your vocal cords, and in extreme circumstances can cause them to bleed (eww). Unfortunately, if your voice feels husky, the temptation is to try and push past it, as if you apply more pressure to your voice it will come out (sort of). some bits of the voice won’t be affected – for a man, the falsetto range will probably be fine as it’s produced by a different mechanism to the rest of the voice. The bits of the voice that get most badly affected are the middle and the “glory” notes, which is why he missed them out last night.
    It’s really tempting to try and carry on, but if you and don’t rest up, you can end up with laryngitis, which is bad news as that can take several days (if not longer) of complete voice rest to heal.
    However, the good news is that Adam will be getting the best medical attention that money can buy, and he’s also an extremely fit guy, which will mean he has better powers of recovery that most of the rest of us! He will probably be advised to stay off anything alcoholic for a few days, as that dilates the blood vessels in your larynx. I suspect he will also be getting anti-inflammatories, zinc (for healing) and possibly antibiotics if they think there is any sort of bacterial infection. He’ll also be advised to get plenty of fluids and probably steam inhalations as well, as they help to dilate all the crap in your throat and lungs.
    There are one or two (pretty nasty) emergency treatments to get your voice back, but I hope he doesn’t go down that road as you can end up paying for it later.
    It may well be that the set will change for a few performances – I wouldn’t be at all surprised if TSMGO and WWTLF stay out for a few days as they are both “high pressure” songs. I wouldn’t be surprised if Roger does These are the Days, and they might also break up the set a bit more, as often when you’re unwell you can sing for 10-15 minutes and then need a rest.
    Sorry for the long post, but I know everyone’s anxious about Adam’s voice and I know all this crap because I’ve sung for years myself.”

  20. glambotgram says:

    Whoops Lady North already posted.

  21. AL says:
  22. Cait1602 says:

    Freezing seeing the ppl standing for hours already in line.

  23. AL says:

    QAL TODAY ‏@YouKnowNana 41m41 minutes ago

    Sound check done and heard it from outside! QAL Milano!

    Wonder if Adam did the sound check too or is preserving his voice for tonight?

  24. LadyNorth says:

    Freddie is there again…

    R101 ‏@RadioR101 Ci siamo! @QueenWillRock @adamlambert in concerto stasera a Milano: i fan sono già in attesa al @MediolanumForum

  25. LadyNorth says:
  26. Kiwi says:

    Excellent news. At least there is another two day break after this. Let the audience do a lot of the singing for you Adam!

  27. glambotgram says:

    Riskylady, riskyhubby and mieps Have a wonderful time. Send Adam healthy thoughts from all of us.

  28. Kiwi says:

    I just checked the QOL Milan thread. I wasn’t very pleased to see some of the members here being quoted in a very slightly derogatory manner. I hope the “quoter” reads this post as well.

  29. Calgary says:

    Love to see all those shots of young people!

  30. Cait1602 says:

    Laptop? Check. Headphones? Check. Internet connection? Check. Cuddly blanket? Check. Reserving the couch? Check. Tea? Check. Enough tissues? Check….Yep I am ready for Milan too!!!

  31. AL says:

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay 6m6 minutes ago

    Hey MILAN !!! We are ON for tonight ! Are you ready ?! Ciao Ragazzi !!! Let’s ROCK ! Bri X

  32. cher says:

    Kiwi says:
    02/10/2015 at 12:59 pm
    I just checked the QOL Milan thread. I wasn’t very pleased to see some of the members here being quoted in a very slightly derogatory manner. I hope the “quoter” reads this post as well.

    Link please Kiwi!!

  33. Kiwi says:

    Here you are Cher

    Pretty ironic as the person who posted it is an Adam fan that some of the members poke fun of. I may have taken it the wrong way, it just didn’t sit well with me.

    It’s on the second page.

    Edited by AL – Link removed

  34. Cait1602 says:

    Kiwi omg im just so cracking up about it. Really laughing my ass of. That is the funniest thing I read/heard about it all today. I wonder if that poster is a in-a-closet-Glambert, afraid to be out like the rest of us, watching, reading and qouting our posts.

    btw I loved to be a Mother Hen for Adam Lambert!!! Proud of it

  35. glambotgram says:

    Ok I’M out

  36. AL says:

    A reminder that this is an open blog so any comments can be viewed and quoted by anyone, anywhere at anytime on the Internet. We can’t control what other sites do with this information unfortunately.

    Please move on. Discussion of other blogs and criticism of other fans is not allowed.

    I ask that you edit your posts to remove any harsh language or I will put them in moderation.
    And I really hate doing that! Thanks!

  37. Cait1602 says:

    Just ignore them, its like the haters on fb etc. Thought long about what rs wrote in Februar Chat. She is right.

    Laughing is better than anything about it. Its harmless, we know the truth. If we get angry about it, they will be more satisfied. With ppl like that you cant talk or discuss anything. Thats a reason why I started to mostly ignore QOL-Forum. Too many ignorant ppl

  38. Kiwi says:

    Sorry AL didn’t mean to break rules or create a stir. (Smacks hand) I’ll be good I promise! Pease let me play in your sandpit!!!

  39. AL says:

    Pease let me play in your sandpit!!!

    You can play in the sandpit but sometimes when you dig too deep you find stuff that the cat buried! Wink

  40. Sweetpeabert says:

    I’m sitting in the stream nervous as crud for this show. Not in a good way either. Today might be the first time I actually need the tissues. Of course, crying requires breathing which I need to learn how to do first. I’ll be holding my breathe or in tears. Oy.

    When does this little wonderment of ours stop taking us on emotional rollercoaster rides??

  41. luval says:

    So there’s no cameras or smart phones allowed at the venue? That doesn’t seem to stop anyone. One of the best audio streams was the one where she streamed from her pocket! Can’t remember which show it was.

  42. skaschep says:

    Haha Mother hens. Like we are all older than Adam or something.

  43. luval says:

    Twitter chat is saying 3 audio streams and a possible livestream.

  44. ultimathule says:

    Thanks, LadyNorth, for your post with info on the technical stuff – mind more at ease now – much appreciated –

  45. luval says:

    we are all older than Adam or something.

    skaschep…you didn’t know Adam is older than all of us? We are 29! Wink

  46. luval says:

    When does this little wonderment of ours stop taking us on emotional rollercoaster rides??

    sweetpeabert…never. Most of us have been on this ride for 6 years.

  47. skaschep says:

    luval I know at least some of us are younger. I’m younger too although just barely. Turning 33 in May.

  48. Sweetpeabert says:

    I’ve been a secluded Glambert since 2010 Glamnation and, (had no clue about streams and hadn’t jumped into the Glitter pool yet) I haven’t gotten used to it yet. I’m acting like my Grandma does when I’m sick and I’m around Adam’s age. I swear, only he could make us/me care this much for someone who I don’t actually know. *shrugs* <3 him anyway. Smile

    My computer is telling me I spelled Glambert wrong. Um… no I didn't that's a word hehe.

  49. ultimathule says:

    There will be a visual dinner this evening, if all goes well; amlamla2 at u.s.t.r.e.a.m. Please be careful how you tweet the link, guys! -D.

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