- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Woot! We’re in our seats! Awesome venue, great view!
Dadbert is funny
RT @milestougeaux: Off to see this local band called Queen with some young American bloke singing with them. Hope its a good show.
Could be our dinner.
Alright this one.
Almost time!
I found this tweet funny. A Queen fan sitting besides Glamberts!
Josephine, I think the jacket has already been christened the Elmo Jacket…

If it works it’s a good view…above the crowd.
I love the tweet about how GA “ranks” (smells) lol
Family on back row.
Bob Geldof with messy hair and grey jacket.
Had to take a break for RL, but I’m back. YES, Ron, any price!! I’m wearing my large, blue “A” concert T-shirt today in honor of the occasion. And, thank you, kradamour for the “tall and slim”…only a slight exaggeration! Now back to the concert!!!
Is it just my screen that has a frozen top two thirds that refreshes every few seconds, only the bottom third actually live?
I have a full screen Calgary. Sound is good but video is jerky.
Calgary, My screen says, “This content is currently not online”.
The sound it pretty good. They have Adam micd much better than Kiev.
Did Adam not sustain the note “why” in Under Pressure? Or was that just the jerky livestream?
Iam watching on my Ipod and my computer. Ipod is about 2 minutes behind. The just finish Under Pressure?
Yes, UP is done. Now commercial and I Want It All.
Love seeing all the men in the audience!
That’s a great pic, AL!
This is the first indoor venue for them, yes?

I wonder how the vibe will be different?
Off Line?
Yes, lotsa men. I think Queen is a “man’s” group if you know what I mean. Hard rock sensibility.
What a time for it to go off. Wonder if Adam did the high note at the end of WWTLF or did he keep it in his lower register?
Probably saving battery while Roger and Brian sing their set of 4 songs.
Dragon Attack is when Adam comes back on in about 10-15 minutes.
Wonder if Bob Geldof knew who Adam was? He is actually a part of Rock Royalty I think…if only on a slightly lower rank. Maybe a prince or something.
From our cwm:
Hi!! Waving!!
Stream is choppy, but pretty good. Knowing so many Glamberts are there only means one thing:
Well two things
And SPG’s in da house!!
Bob Geldof? Wowza. He organized Live Aid. Wonder who else is there? Our boy is earning some serious, and I mean serious industry cred with these shows.
I think so. Not sure if the Olympic stadium in Moscow was covered.
It certainly is the smallest venue so far! Capacity, 5039 (standing) 3632 (sitting)
I don’t know about the difference in vibe, but I have high hopes for the sound quality.
Wow …
Neither would we!
I would SO love to hear Adam sing Love of My Life!
I love this!
Calgary me too! It would be beautiful
Awwww… what would Ebert and Leila be thinking now?
Meredith @Merrycello
“if it wasn’t for the amazing Adam Lambert we wouldnt be here” – Brian aww
This guitar solo is so pretty!
I am at work crying.. can’t watch live stream, can’t be there in person…Wwwwahhhhh. BUT Suz is there so there will be videos!!!!
We are incredibly spoiled. I am grateful for this inconsistent stream we have today and knowing that SUZ and Talc are there hopefully getting some good vids.
I am thankful that for the first concert we had that fantastic professional stream. The first taste was perfect!
Guess the bare feet always come out when he sings I Want to Break Free.
I vote glam toes over medges any day. I know he loves a heel, but I think he moves so much better without.
I cry tears of happiness for Adam, his family, and all the glamberts there to think that Brian said that! And thank you, Lord, for Suz.
Can’t wait for a video of Another One Bites the Dust!