- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
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- AL’s Games
@luval … about STL,
I do believe he skipped a part… I was singing along the video and all of a sudden I was like… oops… but also was wondering whether it was intended or not…
ETA : and I noticed the tambourine
ETA 2: He skipped the lines at the 2:17-2:18 mark from the riddle video on the top of this thread…Thank goodness Brian May did some quick thinking and followed up with his great guitarwork…
This is a good photo of the crowd, venue and the confetti.
Radio Ga Ga in London (Day 1)-riddle601b
@asifclueless: wow, what a great crowd video done by Brian May !!! Of course he stands in the perfect position to do that video….
“Gimme All Your Love” & I Want It All in London (Day 1) -riddle601b
Axxxel … Agree and love this comment under the video …
Legs again –
sex god
Mick Dutch @MickDutch1
@DrBrianMay ‘Maybe it’s because I’m a London’ but Queen and Adam Lambert at the O2 got to be the best concert EVER!!!
One Vision – riddle601b
@asifclueless aaaaawww at that comment
Crazy Little Thing Called Love in London (Day 1) -riddle601b
Another beautiful “Save Me” – kinkykiedis
Bohemian Rhapsody in London (Day 1) 2015-01-17 -riddle
Finale pic –
Interesting pic –
5 hours ago
I guess by now I should no longer be surprised by this guy’s singing abilities but… whoa!
Hope Queen and Adam Lambert and crew and their fans stay safe
Miles Tougeaux @milestougeaux
@adamlambert holy shit Bud, what are they putting in your tea?
(riddle601b’s “Save Me” and “WWTLF”)
ulti … Dadbert can’t help berting either.
Adam Lambert can’t be of this world, the “glittery alien from the planet fierce” must be a vampire, for no mere man could be so beautiful, so talented and so unflaggingly sexy. All I could do is stare at him while his voice vibrated thru my body…I’m smitten, I’m bewitched, I’m enchanted and possessed by the man called Adam Lambert.
We Will Rock You & We Are The Champions in London (Day 1) -riddle
’39 – riddle601b
Toni B … Aww .. Well said! Love your post. I feel the same but you say it better!

Thanks …
Ryan Cooper @TheLifeOfRyanC
After seeing it live, Queen + Adam Lambert is a superb pairing. Adam has tons of sass, attitude and an unreal voice
3 days ago
Perks of the job?
3 days ago
I can’t believe it! I just met Adam Lambert!!!
Andrea L. @NJLovinLambert
Maaaan “Save me” is so beautiful and starting out accapella means you have brass balls and can pull it off…which, duh he does!!
Fiona @fionamama2
@milestougeaux check out 7:20 in WWTLF, he catches the spotlight on the metal of his rings! Amazing effect!
@Toni B Seems that even Daddy Lambert is stunned..
Axxxel … Adam is so hot he’ll melt all the snow.
cher … How are you today?

Are you still up?
Glad that Adam and his band (heh .. can’t help) have entertained you.
Take care.

and cher is maybe still melting…
double post
Ha! … No reviews yet.
Either they are DED or speechless!!!
nice one –
This is beautiful Adam. It’s from Newcastle night.
Adam Stone @Rokkster
Waited decades for this. Stunning.
KQ pic –
should put this in January thread but too lazy. yeah I am still up asif and axxxel. Misery loves company literally. Just an little ache here and there asif. Nothing like a couple days ago. Calgary, it seemed to work. Thanks.
asif, luval, riskylady, what do you think?
cher Good to hear it is getting better for you….

cher STL was maybe a bit too close to home for Adam… He forgot some lines as luval pointed out earlier( and luval also had the impression that Adam got some reminder from Brian)… and then there was that slip of the tongue…
ETA: despite everything I have seen the video of the performance on repeat… so good !
thanks axxxel. It’s tough to think of being here for nigh on 3 months doing next to nothing. Well two months of concerts will help a bit. Gotta look on the bright side though it’s a bit hard on my normal hyper self.
Love this tweet:
His stage presence is. .how to say it….He’s the Queen the King and the whole damn Royal family in one !!!
Loved that STL “slip” as you call it Axxxel
. Adam has always been freer in Europe as compared to the US, and now that he has been so well received and embraced by his potentially harshest critics, the UK Queen fans, he can let himself go even more. Of course, we won’t see the type of behavior we got during the GNT because he is always going to be respectful of Brian and Roger and being part of Queen, but I can’t wait to see what he is going to bring to Prague in less than a month from now