- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
asif Ya, it all depends
Like this.
LOVE this one – how’d you like that standing in front of you –
In the crowd –
Ster posts a lot of photos from this show.
All great.
wow asifclueless!
No DA or TSMGO tonight.
Sooooo happy about that, asif! No one deserves it more!
nothing really matters to me

Boys sure as hell rockin’ that place – whoooooo!
Echo Arena has berted alot tonight
LOVE this one, asif! He rules!
That voice – holy crap!
Tomorrow is going to explode!
Incomparable –
Yes .. ulti. Like Phoenix arises from the ash.
I know glambotgram,he is saving it for tomorrow, hopefully.
OMG … The end of WATC ….
Tomorrow I’m going to be all tears because it’s going to be the last and then a pause.
Hope … If they go back to Europe … they’ll add one in Spain. Then I might have a chance!!!
What an awesome amazing show tonight.
I dont know how i will cope tomorrow when its all over. Never ever have I expierenced something so constantly beautiful in my life.
Cait1602 That’s when the videos comes in.
Happy I stayed until the end… as you said before Cait1602 sleep is overrated…. 6 am now, morning has already broken, the traffic jams have already started… aagh will have a midday powernap sometimes today…
Caits … You have us here.
Then tons of photos, videos, recorded streams, reviews and recaps.
Then a meeting …
Hi! … I’m as-if and I’m an Adam Addict.
Good night everybody, I got to go…. Got to leave it all behind and face the truth !!
Thank you for all the fun !!
Special hi to rs and ladynorth !!
and eeh rs we just know that ulti was “there”
Cait All you have to do is make mp3’s out of your favourite concerts/concert songs and then you can listen to them forever and pretend they are live! I still have some really old radio interviews on my phone that I am happy to listen to every so often!
Night Axxxel it was fun. I’m going to bed now. I started falling asleep in my chair during WATC
Thank you guys! Having found you here…cant thank rs enough for getting my ass here.
Calgary already making mp3-playlists, having my Hamburg-Concert on my phone, lsitening to Queen, Adam Lambert, QAL all the day. Its beauty you just can not listen too
Hi back axxxel you brave night owl
Gosh what a treat once again!
Night rs I am joining you to bed. I mean not there but here
And we practically already slept in same bed lol. Well there was 2 inches cap between two beds but that’s almost in same bed isn’t it?
I should really call this a night.
1 minute ago · Echo Arena Liverpool
Sneak peak at the photos from tonight. @AdamLambert absolutely nailed it with #Queen at the @echoarena!
7 minutes ago
#AdamLambert #Liverpool I can’t even explain how amazing you are
7 minutes ago
Best male singer in the world
(Music Producer)
Thank you muffilepardskin, lambrits,for fantastic streaming!
Kat @MuffiLepardskin 11m11 minutes ago
Can’t respond to everyone but glad the stream worked & I’ll be back at Sheffield streaming tomorrow xx
Have good rest rs, LadyNorth, axxel and who else stay up!
Beautiful profile shot –
Cute shot –
Great crowd vid –
On the floor –
@adamlambert VOCAL GENIUS!!! BEST SHOW EVER!!! Came all the way from Spain for this!!!!!!!!!!