- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
Nice poster! I love pink!
Funny, I see red people!
Beautiful poster – Kind of reminds me of “Purple Haze” but Cher NO
From the February chat thread…
Thanks glambotgram!
I see Red Pink and purple. LOL Very nice creativemind.
Do we know anyone at todays concert? Is kinkykiedies going to the last 2?
Is kinkykiedies going to the last 2?
hi Glambotgram, yes she’ll be there today and tomorrow.
Not sure she’s at Liverpool, at dinner Tuesday she definitely confirmed will be at Sheffield.
Lol Al! Pink, red, purple, all there. The pink stood out for me right away! I love bright colors. Thanks for the thread. I rearranged a meeting by text at 1:42am this morning when I remembered it was for 2pm today! No way was I giving up my livestream. I am naughty because I told her since I can’t drive yet I had to wait for a lift from DH at 430pm. Meeting is rescheduled for 530pm. Tomorrow I arranged to go to PT an hour earlier so I can come back in time to catch the last hour of livestream. Told DH the therapist asked me to come in earlier. The things a Glambert does! Shame on me.
No regrets though. 
AL – LOL! I see red people! (Instead of I see dead people) Very Clever!
Hi riskylady! Hope you got some rest! How’s riskyhubby feeling? kinky had tickets for the last 3 UK shows. Well let’s see if she goes today.
Cool poster creativemind
Reminds me of Dragon Attack…
LOVE the colorful poster! Great job, creativmind! See mostly shades of red but there is a ray of pink that really stands out, like cher said.
Hi cher! Slept too long and woke up with coffee headache! Hubby feeling better, me too, still coughing a little though. Busy unpacking the 50 lbs. of stuff for you (lolol j/k) (maybe only 30 lbs.)
Thanks so much EVERYONE for your get-well wishes. I was able to read some but our wifi was pretty bad until London and then ….we were sick!
I know I am past due for recaps, but need a day or two to recover my senses.
At Heathrow yesterday I had this nice write-up about Wembley when the airport wifi kicked me out and lost it, then had to board. Will say: we had GREAT VIP seats, just to left and above the Save Me screamer and catwalk, plus great vantage point of the entire audience and it was ADAM’S audience from about 2/3 into One Vision. And never wavered after that! Such a joyous response even from way back and way up and he just soaked it in. But I think even so, he was still amazed at the “new guy” reaction (our seats shook from the stomping all over). His face! I hope there is a pic!
Also, we were right under the huge ceiling speakers, so sound was really BIIGGG and his voice was pristine, his control of even the big high notes just mindboggling.
Will write more later.
Oh also, had lonnnng leisurely breakfast with luval, and long leisurely dinner with kinkykiedis and little sis before the concert.
I see Adam was a good responsible artist and went to rest last night! Today should be good. He looked so beautiful last night, what a stunning suit and color! Better than anyone!
I still haven’t seen any picture that the suit looks like it is plum. I would like to see one that shows the true color of the suit. Looks black or gray in all the ones I have looked at, even the videos.
He did look better than anyone else there though. The Man can rock a three piece suit.
Getting up to date with vids and article of Adams BritAwards interviews is really taking up all my mind
Letting that rest now so I can get my head into QAL-mode again
Show is going to be awesome! On fire again. The crowd is in for a treat. Think the setlist is going to be the same. DSMN, DA and SMGO but unfortunately no SM…cant be too greedy
I LOVE that poster. The saturated pink, red and purple tones are so rich and gorgeous. Jewel colours – among Adam’s favourites.
Glad to hear that you are recovering riskylady. One thing we all know from experience, the minute Adam starts singing you forget all about being under-the-weather.
Which means you will feel amazing tomorrow night because they are probably going to raise the roof off the arena in Sheffield.
Love to hear from you riskylady! Tough trip in London but I read between the lines it was worth it
Got confirmation, kinky can’t make it tonight but tomorrow yes.
Heading to the stream soon!
Net neutrality is won. Thank goodness. If the FCC had allowed a fast and a slow lane for following Adam online, I would have been broke!
glambotgram I can see that Adam’s suit is a VERY dark plummy purple.It’s really gorgeous! Hmm maybe you need a new computer!!!!!
Rumors of QAL on Rock in Rio!
Calgary. Funny I looked at it at home on my laptop, on my phone, in my tablet and at work on my desktop. Gray to black on all, weird.
If they come to Brazil to Rock in Rio I will be a very happy girl! I have family in Rio, I was there last week for Carnaval. Although it´s almost impossible to get tickets to Rock in Rio right now. Already soldout. It´s a 7 day festival, 80.000,00 people per day!
Hello everybody! I´m alive
Always lurking! 
Hey renata! Good to know you are still here. I hope you can get a ticket to Rock in Rio!
Hi renataademelo!!!! Long time no see girl!!!! Glad u r still around!
Hi … ranata!
Happy to see you again. Been thinking about you about Rock in Rio.
Wondered why you disappeared???
You used to host this site during the GNT Era.
Still appreciate your work!
Come back and play here more often if your time permits!
They will probably do a few shows in South America while they are there so probably easier to get tickets than to Rock in Rio. Not fond of big festivals myself. Definitely wouldn’t try to go to Rock in Rio. renataademelo, did u ever get to Israel with your mom?
Adam’s suit from last night is coming up different colours for me as well. The colour we see probably depends on the light, the camera and the quality of the viewer’s processor and screen. Check out this collection of pics:
The suit definitely shows a bit plum in some of the photos but it’s hard to say. Certain shades of metallic grey can have an under-weave of green or mauve or blue.
Maybe ninja-nkd will come to the rescue and locate it on the internet.
Adam definitely looks hot, though.
Hi … TLKC!
I would love to see you, P&M again and all Toronto fun loving people whom I missed (bad timing).
The dim-sum place was a hoot. The owner was so entertaining!!!
Hi Renata! Good luck to you with Rock in Rio tickets. You may be our only recap! Imagine 80,000 people! Adam will be flying. Such a huge and nostalgic moment for Brian and Roger and they are taking the “new guy”.
This dinner is working …
OK both are working….
Kat @MuffiLepardskin 6m6 minutes ago
Just seen Sauli @lorismile1
I think the owner might remember us with all the shenanigans we put him through, asif. He would have a real laugh with cher, too, if she can make it.
From Rufus
asif. He would have a real laugh with cher, too, if she can make it
I’ll try. Gotta come see mom when this foot is strong enough to go through the airport/travelling bit sans wheelchair.
I read somewhere that Sauli will be spending more time in Finland this year. Some undisclosed jobs are in play. It is great that he and Adam are grabbing some time together before Adam steps up his promo phase. Whatever they have, those two sweet guys seem to be able to count on each other for support and connection over the long haul.
I am so bummed that they started late today. I could’ve had my meeting and been back home by now. All that subterfuge for nothing. Now I’ll miss the end and all the flailing afterwards. It’ll work well tomorrow if they did start late though. If DH picks me up on time.
Hi everyone,so nice to see you all here! I am so behind, too much catching up here. Love the streaming, love the posters, love everything here, thank you all!!!
Hi risky, so glad to see you here. I miss you already!
Keep us posted cher. Looking forward to seeing you standing on two strong legs.
Note to Sparkle and asif: I think your hubbies would get along well.
Sound is great.
Hi Cher! Yes I went to Isarael with my mother. It was a magical vacation… Israel it´s so beautiful, so much history. Real life was a bitch to me the last 2 years. My nephew was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed with early arthritis (I´m 30 years old!) I was also changing jobs. So I had a lot of changes in my life. But I´m really ok now! And I was always here, just didn´t had the time to post. I couldn´t go to the US or Europe for the shows but if they come to Brazil ou South America I will be there for sure!
Hello M! How are you and P doing? Hope all is well. As soon as the weather lets up, we should get together.
Seven Seas of Rhye – love it!
Interesting twitter conversation about Adam’s voice.