- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Thoughts –
RT @mmadamimadamm: Houston :
Another soundcheck video
review – very nice
Have updated the post with videos and the New Orleans Times-Picayune review (thanks ulti). I think the only song missing now up top is Days of Our Lives.
Dallas thread will be posted in a couple of hours.
Every inch a King –
Tyler Marks @info_marks
I have a newfound respect for @adamlambert just amazing.
me likee
Diana Kat has such fab pics –
Dis da one – Legs Lambert –
Love this old Singapore pic – always one of my favs –
September 3 – New Zealand – put on July thread –
Dallas thread is posted:
Mother took her 13-year-old son –
I was at the concert last night and it was beyond AMAZING!! I took a friend with me that loves Queen and is a BIG Freddie Mercury fan! He also likes Adam. I have given him Adam’s CD’s over the years and he likes his music. He has never seen Adam or Queen live. I have seen Adam 4yrs ago here in Houston at the Hobby center for his Glamnation tour and was blown away. I have told my friend over the years that Adam actually sounds better live than on the radio or his cd. After the first few numbers last night, he turns to me and says, Holy Shit!! Now I see what you mean. Throughout the show last night he kept being amazed by Adam. All the you tube videos do not do justice to this show live! When it was over and we were walking to the car, he turns to me and says; There are just no words to discribe this show. He told me that he has been to many concerts in his life, but this one was completely on another level. On the way home he commented, Why in Hell is Adam Lambert not a superstar! He said there is no way that he won’t be one day. He also admitted to me that he felt that Adam Lambert had a stronger voice than Freddie Mercury and that he actually preferred Adams tone & felt that Adam will be just as iconic at Freddie. He said that he felt honnored to have been at this concert and felt he had been part of history! This concert just transports you to another place. The only concert that has ever come close to making me feel this way was Adams Glam Nation Concert. I can’t wait for Adam to tour for his new music!!! Last night was a night I will never forget!
Thanks eywflyer for updating the thread! Appreciate it very much! Now that I’m done working on the computer, it’s time for playing on the computer. On the Dallas…
Think he’s a “dude in row 22 with his son!”
and a comment from a father who took his 9-year-old daughter,
Thank you for that post, leoblueeys – what a wonderful experience to have a friend react like that. Happy for you.
Lovely pic
Queen vids
Full set of the Houston show:
137 videos
LK pic
Queen and Adam Lambert, Houston, 9th July 2014
by jadelle11 (137 videos)
leoblueeys, I enjoyed your concert re-cap immensely, and I loved what your friend decreed for Adam’s future. So happy for your Adam/Queen experience, with a Queen fan. Every Queen+Adam concert has it’s own special sauce, that just makes you want more! This is what you get LIVE!
Welcome to the funnest place, where I get my kicks.
Thanks for the recap leoblueeys. Glad you had such a great time (ha! ha!) and that your friend was blown away. More cheers to him and his prognostications for our BB’s future. Love it when a newbie or a Queen fan hears Adam live and just gets it. Particularly love the Queen fan conversions because their standards run from high to insurmountable.
Love your recap leoblueeys. Thank you!
My daughter and her friend took my Houston tickets and they LOVED it! When my daughter got in the car at the airport in Dallas Thursday morning, I asked her what she thought. Her words were, “that was the best thing ever”! I believe those were my words after the Chicago show!
She said that it was the first concert she’s attended that made her friends jealous. She loved that!
a very strange review of Houston…likes Adam and Queen, but not together?
“Lambert fans – take heart. Queen with Freddie took terrible criticism from the press throughout their careers. They were dismissed as no talent hacks – Freddie included. Rolling Stone was the worst. But in the end Queen won out. The fans and the music stood the test of time and kicked the critics in their arses. The same will happen with Lambert. Brian & Roger know talent when they hear it. And don’t get angry at Queen fans – the vast majority of us are very thankful for Adam Lambert. He’s a pro. And he shouldn’t be reduced to eye candy. He’s a legit powerhouse singer.”
Comment from that Houston Press blog, HK fan – good to know –
nice pic