- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thank you nkd ☺
Hahaha … Tell me about it!
) trekking across the continents to see them.
I have some (crazy) friends (don’t want to name names …
I’m not jelly-ious … uh uh .. not jelly-ious at all!!!
Heh … all the green colour emmoticons that I can find here. 
I give up….I am too dumb to post links

@mmadamimadamm: RT @haddajoh: Wow!!! What a stunning performance tonight @QueenWillRock & @adamlambert I’m simply amazed Thank you
Maybe this works, Cait. They are tough tho!
Looking good … GFG .. or GGO … Golden Glittering Organ!!!
Thanks risky

riskylady: Love that photo
Beautiful!!! … Adam is standing out .. basking in the glowing light .. while the crowds are adoring at him.
Cait1602 … Babe … Don’t give up yet.
Just make sure that you have http:// in front of the link.
Cait I am not sure what is going on with your links. If I click on the link in your post it doesn’t work. Somehow it adds ALL address in front of it.
But if I copy and paste your link it in the browser window it works.
Wondering about that too. Sometimes my links work somtimes not
Phew wasn’t quite sure what I was going to see when I clicked on that link.
( goes to bandage broken finger from clicking too fast)
Alrighty … my Lovelies ALL’ers.
I’m moving my fat aarse to have my fried chicken for dinner because Adam said so …. Not.
Hope there will be videos out already when I get back.
cher … What did the doctor say at your last visit?
How are you doing right now?
Take care!!
Review translation…love Adam, Queen not so much…oh, well, gahhhh.
Link to original review: http://ekstrabladet.dk/musik/koncert_anmeldelser/slambert-stjal-queens-show/5444052
Cait1602, it’s not you, it’s twitter! It almost never works properly when pasting short links from twitter.
If you want to post the tweet with the image, just right click on the tweet (or photo) and then select “Copy link location”. I use Firefox so I’m not sure what your browser might say. Then just paste it in the comment window. No need to use the LINK button above. That’s another lesson!
This is what I get from the @haddajoh tweet.
That will link to the tweet.
If you want to post the tweet comment then you need to just cut and paste it here as you did before.
Most links can be pasted directly in the comment box. You don’t need to use the LINK button.
glambot … One of the reviewers was talking about his glittering voice and Gely14 named it GGO.
For me the Organ means the pipe if I’m not perv!! Heh.
BBL … Haha … Pulling a kradamour!!!
Hotel wifi dying now, early train to Prague tomorrow. Loved snowy Munich & Glockenspiele + Carnivale! Night all. Haven’t heard a single vid or stream since Milan. KILLING ME!!!!
Pretty weird review there riskylady. Not really a Queen fan maybe?
Thanks Denmark for the free wifi. The stream is excellent.
Here to listen to it again. ENJOY!!!
I know, skaschep. Hard to understand why critics and audiences differ so much.
AL Ok thank you!!!
That really helped alot
LVA @zambiaglambert 9m9 minutes ago
Eavesdropping on old Queen fans in the hotel bar.
LVA @zambiaglambert 4m4 minutes ago
Old Queen fans discussing Adam: he was really good, I would go to a concert with him again.. He was so colorful and charismatic on stage
another smoke pic
First video:
Love of My Life
in crowd instagram
You can see Alexander Morner and Roy.
My pleasure!
There is also another option which asif mentioned.
Just put “http://” in front of the short link.
So “pic.twitter.com/fjMePY9Ua4” becomes http://pic.twitter.com/fjMePY9Ua4
I had tried it earlier and for some reason it did not work. Just tried it again and it did!
Good Gawd!! I just popped in, post show, missed the stream, and , erm, gulp, fans self, can somebody explain to me just what the *&^%^%$@#%%^$ is going in those pants of his???
I thought all the porn was on late night on HBO.
…..I was wrong…..
Good timing … mils.
Can somebody make that vid you posted in loops?
part KQ –
So proud of him.
QUEEN + Adam Lambert – Another One Bites The Dust in Herning 15.02.2015 BY: maggy97
I’ve got bandages in my glam medical supplies kit. Right next to the CPR masks and oxygen tanks.
I’ll share…
maggy97 has 4 great videos out so far.
Check her channel here …
QUEEN + Adam Lambert – Who Wants To Live Forever in Herning 15.02.2015
Gosh … It’s out of this world.
Best evah. Yeah … I know! I keep saying that every concert.
Adam is not human.
And the Golden Glittering Organ!!! is his glittering vocal pipes … YOU PERVS!!
Save Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgSwdZ4ZkM8&feature=youtu.be
Hi All!
Have a good rest, keep safe, keep warm, and have a fantastic time! (Just a tat bit jealous!
rs, adamized, mmm222, cwm, LadyNorth, riskylady & Mr. Risky
I Want to Break Free in Herning 15.02.2015 -maggy97
Save Me in Herning 15.02.2015 -maggy
Somebody To Love in Herning 15.02.2015: -maggy97
LOl I think someone was rubbing his arse in the crowd. You can see it when he steps up on the stool in Radio GaGa
I am telling you those notes in STL and WATC will send you over the edge.
Mils get out the medical kit
Hi!!! … Ms Divine M.
Glad to see you here.
Maggy’s vids are super!!!!
Well, and so is Adam. TeeHee
Love the Je Suis Charlie Hedbo sign. After the goings on in Copenhagen, especially.
This concert was amazeballs.
Our friends in Prague must be having a ball waiting for this. Wish I could be there too.
Hi M!!! Waving at you and sending you hugs. You are such a special lady!! So glam and gorgeous.
Adam is such a sweet guy. That’s why we love him so much.
“OMG Patting the shoulder of the security guy and giving him a thumbs up, he’s so sweet ilh <3"
OK … Watching SNL now.
OK, I’m off to the SNL special. See you later or tomorrow.