- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Cait1602 Thank you for fantastic recap! The emotion you express is pretty much sums up for me except I can’t put it in writing.
Ditto what glambotgram said.
The fake tattoo on the neck.
Cait, you recap was out of this world. You have been Glambertized royally. Your way of expressing all the feels that we all feel at the show, after the show ring very true.
The anticipation, the meeting other fans, the travel, the actual show, the after show let-down, we all feel it.
You did such a great job of recapping, thank you so much.
WONDERFUL recap Cait!
Thank you for sharing your concert experience with us. You are us! I can relate so well!
(Anyone understand spoken German?)
one pic b4 bed: Somebody to love
@adamlambert somebody to love
ok ok last one
@LadyQueenbert this pic *____* woahhhhh tnx so much bb
Fierce IMO
Double Adam
“Save Me” gifs –
cait: Thank you so much for taking the time to recap. There is nothing like a live concert, and I find it very hard to put the magic into words. You did a wonderful job, and I am really glad you got to see such an awesome show.
Steven Fairless
@adamlambert Superb performance tonight Adam, brilliant vocal throughout! Queen & Adam Lambert rock!
Just noticed that “Yeeha!” at 1:30. Love to see the audience response. He charmed their socks off.
Queen + Adam Lambert – Kickin Berlins Ass – Hamburg 02/05/15
cait1602 so great to read your review… I read every letter of it… nice to see it from the perspective of a Queen AND Adam Lambert fan !
The funny part was when you said that your brain was on a standstill.. yeah.. hehehe
And you were so lucky to see live a wonderful rendition of WWLF and tSMGO ! not everyone is as lucky as you !
ultimathule says:
02/07/2015 at 12:38 am
Fierce IMO
Double Adam Wink
Yes ulti. She and VampgirlPrague were there together. Then she’s going over to Prague as well.
ulti, TQW speaks German. As does Cait if you need a translation above.
Cait1602 Very in depth review. You are entitled to flail and cry and scream here if you wish. We know what you are experiencing. Adam is a force to be reckoned with by himself but Queen with Adam generates supernatural power. Nothing prepares you for that electricity and awesomeness. We are doubly addicted. The longest Glamberts haven’t slept since Adam was on American idol. Permanently tired. Which is why there are so many Adam blogs and why we hang here. Our real life friends and family don’t always understand so feel free to express your emotions here. So happy you now understand what we’ve known for years and Adam has done some shows in Germany before. Here are the threads and vids for Munich and Hamburg Glam Nation 2010 so likely he might pass back through for Era3. Look what you missed in your backyard.
Hang tight girl. You’re on a crazy rollercoaster of emotions right now. We’re here for you.
cher thank you so much for your understanding, Kind words. Oh yeah I so do know now. And I even if my friends and family cant and wont understand what it is going on with me and maybe think im more than crazy i dont want to change anything. All this feels already natutal to me even after such a short time. Im home…
Thanks, cher, no trouble translating the article, but the video report not so much – lol.
If you’re available, Cait1602, would you mind giving this a listen and the general vibe? Thanks!
This is the review – not what I previously posted upstream –
And thanks for ID’ing the pics, too, cher –
ultimathule Did a fast translation of that tv-clip. Saw it a few times, wrote down the text and translated it… So it isnt perfect
A few notes from Brian May and Roger Taylor were enough – and 12,000 people are cheering and raving.
Queen are back in Hamburg and they have a new queen. The young American Adam Lambert is on tour with the British rock legends. And provides pre-show mixed feelings for the audience:
Man1: I have seen the group with Freddie, seen them twice with Paul Rodgers and tonight I’m curious.
Man2: I’m just happy to hear the old Eueen hits. And looking forward to a great concert.
Woman : Adam Lambert has an incredible voice and he tops it, he will manage it!
Speaker: Adam Lambert didnt need long to convince the audience all on his own yesterday. The former talent show runner-up belongs on a big stage and the chemistry is just right between singer and band. Yes and he can dance, too. There was also a terrific lighting and stage show and the unique hits of this cult band. Rightly the fans of Queen and Adam Lambert were swept away in the sold out O2 World.
Girl1: He’s just has a hammer great voice and he does it very well!
Woman1: I think Freddie would have been proud of him!
Man1: He’s different, makes his own show and that is very, very good!
Man2: Considering that there is really no substitute, he did amazing!
Pair: If you might have a tip on how to get backstage? (laughter)
Speaker: Even if Freddie Mercury is not to be replaced, Adam Lambert has shown what he’s got. Together with the old rockers he delivered a memorable rock show, many are likely to remember for a very long time
Nice! Thanks for the translatuon, Cait!
You are a delight, by the way. I’m so glad you found Adam and joined us!
cwm Your welcome. And I have to thank you for the warm, nice welcome and new home I found in here
Hamburg review
The Abendblatt review cher just posted is very positive, but also quite superficial. The quality of the singing or playing is not discussed. But lots about which songs were played, tight outfits, hip movements, alabaster body, a libido meter that is in the red, a real showman, too gay and overdone for some, but the dynamic element of the show and fun to watch.
My impression is often that the reviewers are not too qualified. They google the artists beforehand and then stick with describing the obvious, like listing the song titles, instead of critiquing the performance and itself.
Different Review from the same newspaper and reviewer. WTH?
I like this one a bit better.
TSMGO shot –
Appreciate that translation, Cait – you’re an invaluable gal to have around. Many thanks!
(thilo rahn)
For Cait‘s recap, check under “Reviews/Articles/Interviews” at the top of the thread. I created a PDF of her great recap.
Save Me (Partial) beginning close-up – http://youtu.be/WMQMR2ymp_8
STL – focussed on Brian and Roger – http://youtu.be/sNJrYyb7e5I