- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Nice to see him making new passionate fans in the Ukraine:
(and I don’t do corners well, but he should)
Full concert MP4 2:05 hrs
another full concert vid
Another review.
This is easily, hands down, the best “Adam” day I’ve ever had and not been there in person. It’s 10:30 at night, and I’m still listening to certain songs over again. Hubby has watched and listened to several songs and is quite impressed. Son #2 arrived home and heard Under Pressure, and was also very impressed.
Queen was like pablum for my boys, they were quite literally raised listening to them, and watching Queen DVD’s. I always have music playing in my life.
Oh, what a day!!
There’s just been so much excitement for the entire day and night. I’m tired now and am about to go for the night. Before I go, I want to once again say “Thank you guys” for all the birthday wishes on this thread and the June Chat thread. I appreciate each of you so very much. I don’t want to name names for fear of missing someone, so thanks to everyone.
Also want to say Happy Birthday to SunSister. I hope you were with us here today whether or not you posted. It was too good to be missed.

Call me crazy if you will….
But I feel as though I’ve just witnessed history in the making.
Not necessarily equal to, let’s say, women getting the right to vote….but damn, I don’t know bout all of you, but He took my breath away. And I think this will somehow be pivotal in changing peoples perspectives towards him, and hopefully towards the importance placed on sexual orientation.
I stand amazed and in awe.
Freddy would be proud.
July chat thread is posted:
Please continue posting items related to the Kiev show here in this thread.
What a day this has been!
Has anyone looked at any official Queen sites where there was hate because he’s not Freddie, and seen what they have to say about our boy now?
I’m curious.
What a day this has been!
Incredible day eywflyer!! Words can’t describe how Glamberts felt today! Just OMG!!

Haven’t packed a thing yet and leaving tomorrow. Better go check the weather!
Ceddies Happy Birthday and what a day it was!!
I’m still all wound up listening and reading everything. Unbelievable concert. I was so excited and happy for him that I cried in parts…not for the song but out of sheer emotion for Adam. We so want this for him and for everyone to know him as we do.I can’t believe I’m going to be there in person in London for 2 more of these…all tweaked and everything! (of course, I won’t have those front row seats I had in front of my computer…oh, my poor neck!…and I’m going to find out how to hook up this computer so I can watch this on my TV!!) But live performances are the best.
Those of us meeting up in London need to organize something AFTER these shows because we’ll need to talk, flail and bert!
I want to listen to the song where he sings “I’ve fallen in love” and has the big smile but I can’t find it? Help (:
retjenny, I think it’s on part 4/7 “I Want to Break Free”.
ETA: OOPS, wrong one.
retjenny, in Part 5, at 5:00 after the guitar solo, I Want to Break Free, when Freddie sang it, it had more grit, more angst about love, Adam sings it with pure joy and energy. He is in love and it shows so strongly here. Both versions are excellent. IMHO.
retjenny, make that Part 5/7–just about midway.
Thanks M & C I guess I just blinked and missed it. I wish Sauli was with him now to enjoy the afterglow!
Been on Queenonline.com for a bit and feel the bulk of comments are POSITIVE: How about:
Fuck, Lambert sounds awesome on this!!!!!
Anyway, you get the drift…they were impressed…
I just finished watching the rest I missed, and I gotta say, Adam is one epic singer, he gets better as he goes on, there isnt a singer alive today that could sing thru all those songs and sound better at the end than the beginning. He is one of a kind, forever, Theatrical, I certainly hope so, what was Freddie? Adam put all the right stuff into each song, watching him, makes for half the enjoyment of the songs, just listening is great, but watching Adam bring his own to the songs makes it what makes him so great. It was just perfect, and I cant wait to watch the whole thing again and again. WOW! Love him so much!
What an honor to sing with this legendary band. Who ever would have thought? What a magic day and the memories that he will have forever. I keep remembering Paula telling him to take it all in. Hope he took it all in today. The videos were amazing and the quality was wow! What ambiance in that square. Just speechless at the picture of the crowd. Magical!!! so proud of Adam. Brian and Adam have such chemistry. What a day. MMMMMMMMMMMagic.
Adam has to be so totally drained. He gave it his all today. That was a draining set for sure. Just so happy for him. He deserves it!
Picture folder from Kiev
OMG, still flailing here. Awesome concert, and so well put together. Brian and Roger are geniuses – I’m pretty sure this is different/better than the Extravaganza, and Adam took 35 years off of them, they were magnificent! And then there’s Adam – he REALLY killed it this time! Voice was in PERFECT condition, he owned the songs and the stage.
I did think his mic was turned down too low are first, he barely stood out over the band, but they fixed it pretty soon and his voice just SHONE. And they will only get better from here, with every performance. LOVED the set list too, a perfect mix of songs, instrumentals, Freddie accents, everything. Can.not.wait.for.London!!!!!
little dutchess, thank you so much for the comments from the Queen forum! I really wanted to know, but just didn’t have the courage to go and look. Those comments are encouraging.
This picture is so great!
Look at it full size by clicking on it.
With all of Adam’s talk of shopping for “cute outfits” to wear with Queen, I did not see one new piece of clothing.
Maybe he is saving the new stuff for other shows!
He looked great! He can wear the laces everyday as far as I’m concerned.
Cher already posted this link, eywflier and all of you, it’s the best quality I’ve seen! by MUvsArsenal
LMFAO! Homeplanet!
From Brian May’s blog page
nekkid beat me to it. I’m off in a couple hours with riskylady so will keep in touch when I can! hugs to all! Gonna see some of you next week. Can’t wait!!
Many thanks Cher for that MP4-link! I downloaded it, it took quite a while but now it is there on my lap top
I took a time and read QueenOnline fan pages. Of course there are some who don’t get it, but mostly the comments from Queen fans were positive. Many of them seem to prefer Adam over Paul Rogers.
I think Adam is at his best in the songs like “Who wants to live forever”, more than the “rocky-rock” Queen songs. There are many heart breaking songs on the latest albums that would suit perfectly for him. I personally love his clear high voice, don’t want too raspy rock sound.
Sorry to post this link here it’s not Adam+Queen thing, but want show also a hard metal singer can sing very beautifully and clearly. Skip if not interested… Manowar/Nessun dorma
nkd thanks for the lovely picture. I had seen it but didn’t know it could go to full screen. Have to admit it brought tears to my eyes. Think Brian’s comments are right on. Some blunders and hiccups but such wonderful energy and love were on that stage. Can you imagine being Brian and having your son duet with you in front of hundreds of thousands of people? Can’t wait to see them perform in Moscow and London. Let’s keep visualizing Krad style a state side tour!
So happy the Queen fans by in large supported BB. That is a real honor. Adam still was Adam but paid homage at every opportunity. He is such a good person.
Thanks, adamized…I loved loved loved loved loved Under Pressure. When he did those notes where his voice went higher and higher it reminded me of studio Feeling Good. At about 23:00. UP had many wonderful moments…the fans singing along…again Adam’s vocal range.
Loved too the end of Don’t Stop Me Now. Loved loved I Want It All.
And the opening music of Queen/Adam just gave me goosebumps.
Probably should be posting on the other thread.
What is so cute, is that they practice the songs, but Adam does so much off the cuff, that Brian never saw what Adam was going to do, till he did it, and neither does Adam, he performs the songs as they come along, Brian mesmerized by Adam, haha you can tell he was watching him all the time and smiling a lot. You know, Brian and Roger dont need the money, they do it for charity, and the love of performing their songs, why shouldnt they, and then they found Adam, and probably cant believe their luck in finding a performer and singer that could pull it off. They are so lucky and so are we and all the fans that love Queen and Adam.
Oh, and I swear I heard “Adam Adam Adam Adam” several times in the background!
Thanks for bringing the comments over from Queen fans, little duchess. I’m relieved that they are positive.
As far as blunders, I didn’t notice him mixing up Brian and Roger. I did notice a couple of minor lyric fails, but, hey, he recovered very well. I loved the scatting.
The one blunder that I saw as big was at the end of one song when he was riffing, and had to sing the last line super fast. I can’t remember which one, but I’m sure I’ll find it today on re-watching. I think that was because they weren’t in sync with each other. Brian and Roger are going to need to learn Adam’s spontaneity as much as he needs to learn theirs. To be able to put on a show like this with just a week of rehearsals is testimony to how polished and professional they all are.
All in all, I am just over the moon with joy for this event. I literally was dreaming about this last night. My husband said I was smiling in my sleep. No kidding!!
I am almost more on cloud nine now than yesterday. I was sooo nervous for Adam that I couldn’t enjoy the concert as much.
Calling it a livestream…was it really a livestream? Wasn’t it the TV station there broadcasting a live show worldwide? Don’t mean to be picky but when I think of livestream I think of a person in the audience filming with horrible sound & picture. LOL
luval, you’re right. But, whatever, we got to see this concert with excellent quality, just for that reason. Like you, I’m still happy today. Yesterday I was just full of anticipation, and nervousness.
Is there ANY press in the states about this??????
Any at all????
mils…that’s what I keep waiting for….any any any press.
Ron & nkd are good at finding these things, but like I said in a post last night I think it’s only in our bubble.
I just tweeted the whole concert youtube to Meatloaf!
Listening to Under Pressure –Again.
I just can’t get over it.
That power note.
Meatloaf called it “overdrive” OMG.
Wow, what a concert! I have watched it so many times lost count, especially Who wants to Live Forever, so beautiful, yes to who said a Mad World moment. I missed seeing Adam dance and be theatrical to this extent, my favorite him. Magic fits Adam perfect.
Click the “more” for some great pics.
Okay, so I extricate myself from the concert for a few moments, and hubby is watching soccer. He loves soccer. So I ask “Is that the game in the Ukraine?” He just looks at me, because I am not a sports fan, I don’t even know who won the basketball tournament, and he asks “how do you that?” I said because the concert I was watching yesterday was in the Ukraine before the big game.
Who woulda thunk that non-sports Adam would give me cred with my sports hubby? LOL.
Just read on MJ’s that the ESPN commentators were mentioning the concert and making homophobic cracks. And that the tweets were loaded with homophobia, and that now they are being rained upon by anti-homophobes.
Guess the estimated 150-250,000 people who were there at the show didn’t know or care that Adam is gay!!!!!
Pssst: I have a secret to tell: so was Freddie!!
OMG. Get over it already.
and they included mlg‘s poster!
Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!

Here’s a great review
Happy Canada Day AL to you, and the other Canucks on this site!
Awwww I thought there were 500,000 peeps there.
ITN: Queen and Elton John perform rare joint anti-AIDS concert http://t.co/ug56X1GM
Elton John, Queen raise HIV awareness at Euro 2012
It seems that many reports are about Elton John with a brief mention of Queen. It was a charity event to raise money and awareness for Aids so any publicity is good especially since Ukraine is threatening to outlaw homosexuality [should be opposed by all who believe in equality …]
So Adam did not kiss Brian, but he came awfully close:
AWWWW he thought it was Tommy for a minute, I think everything is a blur to him up there, so hes not quite sure what he is doing, lol
Seems like his Zodiac family liked it!
and then there’s Neil…LOL