- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
cwm, thanks for the setlist link and for the ID on the songs I didn’t know. Updated the setlist above. Adding the set of 7 videos showing the broadcast stream now.
cwm, you experienced it just the way I did… And at the same time I notice
I couldn’t be happier to see this LIVE live in London… This is perfect – first to see to show on close tv-form, then go and experience it in the audience.
BTW, I ended up watching the tvlux… Picture and sound very good.
Liam McEwan @LiamMcEwan
“Who Wants To Live Forever” – @QueenWillRock & @AdamLambert, on air soon!
Adam is a true bonafide superstar now! Just awesome beyond words. I felt so emotional like someone said on twitter, it was like my son achieved the highest honor. Proud Glamberts today!
London, here I come!!!!
I agree!
Watching Radio Ga Ga again now – still can’t believe it. This was better than I ever could have imagined.
Hope Queen & Adam are able to bring this show to North America at some point!
I have to watch Under Pressure again. Am listening to the flea. Nirvana on now but they played Another One Bites the Dust. Only caught the second half of the hour.
Mils I tried to follow your plan for watching but it just didn’t work out. I had Elton John on just fine, then hubby wants to go out for lunch. Couldn’t say no as he never suggest it and I want to encourage this behavior. I lost my connection on the Internet and worked for about 10 min to get it back before we left. I left the computer on. Quick lunch and was able to get back just as Adam was finishing his first song. Great video and sound, and things were going good. Then phone rings and it an old, old friend. Looked at the screen and Adam is leaving. Talked to her for about 5 min. nervously looking at the screen. Door bell rang and it was my sister. Hung up phone and went to see her. Thank God she couldn’t stay as her dog was in the car and it was hot outside. Walked her to her to the car, hugged her and ran back inside just as Adam came out. Karma was on my side today. It was such an experience, I sat entranced. My hubby came in from the den to check on me as I’m seldom quiet for for this long. Ceddies You really got a happy Adam birthday. Hope to meet you next month in Des Moines.
Looks like my boldwent a little crazy. Oh well.
Full set of videos is posted. I’ll update the links tomorrow if ones with better audio emerge – but these sound pretty good to me.
look how many people saw our BB!!
Cher, thanks for posting that amazing crowd shot! Added it to the post above.
ETA: just realized that was the pic that Adam tweeted out, I can’t imagine how he must feel right now. I’m so proud of him.
OMG I love him. And I’m so glad he has seen and tweeted out that epic crowd shot. To say that’s incredible is an understatement.
Some goodies:
gif from Fat-Bottomed Girls: http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k502/illuxxia/gifs4/ua1.gif
gif from “I’ve fallen in love”: http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k502/illuxxia/gifs4/ua2.gif
screencap of “I’ve fallen in love”: https://twitter.com/Joannalizzy/status/219196002635227136/photo/1
Photo: https://twitter.com/AdamLambertHelp/status/219204741425664000/photo/1
And to top it off:
But can you blame him?? Adam was HOT!! LMAO
I’m still thinking about this performance. As I said, I don’t know Queen, or didn’t until Adam brought them in front of me. I saw the EMAs and LOVED that performance.
This one…not so much. Not sure why. Adam and Queen blended better at the EMA performance, it seemed to me. Plus I liked those performances better, they seemed cleaner…one song today (sorry, I don’t know the name) seemed like a pretty hot mess to me.
But you guys loved it, and I really respect the opinions here, so I am happy to watch the vids and reconsider.
An Adam moment, though: my older son, the Army officer, 25, walked in during the concert.
Said “Mom, are you watching a Queen vid?!” in disbelief. Then “Wait, that’s new – Brian’s got gray hair. Who is singing for Freddie?”
“Adam Lambert”
“You’re kidding! That Idol guy you like? Is he any good?”
“Listen and you tell me.”
After a couple of songs:
“Nah. Mom, this guy is too clean cut. Freddie had some grit and you could tell he had done some living. This guy looks like he’s on loan from Vegas. and he keeps doing that fake Elvis thing with his lip, it’s annoying.”
“But what about the voice, child of mine?”
(shrug) “That’s what I mean. He’s got a great voice, but it’s too smooth. It’s not a rock voice. It’s a Vegas voice. I can see why you like him – but this was like Queen Lite.”
Hmmm. I have been thinking about that. I watched a LOT of Queen youtubes yesterday and today. I think I agree with my son. The EMA gig worked – it was a glittery award show, Adam’s natural habitat, he was smooth and pretty, playing at being a rock star, and it worked. Here, he needed to BE a rock star, and I really got the vibe that he was playing a part. Playing it eagerly and well, but playing.
Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. And I really enjoyed sharing it with peeps who know so much more about Queen than I ever will. And I am THRILLED that Adam has this opportunity!
(Happy Birthday, Ceddies! So glad to share part of it with you! Mwah!)

Awwww – a young fan from Kiev. So cute!
Jo, your story is too funny! Glad to got to watch!!
As much as I laid out my plans, I had a mad scramble today too!!
Pick up my girlfriend for the early WW meeting ( you just gotta do some things for our BB), meeting was fine, but, she wants to stay for the after the meeting meeting, I say OK ( what’s a chubby friend to do at a WW meeting- say No?), drive her home, and sit talking in her car for too long, go to grocery store, doing fine, but, OY, bump into an old friend and stand and gab while glancing at watch in dairy section, check out, get home and it’s 11:55.
Madly dash into house, tell hubby he’s on grocery patrol and that I have something important to do on the computer!! He complies for once, and unpacks everything. Yay!! Just in time for the pre-show stuff. Then comes watching and above mentioned flailing.
Think I’ll watch the whole shebang again. After all, I am fat bottommed girl.
cwm, that tweet has me laughing out loud.
“Is it wrong to want to know which song?” LULZZZZZ
Everybody was wondering when he’d get his sexy back. He got it back baby, in Another One Bites the Dust.
And, i just am so thrilled with how extremely happy he was in I wanna Break Free. ” I’ve fallen in love, God know I’ve fallen in love.” The joy just burst through.
Adam was amazing. More restrained than for the EMAs and it worked well for a long concert. I was thrilled with his vocals. Freddie could sing opera, but knew to keep his voice he had to restrain it for Queen. Plus he was untrained vocally. That is the difference in Adam and Freddie, plus Freddie had a little more grit in his rock vocals.
Queen Who Wants To Live Forever, Wembly 1986
omg Another One Bites the Dust. They kept showing him from the waist up. Damn. That was great!
Hi Kradamour – I appreciate your and your son’s honest opinions. I understand that not everyone will come away from this concert blown away by Adam (or by Queen). But I respectfully disagree! I thought Adam and Queen were phenomenal together tonight. And that Adam fully embodied the rock star that he needed to be and slayed those songs.
Also, whatever minor issues they may have had with timing or whatever on a couple of songs will totally be worked out over the next couple of shows and by London they will be a well-oiled machine!
I couldn’t be happier with how it went, or more proud of him.
mils said: And, i just am so thrilled with how extremely happy he was in I wanna Break Free. ” I’ve fallen in love, God know I’ve fallen in love.” The joy just burst through.
Ihad the exact same thoughts.
turquoisewaters and mils – Me too! I was grinning like an idiot.
Course, I must confess that I was also grinning like an idiot during Don’t Stop Me Now, Another One Bites the Dust, Somebody To Love, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Under Pressure… well, you get the idea.
ETA: And I was slack-jawed and breathless during Who Wants to Live Forever, The Show Must Go On, Bohemian Rhapsody…
I think Adam’s performance was fantastic. I think there is still a little room for improvement, esp regarding the quality and volume of his mic. (Depended a lot on which stream I was watching.) As Adam fans we want hear the power in his voice more prominently. (People who come for Queen might disagree there.) Adam will probably also loosen up a bit more with subsequent gigs, and I am looking forward to that. Did Adam sound exactly like Freddie? Of course not. But to me he sounded darn awesome as Adam singing Queen songs. He should go with a lot of confidence into the next performances.
Me too, mils. The morning I heard the news, I was sitting in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. They called me to come back right after I heard the news. All I could do was cry and point to the tv screen. They understood and gave me a few minutes to collect myself.
Not long after, Elton came out with “The Last Song”, and every time I heard it, I thought of Freddie and cried again for the longest time—although it was written for Ryan White.
At the end of Bohemian Rhapsody are they chanting “Adam Lambert” over and over??
Or am I just cray?
Yes they were chanting Adam Lambert and yes your crazy. But I love you anyway.
I can’t stop looking at that amazing picture of humanity. Could Adam be asleep right now? What is going through his mind? And I’ll bet no news organization here will pick this up. Maybe I have to start e-mailing the crowd pic & videos. Where do I start? haha maybe those dogs at VH1.
Kradamour, I can see your point. I think there were several things at play in today’s performance.
It was a much longer concert that his previous Queen collaboration and a lot more pressure for him. It’s got to be tricky to know that Queen fans would be quick to criticize him. He had to not only learn these songs well enough to perform them in concert, but also put his mark on them without insulting Queen fans.
He didn’t get to pick the songs. Can’t help but wonder if he was in charge of the set list, which ones he would have picked..or left off. I know there were some I liked better than others.
I hope he never has that raspy or gritty rock voice. He has a trained voice that sounds beautiful. I don’t want him sounding like other rockers. They didn’t know how to take care of their “instrument.”
About the “fake Elvis thing with his lip”–fans have noticed that since Ring of Fire on Idol, before there were ever any comparisons with Elvis. I don’t think it’s put on. It just creeps out once in a while like his stank face.
I enjoyed a lot of songs in this concert, but I can see why Adam would prefer Pop songs over the harder rock songs. I’ve never cared much for him singing WLL either-Fantasy Springs being the exception to that.
I thought he did fabulous for his first concert of this scale. Wish they’d stream the next couple so we can see what changes they make, if any. This is a great learning experience for him. He’s constantly evolving and getting betterer.
Roger’s wife (I think) tweeted this new pic of the crowd:
Struck me funny too!
Ceddies, the only other singer/entertainer that I got choked up about was John Denver. I had a hard time listening to certain of his songs without getting misty-eyed after his death. There was something so special about him.
John Lennon was a shock, but no tears here for him. Maybe anger and dismay, but no tears. Nor for Elvis, loved him too, but, no tears.
And don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t blubbering over Freddie, just sad and teary. Like I have said, I was a Queen fan for a long time. I think Freddie was moving in the direction of orchestrations and operas closer to the time he died. What a true loss.
And, as for the performance tonight, there were very minor lyric fails initially, but only those who pay super close attention will notice ( like some of us -Ha!), and the Adam haters because he isn’t Freddie Queen purists.
I think he did a fantastic job. And as has been said, he’s only going to get better from here. If that’s even possible.
Who Wants to Live Forever was like this year’s Mad World. I could see Simon giving him a standing “O” for this one too! For some reason, I’d like to think Simon, Randy, & Paula saw this today, nodding their heads and thinking to themselves, “I KNEW it!”
Jo- right back atcha hon!!

Yes, jojosie and adamized, I really hit the jackpot with this concert and fireworks as well. I also just got back from dinner treat by my two best guy buds. So, so many happy birthday wishes. Makes me extra-appreciative of my friends (FB friends too) and family (Glamily too). Wonderful day all around.
Now I’m gone back up to catch up on all the postings since the concert ended.
Ellesay, Simon would probably think ” Too theatrical” LOL
I hope many people in the biz saw this. I have a feeling everybody at Glee did!! And Smash!
Wow! That was simply awesome! I just got back from dinner, so now I get to watch it all over again in those videos. I actually missed a lot the first time through because I kept exclaiming to my husband, who was watching with me, how great Adam was. Thank you, eywflyer, for the thread! I can’t wait to read everyone’s impressions. I’m still just awestruck. I thought Adam owned the stage, and I loved seeing Brian’s proud and happy grins!
ceddies, happy birthday! You got a concert for yours, I got a CD for mine back in May. Isn’t Adam nice to us?
As someone who is very experienced at being 29, I think it is great to see the respect that Adam gives to Roger and Brian. Maybe that is one of the reasons they like him so much. He’s a team player (from his theater days) and has no ego. He truly LOVES the music, and honors their accomplishments. There has to be something to that karma thing.
Happy Birthday Ceddies! What a wonderful treat Adam had for you today!
Mils, I thought of you when he sat on the steps. And he was on his knees for me. Wish they would have pulled the camera back a bit so I could get the full effect.
Looks like lambosessed got the whole concert uploaded. http://vimeo.com/44995410
O.M.G!! Just back from several days out of state, and such a great welcome home!!! The Kiev crowd was AMAZING, and Adam was WONDERFUL!!! He has said all along that he is not trying to replace Freddie–how could he?! Freddie was a rock God…Adam can sing ANY genre. Queen needs Adam’s strong voice for their songs…not that I’m telling you anything you don’t already know! Only problem for me is that part 6/7 won’t download, and I have been dying to hear Bohemian Rhapsody. I hope another YT of it will show up soon…please, please, please. I really hope Simon, Paula, and Randy see these vids. Did someone jerk off for real?! I guess that is a compliment……
I don’t know how anyone would see this except us here in the bubble. Like any group touring no one really knows it’s happening unless you are a fan. But hopefully a few people in the right places will be aware and pass the word on.
I remember the small news articles about Adam & sonisphere and it’s cancellation but nothing about the 6 new shows anywhere in the mainstream media!
Hope I’m wrong and that the word will spread. And Trespassing…almost forgot about it! Maybe a few more cd’s will be purchased now. Maybe these shows will be the “bump” it needs.
Ellessay–I see we’re all thinking the same thing about Simon, Paula and Randy! Randy would say, “I knew from the first day I saw you…”. LOL!
Another nice crowd shot, this one from the ground showing the arm-swaying:
Hubby went thru several days of mail on our return this evening and by mistake opened my Trespassing CD, Japanese version. He handed it to me and said, “Are you planning to listen to that in here?”, and I replied, “No, it’s for the car; it has a song on it that’s not on the U.S.of A. version”. He rolled his eyes and said, “Oh, of course”.
(He’s starting to tolerate my obsession a hair more than previously!). Baby steps.
I see the shoulder studs and then keep looking down for that codpiece.
As much as he was sweating in the leather, he may have to rethink his outfit for the next concerts or he’ll sweat away to nothing. I’ll bet he drank a gallon of water after the concert.
Ellesay: I recognized the shoulder thing only from the FYE video. But I guess you are right, he also wore it at this Australian mardi gras event. (I am sure glad he stayed away from that codpiece!!) I think he looked absolutely tremendous. Even my not-Adam-fan daughter had to admit.
MP3s from Kiev